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Posts posted by northernjohn

  1. It really makes no difference how many add-on charges there are or what they are called or may or may not be for. What matters is only the total you pay. Like it, buy it, dont like, dont buy.

    How many add ons and how they build up to the price is important. Get it wrong and some customers will only buy once and get negative feelings like expressed above. Everyone may be happy with the total price to pay but if it's built up with too many charges like the final 5% that is added it can ruin the "satisfaction vibe" . The customer is no longer as happy as they could be. Answer is to build the 5% in somewhere else under a different title. The business can pay the 5% later to the delivery guy. Customer doesn't need to be aware.

    How many people shun certain low cost airlines when they go over the top with extra charges? I do . I can't stand Spirit Airlines and Ryanair. I would book those as a very last resort and don't rate them.

    Right, go with the feeling and the vibe, to hell with the bottom line.

    I am not sure you understand. The customer is ok with paying 595 baht but if present it the wrong way instead of the customer being happy and content they feel scammed and may not return. You have to consider the feeling and the vibe if you want to maximize the bottom line. That extra 5% thats causing grief needs to be added somewhere else. Customer still pays 595 and they feel better about it. Happy to reorder on another day.

    Agreed . Like the OP said he was given an honest bill. Then had an added charge penciled in. People should ask them selves is this acceptable. Would they OK it if the clerk at tops added some thing in pencil to there bill or at the gas station.

  2. Wrong you can buy a house in Chiang Mai. You can not buy the property.

    How ever you can get a 30 year lease on it.

    What advantage do the Chinese have that we don't have?

    If I had to have a house daoyai Pretty well cover every thing for me with this

    I think many farang want a house design that gives a feeling of privacy and very important quiet, so sound proofing and sound masking features, as well as good climate control and air purification for interiors... but maintaining a tropical ambiance. We also like outdoor kitchens for socialzing and barbque cooking....
  3. If you use that delivery service's website, the individual price of each item, the 7% VAT, and the additional 5% ("service and tax" is how it's phrased) are all listed when you "check out" and confirm the order. So I don't think it's the delivery guy getting creative.

    So are you saying that the cost of the product = 476 b

    plus delivery fee = 90 b

    sub totals = 566 b

    then add 5% of the total = 28 b

    total = 595 b +/-

    So the delivery fee is not 90 baht its 118 B

    Why is it advertised as 90 B then charged 118 B??? & who is the recipient of this added fee ?

    So in this instance one is paying approx 25% as added delivery fee ????

    Seems to me to be a no brainer. Unless you are paying COD.

    The other possibility is they are only charging you a delivery fee to a local distributer who in turn is then adding on his delivery fee.

    If you paid on line with your credit card or what ever there should be no additional charges unless stated some where in the fine print.

  4. A form of hocus-pocus quackery ! smile.png

    I believe these charlatans can be found in the USA and Australia !

    Cheaper to have a Thai lady walk on your back !

    My self I have never heard of either. You obviously have experience with booth can you tell me the difference. I have heard of Japanese ladies walking on your back is that different from the other two? can you give us the details please?

  5. There is already a thread "for details and members experience at Promenada immigration office," called: Immigration Promenada One Stop Service 2016.

    The existing thread also covers agents. Why start a new thread?

    Solely to promote agents ,I think.

    regards Worgeordie

    I thought it was to let people know he would be there so they could gather to meet him with his supercalofraglisticexpliocdious agent.

    sorry about the spelling.wai.gif

  6. A little bit of topic but it was suggested at the Ex Pat club by the British representative for the committee made up from the different conciliates that part of their discussion was a suggestion to get out side sources to set up the extension appointment.

    Maybe they took it seriously and farmed out all the various sites. Let us hope so.

  7. I have an incorrect date stamp for re-entry (on a 3 entry tourist visa) from my last border run (via Mae Sai to Burma). I need to get this corrected. (They put 2015 instead of 2016 in one place, got it right the other place)

    To do so should I go to Promenada Mall where I did my previous 30 day extension, or to this Old Office that people are referring to - and if so where is it? Somewhere near the Airport? Or "across the highway" from Promenada or somewhere?

    When I came here the second time I had a 60 day triple entry. The first renewal I did in Mae Sai. when I got back to Chiang Mai I happened to notice that they had only given me 30 days. I went to immigration which was at the airport and they told me I would have to go back to Mae Sai to correct it. I did and they fixed it promptly.

    In your earlier post you say you had seat number 26 yet they had given out 30 queue numbers when you got up to get yours. So much for 1 queue number per person when an agent is involved.

  8. Which makes the 3000 baht fee for the retirement visa seem a tad expensive, especially if all the paperwork is in order.

    Does this 3000 baht fee include the cost of the extension?

    The 3,000 baht fee at G4T is for the permission to stay another 365 days. It does not include the 90 day reports. I do not know if they give you a break on the cost of them if you extend with them.

