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Posts posted by bheard

  1. "
    He explained that police could not overcharge the suspects otherwise they would be accused by the public of being biased or unprofessional. Some of the suspects told the police that they merely responded to a friend’s call for help and not call to kill the disabled man, he said."

    Call for help? Was the disabled man getting the better of the friend? Give me a break!

    Pathetic a***holes.

  2. Two years ago I nearly bought the Royal Enfield Classic in UK (it was then the one with the bells & whistles in the line up) retail price was £5500. It looked great and the engines are now thier own new developed units, upped CC with increased HP. The only thing that stopped me in the end was everyone who knew someone who had one said after two years they were falling apart and the metal work was really low quality so not a good combo in British climate...

    I ended up paying an extra £2k and got a Triumph Bonneville T100A2 - two years later, no issues, looks as good as day it rolled out of dealers and puts a smile on my face every time I ride it, this is a twin FI 865cc. The Enfields look great IMO and maybe in the Thai climate they will be a better proposition...

    The Triumph is a nice bike. You made the correct decision IMO.

    Are you aware that the frame and various other fabricated parts were made in Thailand?


  3. Poor buggas, away from home to work. Now . . .

    Because of some idiot Thai driver.


    Where does it say the driver was Thai? The report here says they don't know who the driver was, and there is no mention of a Thai. What report did you read?

    So sorry. Incorrect to assume. Although the driver was very probably Thai. Given that 99.999% of people driving in Thailand are Thai.

    "Because of some idiot driver".

    Happy now?

  4. Prolly go for the Indian story.

    This brought to mind a friend of mine who was in Pucket last year with her two children and husband. Husband wanted to stay in town and party with some mates so she caught a baht bus to go home.

    After a while she found that everyone else had got off and they were still not at her accomodation. The bus promptly stopped and the driver demanded a decent sum of money to continue.

    She, being a headstrong lass refused, but she agreed shortly after when the driver produced a knife and threatened her . . .

    Nasty little <deleted>.

    Baht bus in Phuket ? Bullshit - no have !

    Husband who decides to party and let wife and kids find their way home alone on something like a non existing baht bus - idiot !

    Sounds like a complete made up story to me (phuket resident for 20 years)

    Repeating the story as she told me. The woman is not a liar. Nor am I.

  5. What a mess.

    Really sad for the two people killed, but does indicate that they were not constrained, perhaps even in the back, tray area. This is a problem for Thailand. Ultimately it has to be outlawed that anyone can travel in a motor vehicle (trucks and buses included) unconstrained. That is if they want to do something about reducing the crazy road toll.

    However if they prefer to continue the way they are currently, then do nothing!

    Looks like the Isuzu was rear ended as stated, interesting to see how it folded in the middle. Given a separate chassis I would not expect to see that, but maybe that is due to my old school thinking. . . .

    • Like 2
  6. "Gen Tanasak Patimapragon has said he will be attending the Cannes Film Festival in France, at which he will promote Thailands offer to attract movie production companies to film in Thailand in order to generate more revenue to the country."

    Hi, I am a Thai general. Please come to Thailand to shoot movies. Then you pay us for that. But we will give back a bit money.

    ..."the Board of Investment (BOI) is now offering tax benefits for foreign film productions in Thailand, which comes with a requirement for the company to be registered as a Thai company,"...

    Hi again. When you come to us to shoot the movie you must put your money in a Thai company. Then we can pay back some of the money you spend. We will help you with that. Oh yes, 51% of that company with all assets will belong to us. You will love the Land of Smiles and thainess.

    Oh, and by the way, if Thailand is depicted in a bad light, we won't give you a refund.

  7. They certainly do take their time on these things, don't they. They should throw the book at him, but think "justice" is getting (pocket) book thrown at them.

    They take their time so the rich b******d has time to organise things like putting money into brown envelopes, put on a grand and cynical charade by joining the monkhood, and/or go to another country.

    Haste would likely get him into gaol - can't have that!!

  8. "Eight Buddhist monks were invited to chant prayers in front of bones wrapped in white cloths in what was said was a ritual to send the spirits of these burnt victims from wandering in the forest to heaven as earlier suggested by a well-known local shaman.

    The ceremony was presided over by Mr Chavayut Chantorn, the governor of Udon Thani and the chief of Udon Thani police Pol Maj Gen Peerapong Wongsamarn."

    Hard to believe that presumably intelligent and mature men subscribe to this rubbish.

  9. Prolly go for the Indian story.

    This brought to mind a friend of mine who was in Pucket last year with her two children and husband. Husband wanted to stay in town and party with some mates so she caught a baht bus to go home.

    After a while she found that everyone else had got off and they were still not at her accomodation. The bus promptly stopped and the driver demanded a decent sum of money to continue.

    She, being a headstrong lass refused, but she agreed shortly after when the driver produced a knife and threatened her . . .

    Nasty little <deleted>.

  10. I've never used the on-line ordering facility, but am impressed much by the availability of many lines when stationed out at GutChum in 2014 for 65 months (Gutchum is out in the backblocks of Jangwat Yasothon).

    The constancy of supply was indeed impressive, and when I saw a semi trailer pulled up and unloading the first time I knew why. The familiar livery on the truck was . . Lindsay Fox, - well known to Aussies. They are a very successful logistics company in Aus.


  11. I've heard the phrase 'half blood' mentioned in the past. This means half Thai and half 'anything else'.

    The Thai half is all that matters to them.

    A lot of this will come down to jealousy, to put it mildly : They hate you and your kids because they are inferior in intellect.

    Ha ha, have heard that "half" thing before.

    I'm from Aus and came to Thailand with a 'healthy' tan, and a massage lady would not accept that I was total farang, she said I was "half".

    At the time I hadn't a clue what she was talking about, but it became clear in the fullness of time . . .

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