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Posts posted by northernjohn

  1. Some excellent advice here - very pleasing. Cow's milk is for cows, and does not provide a good balance for humans. And that is before you have all the processing that makes it even more unhealthy. Checkout Truth or Dairy - John McDougall for some stats. Soy milk is also processed and therefore not healthy esp for hormones as mentioned. Fermented soy very good - processed soy avoid be careful of tofu. Coconut milk excellent. Black sesame best for calcium. OP, why do you need milk in your diet?

    Interesting outlook on the milk situation. Cow milk is for cows.

    We are humans so should we be drinking human milk? I don't think there is a big supply of it.

  2. They have it at Rimping, but it is imported, organic and expensive. I used to get the home made stuff at the Vegetarian Council (kind of) near Airport Plaze and it was very cheap.

    Thanks for your input Ulysses-seems that Rice Milk is very low on Protein and high on carbs but great for cholestorol. Seems you can make it at home but its a chore. Can you give me directions please to the place near Airport Plaza that sells it. Save me wandering around that area like a lost soul.....

    I do not know how to use Google maps and am not good with directions, so take this with a grain of salt. If I remember correctly. there is a road that runs North to South from RAM Hospital straight into Airport Plaza. If you go about halfway between those two points on that road on the same side of the road as RAM Hospital, there is a sign that says something like "Vegetarian Council" with lots and lots of vegetarian cooked foods and products inside.

    Good luck with figuring out who sells brown rice milk, but I did it, so you can too.

    Yes you are right it is on that road about half way between the South West corner of the moat and the airport Mall. It is right next to a service station on the south side of it. I think it is closed on Mondays.

    There ia only the one service center on that stretch of road so you can't miss it. It is an interesting place food is really cheap and you wash your own dishes. Lots of other information there for vegetarians.

    I have been there a couple of times and find the food OK. I took a friend one day who is capable of being a food critique but eats most any thing weather it is 5 star or off a food cart.

    His comment was every one should eat there once. In all the placwes we have eaten that was the only time I had heard him say any thing negative about it.

  3. This minister, accused the Democrats of lying ??? and he is in the PM office what a joke, Glasshouses come to mind and said " they should stop breaking the law for the sake of the country" Who the heck is he to say that when directly from his office the sake of the country has rarely been given a thought.

    Even when people act (wrongly) better these ministers shut up. Every one of them that makes statements does not believe they are doing wrong in their capacity---never.

    Then he had the nerve to go on and say

    Opponents who continue creating unrest and damage should stop breaking the law

    Like the red shirts did in paving the way for him to get into office.

    Typical PTP what is good for PTP is good for the nation but no one else is allowed to do it.

  4. Call me ignorant but I find it hard to believe that anyone could die from being exposed to the so-called frigid temperature of 13 degrees Celsius! Unless of course the person in question was already very weak due to some pre-existing illness, which is most likely - although I have never heard of anyone in the west dying after being exposed to 13 degrees. Admittedly, I find 13 degrees a bit cool too, but it's hardly like we're talking about frostbite like conditions. A warm blanket is all you need and you'll be fine. Not only that, but it's normal for temperatures to drop to the low teens this time of year in northern provinces like the one mentioned. It happens every year.

    I think it's a combo of cold, damp and ill health Tom(etc) Lung infections brought about by damp and cold can (and it seems are) be lethal and if the person hasn't got the funds for medication it's not going to get better quickly

    All true I believe but let us remember that evolution has made their bodies use to higher temperatures year round than we are.

    I notice my self that Temperatures that were nothing to me three going on four years ago are now cold. Are bodies do adjust and these people have never had the time to adjust. Besides this is definatly a colder winter. Here in Chiang Mai we had a run of 10 degree lows and my friend up in Pai tells me it is even colder there.

  5. Well if money is no object there is this.

    The Magical Kingdom New Year’s Eve 2013 at Dhara Dhevi Chiang Mai The entertainments will begin with live band, VIE trio band and DJ entertainment, a Magical Kingdom performance, release of traditional hot air-filled balloons and countdown fireworks. The New Year’s Eve Gala Dinner will offer an amazing culinary choice, with a vast choice of appetizers and salads, cheese, seafood, soup, Thai, Chinese, Italian and BBQ dishes as well as charcuterie, caviar, foie gras, sushi and sashimi, pasta/risotto and carving stations and utterly delicious desserts. The New Year’s Eve Gala Dinner is priced at THB 15,100 net per person including one bottle of champagne per two persons Reservations053888888 through <email removed>

  6. They will want to know where you are spending the night. You will surrender your passport at the border and be given a temporary ID card. You pick up your passport when you leave Myanmar.