    I believe the other two major agents do.

    I can not confirm that for both off them but Thai Assist does from what I have heard. They charge 1,500 baht for 4 of the 90 days and 1,000 baht if you use them to extend. Plus I have been told you can forget about it they will alert you when it is due.

    I am trying to learn different options for visas and extensions...

    I found Assist Thai Visa Services on Google Maps, seemingly located on ChiangMaiLand between ChangKlan and Mahidol 11/41. I guess that is "Thai Assist"?

    Can anyone provide info on the entity known as G4T?

    G4T is located a couple of doors down from the immigration at Promenada. They charge 3,000 baht to get you a 365 day extension and I believe 300 baht to do your 90 day report. Visa wise I think that is all they do. Thai Assist located on Chiang Mai Land road does all the various Visa connected things.

    If you have a retirement Visa it must be extended every 365 days. Getting a retirement Visa is another story. My self I would approach Thai Assist for that. If you already have one you must report every 90 days. You are allowed to report 15 days early. It has always been 7 days late. I heard a rumor they were going to take that away.

    There are a couple of threads on this forum about doing the 90 day. Most of them are complaints.

    • Like 1
  9. A few years back I heard of people killing "unwanted" trees by injecting them under the bark with something.

    Not too sure what the substance was, but saw a few trees that had apparently been killed that way.

    Not to signal you out but that does not prove Thais don't like trees. I am sure you can find many such cases in countries all over the world. So does the world hate trees?

  10. >>I'm not educated enough in tree care to know the difference - I don't imagine many in this thread are either, but an opportunity for a generalised attack on Thailand is never short of followers here. <<. .Its like if a surgeon cut off your leg with a hatchet rather than a saw .Now do you understand ?Its not about Thai bashing on this occasion .

    What you say is correct. It is not about Thai bashing.

    But you misunderstand. Many take any thing they can grab a hold of as a reason for Thai Bashing. If the OP is correct why are there so many trees in Thailand?

    The OP is making a claim that in reality is just his misguided opinion.

    Ask your Thai friends why they hate trees and they will probably look at you like you were nuts. It never crosses most of their minds. It is a non issue to the majority of them.

  11. There are many Thai/Chinese, many speak Mandarin and many have roots back to China. Thai/Chinese, on average, tend to be more business orientated and have proportionally higher wealth than Thais. Chinese money will keep flowing in with land and houses nominally in the name of trusted Thai/Chinese.

    I'm not sure how much this will benefit Thailand as much of the profits will continue to be remitted back to China. Similarly, most Chinese tourists book group tours in Thailand using Chinese owned buses, restaurants and hotels in Thailand. According to TAT, they are big spenders, but I suspect most of the money ends up back in China.

    I suspect your are rite. Just read an article that says there are more billionaires in Beijing than New York. Have friend who lives quite a bit of his time in Pai. He tells me they are even opening business there now. You can bet that there is a lot of Chinese Thai citizens tied into them.

  12. There definitely are a lot of properties being bought by Chinese. Some are long tern lease and some are probably by company purchase.

    And I assume they are allowed to buy condos under the same rules as any other foreigner?

    What reason would there be for them not being able to buy a condo? Maybe you are new to Chiang Mai and didn't realize they already are buying them here.

  13. Link to the online reporting still not functioning at 12:00 today.

    I wish I could know when it will be back to normal. My report is due Friday.

    If I know it will be back today or tomorrow or so, I would wait, but if not, I will have to make my way there.

    Have never done mine on line. considering it for the next time.

    From what I have read so far it seems like normal is a hit and miss thing. Was there a time when it worked all the time?

  14. The desire to bash all things Thai has yet again overridden all logic and common sense. The owner of the temple is an artist, he built it as an expression of art, his other works are to be seen in the nearby art museum. He wanted everyone to see his work so he opened it up to the public, pretty soon he became overwhelmed by the number of tourists and the cost of upkeep hence he's now charging a small admittance fee. He's overwhelmed by tourists, mostly Chinese, he's not overwhelmed by Thai nationals hence he's charging the people who are costing him most. If anybody can't see the logic and fairness of all that, feel free to bash away.

    I agree with you 100%

    I first saw this on another thread that was closed and redirected here. It did not mention that it is just 100 baht for the whole deal temple only 50 baht. It takes money to run an operation like this. mere drop in the bucket for a tourist. For the common Thai 1/3 of a days wages.

    Not going to waste any more time on this no brainer.

  15. So if it is commercial, it's ok to charge foreigners but not Thais. If it is religious it is not biggrin.png

    Look at it this way if it was your own commercial enterprise would you not feel it was your rite to charge as you see fit to support it.

    If no Thais ever come just tourists you would eventually loose the reputation as a Thai tourist stop. Yes there would still be Thais but not in a volume you would need to be a Thai tourist stop. Charge them a little. Make it in the same proportion as the wages they receive as a person doing the same job in England would get.

