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Posts posted by northernjohn

  1. This tablet policy is the one that PTP supporters always wheel-out to show that PTP kept their pre-election promises, they say "we were promised a tablets for kids scheme and PTP delivered it."

    Inquiring minds wonder if the choice of such a seriously shifty supplier is a way to avoid that pre-election promise, while at the same time claiming to have fulfilled it. Its not our fault the tablets weren't delivered. We made the deal in good faith, with such a not-shady-at-all supplier.

    In either case it was a stupid idea. The list of things Thailand needs investment in is truly encyclopedic. Giving toys to kids is Santa's job, the government's job is railways, roads, water, buildings, etc. also job security and income quality, and strict regulation across the board.


    Violently disagree with you education is the job of government. If they includes the previous ones had been doing their job in this respect Thailand would not be in such a mess now.

    The pad was a populist policy that gave no value to education. In fact it gave the kids another electronic toy. I have read a few of the parent responses in fact every one I have seen and none of them have said it was doing any good. Even some of the teachers have reported it as a waste. Maybe this thread will bring out some different reports or confirm the exsisting one's.

    Bottom line is The government is a miserable failure as has all the previous ones at educating the students.

    How are you going to geet a quality education with teacher's who can not teach and inferior aides.wai.gif

    • Like 2
  2. Posted Today, 11:13


    i am getting just over 300$ a month right now,

    ... According to many Thai visa members I thought you need 500$ a month to live in Chiang Mai..

    well that is true if you want to experience life as a peasant , you would be living dorm style or cheap condo,
    and for culinary delights I hope you like rice and vegetables.......300 will not cut it, 500 would be sort of OK
    for subsistence level, and it is not pretty....the whole 500 a month bollicks was started by somebody trying
    to make money from a website....to advise retirees to come and live in chiang mai on that sort of money
    is reprehensible. I feel sorry for any retirees coming and living here with such minimal means.......
    In theory I could live in America and retire if I wanted to live in a caravan and eat baked beans everyday...
    but I would not be advising that or expect to be paid for that sort of advice.....
    However I would advise you to save a little more money and learn as much of the Thai language as you can,
    It is a nice place for sure.....but if 300 was my budget it might not be so grand.......more like a nightmare really.
    Although it would certainly be an experience and i guess you can only gain from that

    Actually the article that he was referring to said $500 for accommodations and about $1,200 for living. Most people didn't bother to read the article. Just the first page about housing costs.

    what article? he was talking about the website. maybe senility? the website was actually 550 usd a month total and of course the guy got a fee and was also pimping girls to old retirees. but he has realized it is impossible to live in C.M. on usd $550 nowadays so he changed his scam to Cambodia and usd $650. and he's still pimping young girls to old men.

    Not sure what you are referring to but here is the lead off on a recent thread. Sorry I don't know how too post the link so I just copied the OP. It got quite a bit of play. It does give you a link to the article.

    • photo-177104.gif,q_r=1379164152.pagespee
    • Members
    • xbullet_black.png.pagespeed.ic.jB6hmcewRxbullet_black.png.pagespeed.ic.jB6hmcewRxbullet_black.png.pagespeed.ic.jB6hmcewRxbullet_black.png.pagespeed.ic.jB6hmcewR
    • 109 posts

    Posted 2014-01-22 08:26:38

    Here is an interesting article that states one can live here on $500 a month.... I suppose you could, but would you?

    In the following top choices for retirement overseas you could rent a comfortable, convenient and pleasant place to live for $500 per month or less:


  3. I would ask the moderators to remove this post and punish the member

    I my self do not like the PM

    But like her or not she is the PM and deserved the respect of the position

    No she is a caretaker PM, she has failed miserably whilst PM, shes up on several charges of which she will get thrown out of office over (and have her party dissolved)

    The only respect shes earned is the same respect you give to any vermin in your house...

    It does not matter whether she is a failed PM or not. Insulting someone, anyone, whether a professional, politician, bar girl, prostitute, street cleaner, farmer, rubbish collector merely exposes your own level of intellect and human decency. Everyone has someone who loves them, be it their parents or children. I respect that and would never stoop so low as to calling them names.

