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Posts posted by northernjohn

  1. As is your prerogative...refuse to be a part of the thing your name embodies..."The Democratic Party, in that case, would not participate in the new general election even if the party had to be dissolved as stipulated in the constitution. It will instead find another way to reform the country."

    Great! no surprise here... ( but not too smart I fear in the long run)...but ..Hey now you can start a new Party..The PRP Party... The Popcorn Reform Party...just be kind enough to not use Democratic again for it flies full in the face of what you are all about.. I had such high hopes for some kind of political outreach...six months ago when the rumblings began...some kind of build.... constructive build on what you found as weaknesses in the opposition...and you had a great opportunity.. to exploit it through political outreach, populist education and had you been concerned at all about reform... offered it then... and given the people you need to win an alternative...but instead you let a genie out of the bottle and it became enamored with its power of obstruction rather than construction...what a sham... lost faith in all parties here now...especially disappointed in the Democrats...but alas your claim to reform...that was and will never be the intention..as reform is the farthest thing from the Agenda.... same as it was last time around.....a paper tiger ...Democratic Reform...oxymoron...

    Blah BlahBlah

    For the Democrats to enter it they would be sanctioning the present system.

    They unlike the current government are willing to dissolve rather than condone the present corrupt ridden party in power.

    If the PTP are interested in bettering Thailand how do they expect to do it when they use the treasury for their personal bank account.

    Every single one of the Democrats are willing to put their political life on the line for Thailand. Name one PTP

    Hey this is their system the one they use or misuse at will...not mine ... there is plenty wrong with all parties here...all of them... but you see... that is the problem... they are all facilitated by a problem that is way bigger than one or two elections... or even the political process if you will... their "brand of politics" is just that theirs... their brand of "Democracy" is just that.... theirs... and has never included any one else either ...they are mired in a disease which will take decades to recover from ( if at all) so for me or you to bandy about here and now ...change this party or change to that that is merely conjecture... it will be up to all Thais to decide personally through a look in the mirror as to what is acceptable and what isn't but if you still feel like pitting party vs party is a viable solution it reeks of the refusal to understand what you call blah blah blah.....you are missing a huge chunk of reality... to think that any corruption will be eradicated by Suthep or the Dems is misguided at best...reform because the ruling party changes...? is a poorly conceived notion...one rooted in a rather shallow view of a much bigger game... don't you get it at all...? Keep your eye on the obvious and focus on that and keep beating that horse and the masses will ignore the subliminal and don't be surprised when that reality smacks you in the face ... I don't support either faction...but now... again disappointed by the rather childish (again) refusal to take part in a system that they themselves have embraced and modified over the years.. they ( DEMS) know that their only play here now after all this is to continue to demonize their target... and implicitly support Sutheps brand of dogma in the hopes that they can find some self satisfaction in the end result... I repeat hopes... not sure they will ever get it... but can bet ya this... if the Dems get their military/judicial ushering back into power... and the trampling of the political process... the changes/reforms being lauded now.. will not be...nor will it be Democratic...not by a long shot...Cheers

    It would help if you would stick to the problem at hand. It only becomes a party issue for the PTP they want to continue their crooked ways. There is no other party fighting them. It is the people of Thailand the grass roots people the Democrats have lent their strength to the people. They haven't had to do it with a hoard of thugs and talking about raising an army of 600,000 people to insure they get what they want regardless of what others want.

    The Democrats have refused to sanction the corrupt system where as the PTP has their illegal military arm trying to enlist 600,000 soldiers in to their own personal army.

    It is simply unbelievable the amount of people that comment on here and don't even know who the combatants are or what the one side wants. Listen to what the anti government people want not the guy on the bar stool next to you.

    • Like 1
  2. "However, the Prime Minister and her government should not be the ones hosting the general election because they are part of the conflict, said Chavanond."

    Democrat Party? What are they on - is he telling them they can't participate in the election because they happen to be the caretaker government?

    Incredibly stupid statements and action.