    I know in my trade a person in North America would make more in an hour than a Thai over here in a day.

  16. Yeah, ordinary account, made sure internet access available before opening it, but most have. In Mr K's name with no mention of me just to be sure.

    Some banks have some types of accounts that can't be done online, maybe he has one of those. I know passbook accounts in UK used to be no internet access, but that was many, many years ago so it may well have changed. I was unable to get internet banking for years with Halifax because you had to put your postcode in when applying for net access. I didn't live in UK so didn't have a UK postcode and wouldn't accept my registration. It was only available to residents of UK, I told them that because I lived overseas I had more reason than most to need access to internet banking. Personally I think that was a restriction put in by the programmers on the first version of their online banking to verify identity and rather than fix the simple error they made it policy that you had to have a UK address to get internet banking. It wasn't until around 2007 that I was able to access it online, I had access to Australian online banking from mid 1995.

    Kasikorn were just crazy giving the reason of it being a joint account to block internet access, we both had ATM cards, it made no sense; that's the only reason I kept asking them, so they are probably having the same kind of programming restriction that Halifax were having in their first attempt at online access and are yet to fix it.

    Just my opinion as a former code writer and senior admin manager. This is Thailand, so it could be a couple of dozen far more interesting reasons.

    Just last Thursday received internet banking on a joint account I hold with my Thai wife at Siam commercial bank. We went in to the bank together with the bank book and they set it all up for us. With a joint account they required a paper with both are signatures on it.

  17. nd a crap place to live, unless you work at Central Fes....

    Yes, it's a carbuncle for sure, a blot and an eyesore.

    Why is it different if you work at central festival? Are the rooms bigger is the plumbing gold if you work there? Did they do proper construction on your unit?

    Travelling to work would be easy if you lived in that tower block and worked in Central Festival shopping center , there are within walking distance of each other

    Wont affect the accommodations in the least. Crap is crap no matter where you live or work.

    I think that he meant that the convenience of walking to work outweights the unpleasant looking building .

    Sorry for asking, but are we having an ironic/sarcastic exchange, or are we being serious ?

    I was being tongue in cheek to an ironic/sarcastic statement that made as much sense as I did answering it with the obvious.

  18. You might want to go out of your way and take your bank book into a main office. Often times different branches of the same bank will do things a little different. Change the limit there and it should be honored at your local bank.

    I would think so. I could be wrong. If they will not do it as you say find another bank.

  19. Yes, it's a carbuncle for sure, a blot and an eyesore.

    And a crap place to live, unless you work at Central Fes....

    Why is it different if you work at central festival? Are the rooms bigger is the plumbing gold if you work there? Did they do proper construction on your unit?

    Travelling to work would be easy if you lived in that tower block and worked in Central Festival shopping center , there are within walking distance of each other

    Wont affect the accommodations in the least. Crap is crap no matter where you live or work.

  20. Indeed it is.

    I thought it interesting to read what people had to say back then about the Supalai Monti vs the, where we are today view.

    For the OP: the units are all sold out long ago but secondary sales are available, at a premium.

    I still agree with my comments from 2012.

    Yes, it's a carbuncle for sure, a blot and an eyesore.

    And a crap place to live, unless you work at Central Fes....

    Why is it different if you work at central festival? Are the rooms bigger is the plumbing gold if you work there? Did they do proper construction on your unit?

  21. propally years ago it was a nice festival, Enjoyed by the thai community, Now its become a dangerous event overtaken by brawling drunken farangs,with one object to try and abuse all and sundry with there over the top unruly behaviour,

    I went through two years of it here. One in the cab of a truck with kids in the back and a pool full of water also they had high power water guns. We all enjoyed it. Me because I stayed dry and the kids because they were rite in the battle. No one got sick. One year I got wet. I had nothing but I would grab a pot of water from some one and pour it on them.

    The best one was in a little town in Pichet. A couple of ladies rubbed some stuff on my face. The only water I saw on the street was two kids with a barrel full. I sat around and decided to get involved. Now I am ion the old side I think about 70 then. I grabbed one of the kids water pistol a small one and started up the road holding it behind my back. I bent over and was limping along, The poor kids didn't know what to do until I stood up and started firing on them. Boy did I ever lose that one. Two kids with a barrel full of water and two pots against me and a little water pistol. It was fun they also had a pick up parade and dragged me into it.

    I no longer partake but I am a big believer in them. Just because I am getting older is not a reason to dislike them. They are part of Thailand. Just like the Queen is part of England. I just might get into it again this year my boy will be here and he has been through it before. He is young 50 and looking forward to it.

    bet you belive in the yellow brick road as well.

    Now how did I know you were going to defend your opinion.coffee1.gif

    I don't feel the need to defend my feelings why do you?tongue.png

    No I don't believe in the Yellow Brick road bit I loved the movie the Wizard of Oz and have lost my DVD of it.wai.gif

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