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Posts posted by northernjohn

  1. The last thing Thailand needs is for anyone to be allowed to carry weapons of any type.

    Far too many complete nutters here (of all skin colours) for that.

    Yeah, like nutters who cut people into pieces and put them in the canal. The problem I'd have defending your statement is that an amazing number of Thais carry guns without being "allowed" to.

    You do realize that Thailand has the third highest gun murder rate per capita in the world, don't you? More than double that of the US? Don't look at "homicide" numbers because that includes any killing of a human including suicide. Look at gun murder rates. LINK

    Thailand is VERY dangerous.


    Those are 2002 stats.

    They show the states in the 9,000 range. they are now over 30,000 a year. When I first came here in 2005 I was told Thailand was the 6th largest murder rate in the world.

  2. Better to relinquish Thai nationality & be the EU

    No point in having Thai passport anyway if you have passport & citizenship from EU country

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    one small point, he can own everything including land for 100%

    Also some of the Asian countries will not charge money when you enter them. I know Bali never charged my wife but charged me $25 I think it was the same in Cambodia.

  3. Could you be more specific as to the error? Slow loading, timing out, etc. I'm on the CM forum daily and haven't had any issues. When you do have the problem try clicking the CTRL+F5 key to see if it clears, maybe caching issue. Also temporarily try another browser to see if it browser specific.

    It doesn't respond it just keeps on spinning around and around. When I hit the control and F5 it took me back to the general forum/ Some times when I try it times out real fast say like 30 seconds.

  4. Another "nimby" complains about noise, and hopes for the boondoggle of the new airport. What about the nice people enjoying their country lifestyle in Sankhampaeng? Why should they suffer noise, traffic, Phuket style taxi mafias, and have their land confiscated so the Nimbies in town can sleep soundly in lodgings secured near the departure path of an existing 24 hour airport? Isn't that the epitome of hypocrisy? Do they plan on evicting the RTAF as well?

    I'm directly under the RW36 departure path and having the airport 10 minutes drive away is fine with me, thank you very much. I recommend polymer frame windows and double glazing, or moving to Sankanpaeng NOW as flight numbers will only increase. There is no need for a new airport, only more terminal space. Maybe in 30 years.

    As for curfews I would not be opposed personally if their was political will but since when does "the will of the people" here trump the flexibility and income for the Govt/AOT? Some of these airlines fly here late night because this is the only economical way to do so, as the aircraft are needed/make more money on other sectors in the daytime. If they could only operate before 23:00 for example they might not operate to CNX at all. I'm sure many of you want that but you may be surprised that there are many others who want the income in torist sector brought by these "invasions" and "hordes".

    Extremely well said.

    Are daughter has just bought a house in Sankhampaeng. They move in next week. They would not have bought it if the airport was there flying over them 24 hours a day. A new airport when it is time for it should be built in the middle of nowhere and a law that no construction of homes around it would be allowed. As it is the air port was there when most of the people moved in. It is a well known fact that the tourism in Chiang Mai is growing and can only mean more flights.

    Not only that but the number of expats moving here and many of them will be traveling. If you think there isn't a lot of them go over to immigration and compare the line up to three years ago. When they would do about 100 90 day a day and are now doing upwards of 180 a day


    That is not a put down for immigration just a way for those of us who have been around to visually see the growth of the ex pat here in? Chiang Mai and many use it as a home base to travel. Plus mail in's.

  5. Never hear them,as I am asleep that time of night.

    regards Worgeordie

    Well I am awake and very rarely hear them. One can get used to noise that is on going if they stop fighting it and start to ignore it. An attitude of there goes another flight will turn into not noticing it. On the other hand an attitude of there goes another flight it is to loud and lasts to long they should move the airport will just help you to keep on hearing them.

  6. I trust you have already reported it? I am with Kasikorn locally and know they will give me new card on the spot in any branch on production of my passport and bank book. Hopefully SCB will do the same.

    First you need to go to the police and report the missing ATM card, then the bank will replace it but there may be a charge of perhaps 2 or 300 baht. That is what KBank charged me last time.

    No, go to the bank first, they might have it as suggested above. And if not, give instructions.

