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Posts posted by northernjohn

  1. your mate must be a bit of a perv,if only a regualar sniffing of mens balls one,sounds like he enjoys his strange past time.

    I noticed he said wrestler. I wonder why he didn't say hockey player or basketball player. I wonder if he has a chart for them.

    Kind of a misleading post the one guy says he went there 6 years ago and another guy says they have redone it all last year and then we get a reply to the guy who did it 6 years ago. Indicating that it is the same.

  2. 0K then icommunity. Abhisit has not run away from his responsibilities and is still in Thailand. Abhisit is not a fugitive. Abhisit has not been listed by Amnesty International in 18 separate political assassination cases as has Thaksin. Abhsit was attacked by Thaksin's red shirts when the red shirts disrupted the International conference in Pattaya (remember?). Abhist did not set up a rice scheme and defrauded the farmers. Abihsit is not a convicted criminal. Abhisit has been voted in to Govern, Thaksin has never personally won an election. Abihsit never ordered any extra-judicial killings, includng those of political opponents similar to the 2500 killed by Thaksin during the drug wars. Abhisit didn't pay 90 senators 100000 baht per month inorder that he could change the laws on selling a major Thai Company to overseas buyers. Abhisit never sold a company and then avoided paying tax o the proceeds. Abhisit hasn't bought huge chunks of land outside Chiang Mai so that he can sell it back to the Government for a new Chiang Mai International Airport. Abhisit is not in bed with major corporate financiers from Wall Street who are manipulating world economic events. Abhisit did not create a force of 300 men in Black to act as his personal guerilla army. Abhisit's does not play golf with Hun Sen, the tin pot dictator of Cambodia who achieved power through a coup. Do you want me to carry on? I'm quite happy to write another 1000 words for you. Because you see there is a world of difference between the criminal sociopath of Dubai and Abhisit.

    The one exception I would have is I don't think the wall street boys would want any thing to do with him. Not that they are honest but they would be afraid of him running off at the mouth and saying things he shouldn't. Besides many of them could buy and sell him.

    Another positive for Abhist is that when charged with murder and when offered an easy way out with the amnesty bill he said No. I am innocent and will defend against the charge in a court of law.

    Integrity at the max.wai.gif

    Lack of integrity hiding behind his sisters skirts. Thaksin Shinawatra for those who need it spelled out to them.passifier.gif

  3. LOL, Pavin Chachavalpongpun is a PTP supporter. He wrote that because he is a PTP supporter? You have defamed him.

    Defamed him? Rubbish. Nor did I say he wrote anything because he is a PTP supported. He probably wrote it because he was paid.

    I've read quite a few of his articles in the Bangkok Post as well as the one in question and he always shows bias towards the PTP or it's predecessors. Difficult concept I know - judging someone by what they say rather than their academic position.

    That is one of the reasons I distrust Academics. It is not what they know but what is their position. Many of them are really short in the grey matter. Ask them a question and they will give you their credentials. Or opinions which are of course the same as a ruble releasing mechanism in every human being. Every one has one. Some are backed up by reality and for some intellectuals it is backed up by a book they read or wrote and are trying to sell. Like a friend of mine if it is in a book not a problem for him if it requires common sense he has to get a book to look up what that is. Simply amazing what those ivy covered walls can keep out. Also keep in.smile.png

  4. A load of hypocritical rubbish from a seemingly intelligent guy.

    The unasked question was how can the Democrat Party, who themselves are mired in massive crony corruption and vote-buying, be trusted to do anything about corruption when their noses are in the trough once again? They have done nothing about it previously, so why suddenly now?

    A load of hypocritical rubbish from a seemingly intelligent guy.

    I just have to ask which one of them is involved in the rice scam the disappearance of 350 billion baht water management money. The high price for flood control products in 2011.

    You make alegations now let us here who they are.

    • Like 2
  5. There is no way in hell that PM YL should resign and, frankly, if she hasn't resigned by now, she isn't going to so people should just stop wishing for that. She has clearly won the war and the BkkShutdown failed in its ultimate goals of pushing YL out. She played it cool, kept a steady head and hand, no crackdowns (like Abhisit in 2010), kept the police and the military on her side (or at least, not against her). Again, YL and the government won this. BRAVO, I say.

    You are all over the board. You are correct in saying the people should quit wishing for it. We know it would be the right thing to do but we also know Thaksin will not allow it.

    She has not kept a steady head first she was going to white wash her brother then she wasn't. First she was not going to dissolve the house then she was. I suppose you could call it cool lying about the rice scam. She stands there with a straight face and says it is not her fault that the farmers were not paid. It is the fault of the protestors. Knowing full good and well that the bills should have been paid a month before she dissolved the house.

