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Posts posted by northernjohn

  1. The UDD represents democracy, one vote-one person, if they use violence-it is to that end. the PAD/PDRC on the other hand-which is what the military is aligning itself with-are fascists, they want to end democracy in this country and have it ruled by an elitist dictatorship, the fascists are trying to create divisions.

    You certainly do like using the word FACIST don't you?

    Can't remember but didn't Hitler have voting one man one vote.wai.gif

    Seems to me that Jatuporn is using him as a guiding light.

  2. Meanwhile sutheps attempts at goading the army into clashes with the UDD continue. He's even broadcast his intent on stage

    At the Lumphini protest stage Monday night, Suthep Thaugsuban also challenged Jatuporn and Kotee to come out in arms to battle anti-government protesters to protect the Yingluck government.

    He said if they really come out with guns, he would not fight back but would lead all protesters back home and stay inside homes.

    He said if the redshirts come out with guns, then they would see to it that soldiers would be ready to use force as they could no longer put up with them any longer for the abuses and rude scolds they hit on their army boss.

    Someone arrest this war mongering dinosaur before he gets his wish, (and you can apply that description to two of the people mentioned here).


    Have you any thing intelligent to say.wai.gif

  3. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    You are rite. How ever as long as you have a Government that is ruled by one man only you have what is known as a dictatorship and it is good the Army is not under his thumb. Bad enough the police are.

    "One moron to rule them all"...this statement is good for any color

    So many different colors here. Many of them are multicolored such as the anti government protestors. They have no candidate for the job. On the other hand even though they are not in the race the Democrats have the best over all ability to rule the country and they do not have a leader with the power to ignore the public and quash any one he disagrees with or sick a gang of red shirted thugs on to them.

    Here in Thailand strange as it is to say we only have one party with a leader who has that kind of power and he is a fleeing convicted criminal which doesn't say much about the quality of people who support him.

    It is actions such as his that prompt people to say Thais only care about money.

    Most of those are Thai bashers and unable to see what the regular Thai citizens are like. Or lock them selves up in surroundings which do not include Thais just Ex Pats.

    "Democrats have the best over all ability to rule the country"

    Based on what?

    As far as I'm aware these guys have been in the game the longest and therefore bare most the the responsibility for the complete mess the political system is in.

    They actually built the system.

    The lack of transparency, the corruption, the politicisation of the courts etc etc....

    To repeat, the clowns in this party built the system that Thaksin then inherited.

    Thaksin may have nicked a dollar or two - but he did so only by copying the example set by the old boys of the Democrat party.

    Whatever remaining credibility they had Suthep has well and truly pissed away down the drain.

    I say, thank god they're finished and will never be in a position to run the country again.

    Democrats have the best over all ability to rule the country"

    Based on what?


    Have you any more silly questions?

  4. Liver or blood glucose. Decisions, decisions.

    Those are not the choices, I'm diabetic and there's plenty of ways to lower blood glucose levels without damaging the liver, alpha lipoic acid is one, diet and exercise is another.

    I think it affects different people in different ways. Every three months I get my blood tested for all the normal things. My liver and kidneys are perfect. The only thing that comes back high is my uric acid level. Before I started making a habit of the cinnamon I checked it on the internet and found only one negative about it. That particular study said you could take to much of it.

    I don't think mine is from Thailand. It seems to have a lot of Chinese or Japanese on it. But it does say packaged in Thailand. I took that to mean that it came from some where else and it makes sense to ship it in bulk.

    So as far as it goes for me it is great. But that does not mean every one will get the same results and as one other poster mentioned you can overdo it.

    I am going to have to Google coumarin. and check on it not sure if there is any in the stuff I get. It seems to have (Nguan Soon) on it in a logo type thing and it only shows in English cinnamon as the only ingredient. I goggled it not that bad a warning it is in fact used in certain medicines. Not some thing you would want to take with out a doctor. It is banned in many places for use in food.

