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Posts posted by northernjohn

  1. Is there anybody out there that can rebut the Pipkins input?

    no need to, its all innuendo and twisted crap, he leaves out all the killings/murders he did, all the corruption he was responsible for and that the judge only let him off because he was pm, the man is a criminal and anyone trying to say otherwise does this jerk.gif.pagespeed.ce.TMGfqs4Lzz.gif far too much and is full of ****

    Pipkins could.

    He is either a troll or one of the most gullible expats in Thailand if he is even in Thailand.

    • Like 1
  2. I think Nook just passed Kindle as the best deal all around. Don't know but am happy with my Kindle. Not sure if the others have the amount of books available with a kindle or if the prices for books are comparable. I found an incredible amount of free books on kindle.

    If you don't have a credit card how can you purchase books?

    I just read books about pirates, bays, and anything in between. They usually come for free.

    Just learning how to down load movies and TV from them. Will have to look into the books. Can they be transferred to a Kindle?

  3. Only 47% of the voters voted. They can not release the results in case they have a by election or some other legal chicanery.It might influence the vote.

    No doubt about the PTP winning in Chiang Mai I just wonder how big a margin it is. I have heard the date Feb.27 mentioned. But until they decide what to do it makes sense not to release what they have.

  4. Great news. I bet the others are less cocky now. I have a bottle of champagne waiting for the day I see Suthep in leg shackles.

    You must lead a sad life if you would open a bottle of Champagne over something that is nothing to do with you

    I doubt he still has it. Just judging by his posts.

    Now we shall come to dread the knock on the door in the night

    This action may well be the opening of the can of worms that will lead to blood on the streets.

    Democracy is being sacrificed on the Shinwatra high altar

    No need for any knocks on a door, they nabbed him in a shopping centre and that's the way its going to be. I can just see it now "top PDRC leader collared in a 7/11"

    cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif More likely to be in a donut shop by a policeman on duty there.clap2.gif Not only is the government inept and a little short upstairs but there enforcement unit makes them look good. = A three ring circus. With the ring master in Dubai.

    I notice Chalerm has a new plan. He is no longer going to go in disguise to arrest Suthep.

    cheesy.gif "Other "stars" of the rally are also facing arrest, Chalerm said. "I want to tell Mr Suthep that I will no longer tolerate what he has done, laying siege to many government offices and chasing away officials who wanted to work. That's beyond acceptable and I will use the law to handle the situation," he said."cheesy.gif

    He is a fine one to talk about work. Look at all the jobs he has been given and not done.tongue.png

    • Like 1
  5. So the police are associating with a wanted criminal, just goes to show how bad the thai police really are, they all have brown rings on their ankles like the ptp politicians and our own group of thaksin lovers, they will be all besides themselves over this, pathetic. The day this man dies will be worthy of a huge celebration, even more so if he can take all of his family with him.

    Such an educated and thoughtful statement ... How far would you like the gene pool eradication to go ? children maybe extend it to brothers sisters, cousins ? nephews ? nieces their etc as well ?

    Im not even sure Suthep wishes that being its just 2 year jail term hes avoiding, but congratulations in taking the time to highlight such a well thought out sentiment and solution ..... pathetic for sure ill agree with that bah.gif

    Thaksin is NOT just avoiding a two year jail term. As I think you already know there are several pending cases with his name on them!

    Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Such as charges or something worthy of the death penalty as wished for by the above ? please list them do.

    No charges he just changed the law to make it OK for him to order the killing of 2,500 drug suspects even though 1,500 of them were innocent.

    Guilt but no charges. You obviously don't understand who he is.

    Your line of thought is what has got Thailand into the trouble it is in now. The current government continues on with what their leaders say's. Buy rice but don't pay for it. Wait until me and my elite high so so's have bought up more land at cheap prices from the poor farmers. Don't worry about me I am fine here in Dubai. The money is continually rolling in.wai.gif

  6. Merit making, not enough days left in his natural life to make up for what he has done to Thailand and its people.

    He never learns. He tried it before the courts sentenced him to two years in jail. He was in Chiang Mai making merit by visiting 99 Wat's in three days.

