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Posts posted by northernjohn

  1. If you know you can't win by legal, democratic means, you can always try the illegal, undemocratic ways. That seems to work for the Dems pretty well at times. coffee1.gif

    Of course vote buying and populist policies are a much more democratic way? That seems to work for the PTP pretty well at times.

    Err policies that appeal to the majority of the population ARE democracy ... that's kinda how it's SUPPOSED to work ...

    ... and as for buying people, well how do you think Khun Suthep kept his protesters there for as long as he did ... free food and music/rent-a-thug/rent-a-crowds is still vote buying no matter how you spin it ... spending money to get people to support you is literally vote buying ... campaigning and advertising of your policies is also vote buying, but a type of vote buying that's considered acceptable ... some people literally give you cash to vote for them (Thaksin is neither the first nor last to do this), but most do it indirectly via one scheme or another ... anytime a politician spends money to get your support, they are literally trying to buy your votes. Most countries put a cap on how much money a politician can spend campaigning because otherwise the court has to sit there and try to decide whether or not the vote buying was ethical or not ... it's a minefield of issues that is usually best handled buy accepting a certain percentage is ok ... it's a part of democracy whether you like it or not. Indeed the absolute opposite of this is lobby groups paying politicians cash to support their cause ... again its part of the process. It might not seem right to you but that's how the system works everywhere ... it's ACCEPTABLE .... thuggery to stop people voting is NOT

    Planet earth calling Mot Leei

    The anti government protestors were not buying votes as they did not run any body.

    Not like the red shirts of 2010 who not only bought the voters with free food and entertainment they paid them to stay there so they would not have to go do an honest days work.

    • Like 1
  2. Well, that's a suprise, I must say.

    Well yes it may be a surprise but it is the wrong thing to do.

    They should seek to have elections held only once every 4 or 5 years. That way a corrupt government can not call for an election every time they see the end in sight and still have enough support. Elections are just a part of democracies and the way they are practiced here is more like a supported dictatorship through the election process. All they are doing is putting a new 5 watt light bulb in the Prime Ministers office.

    It once again points out the lack of education in Thailand and other countries that people who support them lack. To knowingly take a corrupt government and reelect them when you know there is a way to make the government more honest is like trying to read a book in the darkest room possible with just a 2 watt light bulb when you have 20 200 vision.facepalm.gif

  3.  "Despite ideological conflicts, one of the peaceful resolutions is 
    to listen to the people's opinions through an election. Though we have yet to 
    get (an) adequate (number of) MPs for the House, it's a good sign that people 
    wanted an election under the democratic system," she said

    BS it was not a good sign the people wanted an election. It was a sign that she saw the end coming and wanted to renew her term in office while she still had the support. In a real democracy a leader would not pick and choose the time for them to have an election. They would serve the full term and not call for a reelection. They could always resign from politics if the going was to rough for them and the people were starting to see through them.

    • Like 2
  4. I have to admit that I fail to see the logic of the alcohol ban over the election period.

    Is it a Thai tradition to get totally blasted and thus be unable to vote? I have my doubts. And those diehard drunks for whom that may be the case will surely be prepared, and have a stash of their favourite poison to see them over the 'dry' period.

    It seems totally barmy to me.

    The farong ones aren't smart enough to do that so they post on Thai Visa about it.

  5. The people have spoken. Jail Suthep and his lackeys now!

    ..............what for?.....................................standing up to a criminal? You can always go back home!! You dont have a say by the way!!

    No, to arrest your boss and your hero Suthep, one of the biggest criminal in Thailand, CONVICTED for fraud, murder, violation of the Constitution, etc..

    Your hero has a whole life of committing crime


    Did you hero call you to tell word by word all the insults of the day against the forumists ?

    We can see here the Suthep's followers the only thing they are capable of is insulting the other forumists.

    I must have missed the link to any of the convictions you just summed up .

