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Posts posted by northernjohn

  1. Nice little goins on here, the police need to ensure that the right people are charged and the courts throw the book at those concerned, regardless of what political faction you support that is your Democratic right and the sooner these so called supporters get that into their thick heads the better Thailand will be, there is no place in society for this type of behaviour , unfortunately this seems to be the signature tune that all sides seem to think will give them a better chance, in the eye's of the international community you are scum, I sincerely hope the victim recovers from this shocking attack.bah.gif

    Yes it is a slippery slope Thailand started on in 2010 allowing perpetrators to go free.

    Now others are saying well it seems to work so we might as well try it.

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  2. β€œHe explained that he wanted the UN to help mediate the conflict to prevent the possibility that the conflict which was marred with violence could descend into a civil war which would give a pretext for the UN to intervene anyway.”

    So Mr. Caretaker Foreign Minister Surapong would you confirm that Yingluck is lying as she said the other day to CNN that no "serious incidents" and no violence had occurred over these 4 months political protests.

    Standard operating procedure for the PTP the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. the clone caddy doesn't know what his clone pro golfer is doing.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gifviolin.gif

  3. He explained that he wanted the UN to help mediate the conflict to prevent the possibility that the conflict which was marred with violence could descend into a civil war which would give a pretext for the UN to intervene anyway.

    How will the UN mediate when the inviter is part of the problem and party to the start of violence? And the inviter's puppetmaster has once said, "The UN is not my father..."...goof.gif

    Chances are the UN does not remember that statement. The only people who pay attention to him are the red shirts. The farmers are no longer listening to him.

    To be honest he has become a joke.

  4. Note to the readers: I am NOT a red or yellow partisan. I just a 10 years neutral observer of the political circus and failed Democracy in Thailand

    I believe the Democrats - if led by Abhisit - have a unique chance to WIN (yes i say win) the coming elections. It would an absolute first time since the Thaksin era. Why do i think so? Both Red and Yellow sides are divided. Suthep and its continuous gesticulations and failed promises is far from attracting all the yellow supporters. Cleverly Abhisit stays on the backstage, probably to prepare a timely return. On the Red side, Thaksin has lost a LOT of ground, probably much more than its predictions. Let's be fair here, Thaksin on his early days did a lot for rural areas (roads, hospitals, electricity etc...). Despite all scandals, the failed and corrupted rice scheme, he still keeps a broad electorate. But, most importantly, I believe that many of the old "Thaksin" supporters would be ready to vote for Abhisit (I say Abhisit, not the Democrats) if he gives some positive signals to the farmers and rural areas. For that, Abhisit would need to take some risks by stepping aside the rut of the traditional feudal society. He has the Education and some experience. I do not mean that the whole (Feudal) system will change tomorrow, but - like never before - the electoral map is ready to move in Thailand. To capture this electorate, Abhisit must not only lend "allegiance" to the traditional Democrats allies, but also to the rural electorate who started to understand that Thaksin and Co is not anymore a solution for the Country. Will Abhisit dare shaking the "System"?

    dream on... his only chance is (as you hint at) is to give up the old elite ammart but that would take a few years not by the next election and he doesn't have the balls to do it

    PTP win with less seats

    Clarify please

    who is this mysterious

    "old elite ammart"

    You are as clueless as the average red shirt.t repeat what some one who is paid to spread propaganda and misinformation told you. Love these conspiracy thinkers allows for all kinds of nonsense.

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  5. I don't follow the international news that much other than scan through the google news and every other day turn on Fox for somne entertainment. So far I have seen nothing about other countries paying any attention to the Thailand situation. the U N has made a few pronouncement's because Thailand went begging to them.

    I remember living in Canada when the 2006 coup came about. The front page showed a picture of a tank on the street with a old lady handing up a rose to the soldier in it. That was about the extent of the foreign concern.

    chiefly the political upheaval that followed in 2009-10

    He neglected to mentioned that he financed and publicly urged the red shirts on.

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  6. It is a shame that because of corruption in Thailand, that a bill that provides for much needed infrastructure, cannot go forward. This bill needs to be re-worked for more accountability of who gets the money, and when, according to a strict contract. Of course, we all realize, that any contracts in the U.S. always increases by 100% minimum, but to postpone the needed improvements will only delay a larger cost down the road. It is a countries obligations to improve their infrastructure, and this always pays big returns. I hope they can honestly find a work around to make this happen.

    Well what you say is true.

    But you left out the part about using the funds in the needed areas. This plan was arbitrarily thrown together with no real study as to where the money could best be used. It was more like where can we spend it to get the most votes.

    I noticed a lot of money going into high speed rail service where there was no need for it and nothing going into rail maintenance which is needed nation wide.

  7. Perhaps Yingluck can save her regret for how she has governed.

    Her main regret is the loss of the amount of money big brother would have gathered in and now is taking a beating on his land purchases.