    Cool well maybe where you come from.

    Apparently on Facebook she has ordered her Ministers of Finance and Commerce to pay up.

    Wonder why she didn't got to the big boy and order him to do it. You know the Minister of Labor.cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    All of a sudden what the protestors do or say she can pay them.

    Either the poll is a shambles or the reporting is totally inept - perhaps both. Early in the OP it says "12.97% wanted Ms Yingluck Shinawatra to step down" and then later in the article it says " 55.76% of pollsters said the caretaker prime minister should resign ". I'm confused, but t hen perhaos the OP/headline was merely trying to make some sort of biased point.

    By the way, I am ignoring the fact that it says 55.76% of pollsters -- why are they publishing the opinions of those taking the poll ( ie the pollsters ).

    I think both are screwy one because it is a Thai poll with no recognized standards and two because it is the nation. I do how ever believe that it is close to 50% one way or the other to what the public wants in regards to negating the election.

    As in all elections prior to the election there are people locked into one side or the other side. With a lot of undecided in between. It would be interesting to here what there position on it is.

  6. Do us a favour and stop writing like people need every other word highlighted or underlined it dosnt make it any more real and really just makes you post less credible to bother reading

    Its always about the other side here but most of all its about themselves. You'll see in years to come if all parties and class demographics are not included then more unrest will follow.

    There is nothing special about here its just a country that has been little bit by little bit, tearing itself to pieces coup by coup, corrupt governing and selfish elites for decades.

    Nothing is going to change much here and certainly not for the poor farmer, ysee the only ones who can affect a change are the same ones who have kept it where it is today. This latest episode is just another chapter in the mismanagement of a country that has lurched from crisis to crisis for the past 80 or so years. Thailand has had everything and every opportunity not afforded other nations in Asia in terms of support, finance, fertility and resources. They have wasted and squandered it always but for the few to benefit, it runs deeper than just this gov.

    Thailand in the next decade if it dosnt wake up will become the real failed state people fear, its well on the way but its taken decades to get here. Ousting PTP or whoever will not do much other than forestall it a few years unless things change, which having known the Thais for a good couple of decades now it wont.

    Sometimes people cant see the wood for the trees in front of them.

    Yes it is hard to read his posts. You are right some times the people can not see the forest because the tree's are in the way.

    Also some times they can't see the tree's either because they have there eye's shut. Suthep is proposing a way to bring unity to the country. Even a mindless idiot can see that having an election is not going to do it. There needs to be some changes made. Like it or not like Suthep or not makes no difference he at least has a plan. I personally think it is a good one. But he is not the one to chair it and neither is Yingluck both are to set in their ways.

    Would you mind to tell me which is the clear Suthep plan? Maybe I wasn't too much focused and I lost that part in every of his nightly speeches.

    I listen him about reforms, delete corruption, destroy Shinawatras but... How? Putting up a People's Council... Who will compose the council? Good people? Yes, ok. Who? Will this people only related to Dems or anyone that must be not PTP?

    Who will choose those people? And how reform could be made? Any ideas about that? I think he does not have a clue.

    He said: 12-18 months to make reforms and then will have elections... It sound so similar to 2006, but nothing changed. And since 2009 Dems had more than 18 months to make any reform to counter the PTP disaster, but... Nothing has been done.

    This country needs real changes, not another wanna be dictator, an elite's council, a military coup. This country needs to believe in democracy. Needs real independent courts and offices to do the necessary checks. Needs to overcome divisions and hatred.

    I see reforms are needed, but think reforms done but just one side will necessarily make division harsher. Khun Suthep and Khun Yingluck should think about Thailand, not their ego. Negotiate, sit and find an agreement. Make a government together during which put reforms in action. The point is both sides needs power, money and advantages, and not keen to share the cake...

    I not foresee any change with Suthep reform, I see a disaster. Because the other side will have a violent reaction... They spoken about reconciliation since 2010, but what I see is just a bunch of hungry money/powermongers... No future for Thailand: not under PTP, not under Dems, not under People's Councils...

    Are you really that conversant with Thai to understand his speeches. Or are you just picking and choosing the points you want to and them challenging them by filling in your view of what would be negative and ignoring any possibility of some thing positive.

    Now instead of seeing how negative you can make a positive suggestion let us here your idea. Probably just like a red shirt have an election never mind the fact it didn't help.