    Maybe it worked it got him to Dubai.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    • Like 1
  7. Where are the reds through all of this ?

    Only thing I have heard is Tida saying the protesting farmers are fake farmers and reds intimidating farmers who were protesting.

    You would have thought that as they hold themselves up as the champions of the poor that they would be trying to help the farmers rather than denigrate and threaten them.

    It would seem that Suthep is the only one actually doing something to help them.

    So you don't think suthep is using the farmers to try and apply more pressure on the government because everything he has tried up to now is failed.

    "It would seem that Suthep is the only one actually doing something to help them".

    Are you really that naive?

    Indeed. Of course, Robby nz failed to note the red shirt leaders changed tack since the initial claim about 'fake farmers'. Now Thida is saying she sympathizes with the farmers, but the fault lies with the banks, the PDRC and the EC. Neither Suthep's nor the red response is adequate imo. It's obvious the PDRC are using the farmers, pretty much the same people they constantly disparage as 'lacking education about politics' and that Suthep was happy to shoot in 2010 to cling to power. Yet the red shirts should acknowledge the govt failed to secure the money before house dissolution. It was Kittirat's responsibility. Then they should also acknowledge the obvious failings and corruption and the genuine suffering of those who haven't been paid.

    That's if you're talking about justice. If we're talking about realpolitik, I'd be doing the same as both sides are currently doing I guess.

    For crying out loud are you new to the situation or what? The red shirt leaders will say any thing to justify their view point. Even if it is different than what they said yesterday. How many times has their leader said he was out of politics only to turn around and make a political statement? If their leader can't be honest why would you expect his trusted servants to be?

    You make no mention of the fact that the PTP used the farmers to get in so that they could be first in line at the trough. You try to justify a illegal coup attempt in 2010 instead.

    It would be interesting to see how many farmers were shot and how many bar patrons were shot. I don't expect you to know the count of bar patrons but you seem to know about farmers. How many of them were shot?facepalm.gif

    • Like 1
  8. Where are the reds through all of this ?

    Only thing I have heard is Tida saying the protesting farmers are fake farmers and reds intimidating farmers who were protesting.

    You would have thought that as they hold themselves up as the champions of the poor that they would be trying to help the farmers rather than denigrate and threaten them.

    It would seem that Suthep is the only one actually doing something to help them.

    So you don't think suthep is using the farmers to try and apply more pressure on the government because everything he has tried up to now is failed.

    "It would seem that Suthep is the only one actually doing something to help them".

    Are you really that naïve?

    Speaking of being naive.

    If every thing he has tried has failed why did Yingluck dissolve the house? Why is she constantly trying to shut him up?

    So you don't think suthep is using the farmers to try and apply more pressure on the government because everything he has tried up to now is failed.

  9. Can we get a ruling that forces the government to pay, thus letting the government borrow the money as a legal obligation the courts imposed on them?

    It sounds like a route that would eliminate the EC block on bond issues. I see it's a PDRC lawyer front, but nevertheless, one that actually might serve a useful purpose if the ruling requires government pay.

    Plus it establishes the rice pledge as legally enforced government debt, which gives the farmers an asset to borrow against.

    It has been almost 5 months. who is going to pay the interest on the loans?

  10. I think Nook just passed Kindle as the best deal all around. Don't know but am happy with my Kindle. Not sure if the others have the amount of books available with a kindle or if the prices for books are comparable. I found an incredible amount of free books on kindle.

    If you don't have a credit card how can you purchase books?

  11. RE # 32 n 42 'NAPROXEN 500mg tablets in CMai 50 baht for 10 tablets, 150 baht for a month supply. This is cheaper than a subsidised "age pension script" in Oz. I am happy.'

    Re your query ^ #65, #68 "Also is Aleve here in Thailand."

    Aleve, the Bayer trade name for Naproxen Sodium, is not in Thailand to my knowledge.

    But SYNFLEX, also Naproxen Sodium, is aval.

    I recently purchased some at the CMU Pharmacy on Suthep Rd near the intersection of Nimaheyman. Baht 75 for a strip of six.