    Love the people, but surrendering basic human rights at the border is why I'll never bother to put a foot on Burmese soil.

    Don't forget they drive on the right. biggrin.png

    They are also one of only three backward countries that are still living in the 19th century, not on the metric system:


    LOL Canada is metric yet people still after over 40 years use imperial. I have seen tape measures in hardware stores that had no metric on them what so ever.

    Forgot to mention most of their tape measures have metric on one side and imperial on the other. temperature wise they have not been given that big of a chance to stay silly.

  7. Another poorly written and banal article from those who actually take money for writing this drivel. The trajectory although a forensic factor is only marginally definitive. Suicide by gun shot requires that the barrel of the weapon would be in proximity of the entry wound which would cause powder burns in that area and leave an undeniable fact that the shot was discharged at close range, however, that still does not predicate that the wound was self inflicted. Most but not all suicides by gun shot are carried out by a shot to the head. The article fails to mention the location of the wound. Furthermore the trajectory can not be determined by simple observing the external areas of the entry wound.

    I really don't think the article was written giving all the factors involved. Check the police report. They are often very different from the news paper report.

    My mother in her late 70's made no secret about it she was ready to go. She had the paper that no artificial machines were to be used. She said she had had a good life and did not wish to be a burden on all around her as she had seen other older people become. She was out for a walk had a heart attack was taken to the hospital at the age of 85 where my sister informed them that she did not wish any artificial means. She died happy. I had an uncle who passed away at the age of 92 the last year of his life my family under the direction of my brother and a cousin arranged for visits and people to look after his wife who was suffering from Alzheimer. for some reason when my uncle was not in the care home she was a little better. At any rate my brother told me he hopes he never puts people through that.

    We had a resident here die a few weeks ago.

    I was just next door visiting some friends the wife is sick and sure enough there was the widow taking care of her. There are some Thais who are great care givers. No matter what.

  8. Yes my inexpensive one was inexpensive for a reason. It didn't work well. When it comes to my health I try to not guide it on cost. I am more interested in results. If my doctor told me I needed one I would darn well make sure I got a good one.

    I would not listen to some one who said they had a cheap one and it worked fine for them. There is probably ten others that can tell another story about it.

  9. There are some niches in cycling sales and service that are sparse and/or poor in Thailand.

    Chinese carbon frames are dirt cheap on ebay/Alibaba etc but not being sold in CM.

    Fork/shock service and parts. TCA does Fox and Jacky does RS? Neither are very good IMO about keeping parts in stock or detail . As far as I can tell if your on a magura, Marz or DT then your on your own.

    Good quality cycling shorts and shoes hard to find.

    A service shop cooperative where people can come in and rent the shop for a time period and perform some service. There would be an attendant to make sure the tools don't disappear or get damaged.

    Good quality fit kit or performance tuning. Custom foot beds. A number of interesting systems out there.

    Not a lot of money to be made but kind of like being a drug dealer or strip club manager. Would have its perks.

    Just don't bring in money to Thailand that your not prepared to lose.

    Not really a cyclist myself but what you say sounds good.

    I was wondering if he would need the money to live on or has he a source of income.

    That would make a world of difference in his business. If he enjoyed it and didn't need the money to live on he could do well.

  10. Does anyone Know if a 4G USB Dongle is available at True in Chiang Mai, as I would like to use a USB Dongle with my Laptop when I go away during coming Bad Air Season.


    I will have to confess I am mixed up here. Most of the posts talk about telephones.

    I was under the impression tha true did Television , internet and telephones.

    can some one point me to the right direction with my assumptions. Seems like they just do telephones here on this thread.

    Haha. I was like .

    True does:

    - Internet

    - Telephone

    - Cable Television

    - Mobile phones

    - Coffee Shops (True Coffee)

    - Tesco Lotus

    - 7-Elevens

    Well it is quite simple. I was in the true at Siam the other day and asked about a dongle or air card and they said they did not have them. Only a land line. I read here where some one has been to all most all their outlets here in Chiang Mai and had no luck getting a dongle. One poster said he had one. I am on a Chiang Mai forum and you are talking about some thing only in Bangkok.