    Why compete in an election when the ruling party refuses to accept the verdicts of courts and independent agencies? The Dems have always respected their position of being the opposition. But with the present group of (self exiled) criminals running the country, what would it be worth to be an opposition party?

    There is no reasonable answer to that IF you believe the courts and independant agencies are just that, independant. To my mind the courts and independant agencies deserve the respect they are being accorded.

    I tried very hard to ignore your babble. But when you open the door and say it is in your mind that the courts do not deserve respect. Well Logic in your mind would be like a stranger in a strange land. The government will ignore the courts verdicts (the government and your idea of honor) when it suits you and them but they have no problem using the same courts to get at the opposition.jerk.gif


  3. Who wants to play against a team that wins by cheating every time.

    At last a clear statement justifying the Democrat boycott (though I think a misguided one).

    To make sense of it at least two questions need to be answered:

    1.How was the last election not valid and fairly conducted especially since all independent observers were satisfied?

    2.What precise reforms need to be put in place to make the next one fair?

    I'm not unsympathetic to a national effort across parties to reform the system and tackle corruption, but for clarity's sake there needs to be an understanding on an improved electoral process.

    If the response is just the usual claptrap (Thaksin buying farmers votes etc) we can only conclude the Democrat boycott is for the reason they are unelectable.

    And in that case the advice should be ditch the incompetent leadership, cut ties with the gangster Suthep, tell the Bangkok middle class that they cannot have the casting vote, develop some policies attractive to the Thai people as a whole.. and then win an election.

    How about no vote buying by any one? Buy one vote automatic two years in jail. Sell your vote 5 times the amount for a fine. How about freedom to choose who you vote for? This means no one standing over you to make sure you vote the way the village head man tells you to. How about a secure way to hold the ballots until they are counted?

    Now give us your PTP claptrap why we can't do that.

    • Like 1
  4. the democrates are as stupid as the hole establishement, they did not learn the lesson. they should fight to win the next elections, their general meaninig of we will loose anyway is a very bad thing...only looosers say in advance we will loose...but they could win if they really would believe in winning

    Have you been asleep or out of touch with reality.

    This is not about who wins the election this is about reforming the government. Are you standing up for the PTP when they cheat farmers out of their money when they promise taxa rebates when they promise pads for every one in school and deliver a few and the ones they deliver are no good. Are you for crooked elections. These are the things that the anti government protestors are trying to change. Then have an election.

    Wake up and ask your self why the PTP does not want an election over haul before the election? The answer is so simple I will not insult your intelligence by pretending you don't know and have to be told.

    The Democrats are fighting to reform a government that allows that. Reform the government and they have no fear of the election. It will be an honest one and they will accept that. to let the PTP carry on is just supporting their illegal ways.

    Thailand is sliding down hill each year it gets more corrupt. With the ASEAN coming up I for one would thing they would like Thailand to be a more honest country. Corruption is in every country. But look at Singapore and how little it has and yet how well it is doing.

  5. Yingluck has to accept the courts rulings.

    If she does not want to accept the courts, we better let everybody free from the prisons, because no law should be for the people as even the PM doesn't accept them.

    I can hardly wait to hear the government fans deny the logic of that. If they do they will be using unrelated factsx. This is 2014 not 1997 it is a 2014 problem. Respond to it if you can with the reality of today.wai.gif

  6. As is your prerogative...refuse to be a part of the thing your name embodies..."The Democratic Party, in that case, would not participate in the new general election even if the party had to be dissolved as stipulated in the constitution. It will instead find another way to reform the country."

    Great! no surprise here... ( but not too smart I fear in the long run)...but ..Hey now you can start a new Party..The PRP Party... The Popcorn Reform Party...just be kind enough to not use Democratic again for it flies full in the face of what you are all about.. I had such high hopes for some kind of political outreach...six months ago when the rumblings began...some kind of build.... constructive build on what you found as weaknesses in the opposition...and you had a great opportunity.. to exploit it through political outreach, populist education and had you been concerned at all about reform... offered it then... and given the people you need to win an alternative...but instead you let a genie out of the bottle and it became enamored with its power of obstruction rather than construction...what a sham... lost faith in all parties here now...especially disappointed in the Democrats...but alas your claim to reform...that was and will never be the intention..as reform is the farthest thing from the Agenda.... same as it was last time around.....a paper tiger ...Democratic Reform...oxymoron...

