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Posts posted by northernjohn

  1. They are known by the public. but the Government has shown no interest in stopping them.

    "As for peace talks with the Barisan Revolusi Nasional, Sakon said they were dependent on the government. The change in the National Security Council chief would not affect the peace dialogue, he believed."

    Peace talk with rebel groups who are no longer operating.

    The Government needs to do it's job and make the people feel like they care for them. But the government concentrates all it's energy on area's where they are sure the people will vote for them. I believe Chalerm was the man in charge and Yingluck replaced him with herself. Where is she?

    The matter is being handled by the army. It is not the Army's mandate to show that the government cares for them. It is there job to protect them in any way they can. Sneak terrorist attacks are not that easy defended. Let them know who the offenders are and things will change but to ignore them is only to make the matter worse.

    My condolences to the family of the women killed and burned. This just go's to show how low of life scum the Government is ignoring.

    Johnny baby, you are SO naive....

    Always nice to hear from their supporters. Just cheap attempt at insults no real knowledge. You do have a couple of other supporters here on your view of what is happening. Disgusting but you are allowed to be as wrong as you wish.

    Not surprising given the coverage the Nation gives them.

    Read the Bangkok post. The southern terrorists make the red shirt murders look like babe's in the woods.

  2. What is needed IMHO is justice to ensure freedom of choice regarding religion particularly within any religion, enshrined in law to put a stop to coercion, brain-washing, penalties for descent, "the misuse/abuse of religion act 2014" - fines initially, deportation upon summary conviction - let's do it; it could become acceptable in all civilised countries like the anti-smoking or anti-paedophilia laws.

    It would stop religion being used as a control tool in civilised countries and force religious,control-freak leaders to go somewhere else or get a proper job - You know it makes sense!

    There's me going for Utopia.

    If I might suggest it Antarctica has a low population.

    They of course would have to import their bomb making material.

  3. About the only thing Thaksin did right, was to go after these pigs back in the day. The governments since him have done absolutely NOTHING.

    You do realise that you will now be slaughtered by all the bleeding-heart liberals, the Thaksin-haters and the Dem-lovers, don't you? Of course, what you said was quite right, appeasing these scum only encourages them to further gruesome savage acts.

    Just dripping with the milk of human kindness aren't you.

    Did it ever occur to you that it was not that big as problem until Thaksin went on his murder spree.

    He took a small camp fire and made it into a raging forest fire.

    • Like 1
  4. The report says the ruling party were ' nailed '.

    Oh really, and just what will happen to the offending MP ?

    Can i open by suggesting NOTHING ?

    Back to the topic at hand...^

    House Speaker Somsak Kiatsuranont on Thursday said a hearing would be convened to look into the scandal in which a number of coalition MPs allegedly asked their colleagues to cast electronic votes on their behalf when they were not in the chamber during the voting session.

    To cast a vote, MPs have to insert an official identification card into a balloting slot. The scandal broke after certain senators and MPs pointed out that some Pheu Thai MPs were not present but had been able to vote by surrendering their IDs.

    Somsak said he doubted if the scandal would void the vote on the charter amendment bill, arguing the majority support for the bill should outpace a few invalid ballots.

    He said the opposition had the right to petition the Constitution Court for a judicial review on the issue but he did not think the court battle would alter the passage of the bill.

    The second reading of the bill is taking place over eight days, he said, revealing that the debate will adjourn for the weekend and resume on Monday.

    Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said all sides should check the facts before drawing a conclusion on the scandal.

    If MPs unwittingly made a mistake, they should be cautioned, Yingluck said, adding that in the case of a clear violation of House rules, the Pheu Thai Party will punish them.

    Pheu Thai MP Samart Kaewmechai said penalties for violating House rules ranged from a caution to denying the nomination for re-election.

    Pheu Thai MP Jirayu Huangsub said he was willing to submit his resignation if the allegations were true.

    He said that the voting scandal was a fabricated story because the Pheu Thai MPs involved had surrendered their IDs.


    That was end of April 2012. I don't recall any drastic measures taken, though.

    Not too clear why the PM asserted that in case of clear violation on house rules the offender is to be punished by his own party, but have to admit I don't know the rules and penalties on this one.

    Can't say as I recall any thing then either. I am fairly sure that no one was censured for it if indeed it was done. Knowing the actions of the PTP it is easy to believe it happened and nothing was done about it.

