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Everything posted by sungod

  1. Load 'Grab' on your phone, then that's communication with taxis taken care of.
  2. Good opportunity to get your pipes flushed also.
  3. Most of the girls who can speak English in Issan would have most likely been polishing poles at some point...........
  4. I guess that makes the massacre of 260 young people at a dance festival, hundreds other innocent civilians pulled from there houses and shot dead- not forgetting hundreds of other civilians being kidnapped by Hamas OK then?
  5. Got you, Thai press, most efficient in the world, never any inaccuracies!
  6. Yes, likewise its amazing that some people want to live in the middle of nowhere- but each to their own. Equally as amazing is people who do not live here/not been here in sometime can tell us about the water quality on a daily basis!
  7. Or it could be the normal low grade reporting...... ????
  8. date and time on the video are different from the article
  9. Not surprising, my wife used to take a rice cooker to the UK as you couldn't get them there a while back.
  10. Just stand at the crossing outside Nana by the police hut waiting to cross the road, lot's of friendly African chaps wanting to be your friend and sell you things.
  11. Really, I didn't realise a local anesthetic was a potential killer? Note to self, cut toenails correctly or face death when older........
  12. Getting it up the escalator is fine, the problem I have is strapping it to the bike.
  13. Cant help you with PEA, but can advise to buy a UPS to put the PC on.
  14. Upstairs, Big C extra next to Kasikorn Bank.
  15. Apparently some of our 'older posters' see that as a serious condition.
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