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Posts posted by northernjohn

  1. propally years ago it was a nice festival, Enjoyed by the thai community, Now its become a dangerous event overtaken by brawling drunken farangs,with one object to try and abuse all and sundry with there over the top unruly behaviour,

    I went through two years of it here. One in the cab of a truck with kids in the back and a pool full of water also they had high power water guns. We all enjoyed it. Me because I stayed dry and the kids because they were rite in the battle. No one got sick. One year I got wet. I had nothing but I would grab a pot of water from some one and pour it on them.

    The best one was in a little town in Pichet. A couple of ladies rubbed some stuff on my face. The only water I saw on the street was two kids with a barrel full. I sat around and decided to get involved. Now I am ion the old side I think about 70 then. I grabbed one of the kids water pistol a small one and started up the road holding it behind my back. I bent over and was limping along, The poor kids didn't know what to do until I stood up and started firing on them. Boy did I ever lose that one. Two kids with a barrel full of water and two pots against me and a little water pistol. It was fun they also had a pick up parade and dragged me into it.

    I no longer partake but I am a big believer in them. Just because I am getting older is not a reason to dislike them. They are part of Thailand. Just like the Queen is part of England. I just might get into it again this year my boy will be here and he has been through it before. He is young 50 and looking forward to it.

  2. To get a start on tips, I wrote the below specifically with children in mind, but most of it applies in general as well. Then later I'll add some comments of a more strategic & tactical nature when it comes to water battles. wink.png

    A Parent's Guide to Songkran

    The Thai New Year festivities will soon be upon us once again, which plenty partying, watery fun and general merriment to be had for all.

    Kids especially enjoy the water festival, but for responsible parents there are definitely several do's and don'ts about the festival when it comes to kids joining in.

    With 18 Songkrans under my belt and as a parent of two young children, I would like to make some recommendations for a fun and safe Songkran celebration.


    Many locations are not safe or appropriate for young kids.

    · Avoid locations close to fast moving or heavy traffic. It's too easy to stray on to the road and be too close to traffic. Don't play water along highways in and out of town.

    · The city moat is a prime location for the festivities, and for large sections of the moat the traffic moves slow enough. Keep in mind that the moat itself is VERY deep. If kids aren't excellent swimmers, they should not be on the side where the water is. As there are many people running and playing there, and as the pavement will get slippery from the water, it becomes too easy to fall into the moat. And even if they are excellent swimmers, you still don't want them to panic; keep in mind that in most places it's difficult to get out again, they would need help getting back on shore.

    · Don't pick a location near raunchy bars, especially not where there are many adult Western (and Thai) men drinking and partying. Kids can get run into, and drinking sometimes leads to trouble

    With the above in mind, if you play along the moat at all, then for example the stretch North of Thapae Gate on the side of the Amora hotel is suitable: traffic moves slowly there approaching the Thapae Gate bottle neck, and it's (just) far enough away from the Farang bar area. Thapae Road also moves slowly. Also consider some of the smaller sois, but make sure there is enough space on the side, and good visibility of any traffic through the soi.

    Picking a location in front of a restaurant or hotel/guesthouse is good, often these places have some people celebrating in front already, and the place likely provides clean tap water to use. And it's nice to be able to order some food and drink, use the washroom, etc.


    · Tell kids where they can go, and where they cannot go. They should never get on to the road or soi itself. If they drop a bucket or water gun there by accident, they should call you or another adult to retrieve it.

    · No running. It can get VERY slippery, and it's easy to fall and get hurt. Open wounds can easily get infected, so any cut = Game Over.

    · Try to keep your mouth shut. wink.png Even though you try to pick a place that provides tap water, it's very likely to also get hit with water straight from the moat.

    · Use Sunblock! Would be better to be in a shaded place, but when out in the sun it is VERY easy to get severe sun burns. Use a water-proof sun block and re-apply as needed. Don't forget any spots, ears, feet, etc. Using long sleeves and long pants or skirts is also a good idea.

    · After-party health check: Bathe kids thoroughly afterwards and put on clean, dry clothes. Be aware of common ailments such as irritated eyes, ear infections, upset stomach, sunburn, cuts and scratches.

    Instructions for the kids..