    I think he missed more than a link.sad.png his post read more likepassifier.gif don't understand why he feels the need to tell porkers Yingluck will be the next Prime Minister and the money will continue to flow out of the government coffers to off shore banks or fill closetscheesy.gif. Now though they are looking to fatten up the calf to the tune of 2.2 trillion baht.crazy.gif

  6. The only figures that are really interesting in this election are how many percent voted and how many percent voted 'none of the above'. If the combined votes for all parties standing are less than the number of votes not cast, spoiled and negatively cast, then the situation will be identical to that in 2006.

    Of course results will slip out long before the 23rd. Different interested parties, such as CMPO above, will try to release figures that support their position and, in contravention of polling laws, try to influence the votes not yet cast.

    Thankfully injuries appear pretty much to have been avoided today, so let's hope that all sides do their best to continue in this way.

    The numbers are irrelevant to the protesters.

    Sent from my phone ...

    The numbers are only irrelevant to the protesters in as much as they will continue their protest whatever. But having called on their supporters to boycott the election, it will be very easy for them to claim the support of those abstaining or voting no.

    The PDRC have no plans to give up yet. Their demands have never been for an election, but it looks like rice farmers will soon be joining them in Bangkok according to farmer leaders from Nakhon Sawan, Phitsanulok, Petchabun, Pichit, Ang Thong and Ratchaburi.


    I feel that the numbers could break either side. If there is enough for the PTP it will break the protestors. On the other hand if the PTP don't show a larger support base than they had when the Democrats were running it could break them.

    I can't figure out why Suthep wasn't urging the anti government protestors to vote the no vote. It would have saved some violence that really was useless and it would still convey to the government that they were unhappy with the PTP's unwillingness to reform the government.

    I bet there was quite a few red shirts that voted the no vote. There is a segment of the red shirts that want Thaksin out of politics. they just haven't the gonads to vote for another party.

  7. RTTulip_Oum: CMPO give out unofficial estimated no. of MP from each parties such as PT would get 265-280 seats, ChatThaiPattana to get 29 seats. #TPBS

    I think the PT government has just set the grounds for nullifying their own election .

    unofficial estimated

    Do you get it jesse, do you get it?

    Yeah i get it, it's a clear example of the government trying to influence the voters that weren't able to vote today and will have to vote next week or on 23 February, but most probably not any time in the near future, as manipulating peoples decisions is against the election law and will make the current elections void.

    Do you get it ?

    That is a very good point. When they allowed that to become public knowledge even if it was an estimate they opened up a whole new line of legal wrangling. It is a good thing the Government has lawyers already on the pay roll. If they didn't and they had to hire some the lawyers after watching the rice fiasco would probably have asked for their money up front.wai.gif

  8. For those who can not seem to find it in themselves to admit the truth, NO, it is not over. Suthep and friends are not going to be arrested and thrown under the jail, as we all know, TIT, amazing Thialand. The best is yet to come. When the probes into the rice scandal get going, hit-the-fan.gif it will truly hit the fan. Even if Yingluck does get enough votes to stay in office, there will be several other oppertunities to force her out. Suthep and friends are not going to just call it quits and go fishing, no this will only serve to strengthen their resolve. Things might really start to smell now. I just hope that many families do not lose members.

    I for one admire Suthep, even though we all know he is not squiky clean, has had the gonads to pursue this. If we had someone like him in the USA to unite us against the government, hell, I would pack up and move back in a heartbeat.

    This is only the start of a long journey that Thailand is going to be traveling in the comming years.

    It is certainly not over - as you suggest. But I think it will pan out differently. Suthep is now soiled goods in the eyes of his elite backers,.

    They have invested, and probably now lost, a lot of money supporting this man and he has failed dismally to deliver. They will not be a happy bunch. When the Yellow Shirts failed in a previous incarnation their leader, Sondhi, was the subject of an assassination attempt. He somehow miraculously survived, and said he knew who was behind his attempted murder but refused to name names. What fate now awaits, Suthep? An unpleasant one I imagine, forever looking over his shoulder from now on. He's a finished man. And his financial backers will be looking for a new frontman.