    Mom (RIP), thanks for teaching me values.

    obviously a child that only a mother could love....the emotional last line doesnt cut any ice with me ..wai2.gif

    Me either. Not trying to be crude but I think the poster would be saying some thing different if they were bent over and-----------------------well you can fill in the blank. wai.gif

  4. Time for a foreign invasion. This country gets more deformed and twisted day by day. Forget the xenofobism and let foreigners (knowledge migrants) show Thais how to live in peace on equal grounds. No matter what color, race, geographic origin, wealth. This country is soo scre... that I decided today to leave. My children will not receive more of this juvenile 'education' from politics or people in the street. Selfdestruction; that will be the goal for many many Thais.

    That is one thing I agree with.

    The United Nations could send a temporary caretaker government until Thais are "re-educated".

    It is post like yours that show me how little people know about what is happening out side their back yard.

    the UN can't even help in Syria and that has problems far worse than Thailand has or ever could have.

    You don't really think their is a sugar daddy with enough money to attempt a military dislodgment of the government do you.

  5. government can rely on police, just it's not very convenient now to use lethal force against armed mob. The mob hates cops, and it's reciprocated, so it could be a shooting spree.

    that's why army was asked, which is seen neutral.

    now air force is involved, which means a drift within the army and a deeper devision of the unmentionable

    Just goes to show you how much disunity in the country the Shinawatra's have managed to create and still they hang on. I am surprised they haven't left. I don't think there is any more money in the treasury for them to transfer to Dubai.

    Getting on in years I thought the Shinawatra clan controlled the police.

    Maybe they do and know how ineffective they really are. Why not get the red shirt brigade to protect her. Oop's forgot they are busy trying to cause trouble with the anti government protestors. Looks like she is in between a rock and a hard place. Maybe her brother could send her some of his black shirts.giggle.gif

    There are people in Thailand hanging onto power for much longer than the Shinawatras.

    Yes but that is in the business sector not the political one.

    Don't bother to try to defend your self I already know your answer it is a group of mysterious unnamed people might even be some aliens in with them.

  6. Posted Today, 11:13


    i am getting just over 300$ a month right now,

    ... According to many Thai visa members I thought you need 500$ a month to live in Chiang Mai..

    well that is true if you want to experience life as a peasant , you would be living dorm style or cheap condo,
    and for culinary delights I hope you like rice and vegetables.......300 will not cut it, 500 would be sort of OK
    for subsistence level, and it is not pretty....the whole 500 a month bollicks was started by somebody trying
    to make money from a website....to advise retirees to come and live in chiang mai on that sort of money
    is reprehensible. I feel sorry for any retirees coming and living here with such minimal means.......
    In theory I could live in America and retire if I wanted to live in a caravan and eat baked beans everyday...
    but I would not be advising that or expect to be paid for that sort of advice.....
    However I would advise you to save a little more money and learn as much of the Thai language as you can,
    It is a nice place for sure.....but if 300 was my budget it might not be so grand.......more like a nightmare really.
    Although it would certainly be an experience and i guess you can only gain from that

    Actually the article that he was referring to said $500 for accommodations and about $1,200 for living. Most people didn't bother to read the article. Just the first page about housing costs.

  7. How much money could they get if they dropped the false game of selling at a profit or break even and just sold it as food for animals?

    It would probably be a big savings once they didn't have to pay the storage price every month. Mind you more than a few politicians leasing storage facilities to the government and getting their check every month would be shall we say upset.tongue.png

  8. The army leader has a better head on his shoulders than the rest of the leaders in this country. Maybe he should run for PM. At least he follows proceedures.

    He is not under the caretaker gov orders anyway. Only the king can order him what to do.

    Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    At least you recognize one of Thailand's impediments to a full democracy.

    The military does not consider itself subject to civilian oversight. That goes a long way in explaining why the military runs a state within a state.

    Egypt and China have a similar structure where the military has its own businesses, investments and private social services.