  5. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Working, living and retiring out of Saudi Arabia where alcohol is strictly haram (forbidden) we had some locals open only to the infidels that would have made Al Capone jealous and the bars on Loi Khro look like a nursery school.drunk.gif.pagespeed.ce.hfErN2aQEE.gif alt=drunk.gif width=58 height=30>

    drunk.gif Not hard to make the bars on Loi Kroh look like a nursery schoolthumbsup.gif did you have to know some one. I remember an archeology instructor I had talking about drinking being a secretive thing there. Of course this was 25 years ago. No telling how long it had been between the time she was working there and telling the story.

    Well its just fkin ridiculous to do that to tourists when it has nothing to do with them what they should do is allow foreigners to drink and enjoy themselves and apply it to thais only.

    Pretty easy for the cops to do what they do and target thais drinking

    Well its just fkin ridiculous to do that to tourists when it has nothing to do with them what they should do is allow foreigners to drink and enjoy themselves and apply it to thais only.

    If you're a tourist resident in a hotel you should have no trouble being served booze in the hotel.

    This will probably be regarded with shock and disbelief, but: 1. Thais can be tourists, 2. not all foreigners need alcohol to "enjoy" themselves, 3. some people have been known to buy booze ahead of these brief dry periods and not been at all inconvenienced.

    Coping with this "problem" seems to overwhelm some farang ... come to think of it, attempts at coping with life more generally seem to defeat quite a few of the Thai Visa stalwarts.


    Well except for the tourist only I agree with you on every thing else.clap2.gif

  6. There was an article some time back from a UN mediator whose suggestions seem to have been lifted from a game theory textbook.

    10 people is way too optimistic and will just be chaos. Each side picks one person to be their representative. Their job is not to negotiate but to form a 'negotiation committee' that is acceptable to both sides. The easiest way is that each side nominates a person to represent their opposite side. I'd say 3 from each side for a total of 6 people. Any statement made must be acceptable to a majority of the six.

    Anyway, all far too sensible as the two parties are still playing a different game. Tit-for-tat is a perfectly good strategy but it can lead to escalation until talks are the only way of avoiding further bloodshed.

    A very tortured intellectual exercise, trying to get around a representational Parliament.

    Only a Parliament comprised of representatives of the population, has the validity to do what this 'gang of six agencies' suggests.

    To suggest that a few select people sideline all of Thailand's voters, and make decisions regarding issues of governance for all those voters is preposterous.

    They are true to form however. They have done everything in their power to enable the Opposition minority to avoid Parliament. Positioning themselves as proxies for conducting Parliamentary opposition to the Govt.

    So true to their 'illusions of grandeur', they now embark on this nonsense, attempting to ride roughshod over electoral and Parliamentary Democratic practices.

    But for anti-democrats, this is not nonsense. They see this as perfectly reasonable.

    Good to see people are still willing to haggle over technical points in the law and in the mean time say f____ the public that is not what Government is about it is about power and money people don't count.

    You are true humanitarians. NOT

    If a law stands in the way of the prosperity and over all well being of the public it should be removed. but in the mean time some are willing to keep on sh__ing on the people because the law allows it.

    To top it all of the first thing the government said was it was unacceptable to them. It would appear that disrobing Thaksin is not on the table from the PTP side and him not being disrobed is not on the side of the people.

  7. If the farangs are investing 100% of the money and taking all the financial risks why can't they run the company. Having to take all the risks and handing over the majority of the profits to Thais is simply wrong. Why would you invest and set up a business employing thais when you will never own it.

    Good point why do they?

    Are they wanted criminals in their own country?

    They knew the law when they set up the scam a little late to whine about it now.wai.gif

    • Like 1
  8. What ever games they play sooner or later it has to go to a general election which the reds will win hands down so why not get on with it now.Clear the streets ensure people can get to polling booths and let them all vote. Its the only way forward like it or not.

    I am sure the multi millionaires is not to stressed out, nor Suthep living on his millions made form corrupt land deals in Phuket.

    No matter who gets the most votes the corrupt ba***rd always wins.