    I liked what Yingluck said

    Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said all sides should check the facts before drawing a conclusion on the scandal.

    If MPs unwittingly made a mistake, they should be cautioned, Yingluck said, adding that in the case of a clear violation of House rules, the Pheu Thai Party will punish them.

    If not attending a parliament voting session and handing your card to another member is "unwittingly" that would explain a lot of what they have done.

    Unwittingly didn't know it was wrong to empty the countries treasury to the point where it could not pay it's bills as a result people selling their equipment borrowing money to eat at ridicules interest rates and in some cases committing suicide. All because the Government promised them 120 billion baht that they could not pay.

    It was of course an unwitting mistake. Or how about go buy a new car and further clog up the traffic and we will give you your tax money back. NOT But on the plus side they did manage to raise the minimum income along with the cost of living and household debt load.

    It is OK though the PTP members showed a large gain in their holdings with out having to go into debt.

  5. Actually in all reality, plan it mid December. They now start the burnings in early December. Waiting till March, your kids will already be damaged for life. Leave CM from the beginning of January & return either a day before Songkran or the week after.

    ...I don't know where you are living..(take your head out of your ass and look around)..... In my locale of CM the weather is beautiful,air is fine,right up to Mar.01..... This year the winter was colder and longer than usual (glorious as it was) but with that and the 10's of thousand of 'keep warm' spot-fires burning there may have been early contribution to the smog-index.

    As far as leaving CM, I take it a step further and blow the popsicle-stand from May-Oct and breath the freshest of fresh air on Vancouver Island. I don't worry about my kids,chump....CM is hardly one of the worst and polluted places in the world to live.

    With all that rain it has to be fresh air. You better hope it doesn't turn into acid rain.

    Well with that being said James Bay is OK.smile.png

  6. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Perhaps they thought they were in New Zealand? (Allowed with rules)

    Or pre-1995 US Congress?

    Or maybe the Council of Ministers of the EU? (Though that is more weighted voting)

    Anyway - it's against the law here, and the MP's involved should have been reminded of this by the party and the rules enforced stringently.

    A sad state of affairs when a minister has to be reminded that he has to cast his own vote. Speaks well to the intelligence of the ministers involved and willing to do it or just sit by and watch it. It is not a nice thing to say but some times I wonder if they are not allowed into the PTP unless they rank lower than average in intelligence.

    Is there a penalty for doing it. Or is it one of those if you are a PTP it is OK if not you will be crucified and people will be pointing there finger at you 20 years later.

    When the PTP and their coalition parties have 300 seats (out of 500 seats) in parliament and they can't be bothered to muster the votes without committing voting fraud it is a true reflection of their contempt in the only principle of democracy they purport to respect and just plain lazy or stupid. No wonder this is the only principle of democracy they adhere too. They can manipulate it!!!

    Repspect my vote??? In the words of a pattaya ladyboy "Respect my ass"!!!!

    Hello everyone where is or are all those red democracy supporters defending THIS as the TRUE democracy. If you think voting for others is democracy - oh my god I want to stop the world and get off!

    Democracy my rear end! (I have to be careful as I got banned for speaking the truth and calling someone an idiot...)

    You won't find too many "red democracy supporters" on this topic, they are like hyenas looking for easy pickings. Fabio and friends are probably trolling other topics where it is easier to attack Suthep, Abhisit, yellow shirts, hi-sos, elites etc.

    Any thing accept defend the illegal actions of a good looking women. Makes one wonder some time which head they are thinking with. I mean when your defense is in 1998 so and so did this well you can see there is no gray matter involved in those kind of defenses.

    It has been said the best defense is a good offence. Maybe they should try that for a change. Again this would involve a head with gray matter in it.

    If I was to change sides here the first thing I would do is tell you of all the accomplishments they have made. Of course when the Prime Minister breaks out crying and says we just want to help it kind of washes away those accomplishments. Well they did manage to keep Bangkok from completely flooding by flooding other provinces and they managed to get curtsey of Thaksin on Government relief goodies for the flood victims.