    Note too pls, HelloDolly:

    # 32, # 42 brianb1944 said he had bought "NAPROXEN 500mg tablets in CMai 50 baht for 10 tablets, 150 baht for a month supply. This is cheaper than a subsidised "age pension script" in Oz. I am happy."

    But he has yet to respond to exactly where in CMai he'd bought them. It is obviously way cheaper than the CMU pharmacy. So I am eagerly anticipating his response. Possibly you could gently nudge brianb1944.


    See the pharmacy recommended in post 81. I have heard nothing but good about them.

    I once fell in front of Starbucks and sliced my hand pretty good on a licence plate as I tried to grab the car for support. I went over there with a handful of paper towels from Starbucks. I wanted to purchase some bandaging material. They not only sold it to me but bandaged it up with an anti biotic on it. They are very friendly.

    As for Alieve My doctor in Canada recommended it to me instead of Ibuprofen. He said Alieve was not hard on the stomach.

  12. Can't speak for the food but the view from the barbeque on top of the Furama is spectacular The whole city and the mountain.

    I might be a little off with the name it is the one that was origanaly going to be hillside 5 You can walk through the front door of the hillside 4 and walk all the way through it to the Furama.

    Chedi has recently changed hands. Not sure if they made any changes.

    I like the river side but not sure if it would be romantic. Possibly up on the second floor. Then again I am not a romantic type guy so it might be they have added some western food to the menu.

  13. Total crap. Many decent & prominent Thais have suggested various ways that a commission or council could be set up which doesn't require any discussion about the royal family. None have been taken up by PTP.

    The lack of acceptance of its urgent need is what's holding it up from progressing.

    "decent & prominent Thais" so the other Thai's are not decent or prominent enough? The only way for reform is elections from everyone.

    PTP answer to Thailand's people, not the "decent & prominent Thais" subset of those people!

    In your dream world if an election was held tomorrow and Thaksin won. You propose that Thailand would have no more problems it would be a country full of peace and harmony.

    Could I vote in this dream world of yours. Explain why Thailand is so divided after two elections.

    Why don't other countries have elections and solve all their problems.

    In fact why don't you give this joyous news to Somalia. North Korea and Afghanistan. I am quite sure they would all make you a national hero.whistling.gif

    Reform will never happen as long as Thaksin still wants to control the politics. It is too lucrative for Thaksin to give up the position.

    It seems like he does not care if the farmers have no money and Thai people are killing each other.

    He has one thing in his mind. He wants to control the country.

    I don't think it will be be resolved quickly and completely as long as Thai people are involved.

    The corruption will continue no matter what, but perhaps the new government will not as evil and greedy as the Thaksin clan.

    Dear yellows, Thaksin broke your heart SEVEN years ago! Get over it!

    Severn years ago. Sounds about rite. I didn't know how long you had been out of touch with Thailand but 7 years fits right in with the rest of your posts.

    Wake up a lot has changed in Thailand since you went to sleep 7 years ago. Thaksin is no longer breaking hearts he is emptying wallets that don't belong to him now.wai.gif

  14. BlueNoseCodger post # 31

    Dear yellows, Thaksin broke your heart SEVEN years ago! Get over it!

    Why is it that people like you come up with the hackneyed inane comment above?

    I detest corruption no matter where it comes from,

    I like a good many others over the years prior to the internet and this particular forum often had letters published in the two leading English language newspapers attacking corrupt practices irrespective of whatever political parties were involved.

    The current family whose name is in the frame have indeed surpassed any others in their corrupt self serving practices over their time in office let alone prior to that as well..

    Ignore him he is out of touch with the conditions here in Thailand. He thinks an election will solve all the problems. In the last four years we have had two of them and now the unity is wider than ever. Why he thinks an election will solve Thailand's problems is beyond me.

    I will agree an election could go along way towards solving some of the problems. Unfortunately for Thailand it is the most corrupt who seem to win. An honest man would never make it against the outlandish promises the Thaksinite's put out. (Give me 6 months and I will make you all rich) Or the current one we will clear up rice payment situation. Oops forgot we dissolved the house two months after the money was due because we couldn't pay it now we have some one else to blame it on.