    Maybe, just maybe Thaskin is a bit smarter than you

    and he knows this time with all the rice problems this is a good chance they may not win

    so he is not prepared to take the risk

    I totally agree with you. the red shirts are the only ones she has not alienated.

    I had to laugh at this part of her talk.

    Asked whether the army could be the right agency to mediate the political impasse, Ms Yingluck said she would not rule it out and has never set any precondition in resolving the country's problems.

    No she hasn't set any precautions in ruling out any kind of peace attempt. Except for the one. She refuses to step down. Except her as your lord and master and she will talk to you.

    The country doesn't count just making sure that Thaksin get's his way is her only concern.

  9. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Hes the new Sae Deang and will be (rightly or wrongly) subjected to the same fate should he ever make good on his threats...

    Just wondering if he will be given the time to attempt it. He is not exactly associationg with people who have both oars in the water. Some of them might have a different oar in the water.

    Plenty of idiots in the red shirt movement who feel frustrated their poster girl is looking at a possible suspension for negligence. They're incapable of admitting she might well be guilty.Ask the farmers still waiting for their money.
    Don't forget the policeman from Chonburi on stage who celebrated nthe death of the children in Trat to cheers from some red shirts, and then left in anger when Thida tried to tone it down.
    Prayuth is right to come down hard on thugs like these ,
    The red shirts are just going to have to get used to Somchai Wongsawat being the next PM.He's very boring but it serves them right for worshipping a dynasty. Try to elect your own leaders boys, decent
    Folks who aren't corrupt or negligent, give up the Shinawat clan.

    I wonder if this war like attitude has any thing to do with Thida abdicating her crown to the court jester.

  10. Not sure what the difference is. I use a lot of ground cinnamon I purchase from Tops for 199 baht. I put a spoonful on my cereal for breakfast and have a tablet for after other meals.

    All I know is that my Blood Sugar level is no longer high it is under 100 which on the one scale is the point where it is called high. Have been doing it for over 8 months now. Cheap enough. But then again to be honest with you I do not have that sensitive a palate.

    Now when I was a young lad it was great mixed with sugar and sprinkled on toast.

  11. The UDD represents democracy, one vote-one person, if they use violence-it is to that end. the PAD/PDRC on the other hand-which is what the military is aligning itself with-are fascists, they want to end democracy in this country and have it ruled by an elitist dictatorship, the fascists are trying to create divisions.

    You and your likes and supporters are truly warped in your thinking. The RTA has taken no sides that i have seen. True, they have post and checkpoints at or near PDRC rallies. But isn't that where all of the attacks have been?

    The RTA job is not to protect democracy. Thailand only thinks democracy is about voting anyway so its not real. The RTA is about protecting the thai people. PDRC AND REDS alike. They are about protecting Thailand from people who want it divided like UDD is talking about. Maybe, if the UDD didnt express so much violence and reverance for bloodshed then the RTA would not be speaking so harshly to them. Lastly, the RTA protects the king. Not the man in Dubai who wants this title.

    You Reds keep speaking about the elitists yet the people you are supporting are more elite than any person in Bkk. You claim their riches has given them power yet all of the Shin family and ALL the PTP leaders are much more richer than the average multi-millionare even in Bkk. Thaksin may have been poor before but he married into money. He did not work hard for it. Maybe you should re-evaluate who you are supporting because your idea and ideals on all this are twisted.

    Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    We all know who finances the PDRC and they are far richer than Thaksin or in fact all of the PTP leaders put together so get your facts straight. And nothing twisted about realising that Suthep is a potential fascist dictator in the making, it's clear to anyone without bias.

    Sorry but we do not all know who backs Suthep or their combined wealth. You of course are referring to the mysterious amarat. In your warped thinking you probably think they run the world. Always get a kick out of you conspiracy dreamers. In a way you are a good opening act for Jutaporn.cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    We do know that he is backed by honest grass roots people.wai.gif

    Where as Yingluck is backed by her criminal brother and as Prime Minister has managed to increase her family fortune 450% at his direction. the way I see it issad.png the way you and your cohorts see it issmile.png Your posts reek of it.wai.gif

    It has probably taken a decrease now that he owns a lot of land he was going to sell the government for a unneeded high speed train. No matter he still counts his money in the billions and I mean American money or British pounds if you prefer.