    Just some thing in the back of my head saying that was not right. The people they saved in Bangkok choose to live in a flood area. The people who they flooded out did not choose to live in a flood area. That was Yingluck's idea. O excuse me I forgot that was when she was saying she was clueless give her 6 months. I guess that makes it all right. NOT

    • Like 1
  7. The lack of punishment, yet again, is a prime example of why Suthep is on the streets, why democracy is doomed in Thailand , why corruption rules the roost and why in so many ways the country is a box of frogs

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Do you honestly believe that if Suthep was locked up all the corruption and graft carried out by the PTP would suddenly disappear ? It's a lovely thought but keep dreaming.

    And for once can you guys defend the despicable actions of the government without mentioning Suthep, Abhisit or the "elites" ???

    I would like to hear them defend Chalerm for not cutting his head off.

    The best idea he has had since being in office and he couldn't even follow up on it.

    They are like watching an are gang comedy. Their defense is well 20 years ago Suthep did this.

    Even dumber is when he was in office why didn't he clean up the corruption. They over look the fact he was not the Prime Minister and the government was a minority one so the Democrats did not have a free hand. The PTP did why did they not clean it up rather than increase it. Simple Answer Thaksin did not tell them to. He just showed them how to get more money into the trough.

    Besides it is illegal to cut the heads off of corrupt politicians. that would stop them. Any other way and they just find a way to weasel themselves back into the trough. Check their actions in 2010 and you will see how they got back into the trough.

  8. The lack of punishment, yet again, is a prime example of why Suthep is on the streets, why democracy is doomed in Thailand , why corruption rules the roost and why in so many ways the country is a box of frogs

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    But thailand has all the things you mentioned.

    Democracy = votes only

    Corruption= money and laying blame on others so as not to lose face and if caught red handed means running without being chased.

    Lack of punishment= Thailand has punishment everywhere. Pay money or threaten people if you cant buy them. This is taught in their basic education system.

    But don't just blame Sutheps freedom on these things. It is the reason all the Dems and PTP are walking the streets either here or in Dubai.

    Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    One of the most disheartening things you mentioned is that there are a lot of Farongs who agree with Democracy meaning being able to vote.

    To them every thing else is OK. Sell your vote that is your democratic rite lie to your constituents that is democracy in action for them. rob the country blind that is also OK with them it is Democracy in action.sad.png

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  9. About the only thing Thaksin did right, was to go after these pigs back in the day. The governments since him have done absolutely NOTHING.

    About the only thing Thaksin did right, was to go after these pigs back in the day. The governments since him have done absolutely NOTHING.

    One of the most ignorant statements I have yet to see ion T V.

    For the most part since the day of ignorant slaughter the government has done nothing.

    Since the Thaksin Okayed slaughter he has been calling the shots most of the time. Nothing has been done. The Democrats made an attempt they did not completely ignore them.

    • Like 2
  10. Why don't they just go in there and clean out these animals!.....all the army and security people seem to do is pick up spent cartridge cases and take pictures....

    I just find it hard to believe, and understand, that many of the perpetrators of these crimes in the south, are not known....

    They are known by the public. but the Government has shown no interest in stopping them.

    "As for peace talks with the Barisan Revolusi Nasional, Sakon said they were dependent on the government. The change in the National Security Council chief would not affect the peace dialogue, he believed."

    Peace talk with rebel groups who are no longer operating.

    The Government needs to do it's job and make the people feel like they care for them. But the government concentrates all it's energy on area's where they are sure the people will vote for them. I believe Chalerm was the man in charge and Yingluck replaced him with herself. Where is she?

    The matter is being handled by the army. It is not the Army's mandate to show that the government cares for them. It is there job to protect them in any way they can. Sneak terrorist attacks are not that easy defended. Let them know who the offenders are and things will change but to ignore them is only to make the matter worse.

    My condolences to the family of the women killed and burned. This just go's to show how low of life scum the Government is ignoring.

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  11. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    The PROBLEM is that she is carrying the sins of her brother, and the other BIG PROBLEM is that she is being forced to live and work with many absolutely corrupt and lying government officials, and the other BIGGER PROBLEM is that during the first few months of her term she was preoccupied with other things rather than being available in parliament, and the other EVEN BIGGER PROBLEM is that she intrusted many of her duties to the corrupt members of her team, and believed all their lies, and now she is carrying the brunt of everything, and what she and other people may not realise, is that she is perhaps going to be used as the sacrificial lamb to insure the continuation of the rape of the Kingdom.
    What is actually needed is a complete re-vamp of her members to insure that the corrupt, lying, members that also come to work intoxicated, or just sit and play Facebook, watch pornographic movies, or sometimes dont even bother to come to work when an important sessions are in progress, and replace them with solid, publically elected members that carry the interest of the Kingdom at heart.

