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Posts posted by bheard

  1. I see an opportunity for someone reading this forum to earn some merit... If you are in that area and can afford it why not go to the premises and pass the staff member 1000 baht.

    And to Pattaya28 - Yes. Staff pay for losses like this. That amount may be 4 days wages.

    PTT (or the owner of the business) - Disgraceful. Join the fair world and cover the loss. Your inaction is damaging your reputation. For 1000 baht you'd impress a lot of us. Don't worry about the precedent - make it your new policy. Then you might have an incentive to install a camera.

    Common practice. In Australia for example. Yes, disgraceful behaviour by the owners.

  2. These things are a fashion statement for a city. Waste of time and money.

    The worst example of this waste was the one in Melbourne. Built of cheap materials it had to be put on ice for some years while a refurb was organised. Stupid.

  3. She was originally "outed" on Thai social media by cabin staff on her flight from Singapore to Bangkok, carrying many, many, many, many bags.

    Then she posted photos of herself on Instagram.

    Seriously, the bags were left in Singapore?

    It took a week to come up with this explanation?

    Based on the response on Thai social media, most Thais do not believe her.

    Pathetic isn't it.

    She left the bags in Singapore.

    Pray tell, who with? At the shops where you bought them? Did you get a refund? Oh, good, you can give it to charity.

    Or perhaps you left them with someone. Your BF maybe.

    Don't have one down there? Hey, I know of a bloke in Singers who would suit you. He's holidaying down there, err, well, hiding in fact. Cooling his heels you might say. He's the Red Bull heir, got a pocket full of dosh, would be good for you.

  4. When an armed soldier (of any nationality) at a checkpoint asks you not to approach him, it would be wise to take heed. When there has been recent history of persons of your nationality/religion/racial group attacking said soldiers, failing to heed is near suicidal.

    Was the "pregnancy" a suicide bomb instead? Better not wait to find out. Stop it before it kills you.

    That's why the soldiers tell people to stop. If they don't stop, you shoot. Army orders.

    Don't blame the soldiers, they are the "messengers" in this s**tty situation.

    Look for the people at the top, on both sides, and complain to them.

  5. "Lamyong Saengkaew, 51, died within ten days after eating raw meat from a whole pig bought from a delivery van in the Dan Khun Thot area of Nakhon Ratchasima.

    She had consumed dishes such as laab and koi that are often prepared with chopped raw meat and eaten with green vegetables, popular especially in the north east of Thailand."

    Chopped raw meat off the back of a truck - absolute recipe for disaster. I like Larb, but only the cooked variety.

  6. How about officialdom gets off it's collective backside, gets out of the office and looks around at the standard of riders on the small bikes - that's the real concern. In cities and towns around Thailand you see the following every day:-

    Take on the Mums and Dads who carry multiple kids on their bikes (no helmuts to be seen) - send them to an attitude adjustment school, and then teach them how to behave on the road.

    After that take on the mums who pick up the kids after school (no helmuts to be seen), buy a whole bunch of snacks at the roadside and ride off with the kid (often 2) on the back scoffing said snacks while not holding on.

    After that take on the <deleted> young guys that hoon around at excessive speed with their lights off at night (no helmuts to be seen).

    After that take on the girls who sit side saddle (no helmuts to be seen) without hanging on and play with their phones.

    After that etc etc etc (no helmuts to be seen).

    And take on the cops who watch all this happening every day without lifting a finger.

    Do all of that first before you worry about 'big' bikes, they are the least of your worries!!

  7. How are the police going to stop speeders? They don't have the vehicles or training. There is no highway patrol. Moving violations are never enforced. Speeders don't have to give the BIB the slip. They're not out there. So much for the Gov's concern.

    What the BIB need are a fleet of fast motorcycles if they want give out tickets. Then there is the issue of how to collect on a ticket. No one pays them. Driving without a license isn't a big problem.

    There are levels to the horrible driving problem here in LOS.

    I see no changes coming in the worst place to drive, in the worst country to drive anytime in the future.

    Wrong. What you really don't want is cops giving chase. This will result in mayhem.

    Just apply the law re showing number plates (immediately impound bikes with no number plates), apply the helmet rules (immediately impound bikes where the rider has no helmet - including passengers with no helmets), and then after that get lots of cameras that work and use them often.