    You really were not paying attention were you. This whole thing is not a product of Suthep and these mysterious they that you allude to. Always have to have a mysterious force makes for a great novel. The plain and simple truth is this is a reaction by grass roots people to a in your face we don't give a damn what you want corrupt government. Suthep came along later.

    You people are laughable always talking about the elite behind it all ask you to name them and not one name comes up just the normal every body knows. Well I don't so tell me here.

    Millions of people have no fear of saying Thaksin is behind the red shirts so why not give us the names behind this grass roots inspired protest.

    Reason You haven't a clue.

    Nobody is being sued for saying Thaksin is behind the red shirts.

    • Like 1
  9. If they cancel the result there will be hell to pay, .. the country has voted and those that havnt will.The courts cannot keep nullifying things over and over people just wont accept it.

    If the country has chosen then so be it, a few thousand rabid people dosnt make an opposition, go back and come up with real policies and party to oppose or go crawl under a rock smile.png

    Well the opposition had almost as much votes (in the popular vote) as the PTP in the last election and dominate all teh south....

    That are more than a few thousands.

    We are talking about the rallies. You can't assume that every person who didn't vote PT in the south supports Suthep's grab for power.

    Why is it when some one tries to reform a corrupt government you feel the need to tell a porker. Suthep came forth with a plan to reform the government. What has Yingluck come up with. Well let us see she has learned how to use Skype.

    Did any one see it on the news today where Yingluck voted but it was so complicated that she did it wrong and her vote won't count. So what we have here is a PM who can't figure out how to cast a ballot. Then their is a capable honest man (Abhist) who can not run for office because he did not vote. Truly amazing Thailand. Then you top it off with the fact that she is bound to be the PM but she has some of her supporters talking about splitting the Nation. Yes sirebob truly amazing.cheesy.gif

    But she did get some photo ops in. That was the important thing in her way of operating and running the country. She actually was pathetic just standing there with the vote in her hand and staring off into cameras with out letting go of it.giggle.gif

    People dribble on about democracy being the right to vote but none of these PTP red shirt dribblers mention Democracy being the right to have an honest transparent government.

    • Like 1
  10. My wife and I ate there recently for the first time. I'm sorry to say that it was bland. In fact, my wife and I almost remarked at the same time that the sauce the butter chicken came with tasted like Campbell's tomato soup. The osmosis were also a bit flat and the green dip uninspiring. We are always willing to try a new Indian restaurant, but we will probably be going back to Le Spice.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I quit going to le spice a few years ago as I found the check was never right. Always to their favor and trying to go over it with them was useless.

    The other day the wife talked me into going back as there would probably be a new waitress. I had figured that out a year ago but still didn't go. So I went back a couple of days ago and the food was still good and the service was much better. It was like they were glad to see me.

    So I will give them a thumbs up. Can't say if they are real Indian as there is such a big difference in Indian food when you are in India. I just know I like it.

    • Like 1
  11. Don't be confused by that little Rim Ping pantry store on the third floor of Maya Mall. The real Rim Ping is in the basement and so far, we've found all our favorite Rim Ping items -- no need to go to their Airport Plaza store any more.

    I'll have to tell Hubby about the 6 am opening time -- I find that hard to believe, but he's a real early bird, so he'll check it out. I wonder if it's like the 9 am opening time at Tops KSK where you really can't shop because the aisles are crowded with staff restocking the shelves and much of the produce, baked goods, meat hasn't been put on display yet.

    The best Rimpings were always MeeChok Plaza and the Iron Bridge branches.