    Also she is keenly feeling the displeasure of her brother the clone caddy who is now saying she made bad choices.

    He is over looking the fact that she had no choice as to her brother would be.

  8. Obviously because no one was hurt this is a clear indication it was done by a red shirt that was trying to garner sympathy and provide propaganda for the upcoming UDD "war drum" meeting.

    Let us go on a trip down memory lane by rehashing the wise and logical stylings of the UDD forum members;

    Could be anyone. Pretty much the whole of Thailand is against this nutcase. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/709897-sutheps-bangkok-home-attacked-with-m79-grenades/?p=7544843

    Whats with all these attacks misfiring their targets. Either the attackers are seriously incompetent (possible) ... they are just trying to "scare" or "warn" their targets (more possible),.... or they are attempts at gaining sympathy (most likely). http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/709897-sutheps-bangkok-home-attacked-with-m79-grenades/?p=7545138

    Maybe he did and was trying to do an isurance job on it ?? wink.png.pagespeed.ce.HJgPQ3U3SA.pnghttp://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/709897-sutheps-bangkok-home-attacked-with-m79-grenades/p=7545184

    Just a hysterical vocal minority. who in their right mind would support this mad man. truth is, most people are indifferent or hate Dechathorn Thirapiraya. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/709897-sutheps-bangkok-home-attacked-with-m79-grenades/?p=7545423

    And I will leave it with the following.


    Another one.

    Explosives thrown at Politically affiliated red shirts, in this case calling themselves the UDD.

    And again, no-one injured.

    I abhor and condemn these things when there are injuries or worse.

    But also recognize the phoney attempt to both create havoc, and by virtue of who this is directed at, endeavour to create accusations against the all principle of democracy forces.

    Cheapy attempts at mayhem with no consequence, yet seeking to point the finger. The repetition and intent must be obvious to all.

    Yes it is Fryslan Boppe. Yes it certainly is.

    What an idiotic post. Most of us are against any bombings, including the one at Sutheps place. You are right... It could be anyone, but"they did to to themselves" is overplayed at every possible opportunity. There are plenty of people that like violence for the sake of violence, and are completely unconcerned about red, yellow, black or blue

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    True and the red shirt modus operando is very inviting to them.

  9. We never celebrated St Patricks day because we`re not Irish.

    My father did once say that his father was Irish and in fact I have an Irish sounding surname, but we never mentioned this to anyone else as it may have brought great shame and embarrassment to our family.

    You do live a strange life. No wonder you are so negative.

  10. I agree 100%! I think she should be banned or 5 years or more if possible for the rice scheme. She clearly was derelict in doing her job. Clearly she knew it was a financial fiasco, but she continued it. If that isn't malfeasance, then I don't know what is.

    What I disagree with is jailing her, because there were rumors of corruption and she didn't act on the rumors. There are no charges directly against her for corruption, only that she could have heard rumors and didn't Act on what she heard. Due to this, they are making it out to where she is as guilty as those who stole the money. I disagree with this.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    She is charged with negligence. The charges of corruption will come later when evidence of her profiting from this policy is presented.

    The sooner the better.

  11. I wonder if BB is going to man up and come to his little sister's aid. The rice scam was his baby and now she's left holding it, with nothing but;her 'incompetent aides' to help her but no mention of the incompetent ministers he appointed though.

    But going by his recent comments about her weak leadership and with Chalerm barely disguising his desire for her job she appears to be up poo creek.

    Is he criticizing her caddy?

    I think he should also criticize her clone.

  12. Many aspects in this 2.2 trillion baht loan are flawed. But the most upsetting part was that the PT government wanted to spend that money without any transparency, without ever disclose how and for what they will spend it and never be held accountable.

    In a functioning democracy it is the parliament's duty and right to control how the government is spending the people's money. PT and Yingluck have tried to get rid of these checks and balances and pretty much make the legislative of this country powerless. And they claim to defend democracy without getting a red face!

    Another aspect of this flawed project was the high-speed train itself. Not only the connections planned (coincidentally most of it in Isaan and North, little to nothing in the South) but also the claim that this high-speed train will help solve Thailand's transportation problems. The high-speed train, however, was not designed to carry freight and thus not a single truck will disappear from Thailand's roads. Big centers, like Phuket, are not connected... etc.

    That plus they offered no studies on the need for the proposed projects.

    Just we will spend a lot of money in red shirt country for most of it.

  13. If I was a Multi Millionaire or a Billionaire, I don't think I'd go into politics.

    Must take a certain breed of person I guess, take ThaiVisa for example, you all have an awful lot to say about the politics in Thailand, but have you ever stood for office in your home countries, have you ever tried to sort out the mess your own country is in, or is it only Thailand that you could sort out in 3 minutes with a 2 minute tea break in between ?