    Are you suggesting removing the man who can order the army around. Would they not have to make big changes in the army when they took away their duty to protect that man? The one steady influence year after year and you want to turn it over to a procession of political hack's.

    While we are on the subject you brought it up. What is your definition of a full democracy and what country has one and what is the difference if the people are being oppressed by the government no matter what type of government they have?

    It might behoove you to start thinking about the welfare of the people instead of what is written on a piece of paper. If you have been following this situation you know that what is written on a piece of paper means nothing to the PTP.

    • Like 2
  9. government can rely on police, just it's not very convenient now to use lethal force against armed mob. The mob hates cops, and it's reciprocated, so it could be a shooting spree.

    that's why army was asked, which is seen neutral.

    now air force is involved, which means a drift within the army and a deeper devision of the unmentionable

    Just goes to show you the depth of the disunity in the country the Thaksin clan have caused.

    They control the police and know how useless they are unless they are collecting tea money. They have the red shirts but at the moment they are busy trying tio cause trouble with the anti government protestors.

    Maybe she could talk her clone into sending in some of his black shirts. Or form a commission to look into it chaired by the ear medicine man.giggle.gif

    • Like 1
  10. government can rely on police, just it's not very convenient now to use lethal force against armed mob. The mob hates cops, and it's reciprocated, so it could be a shooting spree.

    that's why army was asked, which is seen neutral.

    now air force is involved, which means a drift within the army and a deeper devision of the unmentionable

    Just goes to show you how much disunity in the country the Shinawatra's have managed to create and still they hang on. I am surprised they haven't left. I don't think there is any more money in the treasury for them to transfer to Dubai.

    Getting on in years I thought the Shinawatra clan controlled the police.

    Maybe they do and know how ineffective they really are. Why not get the red shirt brigade to protect her. Oop's forgot they are busy trying to cause trouble with the anti government protestors. Looks like she is in between a rock and a hard place. Maybe her brother could send her some of his black shirts.giggle.gif

    • Like 1
  11. government can rely on police, just it's not very convenient now to use lethal force against armed mob. The mob hates cops, and it's reciprocated, so it could be a shooting spree.

    that's why army was asked, which is seen neutral.

    now air force is involved, which means a drift within the army and a deeper devision of the unmentionable

    Just goes to show you how much disunity in the country the Shinawatra's have managed to create and still they hang on. I am surprised they haven't left. I don't think there is any more money in the treasury for them to transfer to Dubai.

    Getting on in years I thought the Shinawatra clan controlled the police.

    Maybe they do and know how ineffective they really are. Why not get the red shirt brigade to protect her. Oop's forgot they are busy trying to cause trouble with the anti government protestors. Looks like she is in between a rock and a hard place. Maybe her brother could send her some of his black shirts.giggle.gif

    • Like 1
  12. The judicial coup is coming.

    where Sutheps shenanigans have failed dismally the Ruling Elite will now use their judicial arm to destroy democracy again and hand illegitimate power to Abishit once again.

    The wheels of Thai politics revolve full circle again.

    Millions of Thais are quite happy with the judicial process. At least it keeps the Shin clan in check.

    This is not a very good statement, its crap and corrupt but at least it serves the purpose you and some agree with ? if the law was upheld and applied equally and without bias I would agree, but its not and it dosn't....

    The judicial system is as corrupt as all the rest.... fact just by looking who gets a sentence and who gets let off... when a poor farmer picking mushrooms gets 10 years and a rich bugger thieving land gets zip thats a failed system.

    "thats a failed system."

    So we need a reform, don't we?

    My money says it went rite over the heads of a lot of posters.

    In the one corner we have Suthep saying form a council to come up with sensible reforms to the government. Then we will have an election.