    Certainly agree about Meechok-very well stocked and very helpful staff if you cant find what you want; Nearly gave up of cardamom pods last week but the lady found them for me. Great addition to coffee, for me at least

    Disagree, the Promenada one knocks them all for six. Not only can you shop there for all those wonderful goods, as per normal, you can also have breakfast (for 69 baht!), sit at the sushi bar, or the oyster bar, or the cocktail bar, or the coffee bar, or pig out in front of the bakery. Then there's the pharmacy, that health supplements bit, the little bookshop. Meechok's great (shopped there since it opened) but doesn't have a bakery even.

    Not all of them the one by the river is good also. The best part about it is you don't need a flashlight. the Maya has very narrow isles and even with wide aisles a lot of time it can be a challenge getting through them. Seems like the world over people get in a super market and they need to leave their cart in the middle of the aisle. Or parked side ways. Gonna be tough getting by them in Maya. I did like the idea that if you looked down the aisle you could see a sign saying what was in the aisle but at the river one you don't have to look down the aisles they have a sign in the main aisle.

  12. From Thaksin to today?

    This dilemma has not started with Thaksin and it will not end with him.

    So you are saying that we are in this dilemma because of some body else years before Thaksin.

    I will agree with you on the part where a large part of the dilemma is caused by all the previous governments ignoring the lack of education. That includes the PTP.

    Also the next door to useless journalism in this country. One English paper with any credentials and it is not allowed on this forum. I highly doubt there is a newsman in the country that would even have a clue as to what investigative journalism is. It seems they print any thing they want. Facts are unimportant to them.

    A political neophyte when she took office in 2011, the 46-year-old former business executive surprised many observers by steadying Thailand after years of often bloody political unrest.

    I give that as an example. She did nothing except stop the red shirts from causing it being as she was acting under the orders of her brother the same as they were.

    Maybe some people with no education or sense what so ever were surprised but I would bet that 95% of the population was not surprised.

    But after her landslide victory in July 2011,

    Less than half is a landslide? it was 48% for the PTP. The big question that has never been asked by any one other than me is how many of that 48% was for Yingluck and how much for Thaksin.

    The whole article is fluff. No meat in it just the normal run of the mill what will sell the most papers journalism.

    All countries will have their dilemmas. The secret is to deal with them in an open and honest fashion. Stop trying to blame people who may be dead for years. The problem is today deal with it today.

    People may not and do not like Suthep's idea of how to deal with it but he has the guts to say it is wrong let us fix it. Rather than say nothing wrong with it we should split the country up into two different countries.

    It grieves me to see Thailand perpetually continue with the nonsense of the people don't count. Just we in positions of power and access to the pig trough count.sad.png

  13. Not sure it makes any sense to do it by post now.

    The process, based on reports and my own experience, is quite smooth now. For those who are within a reasonable distance to IM it probably isn't necessary but those who have 1,2 or more hour round trips to get there it does make sense. Example are quite a few members seem to be out at Doi Saket or similar distances.

    Your showing your age with the 1 hour return being considered a long trip.tongue.png

    I use an equation for it. Distance x Time2 = stress level. wink.png

    thumbsup.gif I will take your word for it. Not having a vehicle and relying on Thai Visa for time spent in traffic. I guess it doesn't have to be very far to equal one hour to and back. Even walking I can see the difference in the traffic in two years. Old age doesn't go back much farther. Just going to get worse.sad.png On the other hand some times it makes it real easy to cross a busy street as they are just parked there any how.giggle.gif

  14. Many seem to be shouting war and trying to ignite one. All caused by one single person for greed and desire of greatness. 64 years old and gathered billions. Still it's not enough. How does he think he can return to Thailand and live? Become president of the north? It will not happen.

    I am not going to bother reading the rest of the posts. You have hit the nail right on the head.

    I might add that it would also make assassination a sure fire easier thing. As long as he stays out of Thailand he is Ok. Remember He would not even go to the Burmese city next to Mai Sai a red shirt stronghold for fear of assassination.

