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Posts posted by northernjohn

  1. From the life style you describe I would say you need a minimum of $900 to $1,000

    a month.

    As for the smog every thing you have heard here is pretty much fact barring a rainy season.

    But it is nothing compared to Beijing.

    • Like 1
  2. Well there certainly has been as lot of interesting posts here. I notice that most of the ones who had good experiences had an online appointment and being as they only handle about 20% of there cases with on line renewals or extensions or what ever you care to call it I was wondering what about the others. I had luck last time I extended it I checked in at 9:30 in the morning and was told to come back at 3:30 in the afternoon.

    Total served that day over and above the 10 with an appointment. total with out an appointment was 64. The silent majority.wai.gif

  3. where is le spice? back in town at the end of the month might give it a look

    Basically it is in the night bazaar. If you have your back to the Burger King turn right go to the next street about 100 meters and turn right you can't miss it. About 50m meters up on the right.

    On a side note the last time I was in the Burger King I saw a sign saying they were selling beer.

    • Like 1
  4. Well kiss my butt, just exactly as all the expats in Thailand have been suggesting since this hideous scheme was introduced , the only people that wont see this as a way out of a bad deal is the PTP , they will just dig their way into a mess that will get bigger and bigger, arrogant , corrupt, intimidating and down right dangerous , the PTP right to rule like it or not will continue, it's business as usual for Thailand.coffee1.gif

    Read all the posts. You will notice that there are some expats still claiming that she is innocent.

    I don't see this as a way out of a bad deal just a way out of a bad policy.

    They are still stuck with a bad deal.

    I wonder how many of them would be backing her if she looked like her brother or older sister?crazy.gif

  5. Rice scheme burns out. Tablet maker bankrupt. First time car buyers not getting their rebates. That's 0/3 for the Shin populist promises! Well done!

    The spin meister is back ...surely not even you could blame YL for this. Blame here is squarely with Suthep. No other explanation warrants consideration.

    Rubbish once again. PTP implemented the rice plan against the advice of the democrats & general public, knowing the rice scheme was a doomed failure and that PTP are total incredible crooks who have botched all plans they had since they have been in offic .

    No way Chinese would be foolish enough to get caught up in rice deals with PTP, whose horrible reputation precedes them. Not even buy dead dog meat from them. PTP & the Silo scam is yet another chapter in the depths of their unprecedented graft.

    Stop making excuses for these swindlers and accept that they are getting what they deserve, as a reaction to the deeds they've done.

    Stop making excuses for these swindlers and accept that they are getting what 
    they deserve,

    I disagree they are not in jail.

    But I did like the bit about not buying dog meat.

  6. not such a surprise

    Soon Suthep won t be needed to pull PT out, their voters will do it for him

    I think the voters who support PT don't really care much about these things. They are influenced in other ways.

    I agree. I speak to teachers at my issan school who have never heard of the rice scheme.

    Kind of explains the lack of education here in Thailand.

  7. Rice scheme burns out. Tablet maker bankrupt. First time car buyers not getting their rebates. That's 0/3 for the Shin populist promises! Well done!

    The spin meister is back ...surely not even you could blame YL for this. Blame here is squarely with Suthep. No other explanation warrants consideration.

    The blame lies firmly at the door of Thaksin, Yingluck and Pheu Thai for their stupidly flawed and corrupt populist policies that are falling down now around their ears . . . no other explanation warrants consideration.

    EDIT: By the way, is this the cancellation of the Rice Deal with China that China had previously denied even existed? If so, this Govt is piling lie on top of lie at the moment, I'll await the announcement next from China stating that they have no clue what "Thailand" is talking about and to stop putting words in their mouths.

    I think that when he said

    "The spin meister is back"

    He was referring to his feeble attempt to cover up Yingluck.violin.gif

  8. Rice scheme burns out. Tablet maker bankrupt. First time car buyers not getting their rebates. That's 0/3 for the Shin populist promises! Well done!

    The spin meister is back ...surely not even you could blame YL for this. Blame here is squarely with Suthep. No other explanation warrants consideration.

    I bet they wouldn't have pulled out of it if their side had been squeaky clean. Probably going to be the political death of the Chinese who made the deal. China is not fond of being caught dealing with air heads.

    Speaking of air heads. How can any one with all that has gone wrong with the rice scam consider it an honest policy.

    Suthep should be given a reward for making it so obvious even the rice farmers can see through it.

  9. I had a professional Massage Therapist in Canada. She had two years of training. There was times when she had to use her elbow to get to a knot in my muscles. It sounds to me like all the OP wants is some one to gentle rub their body. Not sure what the benefit from that is but to each their own. I once made the mistake of saying a medium massage instead of gentle massage at the Blind massage in the old city. Never again. Now I ask for the gentle one.