    · No spraying on things that shouldn't get wet. (Point these out, if any)

    · NO SPRAYING AT MOTORCYCLES unless they've stopped and are clearly participating. This goes for adults too, but no harm in teaching this early. It's too easy for motorbike riders to get into a fall or accident when they try to avoid getting wet. Even just pretending/threatening to spray water distracts their attention from traffic. So just don't. Yes, other people do it. But we don't.

    · NO SPRAYING AT people who clearly indicate they don't want to partake, or who have items with them that shouldn’t get wet. (Including food sellers, etc.) Yes, other people do it. But we don't.


    Kids can get cold quickly when wet. Make sure you can either get back home quickly, or that you carry dry clothes and a towel so kids can get dry, rest a bit and have some food/drink in a nearby restaurant, hotel or guesthouse.

    Riding in the back of a pick-up truck is dangerous. If kids are old enough to join a truck, they should NEVER stand up while in the vehicle. They should sit down all the time. You don't want kids falling out of trucks.

    This should go without saying, but when driving kids in and out of town, make sure the driver doesn't drink and drives responsibly. After dark it's best not to be on (or near) the road at all, as there are many drunk drivers.


    If this is your first Songkran, go test the waters (heh) yourself first before bringing the whole family. No matter what you've heard, you can't possibly be prepared for complete mayhem and mass party all around. This will also allow you to pick a good spot to take the kids.

    Know that in addition to the crazy party, Songkran is also a religious and cultural festival, with many events organized around town, and with many people visiting temples. It's well worth catching some of these; all of these activities are kids-safe; they mostly happen in the mornings before the masses start the party.

    Decide if you want to take your kid into town at all. An alternative Songkran party would be to get together with other parents and kids in a garden setting somewhere and let the kids go at it amongst themselves. Safe, clean and much less stressful for the parents. If some or all of the above has raised concern: GOOD! This is in no way a recommendation to let kids participate in Songkran in any way; make your own informed decision if, where and how to celebrate Songkran.

    !!! Happy New Year -- Sawatdee Pee Mai !!!

    All good points Winnie. How ever one

    " NO SPRAYING AT people who clearly indicate they don't want to partake, or who have items with them that shouldn’t get wet. (Including food sellers, etc.) Yes, other people do it. But we don't.'

    On that one I have found several times when I was not in the any thing goes area I have simply held my hand out and they have poured a little water on it.

  3. Ugh. Velveeta fake cheese. I'd know it anywhere, in any photo. I'll take a miss on that burger.

    Yeah, and it probably costs US$7, without fries. In baht talk that's 245, plus local tax, up to 300 baht for minor meal.

    A far better buy is the 'pork burger' from McDonald's, aka Egg/Sausage McMuffin. Same number of calories but 1/3 the price.

    They use real English Muffins on them. Not sure if they can be found any place else in Chiang Mai.

    I ordered the plain Jane at Gekko's garden. It came with the fixings you put them on your self to suit your self. They do have one with Blue Cheese on it for an extra 25 baht. It is a good sized chunk that you have to spread around a bit. Going to have to check the cart behind Pantip. There used to be a cart that had one like the 7/11 only completely cooked on site and you got your choice of condiments. They made 7/11 look silly. This is in the cheap burger section. There are burgers with out all the fancy fixings and dressings that are pretty darn good.

  4. H e was stood there with a gun and a defenseless Woman .

    He was in no corner , he could have walked away, he choose not to .

    He probably killed her out of anger, realised what he'd done , then killed himself

    did you READ THE STORY that SHE got a gun from her CAR and went in to kill him? defenseless woman?

    He then took the gun off from her , which then made her defenseless.

    seems you're so biased you don't want to understand

    Just prior to the shooting she was defenseless.

    Those are facts, nothing biased about it

    Could you consider this?

    She threatened him with the gun - may be she shot first (it is not said)

    he managed to remove it from her

    she tried to get it back...

    .... self defense

    I don't know if it was this way

    but do you think:

    she allowed him to take the gun away from her

    then she stood defenseless

    after 30 seconds standing he decided to pull the trigger ...

    you do not know either

    but her standing defenseless is very unlikely

    Could you consider this you have both feet planted in mid air.

    Read the OP I have also reposted it a few posts back.

    Threads like this get way out of control when people don't read the original OP.

    I am surprised they don't have the neighbor shooting them both. Typical T V misrepresentation of the facts because the poster never read the OP or in this case people who were witness.