    Blah BlahBlah

    For the Democrats to enter it they would be sanctioning the present system.

    They unlike the current government are willing to dissolve rather than condone the present corrupt ridden party in power.

    If the PTP are interested in bettering Thailand how do they expect to do it when they use the treasury for their personal bank account.

    Every single one of the Democrats are willing to put their political life on the line for Thailand. Name one PTP

  7. I went there last week and asked if I have a K-Bank platinum card do I get a discount and she said I can get a ticket for free. I said there are 5 people in my group and she said no problem--Got 5 tickets NO CHARGE

    I can get 86 FREE movies she said

    Free movies with a K-bank platinum card? Well that's interesting. What other benefits do you get? I may have to get one if it's worth it.

    Well here's the info if anyone's interested:


    This doesn't mention anything about ticket promotions

    Also requires a work permit based on the information given. Kind of leaves the retirees out.

  8. Why would you want to sit on a plane for 12 hours without alcohol?? It is one of the only times that it is free flowing, I paid enough for the flight, I will make the most of it. Also makes the 12 hours go a lot quicker.

    I did not know it was free flowing, that must be in business class. I wish orange juice was free flowing in economy class.

    So if I was to travel business class, I would be subsidising all the drinkers. Something not right there.

    For most airlines it flows freely in eco just fine on international flights. Especially Asian airlines are quite liberal with the booze.

    Which is good, as it helps you sleep.

    Where Biz class is different is the lounge access. That's where you can get an incredible head-start. wink.png

    Are you talking about Air Asia?cheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gif

  9. they are not "killers". that is total and complete rubbish.

    Oh yes they are!!!

    rubbish. post on conspiracy theory websites.

    They deplete life giving COQ10 and are a major cause of strokes and heart attacks - precisely the thing they are supposed to guard against!!!

    If you want to take these then that's up to you - I have already dissuaded several of my mates not to take them bearing in mind they are so dangerous and do nothing for you!!

    You both have good points but what you fail to understand is people react differently. I was on Lipitor and because of the weirdest side effects had to get off it. For some others no problem. My cholesterol is now within good limits. Not going to tell you how as I don't want to hear how it won't work when I am living proof that it will. Or a long list of the dangers of it that is unfounded.

    Some one mentioned the various kinds of olive oil I was recently told rice oil was even better for you. Just what I was told have no way of proving it. They said it was no good on a salad.facepalm.gif

  10. It was a no brainer. the government would consider talking only if Yingluck remained in office Suthep would not even consider it if she remained in office.

    what we have here is a struggle by two different groups. One wants to hold on to the old corrupt ways by staying in power and the other wants them to step down while a committee works out some fair and justifiable changes to the government that would apply to all people.

    As it stands now we have a government that maintains court orders don't apply to them but they do to others. That is not a good way to govern and needs changing along with the election laws and the education system plus the reasonable punishment to be added. Convicted murders out on bail and other punishments that are dependent on who you know and how much money you have. Also Cabinet meetings should not be open to direction from convicted criminals living out of the country to avoid a legally imposed sentence on them to call in and direct them in what to do.

    Also clarify the law.

    Then there is only one way to put an end to this stupidy - military.

    I think you are correct in that assumption. Yet I don't think they will have to intervene unless the red shirts push to hard.

    The fact that they have refused to take sides and will not let either side get to violent is enough to make the two sides soften there stance. The PTP could possibly push to hard with there refusal to honor court decisions and continued use of the same courts against the PDRC. I think that is just posturing and push come to pull they will back down. To be honest if they started actively disobeying the court decisions they would lose a lot of support that they still have. Possibly members also. Hard to say I stand for democracy and I am above court rulings. But they are not the brightest bulbs in the box. It would gain more support for the other parties who are willing to accept a democratic courts verdict.