    In the other corner we have Yingluck. Telling every body they will have democracy if they vote for her right now with no change in the government and let her carry on with the corruption. Fact is she chairs an anti corruption commission that has sat and watched corruption grow.sad.png

    • Like 1
  13. Now if the PTP would like to sit down and analyse why there is such a back lash against them , they would come up with several area's that need improvement, firstly there's the matter of rampant corruption, fix that, amnesty Bill, squash that for all time , borrowing loans outside the required government procedures , fix that, policy on the run and not able to deliver , fix that, Ministers talking outside of their portfolios, fix that, reforms based on the Westminster/US / German systems, fix that , a general effort to get away from Thaskin Shinawatra, fix that, strengthen the penalties for corruption, fix that, stamp out nepotism ,fix that , extend the statute of limitations to twenty five years, that would certainly fix that. That's a start ,bet you will not achive any of thembah.gif

    All truethumbsup.gif

    I just thought it deserved reposting. Every single item on the list is a fact and indefensible. Maybe if they could resurrect Charles Darwin. Nha not even he could do it.

    Guilty as charged.

    Problem for them is they would have to hire out side consultants to do the thinking.wai.gif

  14. The PTP will blast anyone that stands in its way to dictatorial rule. They have a whole terrorist wing that will intimidate ANY opposition. The terrorist wing have principles. Principle #3 is Non violence to achieve their means yet they threaten violence at every opportunity. So much for principles being adhered too. The only one they adhere too its elections and that is so they abuse the other principles like principle #3. of the UDD.

    How many charges does Suthep have against him now? He is pretty unpopular. He really is a terrorist which I don't deny. He is also striving for equality for all. He wanted all voices to be heard. He wanted all principles of democracy adhered too. He wanted equal protection under the law.

    Between 1961 and 1963 there were 193 terrorist charges against a man in Africa. He was pretty unpopular. He strived for equality for all. He wanted all voices to be heard. He wanted all principles of democracy to be adhered too. He wanted equal protection under the law. He was eventually caught and jailed for 27 years. This man was on the US terrorist watch list until 2008.

    I know Hitlers opponents were demonized in the 1930's and 40's. I am sure Mugabe's opponents where demonized. Chavez as well. People that can see a bleak oppressive future and want to change it are demonized. People that support a bleak oppressive future are UDD supporters.

    Don't agree with me? Well that's fine. In a democracy we can all have different view points. I won't adopt the PTP view of the opposition as per the words of deputy PM Plodprasop "You are all garbage and I will have you all arrested" What a swell form of democracy that is and it is worth fighting to stop that form from spreading like a cancer.

    Suthep - The Nelson Mandela of the East.

    The Ammart at work again, yet this time if they are successful, they may lead the country into a civil war. Dems can't win an election, so let's go the judicial coup. And then full circle once more. When will Thailand learn. Personally I feel it wrong to call the man Madiba or Nelson Mandela an affront to even mention him in the same sentence with Suthep. But that's my satangs worth. 2men with completely different goals.

    Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Are you saying that Mandela did not want an honest open government. Of course Suthep does not have a goal of integrating two completely different groups of people because of their having different colors.

    But he like Mandela want's an honest government. That is why he has suggested a logical solution to coming up with one rather than let things continue going down hill.

    You completely negate any thing you say with the mysterious group of people being the real culprits.

    Who ever they are they had nothing to do with the rice scam. The disappearance of water management money the failure to maintain the rail roads the failure to improve the education the failure to improve the medical system the entire medical community rising up against the government and on and on it goes. Let us not forget they had more money to work with than their predecessors as they had dumped a huge loan payment onto the BOT that the previous governments had been paying freeing up more money for them to pocket.

    Now after all these colossal failures they want to borrow another 2.2 trillion baht. They have sunk to such a low that they can not even borrow 150 billion baht to pay the rice farmers for their rice and now the rice farmers are selling their equipment and property in order to get money to eat. some are even committing suicide.

    The PTP have done it all by them selves by simply following Thaksin Shinawatra's suggestions.

    Yes I'm saying Suthep doesnt want to unite, though rather divide and conquer. Just my thoughts and my opinion. Flame away....

    Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    No flame here. Just sad to see you posting about what you think some body wants. (Do you secretly want to run the show your self)

    It would be a real eye opener to look at what he says he wants. Far away from what you think or possibly were told. Definably nothing to do with what he is calling for.wai.gif

  15. They have not bothered enforcing hundreds of warrants in the past on the same people. What makes you think that this will be any different?

