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Posts posted by bheard

  1. This may be true. After all, a Thai person my visit banned sites outside Thailand, download the content and bring it in to Thailand. Porn sites yes, but other material may be deemed way more dangerous.

    There will be an army of minions to spend the time checking seized computers. Doesn't take a competent person very long to search for particular files in a computer.


  2. On 14/01/2017 at 3:31 AM, theguyfromanotherforum said:

    In the West having a coffee or a conversation with a member of the opposite sex is very normal. Only in Thailand the Thai wife would get jelaous and think of a guy as a cheater.

    I used to have many female friends in Canada....Here I don't have any.

    Yes, I'd like to have a coffee, but I'm not allowed.


    Such a pertinent comment. Many readers here will know exactly what you mean I'm sure.

    I'm not married to a Thai woman (any woman for that matter) but have been tempted from time to time.

    I recall one woman getting very keen on the idea (keener than I was) whose reaction when I told her that I would be continuing my current practice of having coffee with female friends during the day when she was at work - it was immediate - "that cannot be". I said yes, it will be. She thereupon grabbed her things, told me she had made a mistake, and left the building, never to return.

    I larfed like a drain. So typical.

  3. In "developed" countries it is clearly mandated by law that drivers must give way to emergency vehicles. Drivers obey the law because it is policed and very expensive if you don't.

    I presume that in Thailand it is clearly mandated also. Although I have seen many ambulances on Thai roads with signals going, I've never yet seen a Thai driver make any attempt to get out of the way.

    Why would that be? The usual answer - total lack of policing of drivers actual behaviour on the road. Until that happens, then no behavioural change will take place.

    Clearly that's never gonna happen, so the moral of the story is: stay out of Thai ambulances!

  4. Very interesting is all this discussion in the Thai press about the VANS question. And the government involvement, or not, as the case may be.

    It's abundantly clear to anyone, even must be to those in government, that the problem is not vans, minibuses, normal buses, gps or not, or any other piece of mechanical apparatus in the picture.

    The problem is the mentality - of the owners and the drivers. End of story.

    And yet do we hear any government comment about that?

    About the only thing from government on that topic are vague references by 'the boss' about having safe holidays.

    All of which adds to the mystery - who is actually pulling the strings here, and who will benefit from, for example, replacing vans with minibuses?

    It's a game played out over the years, but unfortunately for Thai people, it's a lethal game, so many die.

    One might even conclude that those string pullers and beneficiaries of the carnage don't give a sh#t about the dead . . .




  5. 20 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

    Interesting that the "manager" always gets busted.  Wonder who the owner is?



    Obviously the cops own the place.

    This is a way to get the manager out - she didn't pay her monthly dues.

    Do it publicly to show that the police are not involved, and also vindictively so she doesn't get another job anytime soon.



  6. The ABS brakes on modern 650cc bikes are just fine, I bet he was speeding which can quickly turn deadly if you do it the wrong places, such as near U-turns and side sois crossings.
    I been riding big bikes here for many years and very carefully pick my places to ride fast and are shocked to see how some of the locals ride big bikes, seen some around Pattaya going app 200km/h which is absolutely crazy man.  
    Yes as Shot just said, only way for many locals to transports their kids around, they can't afford a car/truck.

    Shot's proposition doesn't stand up to examination. There are options for poor people to get around.
    But if they must drive motorcycles, then unfortunately ignorance is the major problem, meaning poor driving skills, no safety equipment, overloading etc.
    It may be that the cop was at fault, but I'd bet that the motorcycle with 3 people on it was the major reason for the carnage.
  7. Tried everything?  How about police patrolling instead of those stupid check points.  How about proper training, pay and equipment for police.  How about serious penalty for violations.  Tried everything my ass.

    Gotta larf. One last option. Fergodssake, use your section 44 to take control of the police and force them to do their job. Get them out there to patrol roads, stop drivers breaking the law, and have the balls to put offending drivers off the road right where you stop 'em! !
  8. In the UK you have to remove your card before taking your money. Why is Thailand different?

    Sent from my i-mobile_i-STYLE_219 using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

    Same in Australia. It was changed from the Thai style procedure after people removed their money then forgot to remove the card.
    Thailand has to catch up, but 'face' will get in the way. Someone will have to lose it, and of course we can't have that can we?
  9. " Pol Colonel Narat Mulasartsathorn of Paholyothin Police Station said he had ordered forensic officials to collect evidence. "


    And the next sentence might be:


    "Pol Colonel Narat Mulasartsathorn of Paholyothin Police Station also said he had ordered a full investigation into the reasons the cameras were all inoperative at the time, and staff responsible for scheduled checking of the cameras' operation would be dealt with appropriately."   Or something to that effect.


    But surely he did order that.


    Didn't he?

  10. On 06/12/2016 at 5:26 PM, Will27 said:

    I seriously doubt it.


    You can doubt it at your pleasure, but this is true. Just a matter of money in BKK. I can speak Thai and have spoken to some of these women (usually very limited English) and what they say backs up the owners story. A quick massage course in Thailand, drum up some money and credentials for a visa, and they're here. The visa is usually a 3 month tourist visa. Any Thai person with money, property and a job can legally get one easily. My gf - and accountant, got a tourist visa recently, no problem (with no need for corruption).


    Surprised me, like you I thought we were squeaky clean, but no, we're not.

  11. 25 minutes ago, jlwilliamsjr18 said:

    Drivers could give a hoot, when there's water on the road.  They splash walkers and bikers with no regard.  When I rode a bicycle to work, it was so bad, I got to a point of catching up to cars and taking off their mirrors. Of course making certain the traffic was so bad they couldn't catch me.  Only did this a couple times...but damn it felt good.  Sorry, it's rude to drive like an ass when there's heavy rain pools.  Arrogance is rampant. 


    Great feeling for sure. However my guess is that the drivers of said cars wouldn't have had a clue what you did it for.

    Even if you'd told them  . . . .

  12. 7 hours ago, dbrenn said:

    You mean you didn't notice the clear differences between the first three versions? 


    I too missed the the passing of 1, 2, and 3.

    Come to think of it, I didn't hear announcement of the details of those iterations either. At all. Anywhere. At any time in the past.

    Oh well, must have been taking my afternoon nap that day  I suppose . . .

    I guess '4' must be an 'auspicious' number?

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