    • Like 1
  12. To the UDD or red foreign supporters.

    You know very well who Jatuporn is and what he represents.

    Please, stop writing nonsense postings, supporting him, even if you like Yingluck and her brother.

    This man will put Thailand into a bloodbath.

    I understand Sutherp disturbed you from your cosy lives.

    This man will oblige you to pack and go back to were you came from.

    Yes we know who he is and what he represents. We also know what he is.

    It is a sign of lack of morals when you have to resort to having the court jester take over the reins of power.

    I think a good look at how he has ignored his mother will give you a good idea of how much he cares about people. The man is a big enough fool to have secret ambitions of becoming number one ahead of Thaksin. Just not quite foolish enough to let people know it.

    They should pull his bail and try him and put him in Jail where he belongs.

    Jutaporn is a bloke who returns serve.

    The Reds have played a quiet game up until now.

    They're slowly ramping up, just at the right time as the courts are dipping their toes into the water.

    Jutaporn coming to the fore is a warning to the coup mongers.

    This time the opposition to your illegal actions will be anything but meek.

    Better you reconsider your foolishness, what worked before won't work again, so just pack up your tents and go home.

    Well if you are comparing the red shirts game to an atomic bomb I would agree with you.

    But there is no atomic bomb here just a bunch of simple minded people following an egomaniac who employs morally corrupt people to do his bi8dding.

    I saw a picture of Jutaporn once in his prison orange he was grinning like the fool he is. They should have kept him there.

    Jutaporn coming t the fore is just the opening act similar to the opening acts in Vaudeville.

    Justn out of curio0sity why did Theta abdicate.

  13. There shouldn't be an over-reaction to the UDD, the way i see it is the udd is not creating terrorism now, but if the pad/pdrc succeed in replacing elected govts with appointed govts..thats what we had with abhisit-an appointed govt, thats when there was a revolt, some of it was an armed revolt that lead to the 2010 violence, but as long as an elected govt stays in place there is no terrorism or revolt from the red side..

    I think you forgot to add at the very end.... and push for amnesty, changing the constitution...

    He also neglected to say that Yingluck became Prime Minister using the same exact system as Abhist. Does that make he an appointed Prime Minister?

    a good way he said the way he sees it instead of the way it is. allows for all kinds of foolishness and he takes advantage of it.

  14. To the UDD or red foreign supporters.

    You know very well who Jatuporn is and what he represents.

    Please, stop writing nonsense postings, supporting him, even if you like Yingluck and her brother.

    This man will put Thailand into a bloodbath.

    I understand Sutherp disturbed you from your cosy lives.

    This man will oblige you to pack and go back to were you came from.

    Yes we know who he is and what he represents. We also know what he is.

    It is a sign of lack of morals when you have to resort to having the court jester take over the reins of power.

    I think a good look at how he has ignored his mother will give you a good idea of how much he cares about people. The man is a big enough fool to have secret ambitions of becoming number one ahead of Thaksin. Just not quite foolish enough to let people know it.

    They should pull his bail and try him and put him in Jail where he belongs.

    • Like 1
  15. The position CIC General Prayuth adopts is one of a neutral stance, he will say the same for the Democrats or anybody else who wants to speak of civil disobedience attacking the military, raiding banks , government institutions, forming their own military , etc , the principal part of this was the type of people who are regarded as leaders, the honour and high regard they create, General Prayuth passed these hardcore so called leaders off as nobody's, it is also the duty of the military to protect the people of Thailand , it is the police who supposedly are their too up hold the law , two vastly different subjects Gentlemen.

    neutral? cheesy.gif

    Well in as corrupt a government as Thailand has it is hard to stay neutral.

    There are those who claim it or back the corruption but a check of their bank accounts might explain their position.wai.gif

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  16. There's a lot of personal enmity between Prayuth and Jutaporn.