    As you say &lt;deleted&gt;.

    All I want to know is if they have the means to upgrade my internet here in Chiang Mai to 4G apparently not. Very confusing to some one who is not familiar with technical terms. Just results.

  11. Finding a masseuse who's really qualified worries me. We all know how easy it is to 'buy' the qualification! However, as my problem is the reoccurence if two prolapsed discs in my neck, I need traction and manipulation rather than massage. As I've had this before and had various therapies (osteopathy, chiropractor, acupuncture) I know what works and what doesn't. Thanks for the suggestion though, for some people this would be a good idea. Sent from my GT-I8552 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    A friend of mine needed traction and being on the handy side managed to build himself a contraption to do it. Of course you would still be left needing the manipulation. biggrin.png Maybe get them to try it on your wife or GF to see if they can do it rite.

    I would imagine if it is not that often an acurring problem you are best to go to a clinic with the right equipment. Like with my lower back I do exercises specifically for ut so I don't have to go to a Chiropracter often twice in the last year and a half. the second visit he told me to go to Physio. so I just jkeep up with the exercises. Besides these are good for the Abs.

  12. If you have a bank card you can go to any ATM and withdraw it. The cost is 500 baht. AEON has a no charge for a withdrawal from a foreign bank just pay the exchange rate. Not sure how they figure what it is as it is constantly changing. I went in two days in a row and was charged the exact same right down to the penny. I think there exchange rate is not as good as others. Will have to check that out.

    They allow 20,000 baht per transactions with a maximum of 40,000 baht a day.

    I think you can get around that as my ATM card gives me access to my savings account and also to my checking account in addition to my Visa account. Some time when I need a lot of money I might try all three out. Or maybe just 20,000 baht on each account using the same card.

    Was also wondering if you could open a pay bill account here at a Thai bank and use it to pay bills if they were out of country. Have no idea but strongly suspect it would be the most expensive way to do it.

  13. I struggled to find Sonicare products in Chiang Mai.

    Until I discovered this place called Siam TV.

    For those of you who do not know where it is. It is on the outside of the moat on the south side of the old city next door to the Chinese consulate not to far about a half a mile from the South west corner of the moat. They have a lot of things but no more space heaters.tongue.png

  14. Thanks for the tips. I was hoping to find someplace at KSK that sells the toothbrush so will try Powerbuy. Is that on the top floor?

    I haven't shopped at Tesco Lotus because there isn't one near me (except Tesco Express) and my transportation is limited. Although I have a Thai drivers license I rely on songthaews to get around. Am waiting until I've saved enough money to cover hospital costs before attempting to drive here in the city.

    I also rely on songthaew's quite a bit and have never had a problem getting to the one on the super highway. The one on the way to Hong dang can be gotten to with the yellow songthaew's based at Chiang Mai gate. Or a red songthaew's. It is actually in my opinion with in walking distance from the airport mall.

    I too might get a vehicle when I have saved enough for the hospital bill.tongue.png

  15. Thanks. I'll go to Rajavej tomorrow morning. Can anyone give me a clue how much a physio session is likely to be? Sent from my GT-I8552 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Khun Took 200 Baht a session.

    Khun Took not around today so I saw Khun Gai. Not the best physio experience I've had to be honest - she wanted to do traction on a machine rather than manually which was a waste of time. She then passed me to another (male) physiotherapist who performed manual traction and massage which was better, but still not a patch on UK NHS physio.

    By Thai standards, expensive too. 250 baht for a 3 minute chat with an ER doctor and 350 baht for the physio session.

    Not trying to be a smart arse but if you know what needs doing could you not find a Massage person to assist you. The ones who have been trained and licensed have more knowledge than just the basics and with your direction would be able to assist you. Bonus being you get a massage and the big thing any time you need it you know exactly where to go.

    Just an idea. Might be worth your while to look into for future reference.

    • Like 1
  16. Does anyone Know if a 4G USB Dongle is available at True in Chiang Mai, as I would like to use a USB Dongle with my Laptop when I go away during coming Bad Air Season.


    I will have to confess I am mixed up here. Most of the posts talk about telephones.

    I was under the impression tha true did Television , internet and telephones.

    can some one point me to the right direction with my assumptions. Seems like they just do telephones here on this thread.