    I actually have wondered how she would do if she was on her own. With all her prepared-canned answers and her lack of command of the English language it is difficult to say IMO. Being a long time guest here I do not care who the government is but would like to see a bipartisan one in power that would take care of the Thai people and this wonderful country. For the first six months when TS first came to power I really had a good feeling about the government. After about one year he became scary.

    Most heads of states have canned answers to stupid questions. Yingluck has caned misinformation for most answers.

    Even her brother is calling her aides inadequate.

    I would expect a far better English from some one who got a degree in a collage that only uses the English language. Her education is suspect.

    I wish you smart asses would resist being so rude an insulting. The PM had a strong mandate she does not deserve to be criticized by apparent retards that are unable to write a critique that is intelligent and informing.

    No body is denying that she has a strong mandate. That is the problem. She has a mandate to do what is imposable for her to do.

    You people who keep over looking that little fact are just encouraging her in her folly. It is embarrassing to her but passably fatal to the country. In fact over 20 dead all ready.

    Take your pick embarrass her or see people killed I choose to embarrass her. If I thought intelligent conversation would do it that is what I would choose. Unfortunately with her that is a impossibility.

    Tears and all we want is to do good things for the country doesn't cut it with me.

  12. Ah, so the EC can speed up certain things if they want to.

    You've got a point but maybe they thought this was urgent under the circumstances.

    I'm not sure I think dissolving the party is necessarily a good idea though.

    Why do you think that "maybe they thought this was urgent under the circumstances."

    Come on commit yourself for once and jump, otherwise you'll fall off that fence you're straddling.

    I think he is looking for facts not just believing any old thing the PTP led red shirts say.

    I salute him for that.

  13. And while the EC dicks around with their 'probes' and 'investigations', a country of 67 million people has now been without a full time government for three months thanks to their inability to run an election, which after all is the primary purpose of an election commission.

    Would you call it dicking around with their probes and investigations if those involved were Democrats. If they've done nothing wrong then there's no problem but if they have then it needs dicking around with.

    Correct but you are forgetting that you are talking to people who are not used to honesty and when they see corruption being challenged they fight back.

  14. And while the EC dicks around with their 'probes' and 'investigations', a country of 67 million people has now been without a full time government for three months thanks to their inability to run an election, which after all is the primary purpose of an election commission.

    What is an election going to solve. Elections are not meant to cause wider splits in the population. They are meant to put people into power who are capable of running a country.

    Unfortunately there are a lot of bone heads who think an election will solve every thing. Look at the direct result of the last one and tell me another one with out reform will fix it.wai.gif

    I am watching an Intelligence (squared) debate on the BBC and have just realised why things are not right in Thailand. What they are pointing out to me is that Western democracy doesn't work in some developing nations and is not always a suitable means as a choice for choosing the government. This is clearly the situation here, what we need is a different form of government (unelected perhaps) to alter the election process accordingly until it is right for the country.

    I realise that this process will automatically bring in a Democrat style government as that will by far be the best choice to steer us out of the mess that PTP have left us in. This is a common sense thing to do as I don't think that 'so called' democracy has prevailed over the last 2 years, has it!!! It has been an unmitigated disaster (I'm being kind here) and a failed government should relinquish power to a more able party that can bring back normality to benefit the nation.

    Democracy should take a back seat in Thailand until they fix the problems.

    As I have said before like him or not that is what Suthep is offering. He is also claimiong that it will lead to an election which would be a fair one for Thailand.

    Not sure how that would include the south as they seem to have been forgotten by the present Government. At any rate they would take special attention. An honest government would be the end of the red shirts or what ever they are trying to morph themselves into with there drive to sign up 200,000 people and talk of an army of 600,000 separate from Thailand and under their control forget the alphabet they are using for that one.

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  15. And while the EC dicks around with their 'probes' and 'investigations', a country of 67 million people has now been without a full time government for three months thanks to their inability to run an election, which after all is the primary purpose of an election commission.

    What is an election going to solve. Elections are not meant to cause wider splits in the population. They are meant to put people into power who are capable of running a country.

    Unfortunately there are a lot of bone heads who think an election will solve every thing. Look at the direct result of the last one and tell me another one with out reform will fix it.