    Explain to all of us how the commission is going to make Suthep or you or me a dictator. I don't want the job. But I could do a better job than you or Suthep or Yingluck. Remember I said he was too closed minded to chair the commission. Yingluck also

    Are you saying that out of 66,000,000 Thais there is not enough suitable people to form the council. Sounds like Thai bashing also.

  7. Good Grief does she even understand what she is saying.

    The farmers should have been paid a month before the dissolution. If there was a problem she should have taken care of it then. Not now two months later.

    If the farmers hadn't complained would she be trying to pay them now?

    She led the charge to pay that much for the rice and she was single handedly responsible for making it imposable to pay by dissolving the house.

  8. "...the February 2 general election must be voided because less than half of the total eligible voters cast their votes."

    Although I can agree with some arguments made by the opposition, this is not one of them. This was a voluntary boycott of the election. It was not as though people were forced away from the polling stations by gunpoint. There are some nations around the world where the party in power sends the military to intimidate, murder and use any other tactic to prevent any opposition from participating in the election. Thailand is not on this list..

    In America, during the two elections in which G.W. Bush was elected, there were obvious irregularities in the voting results from the states of Florida and Ohio. The election outcome was not voided. However, the electorate did not forget these actions and failed to elect the candidate from Bush's party in the following two elections

    If you want to have a large turnout and win the election, then find a way to meet the legitimate needs of the majority of the electorate. Stop acting like a spoiled child as though you are going to take your ball away if the outcome of the game doesn't favor you.

    But in the states when you are elected you must serve out your term. Or as the cased with Bush the Supreme Court put him in office. Despite the fact that the popular vote was against him it was in favor of Gore.

    You may not dissolve the house and call for a new election. You may resign and there is no vote needed as they have a position all ready to step forward and fill the job. Quite a few on that list. At all times one of them must be in the White House in case the others are killed.

  9. I bet Yingluck gonna make a public announcement soon, while shedding some crocodile tears, that she want to resign for the good of the country but that the constitution doesn't allow her to.

    CMPO: PM cannot quit until new Govt is formed

    BANGKOK, 7 January 2014 (NNT) – The Center for Maintaining Peace and Order (CMPO) has reaffirmed that the Prime Minister cannot resign from her post until the new government has been set up.

    Highly interesting. couple that with

    When asked whether the February 2 election should be nullified or not, 59.25% 
    said it should be nullified citing reasons of less than half of the eligible 
    voters turning out to vote, no candidate in some provinces, and the Parliament 
    not open because it lacks enough MPs.

    Kind of makes you wonder what Thai democracy is. 59.25% want a new election will we get one. Then we get an interim Prime Minister who this Democratic nation tells she has to keep the job even if she makes blonde jokes look intelligent.

    • Like 1
  10. Not to worry. No doubt the master of disguise will know who was responsible and arrest them all himself.... and all before the first drink of the day. Cheers! thumbsup.gif

    I highly doubt that is possible. I am relatively sure he will have to get out of bed first.

    I like this part

    "The government is soft so it's unlikely that violence would occur. Those who want violence are having to create it," Chalerm said.

    They are so soft that they didn't even bother to try and stop it in the south under his leadership.

    The man is a disgrace to politics in general. He had to go a long way to achieve that.

    • Like 1
  11. And the RED SHIRT TV posters from CHANG MAI are silent ......why ????? Because the SHIN Government has taken care of them .....BUT NOT THE REST !!!......... Democracy is a LOT MORE then just sticking a piece of voting paper in the box !! ..... It's about taking care of ALL the population !!!! ..... To the REST of the FARMERS In Thailand ..... CHOKDEE !!!!! ........

    I would love to embrace your post, if only the other side (Democrats) are same rats with different face. No bright future for Thailand, and a dark one for farmers. sad.png

    This is NOT about " The Other Side " ..... This is about THIS Government that has been RUNNING this Country !!!! What part of that FACT Dont you understand ????? ......

    Do us a favour and stop writing like people need every other word highlighted or underlined it dosnt make it any more real and really just makes you post less credible to bother reading

    Its always about the other side here but most of all its about themselves. You'll see in years to come if all parties and class demographics are not included then more unrest will follow.

    There is nothing special about here its just a country that has been little bit by little bit, tearing itself to pieces coup by coup, corrupt governing and selfish elites for decades.

    Nothing is going to change much here and certainly not for the poor farmer, ysee the only ones who can affect a change are the same ones who have kept it where it is today. This latest episode is just another chapter in the mismanagement of a country that has lurched from crisis to crisis for the past 80 or so years. Thailand has had everything and every opportunity not afforded other nations in Asia in terms of support, finance, fertility and resources. They have wasted and squandered it always but for the few to benefit, it runs deeper than just this gov.