    My only hope is that they have immediate care for the boy and protection of his property.

  5. Just last week I had a system put in at my place. 8 high-definition cameras with the ability to view live as well as online, 2-year warranty, all direct wired --not wireless; some say that wireless is problematical. Cost including installation was 34,000 baht.

    The manager of Suchart Computer (Suchart himself) operates out of the Hang Dong area, but he will install anywhere in the general area around Chiang Mai city; I, myself, live about 7 miles north of town. Suchart speaks good English, and is an excellent computer repairman as well. I'm very pleased with his work. Call him at 089-556-3931.

    Just want to give a second for your recommendation of Suchart. He does excellent work.

  6. A funny observation for me is when I am in my home countries of either United States or Canada I see a lot more accidents, probably 5 to 10 a week. Thailand is rated high for death rates involving accidents, i see in 2014 they were number 2 in the world and with the number of motorbikes that would make sense, certainly harder to survive a motorbike crash then a car and Western countries have a lot less motorbikes

    But if you look at the top country for just motor related accidents (death and no death( United States is number one with 1.9million and second place is Germany at a mere 340 000. People are so focused on everything else beside driving in the States.

    I am not saying Thai people are good drivers, but what I like to say is Thai Drivers are Good at Driving bad for the most part.

    I think here in Thailand most of them do not get reported.

    "I am not saying Thai people are good drivers, but what I like to say is Thai Drivers are Good at Driving bad for the most part."

    cheesy.gif good oneclap2.gif

  7. Yes you got me on that one......it was right in my face and didnt see it. The cops dont bat an eyelid......

    They are too busy checking farangs have their passports on them when out partying.

    Important stuff, don't you know.

    Have you a persecution complex.

    I walk and have walked by many places where they have bikes pulled over. A good 90% of them are Thai's or other Asians What I can't understand is how some of the riders go right by them with no helmets on and they have many with helmets on stopped.

    I am amazed at how the OP could have noticed the lack of lights on bikes and missed the incredible lack of driving skills and parking problems they have.

  8. .

    He did say that the queue for 90 day reports was quite long, but he doesn't know if everyone received a queue card or if anyone was turned away.

    Today (Tuesday) they were turning people away in the afternoon for 90 day reports.

    That is to be expected a day after a holiday. Mine was due tomorrow so I went in last Thursday as I said it was only a 15 Minute trip.

    • Like 1
  9. A friend went today for his retirement visa extension. He arrived at 6 am, was about No. 17 in the queue, but got Queue ticket no. 15 because a couple people didn't have the correct documents and weren't given queue tickets. He said that if someone had arrived at 8:30 am when they started to hand out queue tickets, they would have been ok -- only about 24-25 people in the queue and they're distributing 30 tickets these days.

    He was seen before lunch and told to come back in the afternoon to pick up his passport.

    I didn't ask him about the TM28/TM30 situation, but he rents in a condo building where he's lived for a long time and travels frequently, so I think that's probably under control, with a TM30 on file for him.

    He did say that the queue for 90 day reports was quite long, but he doesn't know if everyone received a queue card or if anyone was turned away.

    Thanks for the detailed report NancyL

    As i have said many times

    I believe it is at the end of the year when most people come to live in Thailand We all seem to come at the same time

    So when we do our extensions there is always a line up

    SO maybe anyone wanting to come live in Chiang Mai on a O A Visa

    To come early in the year

    When they do there Extensions there may not be a long line up

    Plus as previously stated by numerous posters

    if you come after a long weekend there will be long Ques

    Well this did not apply to this visa Extension

    So it is just pot luck what day and how many people turn up

    It just like Russian Roulette

    I believe you are correct. People that get their retirement in the month of December give and take seem to have the longest line ups.

  10. Thanks for all the helpful replies. Much appreciated.

    We checked out Central KSK this morning and the toy department didn't have much more than Bingo.

    The leads supplied will keep us busy this afternoon.

    Thanks again.


    Let us know if you need some thing else to do tomorrow.wink.png

  11. I don't know what they have but toys or us at the Promenada might have a selection.

    Careers comes to mind along with snakes and ladders for the younger ones.

    Or you can make up a list and places where they may be found and turn it into a scavenger hunt. If they find an object they must call the other players and notify them that they have it. That way they would get to see a little more of Chiang Mai. Make it a rule that in between each shop they must see a tourist stop. Lot's of them including temples.