    To hear most of these PTP red shirt backers you would think that people with that kind of money would be up to there neck in politics. Of course you couldn't see them so you can not know there name but these nitwits believe that they are the ones running the country.

    I agree with you they have to many other things to do than play marbles with the government. Makes no difference to them. They are going to continue making money and in the process supplying jobs and paying tax money.

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  14. Then your ignorant, very ignorant, the n/s divide has nothing to do with the shinawatra's, take a look at the history and how this country came together as one, then the insurgency duing the indo-china wars.. this conflict is about the traditional elites in bangkok and their followers angry that they had lost power due to democracy.

    I honestly believe if all Shins and their cronies all disappeared from Thailand the country could actually be repaired. As long as they are here this hatred will continue forever.

    I think this is correct, the Shins just took the genie out of the bottle, and if they were to disappear people in the N and NE would still feel the same about the Bkk elite that ignored and sidelined them for so long.

    I doubt it. They have short memories and with out the red rabble constantly reminding them that the Shinawatra's are their savior they would soon forget and continue to send their children to Bangkok to make money and support them. They never will learn to go to their own people and say why can we not support a manufacturing plant in are back yard? To easy for those simple minded people to continue to blame others while they ignore what the Shinawatra's are doing to them.

  15. An Irish Breakfast and a few pints of Guinness, or Bailey with Ice, in an Irish pub smile.png To be honest its just a day to party IMO. But paddies day is one of the days I would go for an occasional drink. Not a big drinker though... Thai's haven't a clue what's its about, Lmao forget about it...

    "Thai's haven't a clue what's its about, "

    I doubt most people know what it's about. Judging from the comments in this thread the common belief appears to be "it's about" getting drunk.

    Back in December someone start a post about Christmas in Thailand and it was clear he had no idea what Christmas is (supposed to be) about. He seemed to think it had something to do with giving children toys for some reason unclear to him.

    St. Valentine, All Saints, All Souls. Pretty sure the Thai Visa consensus would be that they, like any other day, present an excuse to drink and/or expect someone to give them something for free.

    Saint Patrick's Day or the Feast of Saint Patrick is a cultural and religious holiday celebrated annually on 17 March, the death date of the most commonly-recognised patron saint of Ireland, Saint Patrick.

    True, but ask anyone at the Saint Patrick Parade in New York and see how many of they thinks about the religious aspect? The same for Ireland.

    I actually thought that years ago the Catholic church had came out with a list of fictitious saints and Saint Patrick along with Saint Christopher were on it.

    Been a long time and my mind works differently now. You will notice the only thing I have mentioned was food.

  16. Unbelievable.

    2.2 trillion baht with out one single study to show the value or need for it.

    Along comes a clown who says it is against the constitution for the constitutional court to rule against it. Just the fact that they the PTP might not be here in a month to pay for it much less the 50 years that they propose to indebt their grandchildren for is enough to put a stop to it.

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  17. I look forward to the 'Skin Thaksin' expo... they might need a larger venue for that one however

    don't forget his dear sister ! perhaps need couple of episodes . . .

    do I need to wait another 10 years ?

    If Suthep was able to actually prove corruption charges against Yingluck, we would be seeing his circus.

    I mean, really. During their last march to power, they were able to remove Samak Sundaravej from his position, based on a paycheck from his TV show. As corrupt as Yingluck is, Suthep can't prove anything more sinister?!

    He doesn't have to. It is up to the courts. All he has done is I can't say exposed every one except you and the red shirts to it the rest of us knew it. But he has made sure that the people do not forget. In a way he has forced the courts to do their job. Are you afraid of that?

  18. We know he is corrupt but he is not out to kill anyone and he wants to keep the country in one piece. So he would be an improvement on what we have now.

    Ran out of likes again.

    So here it is I like it.

    Also enjoyed this little piece of the article.

    "However, Ms. Thida quickly stressed that the term refers to "political fights" in accordance with democratic principles, not a military struggle."

    Why did she feel the need to say that? Is she trying to distance herself from her co leaders and lieutenants?

    "The UDD merely has political aspirations," Ms. Thida said."

    If they only have political aspirations why did they not run some candidates in the last election? Why are they talking of raising an army of 600,000. Sounds more to me like she is looking for a Joseph Stalin type government.

    Just more proof that Jatuporn is not the only clown in the red shirt leadership.

  19. Do whatever you want dear red shirts. As long as it doesn't involve grenades, gasoline and matches. rolleyes.gif

    OK now you are getting ridicules how do you expect them to operate.

    Apparently they agree with every thing he is proposing to do now so they are going to just attack him personally.

    Don't know what their problem is he is in Thailand in plain sight not hiding out in Dubai like their paymaster.

    Maybe they could have a sand hill in the corner showing Thaksin peeking out from behind it.wai.gif

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