    Thaksin is hurting people today that is the root of all of Thailand's problems today. Of course they will have problems internationally that Thaksin is not involved in. Or is he not involved? I wonder if he had any thing to do with Thailand denying the use of the airport in Pattaya for weather purposes. Went to his good buddy in Cambodia I think.

    Also I think he is involved up to his ears in the fall of rice exports in the international community from Number one to third. In the process bankrupting small farmers.

    Every day it would seem the split in the political scene seems to get wider. Yet people like him want to keep following the leaders in this downward spiral.

  15. A few people asked me for documentation on issues I have addressed, I will not go back to see if I can find that in all the articles and documents I read up on in the last 3 months, I believe the documentation was in the Wikipedia history of the Democrat party in Thailand, I remember that page dealt with the Democrat's Abhisit platform of raising the minimum wage 25% to 300 baht and the rich complained and that was quickly dropped as a promise if they were elected! That when PTP won the election they did raise the minimum wage to 300 baht.

    That article also documented a very important fact, that the Democrats fielded a slate of candidates that included (30) celebrities and heir of political Democrat families.

    I thought that issue was important because of the yellow posters, attacks on the PTP backing of a fully elected Senate, that PTP wanted one so they can run all their family members for political office, and that is is what the Democrats did in the 2011 election.

    As there is a big story developing leading up to if the EC abides by the Constitutional requirements on holding the election in the exact time frame as mentioned in the constitution, if I run across them I will post, if I do not it will have to wait until I have the time.


    All though it is a good reference source Wikipedia is not always rite.

    If the democrats had raised the minimum wages up to 300 baht back in 2009 what would it have done to the economy then. Here we are 4 years later and there is indications that all it has done is raise the cost of living. Many still work for less.

    I have no problem with a minimum raise in pay but when it is done in such a huge jump does it really help? How many workers from other countries are working far below that rate? My Mother in law got and still gets 500 baht a month from the government how was the increase in wages helping her. She now has to pay higher prices.

    What I am trying to day is the Democrats did rite in not raising it back then and the PTP raised it far to fast for the poor people. It should have been done at a system of raises over a period of time. In short it was just a populace policy that did bnot help that many people and hurt the poor.

  16. So if new laws come into play to really punish corruption the real winners are the Thai people and the losers the corrupt politicians. That is what the anti government is about. Most would not want Suthep as a dictator.. they want meaningful changes in the laws so politicians cant steal.

    I agree with the first part, I don't believe that the anti-government leaders are serious about fighting corruption. What new laws are Suthep proposing? Transparent government spending? Competitive bidding on contracts? Rewriting Thailand's libel laws so the press can name and shame when they have verifiable facts? Will the fight against corruption extend to the military? A young man I know told me that the price to be exempted from the draft was 30k baht to the local military commander. Of course there is no paper trail to prove this, but since he was a middle class man approaching draft age I think he knew what he was talking about.

    Suthep railing against corruption reminds me of a staunchly anit-Thaksin expat bar owner I know. He opposed Thaksin because he was corrupt, but also bragged that he paid his bribes directly to the chief of police. I have no doubt that in Suthep's mind the only bad corruption is that which PT commits. Corruption endemic to his own party is just the normal way of doing business.

    By the way, do you think Suthep's fight against corruption extends to a proper investigation and prosecution of his past misdeeds?

    What a crock of crap. Suthep is not proposing any thing other than a committee to work together and come up with suggestions for revamping the government that will lead to a more responsible government which in turn will lead to a more prosperous Thailand.

  17. Sound of ticking time bombs is getting louder for Yingluck

    Thanong Khanthong

    BANGKOK: -- That Thailand will get an interim government is now inevitable. The tenure of Yingluck Shinawatra's caretaker administration will end unceremoniously on April 1.

    Constitutionally speaking, it cannot last beyond that deadline.

    Well, that means there'll just be another red mob waiting from the orders from the man of Dubai; enough brainwashed supporters in Thailand, who would follow orders without questioning and technically believe in the same old white-to-BLACK-lie-populist policies all over again.... and taking it on battlefield Bangkok for ANOTHER disruption of business and peace in daily life...

    ... wanna bet???? thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif

    There is another red mob already, they will probably be already denouncing the Shinawatra's and the drunken court jester, capitalizing on the woes of Yingluck, I could see many current PTP MP's jumping ship just to save their free meal tickets blaming all on the Shinawatra's and their cronies.

