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Everything posted by sungod

  1. I don't read it, but it takes me forever to scroll through it all to see what other people are saying.
  2. Dont start him off, we will get another 200 pages of cut and paste
  3. Most major producers such as ASUS, ACER and chains such as Advice IT, JIB etc have online shops with Lazada, should be no problems buying from them. Look in the Lazmall for flagship stores.
  4. Do keep up, the post wasn't about you...duh....... If you want to pick people's posts apart, at least stay relevant.
  5. It is if you already know the answer and baiting.....
  6. Boonthavorn on Sukhumvit Rd between Klang and Nua.
  7. Most likely not up to the airline, more to do with the laws of the country you are transiting/traveling too. It's a banned substance in Dubai. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-india-migration-drugs-idUSKBN1DE092
  8. Wonder what crop the agricultural ministry will be pushing?
  9. Both 'engaging' whilst upon a motorcycle lowered from the ceiling on chains if memory serves me correct!
  10. you can usually negotiate the removal away by letting them keep the old unit.
  11. Check out Numchai on Sukhumvit, almost opposite Pattaya Klang junction. I've bought a few air cons from them over the years, they have fitted all of them and never had an issue. They are willing to 'deal' an their after sales is OK too. https://numchai.com/?___store=english&___from_store=thailand
  12. You've just blown away the theory with your reply that left wing/liberal minded people are more intelligent!!! ????
  13. I bet I know more guys in the UK who have lost the house and everything else, and are still paying for it......
  14. I'm just feeling so much love on this thread..........????
  15. I think I am getting you here. The "Yellow Cog Shop" is providing a service by going to the Land Transport Office for you. That's why you are paying everything together, they are a one stop shop/facilitator.
  16. If you want weird, try the 'Castle' in Pattaya. I also hear Devil's Den is looking to reopen.
  17. You are just signing to say you have no claim on the land.
  18. Wonder if anyone from the 'yellow book brigade' have managed to claim successfully?
  19. I reckon you are right, if he was Chinese he would have been taking a dump on the floor of the waiting room.
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