    The big danger is in the red shirts. Loose cannons all of them. No idea of the danger they present to not only the government but the innocent population. I am not all that sure the PTP would stand behind them if they started another 2010 only this time on a larger scale.

    The PTP had no problem supporting them when it was not there job to keep peace in the country. Now the shoe is on the other foot and they are learning that all there preconceived ideas need tinkering with if not out right abandonment.

    The Bangkok post ran a good article on how much closer they are in their wants than they have been in past years.

    Kind of funny it might just boil down to two people. Yingluck refusing to negotiate unless she can be the queen Bee and Suthep refusing to negotiate as long as she is. with Thaksin now attacking Yingluck's aides makes me wonder how much support she has when the final bell rings. I think with the Shinawatra history Suthep will maintain his strength in insisting she step down. Not that they have any one capable of doing the job as long as Thaksin is pulling the strings. The caddy might fire the golfer.

  11. It was a no brainer. the government would consider talking only if Yingluck remained in office Suthep would not even consider it if she remained in office.

    what we have here is a struggle by two different groups. One wants to hold on to the old corrupt ways by staying in power and the other wants them to step down while a committee works out some fair and justifiable changes to the government that would apply to all people.

    As it stands now we have a government that maintains court orders don't apply to them but they do to others. That is not a good way to govern and needs changing along with the election laws and the education system plus the reasonable punishment to be added. Convicted murders out on bail and other punishments that are dependent on who you know and how much money you have. Also Cabinet meetings should not be open to direction from convicted criminals living out of the country to avoid a legally imposed sentence on them to call in and direct them in what to do.

    Also clarify the law.

    • Like 1
  12. It is only through the continual urging of Suthep that the country is kept aware of the moral even illegal decline in the present government.

    Yingluck had to think about it for a couple of days before she went on Facebook more than likely had some one do it for her and said it was not rite to separate the nation. She should have been on every TV channel ten minutes after the announcement that their was a movement to do it condemning them for it.

    [Now that I think about it I wonder if she even knew that her statement was posted on Facebook]

    She had to wait for the Army to take action. If they had not she would have remained silent. the moral decline of the people who know better in other words have an education and continue to back this government is further indication of the moral decline here in Thailand.

    • Like 1
  13. Are there cinemas at Maya?

    Yes but they are another SF theater same as the Promenada. If you are not in Thailand you might find the cost of transportation to them rather expensive.

    Haven't seen a movie there yet but I noticed there super duper seats are not two seater's like the Promenada. No idea of the cost.

  14. Is so sad that you are right. The future doesn't look good for the innocent, I hope our leaders will finally see where this road is going and find an alternative, otherwise there will only be blood.

    Are leaders don't care where the road is going as long as they can stay in power and continue to syphon the treasury in to their own pockets.

    The UDD represents democracy, one vote-one person, if they use violence-it is to that end. the PAD/PDRC on the other hand-which is what the military is aligning itself with-are fascists, they want to end democracy in this country and have it ruled by an elitist dictatorship, the fascists are trying to create divisions.

    You sir, obviously cannot read and anyone supporting you is as foolish as you and all dare tread to such wavering paths. DEMOCRACY is freedoms that VOTING in Thailand under this unscrupulous regime does not engage in. BUYING votes is not democracy. Why are you on such a bandwagon for this twaddle? Is it that you benefit from corruption too?

    Neither is having guards at the polling stations making sure you vote the way the village head man tells you to. That is not Democracy either.

    What has any of this got to do with the army? Maybe the army should be renamed 'the police' as they seem to think their job is what the police should be doing. The army should worry about doing the job they're paid for and not trying to usurp the police - as ineffective as they might be.

    It is there job to protect the nation from separatist scum.