    We all know that taking out the leaders will create a meltdown of the situation.

    The main reason why they have not enforced them in the first place.

    You've never played chess or watched Game of Thrones. Never get in your opponents way while he's busy building his own scaffold or tying the knot in his own noose. With the election the tide has shifted now in favor of the government.


    Not really buddy. if you analyze the info that is available on the Feb 2 election you will notice that things are not going very well for PT. Very low voter turnout and a lot of No Vote.

    Anyhow, let's welcome the farmers.


    Not to mention some highly suspect handling of balot cards as pictured in another thread today...

    (my wife showed me that picture last night - then i saw it again on TVF today - dont have the link to hand)

    Just further proof that Suthep is right the government should be reformed before the election. That is just one of the things that needs changing.

  16. It's good news Wednesday, 5 February 2014 at Bangkok, Thailand. Long overdue putting these birds in the clink.

    Round them up and out in front, the frogmarching Froggie the Whistlehead. partytime2.gif

    Well let them do it.

    But they won't in spite of the low lack of intelligence in the PTP and there supporters they know enough to know that all that will do is hasten their down fall. So just another empty threat. Just goes to show you how stupid they are. A leader who can't even vote properly and when she is caught at it blames it on some one else. By now one would think that the people know it is just PTP flapping their lips in the wind.

    If they do Thailand will have 16 martyrs to rally more support behind. I believe that if the 16 would turn them selves in it would knock the legs out from under the PTP.

    I thought the ear medicine man was going to have Suthep arrested last week.

    • Like 1
  17. The judicial coup is coming.

    where Sutheps shenanigans have failed dismally the Ruling Elite will now use their judicial arm to destroy democracy again and hand illegitimate power to Abishit once again.

    The wheels of Thai politics revolve full circle again.

    Complete and utter rubbish but we have come to expect nothing more from you sadly...

    The courts are finally starting to do their job, being a bit slow though. No coup, only justice.

    Suteb has not failed dismally, he stopped the amnesty and got the house dissolved and now the people are talking about corruption and reform, many farmers eyes have been opened to how bad the PT party are and many reds have changed sides, sounds pretty successful to me. This is just the start. The only failure is that Yingluck hasn't left yet and we all know she wants to, she would have if Taksin hadn't threatened her with court action if she did...

    PT will be gone soon and Taksin will try to start a new party with someone who isn't family under his thumb, but the Thai people won't be so easily fooled next time.


    • Like 1
  18. The PTP will blast anyone that stands in its way to dictatorial rule. They have a whole terrorist wing that will intimidate ANY opposition. The terrorist wing have principles. Principle #3 is Non violence to achieve their means yet they threaten violence at every opportunity. So much for principles being adhered too. The only one they adhere too its elections and that is so they abuse the other principles like principle #3. of the UDD.

    How many charges does Suthep have against him now? He is pretty unpopular. He really is a terrorist which I don't deny. He is also striving for equality for all. He wanted all voices to be heard. He wanted all principles of democracy adhered too. He wanted equal protection under the law.

    Between 1961 and 1963 there were 193 terrorist charges against a man in Africa. He was pretty unpopular. He strived for equality for all. He wanted all voices to be heard. He wanted all principles of democracy to be adhered too. He wanted equal protection under the law. He was eventually caught and jailed for 27 years. This man was on the US terrorist watch list until 2008.

    I know Hitlers opponents were demonized in the 1930's and 40's. I am sure Mugabe's opponents where demonized. Chavez as well. People that can see a bleak oppressive future and want to change it are demonized. People that support a bleak oppressive future are UDD supporters.

    Don't agree with me? Well that's fine. In a democracy we can all have different view points. I won't adopt the PTP view of the opposition as per the words of deputy PM Plodprasop "You are all garbage and I will have you all arrested" What a swell form of democracy that is and it is worth fighting to stop that form from spreading like a cancer.

    Suthep - The Nelson Mandela of the East.