    All that is a big ask, but if you haven't got the will to do it, then stop bleating about it!

  8. Appropriate that this story centre in Korat, where at the city centre is a statue of Suranaree, the legendary woman who outsmarted the Burmese army, many years ago by, with a bunch of other fems, wasting them with sex and grog when they got to town.

    During the night following this the Burmese were in no shape to defend themselves and were slayed while they slumbered by those galant women and their menfolk.

    There are other statues of the bunch on the warparth in the vicinity also. Worth seeing if you haven't already. Maybe this means that the local chapter of the armed forces should in fact recruit these people just in case the situation arises again . . . gotta cover all bases, right?

    If you do go to have a look, be forearmed with the knowledge that the statues of the bunch of women are in an area north of Suranaree now called Suan Rak, meaning love park, which is the local pickup area for prostitutes. You may well be propositioned!

  9. At 17 he is also under aged, I don't see much wrong with a three year age difference. Deadbeat? He is a construction WORKER.

    Great work by the Pattaya police yet again. The knockers all said they would do nothing because there would be no money in it for them ,but they found her quickly.

    Correct about the deadbeat description. If the previous writer wants an example of a deadbeat, look at the Red Bull guy - killed a cop then ran. Now there's a real DEADBEAT.

  10. Public urged to help prevent drowning accidents

    SAMUT PRAKAN, 5 April 2016 (NNT) – Samut Prakan Province is asking parents and the general public to be vigilant for drowning incidents among children, says vice governor.

    Samut Prakan Vice Governor Tanu Boonlert is calling upon local authorities and community leaders to promote vigilance among the general public to help prevent the dangers of drowning, especially among children, as Samut Prakan is a province with a high number of drowning incidents.

    Warning signs and life preserving instruments such as life vests, flotation devices, and warning devices such as whistles or bells will be made available at areas such as public ponds. Officials will be placed on standby at all public swimming locations and tourism attractions to ensure safety.

    Schools are encouraged to provide swimming classes and teach proper rescue techniques to children aged 5 years or more. Meanwhile, a regulation on ponds excavation will place security concerns as one of the major factors of consideration.

    Findings show that Thailand's drowning cases were 5 to 15 times higher than the cases in developed countries.

    Drowning is also the most common cause of death among youth aged 15, which is twice the rate of fatalities caused from road accidents.

    Cases of youths drowning occurred as numerous as 1,420 times annually, with most incidents found in the Northeastern region, followed by the Central, Northern, and Southern regions respectively.


    -- NNT 2016-04-05 footer_n.gif

    These official figures are horrifying enough, almost 4 children per day drowning in Thailand. However international authorities show the number of drowning deaths is closer to 7 children per day.

    Parents of Thailand - please step up and stop this!

  11. I read somewhere recently that this film was actually shot in Pattaya, not Patong.

    Blue water like that - nowhere near Pattaya!

    Seems you don't move much?

    Or is this post just a joke?

    Or is 20 km south of Pattaya not near enough?

    Joke? Nah. My experience at several places in the gulf of Thailand tells me not expect blue sea.

    Go west young man, yes, west coast of Thailand if one wants reliable blue.

  12. It surprises me that this type of accident is not happening all of the time. Thais see no problem in have, I have seen, up to 4 kids being given a ride.

    No helmets, no extra seats. Grasping on for dear life and limb. The fact that it was grandpa doing the driving just makes it worse. Luckily the kids are OK.

    Yup, it is surprising.

    This is case sad for granddad, but let's not mention all the children injured amd killed by parents in similar situations.

    In this case the 2 year old had access to the lethal weapon.

  13. I saycoffee1.gif HERE HERE as fed up with the bus, especially as it used to take 3.5 hrs and now an hour longer due to them controlling the speed......well I know you take a gamble on a bus ride, but there again you take a gamble every time you use the road !

    I take it you mean HEAR HEAR, and yes that particular bus trip is horrendous. Aren't they all!

    However I travel on the train BKK to Korat and it's, errr, horrendous also, but at least it is safe!.

    The country does not need trophy fast trains lines, it needs the existing system expanded, improved and maintained.

    And what another correspondant observed is true - the MO is to forewarn their monied mates, they buy up the land along the way, and profit greatly when the line is built. This is what is going on with the extension of the Skytrain heading west along the road past WongWian. Lots of flash apartment blocks springing up there.

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