  10. none of those bakeries are any good. don't get hit by a car crossing the street. even Rimping baked goods are better.

    I like 2 out of the 3 but I guess it depends what you are looking for, and I agree, it is better to take your bike/car than walk/run across!

    Don't own either one and have no trouble crossing the street. Besides if I want a good bakery I will go to butter is better.

    There is how ever I believe several bakeries in Maya.

    • Like 1
  11. Thank you for gathering all of this information, Steve. It is truly amazing stuff. Only 26% of eligible voters in Bangkok (the nation's political, economic, and cultural center) casting ballots, and only 50% or so even in the north and northeastern Red strongholds, where no Suthep forces were present to discourage people from turning out. What this suggests to me is that after the election is ruled invalid and the Thaksin puppets are tossed from office, the Reds will be unable to marshall anywhere near the same number of protesters to descend on Bangkok and terrorize the citizenry as in 2010. To be sure, they will gather some -- screaming "judicial coup!" -- and black-shirted assassins will be hired to kill people: some targeted, some at random. But this will have the effect of alienating even more voters; the downward spiral has begun. I think we're finally beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel: the beginning of the end of the entire Thaksin phenomenon, his 15-year-long megalomaniacal drive to establish a populist dictatorship.

    Yours is wishful thinking.
    Thaksin changed the attitudes of the northern and northeastern people and made them much stronger and more determined. I don't believe that they will accept much more of the procedural trickery and insurrectionary tactics from Suthep and Abhisit, especially if the election is annulled. They could respond in all kinds of ways: perhaps civil disobedience is one option. Of course the Army can shoot a few people as it did in 2010, but they would need to shoot a lot because the northerners know their own strength now - and actually the shooting option is unlikely because the Army is divided about which 'side' they're on (from what one hears).
    I tend to think that the reds would not come to Bangkok again: they've probably given up caring what happens there. The 'home rule' option is more likely.
    Much of this conflict has stemmed from the disastrous coup in 2006. If democracy had been allowed to run its course then, the voters would have determined if Thaksin stayed in power or not. Instead we have chaos.
    I don't know why you and others say he planned dictatorship. There's no documentation of that being his aim. And why would he need to when he and his parties have kept winning elections? (And now he's had enough of running for office, he says). Certainly he placed 'his people' in positions of authority, but any competent leader does that even in western countries.
    Evidently his downfall was due to his break with the 'old boy network' and his single-minded vision for Thailand: that modern approach alienated the old boys - and that's why he was kicked out.
    I admit it is possible that the rice fiasco has antagonised so many voters that they could become fatalistic and just accept the next boring Abhisit government, if that is foisted on them - but I doubt it.

    You realize of course that the red shirts are now fighting with in there own members. They do not all want Thaksin back. They have come to understand that his populist policies are just costing them money. No they will not mobilize again to descend on Bangkok. They no longer are receiving pay checks for that. Thaksin may be dumb as a board fence but he now realizes all that money got him was a worse name than he had before he started the 2010 armed peaceful protest.

  12. I think the best idea is to make Red Lanna a part of the United Kingdom, with Parliamentary elections using the first past the post system, sending Thaksin and his family to Whitehall.

    This would create huge benefits:

    For me: I wouldn't have to renew my Visa every year and report every three months;

    For the Mrs: We wouldn't have to go through a thousand hoops to get her to the UK on holiday every year

    For Thaksin: It would give him the opportunity to buy the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben and another football club

    For Yingluck: She would get some protection from Britain's political correctness

    For the Reds: It would give them some idea of what democracy is about.

    For the police: They would have access to all the training facilities that the British Bobby enjoys

    Shall I propose all this to Doi Suthep and Chalerm so they could have the basis for some negotiation?

    By all means Chalerm will have it done in 90 days.burp.gifsorry.gif

  13. so Abhisit says they wasted that money now HE wants to waste it again?

    Not sure where you read that maybe in a red shirt bar.

    Abhist wants to have an election where all is honest. That means no more buying votes no more false promises more like misleading fantasies. In other words make it an election that has a positive meaning to the results. Not a sham.

    Seems as there are a lot of people against that.

    To each their own. I am just retired here and care about the welfare of the country. Even if I was in business I would like to see an honest government.

  14. the "ACT" also states that the national election be drawn in all constituencies on the same day. That was KNOWN to be impossible for many constituencies before the election, therefor not in appliance of the "ACT"

    I am genuinely interested in this subject and would be grateful if you or anyone else kindly indicated in what section of the Organic Act on election of members of the house of representatives and installation of senators I can find this, as I have searched for it in vain.