  12. To each his own. I have a friend who hated The Hateful Eight and fell asleep during The Revenant..........

    the Revenant was a true story. But they had way to much of not needed scenes in it. It was far to long.

    I only watch the trailers that I see at the movies. In years and years of movie watching this is the first one I regret not seeing the trailer. I have seen many many that did not live up to their trailer but this was the first one I have ever felt like walking out.

    The 4D has rocking chairs that I find uncomfortable to sit in. You can not put your feet on the ground they have a bar you have to put them on. They also have a bit of air blowing when it is a part of the film and a tiny jet of water that they shoot by your ear at some of the water scenes. Yes it is also in 3D We saw the last Hobbit in it. I much prefer 2D 3D looses some thing.

  13. Just a thought but it might help to reread the OP

    "CHIANG MAI:-- A man and woman were found dead in Chiang Mai on Sunday in what police say is a case of murder-suicide.

    The bodies of a 40 year old Italian man and his 35 year old wife (names withheld) were found outside the man's home in the Nong Kwai area of Hang Dong.

    Thai media reports the incident occurred when the woman, who is believed to have been separated from her husband, went to collect their son who had been staying with his father during the weekend.

    However, after arriving at her husband's house, the woman was unable to find her son and confronted her husband.An argument ensued and the woman went back to Toyota Camry car to collect a gun she is believed to have kept in the vehicle.

    She then returned to the house to threaten her husband.

    The man managed to restrain his wife, taking the gun from her before opening fire and killing the woman instantly.

    Witnesses say the man then turned the gun on himself.

    Police arrived at the scene to find the bodies of the man and woman. A pistol and spent bullets were found nearby.

    Police told reporters the 8 year old son had been staying with a neighbour when the incident occurred."

  14. I went and saw it and came the closest I have ever been in walking out in disgust. It sucked from minute one to the end.

    I saw it on 2D 4D does nothing for me. the wife got car sick the one we saw. I am glad she did not want to go to this one.

  15. Looks like a very nice, upscale neighborhood. What an utter waste.

    The lesson here is..Choose your Thai women VERY carefully, and avoid personality disorders like the plague..

    If they're yours, address them, if they're theirs, run in the opposite direction as fast as your Forest Gump-like legs can take you..

    Too late in this case. Bloody Sad.

    Care to enlighten us on what nation has women that you can trust implicitly with out being very careful.?

    Same goes for the men.

  16. Hes just killed his Wife and left his Son parentless

    The Wife took out the gun first. He wrestled the gun over from her. Man must have been forced to an extremely narrow corner that made him snapped.

    H e was stood there with a gun and a defenseless Woman .

    He was in no corner , he could have walked away, he choose not to .

    He probably killed her out of anger, realised what he'd done , then killed himself

    did you READ THE STORY that SHE got a gun from her CAR and went in to kill him? defenseless woman?

    I noticed back at post 8 that they had already started posting with out reading the article.

    It was a tragic thing for the boy. I wonder how he will take it. My brother was about 8 when my dad died and it didn't mean a lot to him until the funeral then it started to sink in. I hope they can get reliable relatives to take care of the boy. I wonder if there is a way they can seal the house up so the possessions don't go missing. They will now belong to the boy and can make a big difference in taking care of him.

  17. That's expensive in Los. ......we get extra Virgin, clear, for about 280b a litre...very good quality, its all we use, even in kids hair each day after in the sun and ocean...no reason why it should be so expensive there

    You say extra Virgin clear.

    Then you say very good quality. Is there extra Virgin clear that is low quality?

  18. Was wondering how long the class is and is it every day.


    I took the beginners at AUS I think the name is. It is on the same street as the Sunday walking street. It was a 5 day a week course with 10 people in it. All of them had either taken the course before or lived here for a while. It was more on Grammar than learning the language. I had trouble with grammar when I had to take it in school and it was in a language I speak, my native language.

  19. The most sensible advice came from NorthJohn and it's what Hubby and I do. Bangkok Bank has branches every 300 meters in this town, so it's easy to maintain a stock of small bills at home. No need to use the "bank of 7/11" to obtain your small bills.

    I just make it a practice to pay for EVERYTHING exactly. Most of the clerks here don't know how to make change anyway.

    every 300 meters branches,the nearest from ksk, Is pantip plaza chiang mai gate branch is closed.and nimman is a sub branch,or less u mean atms.??