    It depends on the bank. I left mine in a machine at the bank. When IO went into the bank the next day they did not have it. They told me they send all of them to Bangkok. Got a new card and it cost me 100 baht. Bear in mind branches of the same bank might have different approaches. they don't always follow the procedures the Bank asks for.

  7. ^ If you have a large house with lots of rooms then you also have the money for a couple more of those units. (or better still, go for a beach holiday)

    If you don't have that money and you stay in a small room, then a single unit will do just fine.

    Sorry I don`t understand your logic?

    It`s immaterial how many units are installed in a house, it`s the cost of running them during the great smoke season that matters. The choking fumes are in the air day and night and to keep the air in the home pure, these would have to be running day and night, the electric bill would be horrendous. But I am seriously considering your suggestion to take a beach holiday. Anyone fancy coming with me?

    Check with Winnie he goes away every year.

  8. ^ If you have a large house with lots of rooms then you also have the money for a couple more of those units. (or better still, go for a beach holiday)

    If you don't have that money and you stay in a small room, then a single unit will do just fine.

    Winnie are you talking about a filter for the out side unit?

    Not bad now still using Thai air con. Window and door open. but later on when it does get bad I will want to run the air con any way. Just looking to make the most possible use of it.

  9. Post insulting another member removed.

    That was a post by the OP against me.

    Please put it back.

    It goes to show the character of the poster. It was tame compared to the PM he sent me. I have made mistakes and been laughed at. I can name you three posters who just love to see it happen and many the time when they jump on me I will just hit a I like response.

  10. Having lived in rural areas for years I have seen farmers and nurserymen who are happy to receive leaves for compost and even go rake other people's property to get them.

    A friend of mine lived way out in the country past Mai Jo. There was the biggest nursery I had ever seen out there. I am sure they would welcome compost there.

  11. You are being quite unrealistic (and rude yourself). Just go there and ask!

    Why do you think I am rude or unrealistic ? Go there and ask ? I am not there yet and I need to plan my itinerary.

    As a tourism board, they should provide good information.

    "should" huh, who the hell do you think you are telling others what they "should" be or do?

    Have a look at yourself, Thailand is not a place where email is broadly used effectively, it never has been. Perhaps you "should" know that and have more reasonable expectations, it is not a secret.

    Why is everyone staring at a phone then, when they should be working???? Police, govt officials, shop assistants, waitresses, etc, etc???

    Are you suggesting that "everyone" using email when you see them on their phone? If so, I think that is not the case as I know Thais with phones that use social networks but never email. A lot of Utube type stuff too.

    No sweetheart, merely suggesting that Internet access is obviously available, therefore emails are as accessible as Candy Crush. However, the weak minded and lazy choose one over the other.

    Love the subtle way of some Thai bashers.

  12. Ok, Thanks all for your "helpful and sympathetic" (Not!) responses. Its morning now and gone. I suppose my post last night was borne out of the frustration of just how loud this was. Honestly, it wasnt just the usual village event, I m used to those, I ve been here eleven years, this one last night was ramped up to a noise level where you could hardly hear the telly on full volume, and it was across an open field from me so perhaps I was the nearest "Falang" house to this "evening of entertainment".

    If this had been in the UK, the "noise abatement" authority would have gone in and turned it down ( they forced a Bruce Springsteen concert in a stadium to reduce the volume last year!) but of course, no such authority exists here.

    So, apologies for my grumpiness last night, but it really was a lot more awful than it normally is !!!!

    You have answered your own problem. Move to the UK

    that wasn't so hard now was it?

  13. A friend of mine went in at 3:15 this morning. He says the parking was all blocked and he had to move a barricade to get in. He said that on the positive side the bathroom opened at 5:15. He was number one there and put some thing ion his seat. went for a walk for a few minutes came back and there was 7 seats with some thing on them and no one there. They came about 8:15. sounds like a group gets together selects one to go early. He met a lady who does what an agent does. she charges 3,000 baht plus the 1,900 baht. Also picks you up and takes you home. She only does one a day.

    He didn't notice how many queue cards were handed out. He was number one and they opened a little late. It only took him 5 minutes inside. He had all his papers properly filled out and signed. He was telling me that the fellow who took care of him was from the airport office.