  15. Use Thai or Chinese Cinnamon sparingly, it's heavily toxic, far better to get Cinnamon from Ceylon if you intend to consume in any quantity above a sprinkling. Google coumarin for further info.

    How would I know the origin? I'm sure I bought cassia bark in Australia once and it looked different, although it was a long time ago. I always buy cinnamon sticks and grind my own as it's fresh and I know what's in it. I cook a lot of Indian, Middle Easten and Greek food so we go through quite a bit of it.

    Check the link I posted above - it shows photos and tells how to identify the four main types of cinnamon (http://cinnamonvogue.com/Types_of_Cinnamon_1.html) - 3 bad (to various degrees) and one (on the right in the photo) is good smile.png

    Simple test though - Ceylon is light in colour (not dark brown), usually in many layers like a rolled cigar as it is very thin (Cassia and other types are thick and hard and dark coloured), touch your tongue to it for a moment (good way to do this is break a bit off and touch tongue to either fresh cut edge), if it burns the tongue slightly like acid, is bitter and/or spicy, it is probably not Ceylon. Any type is OPK for normally healthy people in small quantities - which in the EU is marked at about one 150mg per adult per day max (there is a legal EU limit for food set at 15mg per item - with exceptions for Christmas/seasonal specials up to 50mg - as it is unlikely one person will eat several Christmas Puddings in a day!).

    Coumarin itself (a precursor anti-coagulant and Vitamin K antagonist) has an average lethal dose of about 275 mg/kg which is very high (in other words it is not a very toxic substance to a healthy person at all - you would probably die of blood-glucose levels in the cinnamon before liver damage!). Used in Warfarin (a drug prescribed for blood clots and stroke patients). It should be avoided for vitamin K deficient people (such as haemophiliacs, Von Willebrand/Bernard-Soulier Syndrome/Factor V/X/XII deficient/Uremia/Thrombocytopenia/Aflibrinogenemia/Glanzmann's Thrombasthenia/C1INH deficient/Vitamin K deficient/dissimilated intravascular coagulation/ (and perhaps Leiden's Factor V Thrombophillia especially if taking Warfrin etc) sufferers and of course people with Liver Damage (including alcoholics) especially end-stage ).

    According to Wikipedia, "1 kg of cassia cinnamon powder contains approximately 2.1 to 4.4 g of coumarin. Powdered cassia cinnamon weighs 0.56 g/cm3,so a kilogram of cassia cinnamon powder equals 362.29 teaspoons. One teaspoon of cassia cinnamon powder therefore contains 5.8 to 12.1 mg of coumarin, which may be above the tolerable daily intake value for smaller individuals."

    By the way coumarin is also in Strawberries, cherries, apricots, black currents, vanilla grass, etc naturally - and in a lot of fruit based alcoholic drinks and vanilla essence/flavouring (artificial kind).

    Two great posts. Lots of information. I my self use ground cinnamon I buy in the Tops store. The bottle is clearly marked Ingredients cinnamon.

    I picked this up in Wikipedia.

    How can consumers distinguish between Ceylon cinnamon and cassia cinnamon?

    "It is almost impossible for consumers to distinguish between Ceylon cinnamon and cassia cinnamon in cinnamon powder. The situation is different in the case of cinnamon sticks. Whereas in the case of cassia cinnamon a relatively thick layer of the bark has been rolled into a stick, the cross-section of a Ceylon cinnamon stick looks more like a cigarette - several thin layers of bark have been rolled up into a cinnamon stick resulting in a comparatively compact cross-section. The origin of the cinnamon is not normally declared on the packaging; sometimes false information has been supplied in the past."

    So I suppose people using it for what ever check their blood out.. For myself it is safe as I don't use mountains of it. I have my blood checked regularly and every thing is OK except the uric acid. I was unaware that irt would help with cholesterol.

    I am still not clear on taking it when using Warfarin. I know that vitamin K is not a good thing to take with Warfarin.

  16. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I'd be a bit gutted if my holiday crossed the two weekends when alcohol was banned. I do enjoy a beer when on holiday with my family and friends.