    Yes a while back I saw a half hour show on the red shirts on Chanel News Asia There is three separate parts of the red shirts now. One of them wants Thaksin out of politics. Not sure if they realize how many in politics they would have to remove to accomplish that.

    If Thailand was to have a real election with the Democrats involved it would lead to a Minority Government. Which at this time in my opinion would not be a bad idea. That is what Abhist had and there was nothing any where near the corruption level that is being forced on us by this majority government.

    In fact even though Abhist had a very slim majority of backers the government did manage to stop the rise in corruption. From the time the Army turned the government back over to the people.(Thaksin) the corruption was on a sharp rise. Under Abhist with his minority government it stopped rising and remained the same.

    That was quite a feat when you stop and think of the number of parties he had to please including 20 who had abandoned Thaksin. With out them it would have remained a Thaksin government. After he left office the corruption once again continued to rise with a 2% rise in 2012. The difference being that the PTP with such a large majority didn't even have to try to hide it. The rice scam water management money unaccounted for relief funds misappropriated.

    A new election with all involved will definitely bring a much more aware government of the peoples needs. It would not solve all the countries problems over night but it would be a gigantic step towards it.

    Yingluck first thought that white washing her brother would bring unity. How did that work out? Then she figured an election would bring unity how is that working out?

    In a nut shell she is clueless and a disgrace to Thailand. I admit a nice looking one. But looks won't get the job done when they are just a front for corruption.

    • Like 1
  18. The intial attempt for forming a reform council, (which the Pm was Chaiperson, seems to have hit a brick wall) This government has no interest, intention, nor plan to have any sensible reform program, as demanded by the general public.

    They want to stay in power, cover the tracks of corruption they are leaving with every day they extend their tenure, as insurance against the time they have the gravy train taken away from them. The antics of placing the 'Labor and Foreign Ministers' in charge of what amounts to as intimidation agencies, refusing to cooperate with the Election groups, the anti government groups, the courts, etc would seem to confirm that this is PTP's final attempt at "save their arse".

    On the contrary slapout. The present Government had already started a reform program before Abhisit and Suthep hatched their plan for another coup de terre. Everyone that cares about Thailand knows that the institutional Judiciary branches are heavily contaminated with Elite interests, black hearts and even blacker money.

    It is also known that the 2007 Constitutional Charter is an apology of a vehicle under which to regulate the behaviour of the servants of government or indeed the government itself.

    The Constitution Charter that proceeded it was and remains a respected instrument for the regulation of the governance of a democratic society.

    Had the agents of the then opposition been able to Impeach Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra none of today's problems would exist. However the plain fact is that those who wished to dispose of him then had no tangible evidence to present to an impeachment court. That is why they engineered a coup de terre to bring down his government and subsequently and still without tangible evidence defeated Thaksin in court with a dossier full of flim-flam.

    The person to lead Thailand away from all of these problems is the Present Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra who is likely the least corrupt of the entire field of contenders and who has the respect of the international community.

    Funny all those wondrous things the PTP want to do. Just after two and a half years of filling their pockets they all of a sudden want to reform the government. I am quite sure they do . They want to eliminate all opposition to their corruption.

    It is common knowledge that the current government has an air head in the P M office she takes her orders from the higher ups. She can't even cast a valid vote.

    Now I ask you what kind of a person would think an air head like that could lead a country into reform for the benefit of the nation? If so why has she not done so in two and a half years?

    Word on the street is the PTP is going to take up a rallying cry. Air heads unite. clap2.gif Some thing about free ear medicine sorry didn't quite catch that part.giggle.gif

    • Like 1
  19. There is nothing to gain and more to lose for the government to agree to such a panel. Suthep will require Yingluck to step down anyways as a precursor to formation of such a panel. It seems like everytime suggestions or solutions are made to the government, they require the government to give up political control while there is never anything required of Suthep. He is not held accountable for not keeping his word (repeatedly proven to be tenuous at best) and has no qualms in disregarding the law and constitution. In response to some past proposals the government has simply asked Suthep to stop the protests for consideration and he refuses.