    Thailand in the next decade if it dosnt wake up will become the real failed state people fear, its well on the way but its taken decades to get here. Ousting PTP or whoever will not do much other than forestall it a few years unless things change, which having known the Thais for a good couple of decades now it wont.

    Sometimes people cant see the wood for the trees in front of them.

    Yes it is hard to read his posts. You are right some times the people can not see the forest because the tree's are in the way.

    Also some times they can't see the tree's either because they have there eye's shut. Suthep is proposing a way to bring unity to the country. Even a mindless idiot can see that having an election is not going to do it. There needs to be some changes made. Like it or not like Suthep or not makes no difference he at least has a plan. I personally think it is a good one. But he is not the one to chair it and neither is Yingluck both are to set in their ways.

    • Like 1
  12. Do not worry you poor unpaid rice farmers, Yingluck and the PTP on on your side. They will pay you soon. just go read Yinglucks facebook page, apparently she just posted that she has instructed the finance and commerce ministries to secure the money to pay you. I am sure you will be paid soon .... oh wait ... they have no money to pay you and no one will lend them the money ....

    Hey Yngluck tell your family and friends to give back the money then you can pay the farmers ....

    Who does she think she is fooling?

    The government blames three months of demonstrations on Bangkok's streets for derailing the scheme, with Yingluck saying her administration's powers have been limited after the dissolution of parliament in December.

    Between her and Chalerm this government will be remembered for it's stupidity.

    She really is between a rock and a hard place. If she appears in public they have no idea what kind of nonsense she will come up with and if she doesn't appear in public she will be accused of doing nothing. Which would probably be a step up from what she is doing.

  13. I hat to say this but he is starting to sound like another guy that had a small mustache and thought he was above the law.

    A question of the PT backers on here.

    Why is it that every time things start to quiet down and the newspapers are not printing as much stuff does one of the PT CLOWNS do something stupid to insight the people and remind them why they hate them?

    Does he actually think that that would work and even if it did as soon as Suthep knew who it was there would be bloodshed.

    Well I guess one reason is that they are in power. Every thai loves a laugh. Though not a blood bath... Even all parts of Thailand must be giggling over this gaff.. Look were all united on this one... Get him to a rehab and quick...

    Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Defiantly have to agree with you on that. He is at least bringing unity to Thai Visa.

    I wouldn't be a bit surprised to see him sticking one hand in side his coat on his chest.

    Thailand's very own Napoleon in his mind any how. Probably alters with his James Bond persona.

  14. Amazing Thailand. I see another installment of "The Hangover" with him having a juicy part. This is so off the wall, so insane, so beyond the beyond. Did he really say this? If he did, is he really that stupid? If he meant it.... Just boggles the mind that thought it could be no more boggled by this dog and pony show.

    The government even pays him a salary and lets him have a place at the trough. Seems like a lot of money to pay for entertainment.

    I wonder if he plans on his special police to carry extra ear medicine in case he needs it. Never can tell when you might start shaking from lack of ear medicine.

  15. Marvelous chaps at the MoFA, very resourceful. 1-1/2 year ago they even managed to issue a passport from flooded offices, imagine rolleyes.gif

    I just knew you wouldn't resist. About time for another grenade story isn't it?

    I believe that is one of the slogans in the red shirt bar's.

    Any time is a good time for a grenade.

    You got to admit they are over due with the delivery been a couple of days now. Not like the good old days when Thaksin paid their wages and fed them.

    Can't figure out why Yingluck didn't just ask her brother for protection instead of trying to go around legal channels and get some from the Army. Is she afraid of the red shirts the anti government protestors are peaceful. All they wasn't is an honest government.

    Serious question.

    Can any one tell me why Yingluck doesn't want one?


    Just in case any one has forgotten she has created a commission to stop corruption. In the last year under it corruption has risen. Any one hear of a plan from her to stop it. So you can see why I say why doesn't she want an honest government. Suthep has put forth a plan might not be popular with her but it is better than her give me 6 months. Or having her brother call into cabinet meetings when it interferes with her world traveling.

  16. I just took a look at Bloomberg. The price of the Shenzhen Yitoa Intelligent Control Co., Ltd shares have been rising from 7,090 in June 2013 to 13,400 at the end of Januari 2014 at the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. This is a rise of 89%. Someone has made a lot of money with shares of Shenzhen Yitoa Intelligent Control Co., Ltd.

