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Everything posted by Aussieroaming

  1. My wife worked for a law firm in Bangkok that deals with intelectual property for 7 years. Typically working with international companies trying to protect their Trade Mark goods in Bangkok. My wife's said that the law firm would organize raids in conjunction with the RTP on businesses selling trademark goods illegally and quite often when the lawyers and RTP arrived there would be no goods to seize because the illegal seller had been tipped off by someone in the ...
  2. Pigs with their snouts in the trough. Royal Thai Pigs.
  3. Democracy in action, junta style.
  4. He should hand himself into the casino crims. They might take pity on him and just amputate his hands for stealing, then cut out his tongue for blagging them out.
  5. Well done fella. Anyone who competes and finishes an Ironman race is a winner, regardless of their final placing.
  6. Should have just deployed some cardboard cut outs to place in strategic locations. Much cheaper than hauling in the Iron lungs needed by the RTP.
  7. Bangkok hasn't got a moat but there are a few royal enclaves around the Dusit area that have a pretty substantial sized moat and they have military guard posts on the inner side of the moat. It's worth a walk around them and it is a great area for runners because the military must maintain the footpath/cycle path area in case someone important wants to take a stroll.
  8. Are the goats lying down because they have got sore asses? Hard to feel sorry for the whinging Thais given the number of Thai boy racers that flog past my place on their bikes every f in night. Mufflers modified and engines screaming and they couldn't care less about the local area residents. Go you Arabs, give them some throttle.
  9. Sounds like the nazi german aryan racist whitey has been watching too much Monty python.
  10. The police can practice extracting each others DNA from the Mannakin, win win for all.
  11. He is the undisputed double killer and he has been bailed. Thailand, your judicial system is farcical. Meanwhile a farang can be held in custody for catching a parrot fish. Surely there must be some reasonable Thai people who see the total stupidity of the current Thai system.
  12. The Justice Minister probably skimmed half of the money off under the one for you, one for me rule.
  13. Each driver should be prosecuted for the laws that they broke, if any. Compensation
  14. Melatonin didn't help me at all.
  15. I think what will happen is a redistribution of optimal growing zones, so agricentric activity centre's will need to shift. Areas that were too dry/cold might become the new potential bread baskets as temperature and rainfall profiles change.
  16. 50 people on that small jetty, no wonder it collapsed.
  17. They forgot to include 1. Best practice - stand over tactics 2. Correct use of plastic bags on head and face 3. Identification of potential marks 4. Correct laundering of money 5. Reallocation of drugs and stolen property 6. Protecting and aiding and abetting of rich HISO criminals
  18. I guess the Kuwaites were slower and easier to catch than the Thai boy racers.
  19. Well if it's on Agoda it must be true. What were the virtual tourists entering into the search engine? I can't imagine Bangkok being a number 1 destination for tourists unless it's just a jump off point.
  20. I did read elsewhere that 7.9km has so far been buried at a cost of 140M baht, with 2450km of lines still to bury. That equates to approximately 42 Billion baht required to complete the project, not the current budget of 20 Billion, so if that's true then the true cost will be horrendous.
  21. He should have painted some monkeypox scabs on himself. He would have had people helping him to leave ASAP.
  22. Yeah, too many claimants caused some insurance companies to bail. It didn't help that some Thais were trying to get infected in order to get a windfall payment.
  23. There's a few soi's at the northern end of Ari where clamping vehicles has been ongoing for a few years. The local coppers love clamping in this area, I see clamped vehicles in the area regularly.
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