    I think she is talking about ATM machines. Makes no difference to me. If I have to use an ATM I always pick one at a bank so if it eats my card I can get it back.

  20. I went to the KFC yesterday in Prominada and got the 145 Baht KFC meal .

    I paid for it and She only gave me 365 Baht change .

    I told her that I gave her a 1000 Baht note .

    She said that I didnt and that I only gave her a 500 Baht note .

    After thinking for a while , I remembered that I only had a 500 Baht note

    So, I apologised

    Yes it is an easy thing to do. I make the mix up with some of the older 20 and 50 baht notes. I keep the 1,000 baht notes in a separate compartment. As I said I try to give a reasonably close amount of money. When I first came here I would do the 7/11 thing but I always felt that it was really not rite so I started getting a month supply of each denomination. Depending on 7/11 not so bad as depending on street vendors.

    I have to admit that is part of the beauty of being retired you have time to go to a bank once a month. Unless you are physically disabled and have some one you can trust with your ATM or Visa card to go to the machine often and pay what ever it is. 150 or 180 baht not sure one poster said 300 baht. But I don't believe him.

  21. 4-5 times a year in Chiang Mai shops try to short-change me (I smile and tell the clerk there's been a mistake - and I get my money back with a smile from the clerk). About twice a year I get too much change back - I always give back the "long-change" because I have heard that the store clerks have to cover losses like this with their own wages.

    I have lived here 12 years now, so this makes for a lot of incorrect change given. Most of the time I think it comes down to weak math skills or inattention rather than trying to rip me off.

    Reminds me of years ago when my wife was working at McDonalds in Vancouver Canada and they did not have the machines did not tell how much change to give back.

    Half the kids did not know how to figure the change out. She tried.

    She would show them an example like if the bill was $3.97 cents and they were given a $5 bill.

    She would take a penny and add it to the figure so it showed $398 cents

    then she would take another penny and add it to the $398 cents so it showed $3.99 cents.

    Then she would take another penny and add it to the $3,99 cents so it showed $4

    then she would take a dollar bill and add it to the $4 so it showed $5. In this way they had $1,03 on the counter which was the correct amount of change for a $5 note on a $3,97 cent bill.

    Most of them still couldn't figure it out.

    You lost me after you added the first penny. gigglem.gif

    Now you know how those kids felttongue.png

  22. Please be informed that this weekend I will be working at the Rajavej Hospital in Chiang Mai on the following days:

    Friday 5th February 9am - 1pm

    Saturday 6th February 9am - 4pm.

    Sunday 7th February 9am - 4pm.

    The next clinic weekend will be on:

    Friday 19th February 9am - 1pm

    Saturday 20th February 9am - 4pm.

    Sunday 21st February 9am - 4pm.


    Are you a chiropractor? You're in Chiang Mai this weekend?


    he's neither a chiropractor nor a psychiatrist. one thing for sure, he's no brain surgeon.

    Sources please

  23. Please be informed that this weekend I will be working at the Rajavej Hospital in Chiang Mai on the following days:

    Friday 5th February 9am - 1pm

    Saturday 6th February 9am - 4pm.

    Sunday 7th February 9am - 4pm.

    The next clinic weekend will be on:

    Friday 19th February 9am - 1pm

    Saturday 20th February 9am - 4pm.

    Sunday 21st February 9am - 4pm.


    Are you a chiropractor? You're in Chiang Mai this weekend?


    No I am not I am just some one who has had to use them off and on through out my working life. In retirement here in Thailand only once and he was very good for me. My experience with them has been some work very well for me and others don't but for other people it is the exact oppisate. The timer I saw Dr Parry he took away a little of the pain and I went back a second time and he told me he could not help me turned out I needed a hip replacement.

    Here is his latest schedule.

    Chiropractic clinic dates

    Dr Philip Parry

    Add to contacts


    [Flag this message]

    To: Phil P

    [email protected]


    Please be informed that this weekend I will be working at the Rajavej Hospital in Chiang Mai on the following days:

    Friday 19th February 9am - 1pm

    Saturday 20th February 9am - 4pm.

    Sunday 21st February 9am - 4pm.

    The next clinic weekend will be on:

    Sunday 28th February 10am - 4pm.

    Monday 29th February 9am - 1pm

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