    I presume this section:

    "“election day” means the day designated as the day of election as prescribed by the

    Royal Decree on the Election of Members of the House of Representatives or Senators, as the
    case may be;"
    but that can be covered by this section slightly:
    " Section 78 In the case where the polling at any polling station could not be made
    because of the riot, flood, fire, force majeure or another case of necessity, if such event has
    occurred prior to the election day, the Committee of polling station shall determine a new
    polling place where the voters shall be able to cast a vote conveniently. If the new polling
    place cannot be determined, the Committee of polling station shall announce the cancellation
    of vote-casting in such station and shall forthwith report such incident to the Election
    BUT it does not say what can be done! So i can only presume to the EC's consderation.
    "MUTATIS MUTANDIS. The necessary changes. This is a phrase of frequent practical occurrence, meaning that matters or things are generally the same, but to be altered, when necessary, as to names, offices, and the like."
    puccini. thanks for posting that link. I do note that it is an unofficial translation. I hope some context of words is not missing.
    my original statement was from EC statements ( i think, its been a long few weeks)

    In my opinion they met the conditions but as you said they gave no answer as to what can be done.

    It is hard to really say what they are saying in such technical matters as this one when you are not only converting it from one language to another but one culture to another.

    I am a strong backer of Suthep and do not believe any other way than his will bring a lasting answer. That being said I deplore him not urging every one to vote. It would not matter who won. The Government would know where it stands. No longer would there be a government so powerful that it didn't need other parties and could shut them down when they disagreed with them.

    He should have been urging all of them to vote none of the above. Hard to believe but that would be a message Yingluck would kind of understand. The part she couldn't understand she could have the advisor who advised her on how to vote make it clear to her.whistling.gif

  15. Question : does the EC know what it stands for ?

    And does the EC know what the rules are or do they make them up as they need some new ones in case they really don't know themselves ?

    I for myself would not refer to them as " wise men "


    It is a learned behavior from watching how the PTP government operate

    PTP will only abide by rules / regulations / constitution when it suits them

    That's not always true.

    Some time they just interpret them while they are in a red shirt bar.

  16. Until the EC publicly release the voting results, one can only go on the information the newspaper uses,

    The shut down failed miserably, with the election happening all over Thailand. We personally took our family members to vote in Wang Muang, Uthai Thani and Nakhon Sawan where a mass of voters were voting, it is not how they voted it is that they chose the Thai Democracy's option to vote.

    Anyway you look at it the shut-down and boycott did not work!


    So you have finally figured it out. Common sense tells us that 89% of eligible voters never vote.giggle.gif

  17. What gives the Democrat party the right to file a suit on an Election, they as a party boycotted, that was lead by a protest by at least (9) members of that party and whose leadership and rank and file actively protested in the Anti-government demonstrations and the only constituencies that were closed or failed to field candidates to contest the election, are in areas that Democrat party voters dominate (10.90%) of the polling places actively block voters from fulfilling their Constitutional right to vote!

    All this was done with the public backing of the Democrats, who publicly stated prior to the election that was their intentions!

    PTP should begin a proactive campaign and file a sue to have the Democratic party dissolves for backing a non-constitutional and non Democratic appointed peoples counsel, The Democrats should also be sued for the disaster their protest cause to the city of Bangkok over the last 3 or 4 months and for the cost of the election, by their fascist tactic and boycott of the royally decreed election that clearly abided by the dictation of the Thai constitution.

    It is plain that the ex ruling elite is hell bend on forcing a civil war in Bangkok, though the actions of their puppet EC and court system.

    The nation has been very careful not to offer the EC a reason to cancel the election, the EC by putting off the advance election for 3 more weeks and in hopes that the Court will nullify the election, and the EC will not be required to post the election results. results.

    The issue was not the results or who would win the election, but the if there was to be an a election at all , the overwhelming majority chose the election process and voted, that "majority of 89%" of the eligible voters in Thailand.

    The EC and the Courts by following the dictates of their masters and not for the good of the nation, will set a Legal precedence that any minority in the future of Thailand can disrupt the will of the majority and will lead to additional decades of political unrest in Thailand!



    the overwhelming majority chose the election process and voted, that "majority of 89%" of the eligible voters in Thailand.


    The PTP do not want the election nullified. But they sure do not want the results publicized. That will show there over all weakness. An election with no major opposition and I am thinking they get a lot less votes than they did when they had opposition. Going to prove embarrassing to them.

    Not as embarrassing as claiming that 89% of the voters voted but never the less embarrassing. People like you willing to believe any thing is what they base their whole support on. wai.gif

    Most pathetic explanation for what happened in Thailand yesterday, done in the best Suthep way of deep logical thinking,

    What part of that, do you not understand, "(89%) of Thai registered voters chose to vote"yesterday!

    The Yellows and their backers were trying to stop the election and told all of it supporters not to vote, in contrast the Yingluck government stated that people should support the Thai Democracy and vote.