    Let's hope they can stick to the childish name calling and taunting and no innocents end up dead.

    The army have never been so much on the back foot in Thailand as it is nowadays.

    It looks like a real changing of the guard is occurring in this nation.

    Civilian rule of the military appears to be on the way - about time Thailand caught up with the rest of the modern world.

    You are rite. How ever as long as you have a Government that is ruled by one man only you have what is known as a dictatorship and it is good the Army is not under his thumb. Bad enough the police are.

    "One moron to rule them all"...this statement is good for any color

    So many different colors here. Many of them are multicolored such as the anti government protestors. They have no candidate for the job. On the other hand even though they are not in the race the Democrats have the best over all ability to rule the country and they do not have a leader with the power to ignore the public and quash any one he disagrees with or sick a gang of red shirted thugs on to them.

    Here in Thailand strange as it is to say we only have one party with a leader who has that kind of power and he is a fleeing convicted criminal which doesn't say much about the quality of people who support him.

    It is actions such as his that prompt people to say Thais only care about money.

    Most of those are Thai bashers and unable to see what the regular Thai citizens are like. Or lock them selves up in surroundings which do not include Thais just Ex Pats.

  17. Now if only they would have used tough retaliation against the Southerners........ how many years has the South been in turmoil, wanting to breakaway from Thailand - wonder why they only start talking tough when it comes from Northerners.....?

    Well that for sure is an unleveled headed statement.

    The Army is using force against the terrorists when ever they get the chance.

    The main problem in the South is that the government doesn't give a darn about them.

    They figure the Army will take care of it for them.

    How much of their proposed 2.2 trillion baht infrastructure was slated for the southern 3 provinces?

    • Like 1
  18. We have both the free standing is cheaper to run but not quite as effective. If It was in a smaller space it would be ideal.

    This is of course an arbitrary situation as we all have different comfort zones. I have a wide range so it doesn't have to be that cool.

  19. New gym opening in the Maya shopping mall in a couple of weeks.

    Would be nice to find one with a knowledgably trainer.


    A knowledgeable trainer would be able to examine you and find the appropriate exercise's for your needs.

    Do you go Youtube when you are sick?

  20. About the only thing Thaksin did right, was to go after these pigs back in the day. The governments since him have done absolutely NOTHING.

    you mean like the time when 1300 people were stripped and stuffed into trucks and left to cook in the hot sun killing 85?

    he did that up right.

    yup uhuh.

    You fail to understand, for many people here on this thread, that WAS doing it 'right'.

    Their bigotry is no different to those who perpetuated this terrible crime against this woman.

    What you fail to realize to many people on this thread who consider doing it rite they are unaware that their was no problem in comparison to the one it created.

    They are justifying the actions of the current terrorists by justifying that cruel inhumane action and lack of response to it. Where the families of the murdered Muslims giving money such as the red shirt terrorists families were given? Even the one dumber than the average red shirt terrorist who was making bombs when one went off and killed him. His family received money from the Government.

    It is a deplorable thing in the South all under the guise of religion as it is practiced today by the Islam faith only. But the facts remain Thaksin put a lot more desire for it into the people. They are just operating under Islam law.

    It would have helped. Not stopped it if The government had tried to make some kind of restitution rather than justifying it.

  21. This could be a good comment without the disclaimer in the end. Islam is the thing that makes them inhuman. Have you ever heard of shinta or dao terrorists? Or about a gang of Mahayana buddhists mutilating the entire village, including children, cattle and pets, for the sole reason that people who live there follow Therawada? Do you know any other religion that indulges pedophilia, and clearly imposes the imperative of violence to non-believers? How about cutting people's arms off for petty thefts? Stoning victims of rape for adultery? Torturing animals (search for "halal" on youtube)?

    Take Islam away, and those people will go back to their palm oil or whatever...

    Probably a good drink would help them. Look at the problems caused in the States when they made drinking illegal.

    The terrorists are acting under the guise of Sharia law. That is why the Muslims except their actions.

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