    I'm not sure that makes me an alcoholic but to some it may.

    Lets see here 14 days and no alcohol on 4 of them and you are gutted.

    Maybe you do have a problem or maybe you need different friends you don't have to drink with to have fun.cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif alt=cheesy.gif width=32 height=20>

    I think you might be missing the point. When I go on holiday I like to have a choice, I may or may not drink but I like the choice to be mine.

    I don't expect the Thai people to change their ways for me, but as I said I'd be a bit disappointed almost in the sense of wanting what I can't have.

    No I didn't miss the point. You can still do what every one else who has to have it or might want to have it does buy before they close the sales down.

    Christ half of you people would have never made it where I grew up in Washington state. Saturday night and no more sales and that included Sunday. We just planed ahead. it wasn't rocket science.

  17. I'd be a bit gutted if my holiday crossed the two weekends when alcohol was banned. I do enjoy a beer when on holiday with my family and friends.

    I'm not sure that makes me an alcoholic but to some it may.

    Lets see here 14 days and no alcohol on 4 of them and you are gutted.

    Maybe you do have a problem or maybe you need different friends you don't have to drink with to have fun.cheesy.gif

  18. Sadly , the picture painted of movies shown in Chiang Mai, ie blockbusters only, is exactly the same in the UK, was there recently and was taken by my son to see the new Star Trek movie. Entry ticket was £8 (son and his wife have a season ticket which gets them in considerably cheaper), then if you do want refreshments, sneak your own in because popcorn, coca cola etc cost about another £5 on top!!

    Incidentally, I found watching a movie in 3D to be a very unfulfilling experience. Apart from the fact that you wear glasses on top of glasses if you are normally a glasses wearer, the 3D system brings with it a 30% darkening effect (thats official by the way) , so if, as I did several times you take the 3D glasses off, the screen suddenly appears much brighter ( but a bit blurred obviously!)

    Personally, I hope 3D dies a death and soon. I fear its here to stay, though, so I will either find the "non 3D version", or more likely simply await the availability via the usual (illegal?) sources. Thats a pity, because I used to love the whole cinema going experience, I am of the generation that was brought up loving the cinema (ie old!)

    I am with you on the 3D not only does it get dimmer but it lacks detail. The only one I want to see in 3D is Avatar I saw it in Digital and there was some scenes in there well worth seeing in 3D.

    My hope is that they improver the 3D far beyond what it is now.

    Can anyone tell me the difference between 3 D and 4 D ?

    4D is an even more stupid version of 3D ( Note. I dont like 3D, see my post above!!!) where in addition to the 3D effect your seat vibrates and moves around for example as the movie goes over a bumpy road or whooshes through space! Dont think it will catch on, just another way to con you out of even more money for a cinema visit (although to be fair cinema prices here less than half what it costs in the UK.

    We saw the part two of the Hobbit there. Never again. the wife got a little car sick and the seats were not that comfortable. They also had a whiff of air go by the side of your head every time they shot an arrow and in one scene where they were going down a stream with rapids a bit of a spray of water on your face. Never again.

    As for 3D I am anxious to see one. The Airport Mall was selling glasses for them. I got a pair that fit a lot better and my son got a pair that slipped right on to his regular glasses.

    I don't imagine it will improve the clarity any but it will be more comfortable. that is the one good thing about the 3D movies they generally also have them in 2D.

  19. Wouldnt them selling Casia as Cinnamon be false advertising?

    In the real world, yes. Is there such a thing in Thailand?

    I wasn't paying much attention when I bought it but didn't know the difference anyway. I was in a hurry and it's the first time I've got it from Macro, just saw it on the shelf and had a vague recollection of needing it. I imagine that any powdered cinnamon they sell is also cassia.

    I've previously bought it from supermarkets or the Bombay stall at Kad Luang, doubt he'd be miss-selling but I'll be watching from now on or will bring a big back back from England later this year.

    This was a good heads up from ChiangMai.

    As I said I get mine in powdered form and it is clearly marked on the bottle in English ingredients cinnamon.