    In your mind things should be required of Suthep or don't bother reforming the government just let them carry on with their raping of the countries treasury and lack of concern for the people in the nation.

    You PTP red shirts are getting more and more desperate to hold on to your power. Any more dumb excuses for not doing any thing just letting the nation slide down hill?sad.png

  20. Little off topic but to go up the Patronas towers you can only go as high as the bridge between the two buildings. You have to be there at 7:00 AM to get a ticket and there is only a limited amount of them sold. They do how ever have a tower you can go up that is about 300 feet up and on top of a hill where you can look down on the Petronas towers.

    There is also a food court there that my wife tells me has excellent Thai food. Good thing she can't read English. It said it was a Malaysian food stall. I very wisely kept my mouth shut. In fact two days later she wanted to go back to it. The rest of it I am not a picky eater so can't judge.

    Enjoy. If you go to the zoo you have to arrange for the cab driver to pick you up. We found it nice there.

  21. Pointless topic that cant be even really be properly discussed because of the restrictions about mentioning the Royals.

    IMO this is always the elephant in the room in any serious discussions about solutions and without discussing it there will be no long term improvement or peace, to pretend otherwise is to only ignore the obvious.

    Read the posts before you respond. I mentioned the King.

    Not sure what you hope to gain with an inane post such as that. The royals have nothing to do with it.

    Not sure if this is allowed if not please remove it Moderator.

    But I wish people would stop trying to cover up for this bunch of clowns by saying they can't mention the royals. These problems have been brought about by ineptly managed idiotic populace policies designed for one reason and one reason only. To get elected and that is what they have done. The results as we all know have been disastrous. Farmers selling their land and equipment some even suiciding as a direct result of the PTP policy.

    Please try to be honest and remember the rice payments were due two months before the dissolution of the house. I have no proof but I believe that is why the house was dissolved because they could not pay them and figured if they dissolved the house they could blame the anti government protestors. Ask your self why would a government spend so much of their time trying to white wash one man. Then when it finally got through to them that the public did not want that they changed their mind over night. Two and a half years of governing wasted for one useless man. What wrong thing has this government one that they said we were wrong. It has always been some one else at fault.

    Money where has it gone. They are looking to borrow 2.2 trillion baht. They have the biggest cash flow in years now that they discharged the 1997 debt to the BOT to pay. Yet nothing to show for it and no money to show either other than enough for their paychecks.

    • Like 2
  22. Reforming the mostly post 2006 coup, military hand picked Constitutional Court and the EC should be first on the list... two of the most rotten, bias groups, they are meant to serve the law and the people, instead they serve only powerful interests.

    Unlike the DSI for example.

    The DSI cannot bring about the downfall of governments, so in the grand scheme of things they are fairly insignificant.

    In the over all scheme of things they are nothing but tools to bring trumped up charges against the PTP opposition. What have they charged Thaksin and the other backers of the 2010 attempted coup with. Answer nothing.

    But they have charged the two people who stopped it with murder. Now they are after the backers of the pro Thailand anti Shinawatra's .

    Tools just another corrupt extension of the corrupt PTP party. Now the PTP has them for their political non violent arm and the red shirts for their violent arm with a bunch of crooks and their backers in between.

    The DSI operates on the whats good for the goose is not good for the gander. Hence trumped up charges.

    Just to let you know I to once stood where you stand. But when they started pouring blood that could have been HIV positive all over things and brought out guns in their supposedly peaceful demonstration I had to swallow my pride and admit that they had nothing to offer Thailand other than hot air. They then became the government and proved my decision to be the correct one. So you see others have been down that humiliating trail you are on. It is possible to admit the truth and walk tall and be able to liook others in the eye.

    While we are talking I asked you a question on another thread and yiou were probably to busy to answer it so I will post it once more for you.

    • Posted Yesterday, 17:05

    • fab4, on 08 Feb 2014 - 13:02, said:snapback.png

      And the government sells the stockpiled rice at a price undercutting the international rice prices, and 10 - 1 on, the dems would complain and file a court case for malfeasance or similar............

      simple question

      Would they be right or wrong.

      Yes or No.

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