    "89% of eligible voters voted in the February 2 national election, 10.9% of voters chose not to vote or were blocked from voting"

    RESULTS: The Suthep, Democrat party, lost the election as (1 out of 10) voters backed the demonstrators call to boycott the election!

    In sharp contrast (9 out of 10) Thai voters backed PTP position to vote.

    All I have read today is the pathetic post from posters trying to "save face" as the real Thai majority, burst their bubble and voted in over whelming numbers!

    I would laugh to, but I chose not to add insult to injury!



    It was 89% of the polls were open. It will be a while before we get the total number of votes.

    when we do you will be able to tell us how big percentage voted. In the mean time troll oncheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

  18. PM satisfied with yesterday’s polls


    BANGKOK: -- Caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said she was satisfied with yesterday’s polls which she said was the beginning of the process to resolve the current conflict through democratic way.

    She thanked all the people and authorities who came out to exercise their rights to vote, saying polling stations which have problems would be the duty of the Election Commission to hold fresh elections.

    She said that her caretaker government would throw full support to fresh elections as this was a start of the process to resolve the current problem under the democratic system.

    She also recalled yesterday’s placing her ballots into wrong boxes saying that she followed advice from the official and she has reported this to the Election Commission.

    A member of the Election Commission Mr Somchai Srisuthiyakorn, meanwhile, said that dropping ballots into wrong boxes would not spoil the ballots as before counting, all ballots would be separated between constituency voting and party-list voting ballots before counting.

    Yesterday, the caretaker prime minister dropped her two ballots into wrong ballot boxes. She first dropped the orange-color ballot into the box which is for constituency voting ballot, and then proceeded to drop the blue color ballot into another box which is for party list voting.

    Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/pm-satisfied-yesterdays-polls/


    -- Thai PBS 2014-02-03

    BANGKOK: -- Caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said she was satisfied with yesterday’s polls which she said was the beginning of the process to resolve the current conflict through democratic way.

    She is misleading people by with holding information. What she was really meaning was it is the beginning of getting her way at all times through elections. Rather than stick it out in the government run and call an election. How many more days before they try to white wash Thaksin.

    Just stop and think about it a Prime Minister who has to have advisors on how to vote in an election. We got us a real winner here folks. She lives up to all those blonde jokes even though she isn't blonde.

    To bad they can not photo shop her TV appearances.clap2.gif

  19. So you are saying the election is not unconstitutional. So, follow the election laws when filing complaints to invalidate results.

    Of course, the DEM can file complaint, but whether it should be accepted by court or not is why I came out with my arguments.

    I also warn about the consequences of their childish action.

    What right? When you refused to vote - boycott, you lost the right to challenge.

    You really should make up your mind.

    He is a fine example of a graduate of red shirt democracy.

  20. What gives the Democrat party the right to file a suit on an Election, they as a party boycotted, that was lead by a protest by at least (9) members of that party and whose leadership and rank and file actively protested in the Anti-government demonstrations and the only constituencies that were closed or failed to field candidates to contest the election, are in areas that Democrat party voters dominate (10.90%) of the polling places actively block voters from fulfilling their Constitutional right to vote!

    All this was done with the public backing of the Democrats, who publicly stated prior to the election that was their intentions!

    PTP should begin a proactive campaign and file a sue to have the Democratic party dissolves for backing a non-constitutional and non Democratic appointed peoples counsel, The Democrats should also be sued for the disaster their protest cause to the city of Bangkok over the last 3 or 4 months and for the cost of the election, by their fascist tactic and boycott of the royally decreed election that clearly abided by the dictation of the Thai constitution.

    It is plain that the ex ruling elite is hell bend on forcing a civil war in Bangkok, though the actions of their puppet EC and court system.

    The nation has been very careful not to offer the EC a reason to cancel the election, the EC by putting off the advance election for 3 more weeks and in hopes that the Court will nullify the election, and the EC will not be required to post the election results. results.

    The issue was not the results or who would win the election, but the if there was to be an a election at all , the overwhelming majority chose the election process and voted, that "majority of 89%" of the eligible voters in Thailand.

    The EC and the Courts by following the dictates of their masters and not for the good of the nation, will set a Legal precedence that any minority in the future of Thailand can disrupt the will of the majority and will lead to additional decades of political unrest in Thailand!



    the overwhelming majority chose the election process and voted, that "majority of 89%" of the eligible voters in Thailand.


    The PTP do not want the election nullified. But they sure do not want the results publicized. That will show there over all weakness. An election with no major opposition and I am thinking they get a lot less votes than they did when they had opposition. Going to prove embarrassing to them.

    Not as embarrassing as claiming that 89% of the voters voted but never the less embarrassing. People like you willing to believe any thing is what they base their whole support on. wai.gif

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