    The Ammart at work again, yet this time if they are successful, they may lead the country into a civil war. Dems can't win an election, so let's go the judicial coup. And then full circle once more. When will Thailand learn. Personally I feel it wrong to call the man Madiba or Nelson Mandela an affront to even mention him in the same sentence with Suthep. But that's my satangs worth. 2men with completely different goals.

    Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Are you saying that Mandela did not want an honest open government. Of course Suthep does not have a goal of integrating two completely different groups of people because of their having different colors.

    But he like Mandela want's an honest government. That is why he has suggested a logical solution to coming up with one rather than let things continue going down hill.

    You completely negate any thing you say with the mysterious group of people being the real culprits.

    Who ever they are they had nothing to do with the rice scam. The disappearance of water management money the failure to maintain the rail roads the failure to improve the education the failure to improve the medical system the entire medical community rising up against the government and on and on it goes. Let us not forget they had more money to work with than their predecessors as they had dumped a huge loan payment onto the BOT that the previous governments had been paying freeing up more money for them to pocket.

    Now after all these colossal failures they want to borrow another 2.2 trillion baht. They have sunk to such a low that they can not even borrow 150 billion baht to pay the rice farmers for their rice and now the rice farmers are selling their equipment and property in order to get money to eat. some are even committing suicide.

    The PTP have done it all by them selves by simply following Thaksin Shinawatra's suggestions.

    • Like 1
  19. The so-called 'Democrat' party has made itself unelectable. As things stand, they will never win an election in Thailand. If they were wise they would wind up the party and re-launch under a new name, without the likes of Abhisit and Suthep.

    The word that springs to mind every time I see Abhisit is 'simpering', or in the case of Suthep....'Heeeere's Johnny!'.

    Birds of a feather come to mind when I look at your likes. You have blinkers on and will not take them off to look around, that's why your posts are getting cried down,

    look at the whole picture,

    You want to retain this present rabble up to you, don't blame everyone else the same the government are doing, instead of looking at the feed back, but when has the government been interested in feed back--when have they made U-Turns when a policy has gone wrong ??--- Thailand controlled from another country is NEVER ON.--hence the problems ---you are not interested though. it shows.


    Well the present rabble have just won their sixth election in a row, probably with a record number of seats. The losing rabble, on the other hand, haven't won an election for more than 20 years. I'd say it was time for the losing rabble to have a long hard think.

    Are you recommending the Democrats start corruption on a massive scale to match the PTP?

  20. There is something extremely insipid about the dems playing this crying game. No wonder they never get anywhere, such a bunch of weak ass losers

    Can't even be bothered to go into the ridiculousness all. Mark has got to be the slimiest Thai politician around, probably learned how to be a skank in eatons dorms

    You mean slimy as in, educated to understand the letter and spirit of the law ?

    1 the country isnt anywhere close to bankrupt

    How do you call it when someone doesn't have the money to pay the suppliers ?

    Did you have a look around you lately, like at the roads and other infrastructure of this country. The local government in my area, and probably evry local government in this country, have big problems to keep up because the didn't receive the budgets they were promised.

    I know, blame it on the protests, but the reality is that this all was going on long time before the protests started.

    Yes it was going on but it was OK. The Shinawatra's and friends were getting their cut.

    I wonder how long it is going to take the electorate to wake up and demand a decent government. A democratic government does not necessarily mean you have a decent one. In the case of Thailand it means you have an uneducated electorate that is being kept that way by all the governments.

    When are we going to have an election and let it run it's course? Instead we get one every time the Prime Minister feels insecurity with the mess they have created. They call for an election while they think they still have the support of the illiterate. Or get themselves removed through gross incompetency. Let them serve the term out and show how useless they really are.

    If this had been held off one more month not only would the PTP have lost the rice farmers vote but they would have lost the vote of all who are involved in the industry. From the field hands up through the whole industry.

    Then to top it all off they would have taken a loan out to burden their great grandchildren.

  21. Follow Lo Kroh from the Night Bazaar to the iron bridge.

    Just before you get to the iron bridge turn left at the intersection. It will be the second business on the right.

    Right next to Rasta café. It is said to have the best exchange rates in town. All though I have heard of another

    one it the Thai Pa Gate area that is supposed to be good.

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