  15. Not sure it makes any sense to do it by post now.

    The process, based on reports and my own experience, is quite smooth now. For those who are within a reasonable distance to IM it probably isn't necessary but those who have 1,2 or more hour round trips to get there it does make sense. Example are quite a few members seem to be out at Doi Saket or similar distances.

    Your showing your age with the 1 hour return being considered a long trip.tongue.png

  16. Oh - and I presume that the passport photocopies have to be signed before sending, though Tywais doesn't mention this in the pinned thread about 90 days reporting.

    Most (but not all) times I've met up at CM Immi, I've had to sign all of my documents for 90 days renewal.


    Correct I was in Friday and had all my papers with me. The girl who handed me my number told me to sign them. Just a little thing but it sure makes a difference if you are mailing them and even if you are taking them in person as it does take time to sign and if a lot of people have to sign it adds up.

  17. You can tell the current flight status at the CNX website. You select the time range and it will tell you all all flights departing/arriving. Saturday shows one arrival (China) at 1:50AM and nothing until 6:00AM. Unfortunately, seems no options to select a specific day of the week, just the current day. http://www.chiangmaiairportonline.com/node/10

    Another site - Flightstats

    Then what are all the planes everyone hears every night up until 4am? Are they all delayed? Cargo planes? unscheduled??? I do find it strange as when my parents visited in December, they landed at 11pm, but I was late getting there (called them) and when I got there 55 minutes later, they were sat outside with a security guard having been kicked out the airport as it had closed. So always wonder where these people landing are actually getting on/off the plane. However, they ARE there - every night.

    With all due respect I hear about one every other week or so unless it is a military one. I hear more helicopters than air planes.

    I was down there tonight dropping my old Mum off....wow, the busiest I have ever seen CM Airport on over 6 years, especially the international departures. The coach parking was full, loads of mini buses etc....noticed quite a few new flights eg. Hong Kong, Kunming etc etc....lots of Chinese I guess going home after visiting family here?

    I would imagine as the traffic increases in Chiang Mai the traffic in Bangkok will decrease. There are around 50 different countries advising people to take care in Bangkok.

    Be interesting in seeing how it works out when the Bangkok party is settled and done for a while. We might see less flights out of and into Chiang Mai then. On the other hand there seems to be more people coming with money to live here in Chiang Mai and they may be adding to the traffic flow.

    Bottom line is they are years away from needing a new airport and even when they get a new one the traffic flow will be the same. The complaints will be the same just coming from different people. The Taxi industry will be happy with the raise in cost they can charge. 150 baht to 200 or more. Less competition from songthaew and tuck tucks.

    I highly doubt there will be many flights changing their arrival or departure times because there is a new airport. They still have to accommodate there arrival and departure times at the other end. The only national flights coming in at the late hours would be the same ones who do now. Just accommodating the international flights into Bangkok. No one in the morning arrivals in Bangkok no departures for Chiang Mai at those times.

  18. I can see Lanna becoming a tax haven, or at least a duty-free zone between China, the new Burma, Singapore, etc. Naturally, rules against reasonable foreign ownership of land would change. Employment, education and transportation would increase markedly once Chiangmai and the north change from spoke to hub.

    Naturally, rules against reasonable foreign ownership of land would change. Employment, education and transportation would increase markedly once Chiangmai and the north change from spoke to hub.

    Where would the money come from to improve all these things. I agree they need improving but they would need money and a new way of thinking.

    Why would the rules of foreign ownership change? I can understand big industry wanting to own their own land. But I can not understand them wanting to spend their money to get there products out to the rest of the world. They can all ready set up and get cheaper work force in Laos but they do not have accesses to shipping. Distribution would be a huge problem for them.

    Would this red shirt country allow the PTP in?

  19. I am confused is that not the democratic way to be allowed the right to choose to participate in an election or not?]