    Source: http://www.bloomberg.com/quote/300131:CH

    ...is this journalism ....or damage control...or deception....

    ...it was announced a few days a go........ that the supplier had declared bankruptcy.....

    ...so what is the game here....???

    cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif Don't you just love it one gives references the other makes allegations.

    Guess which one is a Shinawatra supporter.facepalm.giftongue.png

  17. I believe that this is the only country to have a policy of providing "tablets" to school children? Most schools have an ICT department where fixed class room computers are made available to students during the ICT class periods. These computers are upgraded every couple of years and are generally more robust and are well maintained. They provide better educational development (kids learn basic programming, productivity tools, daily functional software etc from a PC), they do not get lost or stolen and are far more functional in bringing kids into the wired world. The tablet scheme was poorly thought through, expensive, served no purpose and could not be delivered. No consideration was given to maintenance or even how quickly tablets become obsolete and will need another round of financing for replacements. It is good job they were not delivered. Time to put in place another program or simply buy books which are sorely lacking in the schools I have seen.

    Also those schools probably have electricity in them. 2,000 schools with out electricity in Thailand and the PTP are buying tablets

    for kids to play games on. For the short time that they last.

    They need to take this as a sign that this idea was an utterly stupid one to begin with. First graders don't need tablets.

    In my opinion a first grader with a tablet will be held back. They are not mentally mature until the age of 7 and they should be learning how to reason and use logic before given a pad to be used as a tool for learning not a replacement for it.

  18. Oh the lies, the lies.

    They just keep coming and coming.

    Having spent many years trading with the Chinese, I am amazed that this government is claiming that an established company is willing to supply 800,000 tablets without having at least a 30% deposit?

    I doubt that even Apple Corp could stump up the forward costs for a contract that size.

    I have never in all my years heard such drivvel.... Come on Chaturon how much have you lost to this company? How much of that have you had yourself and how involved is Thaksin? Don't tell me he isn't involved.

    The funniest part is that we are expected to believe that the company even PAID the Thai government a security deposit...... hahaha. Priceless.

    So the spin is that instead of losing money, we made money but unfortunately like the rice farmers, we have to break our promise...... lol

    What a crock of crap.... NACC please demand the education budget paperwork and conduct a full investigation on this scheme also, you will probably find a lot of strange cash movements.

    100% concur my company is part of a consortium that has been importing goods into Australia now for about 10 years from china and with every company we deal with it was deposit first ranging from 20%-50% even after 5-6 years dealing with the same company and WE HAD to show we had the monies available which is held in a trust account held by our lawyers in Hong Kong and when the goods were delivered then they get paid .

    This is just another web of lies that they think they can spin to the uneducated masses of Thailand, the arrogance and deceitfulness of this government is beyond belief

    They don't think they can spread these lies.

    They know they can. If the masses had been educated they would not be in office today.

  19. This type of thing has been going on for decades in the noted Thai corrupted system. There is so much skim in the middle tiers that no Thai project ever performs to expectations. This doesn't excuse away the insanity of this particular program, but getting rid of Ms. Yingluck and her brother is not going to reverse the Thai methodology of corruption - it's been going on for decades before the Shinawatras were on the scene.

    Sure, it's not going to reverse these practices since, as you note, they're pretty widespread and sit at the heart of pretty much all procurement contracts. But, doing something about those found corrupt - or better still effectively prosecuting those who are - is a better way to lessen its prevalence than ignoring them and letting the practitioners get on with it. Name-shame-convict.

    If they haul the Shinawatras off in handcuffs tarred and feathered and bypass everyone else on the other side, it will merely illustrate the pervasive corruption and exclusionary establishment in Thailand.

    But all that will change with reform.

    An overhaul of the judiciary to make everyone accountable and force them to serve their sentences. Then start a purge on all corruption.

    That is why the protests are happening and that is why I support the protests. I really want to see this reform happen and I want to see all the corrupt bastards behind bars completely stripped of their assets.

    If this does not come out of these protests, then Thailand is a lost cause.

    What you say is partially true. But they need more reform than the judiciary.

    The electoral system needs overhauling as well. The commitment to education

    needs a drastic change. Their is much that needs changing. As you say an

    overhaul of the Judiciary would indeed validate the parts that are already in place but ignored.

    In order to keep the false election promises down an impeachment system should be put in place.

    As I under stand it there is all ready a pretty good constitution it just needs changing in

    some areas to be more effective in bringing in a government willing to serve the people.wai.gif


    Just trying to make it all readable with out changing the settings or sliding the bar back and forth.

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