  17. Call it what you want. I had mine transferred into a new passport in August.

    the first Stamp says Visas on the top and in it it says NON OA

    Directly below that it has two other stamps one says NON OA and the other one says NON RE

    On the following page it has a copy of my last permission to stay. That I had received in 2012 it says retirement. On the bottom of the page it says retirement Aug.14 2013 that was the day I had the transfer from the old passport to the new one done.That page says nothing about NON OA or NON RE . On the following page I have my renewal of extension.

    It says nothing about NON OA or NON RE. It says in big letters retirement.

    I have given you all the information in my passport up to date. so as you can see you may call it what you will but if you say passport retirement even the ones who study the code and can quote it will know what you mean. Apparently there is three types of retirement passports all needing a 90 day check in so what is the big deal about the correct terminology. Some of us have better things to do than study the code. To go in to the immigration office and see that they call it and stamp it as retirement. Good enough for me.

    RETIREMENT in big letters on a retirement extension is common. I've got those.

    I am not familiar with the term NON RE (which would be a visa, not an extension).

    If you get a single entry O visa outside Thailand for the purpose of getting annual retirement extension in Thailand, that is just a regular NON O visa, not an NON RE.

    An O-A visa is an O-A visa (also a non-immigrant visa).

    Is the O visa some people get in Thailand as part of the two step process (second step the extension) labeled a NON RE?

    That would make sense to me if it is.

    If not, I don't get the use of this label, NON RE. Well I guess I get it if it's just an INTERNAL code.

    Is this common or one office?

    I have never seen any immigration documentation talking about an RE visa either.

    None of it makes any sense to me. Then again it dosen't have to. I go in every 90 days with my form filled in get a new slip with a date on it to come back. Once a year fill in another form get some copies of things go in and they stamp it good for another year and it says retirement on it.

    I would suggest that instead of fighting other peoples experiences and what it says in their passport you give them the web address to look it up for them selves.

    I presume there is an English copy out there. That is what I was given when I got mine in Canada. I then went out and got what it said. No problem well a little problem they wanted to hold my passport for three days. I said OK went back in three days and away I went.

    forgot to mention sent from my dying HP desk computer

  18. I've been coming to LOS for eight years and successfully bought and sold a house in Hang Dong. I was giving some general advice to someone asking for it, without giving a specific budget. And what do I get in return? Another TV legal hairsplitter, who can only raise objections; not offer alternatives. show me one case of a taxi passenger dying in a crash. For those who live outside of town and go in a couple of times per week; how many are drinkers? In fact, quite a few would be drunk on their way TO the bar...at that point you are safer in a tuktuk, and a few of them are safe. Often times, people think the remote locations/moo baans are the way to go, only to deal with bad dog problems/soi dog problems/dog owner problems and a pain in the ass to get to town for a night on the piss.

    I was looking at what the OP was looking for and I don't think any of what you mention will apply to them.

    I myself live in the city. I have no vehicle as I can walk to many of the things I want to go to.

    Transportation by tuck tuck or songthaew are cheap. Some will claim they are all rip off artists but using them all the time I know that to be false. Yes there are some just walk away there will be another one along in a minute.

  19. If I were in your shoes I would spend a month (or three) living around the Tha Pae area, and then move to the Nimmanhaemin area for a month (or three) and see what you like best. Agreed that you do not need to involve an agent. Just walk around town, talk to people, look for "condo for rent" signs, etc.

    Really great advice. There will be no problem finding places close to what you want . So just grab one and get around that area for a while. Then try another area. We can recommend places adnauseum but they are the ones we like or prefer. You might find some thing wrong with it that we enjoy. Your wants can be met in many different areas. So give them all a decent test until you find the one that you really like.

    A couple of things to consider is how much noise there is and are you willing to boil in the afternoon in a western facing room.

    Yes there will be an air con if they don't bother you and they will definatly run your electric bill up. some places charge 8 baht a unit not sure what they use for a measurement. I pay 6 and I have heard of as high as 10. Some places you can get the electricity charged to you from the company that price is a little under 4 baht a unit.

    Come and give yourself a chance to find your own little garden of Eden. Also we have an international airport if you are into traveling around Asia a bit.

  20. Can't really help much here but

    Dr Sudhee Sudasna

    Part time at RAM (two days/week)

    053 920300

    had recommended a Physiotherapist to me. I had been to Rajavej and they gave me an exercise that was just to painful to do. the one Dr Sudhee had recommended gave me basically the same exercise but in a way that I was able to accomplish still painful but doable. Also some other exercises.

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