    He also says he met a lady who was just there as an observer for immigration due to the complaints. If in fact she was on the level and was with immigration it would not take long to see that lack of staff was the problem and being how the money to pay for staff comes from Bangkok we might see a change when they draw up their next budget when ever that is. Then it will take them time to figure out what to do with it.

  14. Warorot

    Or just 'Kad Luang'; easier to pronounce too.

    Hard to say if you are new. I have two maps one calls it Waroros and the other Warorot


    I just figured it out you are talking about the market over by the American Conciliate.

    Different market the wife goes to that one for chicken and pork.

  15. Usually they wait for the seasonal haze to kick in before opening a phone number to report the insignificant (relatively speaking) and largely unrelated local residential burning. (Which of course goes on year round as you have noticed, any time that is not too wet)

    No matter, the authorities will think they're the same and think they're doing something, and you get to teach that dude who burns a lesson, so everyone (thinks they) win.

    Great time to take action the coming weeks. Ask k.Pim at CityLife? Likely any older numbers to call you find in the internet will be fruitless.. You can also try at your sub district office, or the provincial pollution control office.

    (Cycisism aside, I do think it's worth pursuing. I would too if someone was burning near my house)

    I am not a big fan of City Life. I read the article and there was not much in it that we don't already know.

    As the OP said

    "This months Citylife magazine had a front page article on burning and they said the authorities do care about this burning"

    Notice no phone number. I say if they care why no phone number? Or is it just sloppy reporting.?

  16. I'm flying to Bangkok to make an international connection at Swampy. I would prefer to fly from Chiang Mai to Suvarnabhumi rather than Don Muang. I am concerned about on time performance, are there any other choices besides Thai and Bangkok Air? I have flown both and prefer Bangok Air, but a 2-3 hour delay isn't going to work for me.

    The poster did not say it was an every flight occurrence. My question is what was the delay. Could be every air line was delayed. Was it a plane malfunction or a general slow down in the air port. If the OP doesn't like them fly any thing else except Air Asia. They will even cancel flights.

    I would defiantly not take action based on one persons experience. That is like saying don't fly Delta I was delayed 13 hours once.

  17. I would much rather do super market shopping, movies and eating at promenada. Much easier to get a park, less people and most importantly the mrs doesn't get lured into womens clothes shops since there are none. It's kinda perfect actually. Yes i get dragged to central for my annual clothes shop which takes me all of 15 minutes.

    I have often wondered if they had pretty much the same things as the other Malls. Only not in 20 different shops. Some day going to have to take the time to look all around both buildings. My big complaint there is the dim lighting in the Rimping.

  18. Wow, haven't been there for four years. Looks like full-on commercialization has really hit.

    Uh, "full-on commercialization" occurred many years ago. There has been relatively little change over the past decade or more apart from the increase in Chinese visitors.

    Not really. when I first visited Thailand 10 years ago they only had one 7/11 now they have 5 of them.

    It has changed a lot.

  19. for example


    one person reviewing writes :

    Khanom itself is really nice, quite place, where most of the visitors are from near by or Nakhon Sri people. Leeloo paradise literary located in the nature, you can walk to the beach but consider renting a motorbike if you plan to go out explore and when it get dark it's really difficult to walk back to the bungalow

    They have several resorts there. We stayed at one right on the beach with a hotel across the street. The beach side had cabins facing the beach 30 feet out depending on the tide. It had a second row behind them They were laid out so the ones behind had a view between the two cabins in front. Great for just laid back do nothing. Been a while. We were there many years ago and there was a place called just one more beer. We went there for the best Christmas buffet I have ever seen. I doubt they are still there. As I say it is a straight out kick back and relax place.

  20. Red is not auspicious for all zodiacs. It could be inauspicious for some.

    Been a long time since I looked into this. I was amazed at how close the short description of me was.

    I am a metal snake.

    It was interesting but I do not take it to serious. Most people might not realize there are 12 animals in the

    Chinese Zodiac and each one has four different ones. I might be wrong here but there is

    the metal the water the fire and the air.

    Each one has it's own year so your sign will only come up every 48 years.

    Feel free to correct me if I am wrong. It has been many years and I was kind of using it to get close to a lady.

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