    You certainly are confused.There is a legal obligation on all registered voters in Thailand to cast their votes. They have an option of ticking 'no vote' on the ballot if they don't support any of the parties listed, but they have to turn up. Same in many other countries. Any former Democrat MP who does not cast his vote will be barred from standing for election for a period of five years. Hope that cleared up your confusion.

    Exactly. I would think it would be illegal to encourage people not to pitch.

    The reason for the law is simple. People could be threatened not to attend on masse from say a factory etc. People should attend, simple.

    Yes people should attend. But since when in history have they all attended in any country that is democratic.. It is not illegal to not vote. It will how ever as it sits now prevent them for running for an office for five years.

    That is exactly why Yingluck insisted on the vote being taken now while she could still control the government and eliminate the opposition who with integrity refused to bow to her puppetry. They have absolutely no problem in participating in a election that has been reformed and allows a level playing field to the parties with less money than the PTP. Doe's Yingluck have a problem with that well look at her actions. I say why did she not attack the yellow shirts for not voting but she is willing to attack the Democrats

    Gee let me see now here. If the yellow shirts had voted she wouldn't have the power she has now. If the Democrats don't vote she has even more power for the next 5 years. So lets jump on them and bury them. She knows that with out reform she has enough money to win the election. So why reform the election process. Just carry it out and take advantage of the integrity the Democrats have.

    Sounds like the typical PTP red shirt thing to do. They are just rubbing there hands in glee thinking of the 2.2 trillion baht that they will have free accesses to. Their foreign bank accounts are going to grow by leaps and bounds.

    She hasn't the brains to figure it out that this is going to solve nothing just create more problems. She can't call out the army because her own government says if a soldier kills a rebel she is guilty of murder.

  20. Dunno. But taking orders from above is how it is done in Yingluck's wonderland. Skype, wouldn't you know, plays a big part in it

    And of course Mark isnt advised or taking orders from anyone right ? whistling.gif

    The PT cronies, criminals and anyone else have given copious evidence in the past few years that Taksin is the person in charge. Taksin speaks PT carries out his dastardly orders, it is well known and has been admitted to numerous times.

    Since you seem to think you know so much, please tell us who you think Abisit has recieved his skyped orders from and kindly back that up with at least 1 legitimate refernce. Or else please stop with the bs and utter tripe you keep spewing here....Thank you.

    Abhisit has no main leadership status, he flip flops he is clearly subservient to Suthep and is clearly taking advice no less than your claims on YS ...

    So you want some names do you ?

    General Prawit Wongsuwan, a former army commander, defense minister and elite Queen's Guard, is the most visible of what some diplomats refer to as an amorphous "council of elders" Other military "elders" reportedly include 2006 coup maker Lieutenant-General Winai Phattiyakul, former National Security chief and known Thaksin nemesis Squadron Leader Prasong Soonsiri, and retired General Saiyud Kerdphol, a former Supreme Commander and father of current army chief of staff Gen Aksra Kerdphol. Then theres good old Prem lets not forget him.

    i cant say more of the who because its not allowed on this forum ..Les majeste and all that.

    Just my opinion of a few who could be pulling Marks strings some certainly are and all of which have far more power than he. Sorry to upset your day but that is my opinion and I will not keep quiet for the likes of you or your fascist friends shooting at people and trying to block freedom to vote... so get used to it tongue.png

    Do you even bother to reads your posts or other posts.

    The question was

    "Since you seem to think you know so much, please tell us who you think Abisit has recieved his skyped orders from and kindly back that up with at least 1 legitimate reference"

    Instead we get a list of names with no reference to where they have been pulling Mark's strings In fact I believe one of them has joined the PTP. Then to further your rambling you back it up by saying Les majeste (your spelling not mine) won't allow you to add to your nonsensical list.

    You even try to claim that the Anti Government people are shooting at them selves.

    Sounds to me like any one who will not knell at Thaksin's feet and immediately mindlesly carry out his orders is a menace to democracy in your opinion.

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