    What on earth gave you the notion that competence is a prerequisite for getting elected?


    What a strange idea!

    Went right over your head didn't it.

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  16. <Sigh> Another non-related thread hijacked by the same old dog haters...

    If you have problems with small social animals one-fifth your size, then you probably need to take a closer look at your own life.

    i have dogs, i love dogs, its the anti-social aggressive ones that i have a problem with.

    I think he needs to get out more. There are anti-social aggressive ones out there and they do not have a sign around their neck advertising that fact. Nor do the ones who are social.

    My son was bitten by one who snuck up behind him. Fortunately it was not sick with Rabies. When I was a boy I had several paper routes and yes there are aggressive dogs out there. I am not a dog lover but I don't think a heck of a lot of people who let there's run loose.

  17. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I have lived in Galaethong for four years and i have never not been able to sleep due to external or internal noise. If I stand on my balcony some evenings i can hear singing not from Karaoke bars but private parties. Once inside no noise.

    No offence meant but I have night noise here where I live it is of no concern to me because I have bad hearing and it is not as noticeable a karaoke bar 50 meters away I could hear with out my hearing aids. As for Dogs there are lots of them in Chiang Mai but there have been specific mention of one biting people. I myself have no problem with them. As I do not wander the back roads that much I walk a lot and have only had problems with one whom backed down when I faced him and he couldn't get behind my back.

  18. If some western countries followed election laws, some people would not be in office. I am talking about the corrupt USA government. A senator is under investigation for corruption, but the DOJ tells the FBI, not to get involved in the investigation. Have to assure that the party members are reelected.

    Are you lost this is Thailand nothing to do with the States or one isolated incident that you like.

    Here in Thailand we need reform before an election.

    It is the only chance of bringing the nation together. It may not be democratic to some and that does not matter. The end result would be a Democratic government with more concern for their citizens. It is indeed a sad state of affairs when one man brings the country to that point with his abuse of power and free check book to those who have no morals.

    If you want to talk about Democracy and the states look in a history book it was an armed rebellion which brought them Democracy.

    Oddly enough many of those who say Suthep's way would not be Democratic are already saying the country has no Democracy. Many countries attained Democracy through non Democratic means.

    When all is said and done it is the welfare of the people that should be the most important thing.wai.gif


    No I am not advocating the use of violence or the guillotine. Suthep has a masterful plan listen to the plan not what the guy on the bar stool next to you tells you.

  19. I don't know about foul play Bubblegum, yingluck could be in some trouble, if proven, but to worry about Yaowapa is just stupid, plenty of nations provide vehicles to bring voters into vote , this is handy for pensioners and others that are unable to use a vehicle , nit picking to the extreme, there should be a political black out on all media 48 hrs before voting, this stops the Bulls!!t from getting too thick and to give everyone's eyes and ears a rest.

    I agree this is getting down to nit picking.

    A waste of money as Yaowapa is not running for reelection.

    Defiantly wrong to use an entirely government owned TV for electioneering. The other partiers should have been given equal time. For the same price the PTP paid. Free.

    don't see the problem with coming up with a decision on that one.

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  20. Of far greater import is the need to amend the current laws relating to defamation. Until a person is able to cite an incident of corruption without fearing the threat of a defamation suit being lodged by the corrupt person, nothing can change.

    Imagine a "people's council" member obtaining information about the elected local governor's corruption..... as the law currently stands, making such information public would invite a defamation claim by the governor, which would succeed irrespective of the truth or otherwise of the information.

    Until there is a cultural and social climate in Thailand for The Truth to prevail, rather than emphasis on the protection of corrupt individuals, any steps to reduce corruption are futile.

    Right on the mark

    Also I disagree with the

    "In his speech, Charas listed the aspects of the new system, which would include a provincial "people's council" that would scrutinise the work of the elected governor and would have the authority to impeach the governor should problems arise."

    I feel that would take away from the Governor's power as there will be hard decisions to make and not always pleasing to every one. There should be a system for impeachment but not a set group who maintain the power to get rid of a governor just because they don't like one decision.

    On the other hand I would not be adverse to a committee that would follow all the decisions through to see if they are being fairly carried out or just benefiting friends of the Governor or corruption practices were being used. Then call for an open session where the Governor would be allowed to defend himself and all could see what was happening.

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