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Posts posted by bheard

  1. On 07/10/2016 at 8:41 PM, yellowboat said:

    Besides the rice pledge being a bad idea,  her facing seizure by those of seized power is a miscarriage of justice.  They should wait until an elected government is in place.  The money is being taken not by a court of law but by the whim of the junta.  They can ask money from anyone then without question.  


    Of course you are correct. The idea of taking assets from someone who was legally elected to government by someone who gained power due to a military coup is preposterous (obviously possible because that's what military governments do - because they can. However in Thailand anything goes).


    Any TV readers who believe this is right and just should take a look at governments in their own countries - look at the  injustices they have participated in against their own people. Did members of government have to pay individually for their poor policies and judgement? No.

  2. 16 hours ago, simonuk said:

    Prison for the attempted murder of a child is the only outcome here that is fitting. 

    Disgraceful lack of justice these days in LOS.



    As a sidenote Im wondering how quickly the BIB would be gleefully smashing my door down and pushing their grubby palms out if i did anything slightly wrong?


    Yup, attempted murder. Have the  guy.


    And for your sidenote, go and kick a dog in the face, reckon they'd be bashing your door down in minutes.  . .

  3. 21 hours ago, hansnl said:

    Oh dear, oh dear.

    An Italian, well, sort of, company brought to court about tax evasion charges.

    In Thailand.



    Get real, this is going to be a Thai company, nothing to do with Italy or the company that makes Vespas.


    It's what Thai companies do best - screw their govt.


    Actually that's what companies all over the world do, if they can get away with it. Creative accounting etc.

  4. 16 hours ago, Brer Fox said:

    Nothing more than an exercise in covering one's ass from getting a bad report card from the Convention on the International Trade of Endangered Species (CITES).  



    Cynical, but unfortunately right on the mark.


    Yes, a big announcement, maybe they will even collect DNA samples, store the data, come up with a system to enable checking elephants regularly etc etc, ie. all those things which might constitute total concern for the  welfare of the animals. Enough to get those do-gooders off our back at least.


    But, will this effort last? Nup, just a minor bump in the road on the way to happiness for the people. Soon it'll be back to normal - 'who gives a stuff?'.


    And even more unfortunately, this attitude exists in most of the world out there as well as Thailand.


    Sorry to present such a depressing view, but one must face reality - it is what it is.

  5. 8 hours ago, ClutchClark said:

    Can Thai pay their own traffic fines? 

    I don't know why this young man did not pay the 300 baht himself.

    If he did not have the money then maybe his father was already  raising him properly and not spoiling him as you suggest.

    Show me a father anywhere that does not bail their kids out of jail.

    its part of being a parent...which possibly you are not.


    Paying his fine is not spoiling him? What world do you come from? Let him pay the fine himself - it's having the boy learn a lesson about being responsible for one's own actions. That's good parenting!

    Paying fines for him is NOT good parenting.

  6. One would expect, in a well maintained vehicle, that the steering wheel would be pointing in the "straight ahead" position when driving straiight ahead.

    This is a Thai bus, and as we are aware, "well maintained" is a nonsense.

    Before I wised up and started specifying that I would sit towards the rear of Thai buses, I witnessed a driver steering a bus that had at least 30 degrees of free movement in the steering wheel. Scary.

    I try to avoid travelling in Thai buses but occasinally one has to, so I sit where I cannot see the driver, and anyway I reckon it is safer halfway back, the electricity pole will have been pushed out of the way by then (after the impact) I hope!

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