    Nothing else. Yes I see it is easy to distinguish between the two sticks.

    My question on that is if Casia is so bad for you why do they sell the sticks. I know from Wikipedia that it does have some medicinal purposes but to be honest I have never heard of it being used as a spice. Can't recollect seeing it in a spice rack either. next time I am in a store with a good selection of spices I will check it out. Be interesting to see what it is used for.


    Forgot to mention according to the article I read it is banned in many countries to be sold as a food product.

  20. Live within the law and compliance becomes a second nature. I live life on life's terms. Much less pain and anguish I've found.

    Agreed but being the kind of perverse person I am I do enjoy them struggling with it.

    Entertaining to watch them put the blame on some one they have never met and know nothing about but they are sure it will ruin their entire one month holiday.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

  21. Why are so many people not able to be social drinkers? Look at the people who cannot even sit on a plane for 12 hours without alcohol. I am so glad I never started.

    Sent from my GT-S5360 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


    Show me a social drinker who gets upset when he can not have a drink on a few selected days and I will say he is nor a social drinker.

    Denial is a part of the disease. If it bothers them they best do some thing about it. I agree with the poster who says it seems like it is the long term Ex Pats that seem to be having the problem.

    • Like 1
  22. Telling someone to take a tablet is a troll post.

    The UDD represents democracy, one vote-one person, if they use violence-it is to that end. the PAD/PDRC on the other hand-which is what the military is aligning itself with-are fascists, they want to end democracy in this country and have it ruled by an elitist dictatorship, the fascists are trying to create divisions.

    You and your likes and supporters are truly warped in your thinking. The RTA has taken no sides that i have seen. True, they have post and checkpoints at or near PDRC rallies. But isn't that where all of the attacks have been?

    The RTA job is not to protect democracy. Thailand only thinks democracy is about voting anyway so its not real. The RTA is about protecting the thai people. PDRC AND REDS alike. They are about protecting Thailand from people who want it divided like UDD is talking about. Maybe, if the UDD didnt express so much violence and reverance for bloodshed then the RTA would not be speaking so harshly to them. Lastly, the RTA protects the king. Not the man in Dubai who wants this title.

    You Reds keep speaking about the elitists yet the people you are supporting are more elite than any person in Bkk. You claim their riches has given them power yet all of the Shin family and ALL the PTP leaders are much more richer than the average multi-millionare even in Bkk. Thaksin may have been poor before but he married into money. He did not work hard for it. Maybe you should re-evaluate who you are supporting because your idea and ideals on all this are twisted.

    Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Saying to someone he's twisted is a troll post.

    Calling someone a troll is a troll post.wink.png

    Hit a nerve?

  23. Meanwhile sutheps attempts at goading the army into clashes with the UDD continue. He's even broadcast his intent on stage

    At the Lumphini protest stage Monday night, Suthep Thaugsuban also challenged Jatuporn and Kotee to come out in arms to battle anti-government protesters to protect the Yingluck government.

    He said if they really come out with guns, he would not fight back but would lead all protesters back home and stay inside homes.

    He said if the redshirts come out with guns, then they would see to it that soldiers would be ready to use force as they could no longer put up with them any longer for the abuses and rude scolds they hit on their army boss.

    Someone arrest this war mongering dinosaur before he gets his wish, (and you can apply that description to two of the people mentioned here).

    Don't you know how to read? Suthep declared he would not fight back but go home. You call that war mongering? Seems Thai Rouge has adopted the "war is peace" mindset.

    Suthep was just highlighting the red shirt/ptp rhetoric when they announced they had 10 million guns in their typical war-mongering bravado.

    That Suthep's comments would somehow be spun 180 degrees and he is accused of war-mongering is hardly surprising given the source of the red shirt supporting distortion.

    Also, as is repeatedly shown by the red shirters is that quotes are thrown out willy nilly without links to verify what they are claiming.


    If they were smart enough to have a link they would be to smart to be a red shirt.

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