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Posts posted by northernjohn

  1. This is a first report and first reports always get modified.

    Still, it's no secret an assault rifle is far more powerful and devastating than a handgun, so this is a serious development. If the elite groupings are involved going after one of their own, broadly speaking, then none of them are safe.

    And this is a bushwhacking, a targeted pickoff attempt, which begins to add an eeriness to the shadow boxing already going on.

    Interesting turn of events. shot with an assault rifle in red shirt country. Maybe there are some red shirts who disagree with him. I know there is a portion of them who want Thaksin out of politics. In the last by election in red shirt country the democrats won. Plus the traditional red shirt seat in Bangkok. Sounds like they best get there own house in order before telling others what to do.

    I see in todays paper the B P you know the reputable one or as reputable as a news paper can get where the army spokesman Winthas Sunwaree was saying that there is weapons being smuggled into Bangkok. He said that both sides must talk instead of using weapons against their rivals. So far the only one weapons have been used on is the protestors.

    The red shirt demonstrations have been left alone. quite a change from 2010 where you put your life in danger every time you joined them. Now you join their protest to feel safe.

    There has to be some thing in that. As for the shooting in Udan Thani deplorable. Kwanchai may be a skunk but he doesn't deserve that any more than the ones in 2010 he helped start and carry on deserved it. But there are some people you just don't mess around with. they only know what they were tought violence. I hope they catch them.

    edit. Spell checker not working right.

  2. Good timing. Suthep has run out of moves.

    The goverment has handled these "protesters" (terrorists would be a more accurate description) extremely well so far.

    You may wish to re-visit the definition of "terrorist" and try again...........

    . terrorize - coerce by violence or with threats

    coerce, force, hale, pressure, squeeze - to cause to do through pressure or necessity, by physical, moral or intellectual means :"She forced him to take a job in the city"; "He squeezed her for information"
    You see , some people here reading terrorist think about bombing, shooting etc... but you can also terrorize people, countries, etc... by moral or intellectual means ... but I assume you know better.

    It has many meanings depends on the context it is in. I think the poster OP on this post was referring to violence.

  3. Just read that the EC has told the government that it is not in their power to allow them to borrow the 130 billion baht it so desperately needs to quell it's farmers. They added, it's up to you whether you do this or not but don't blame us if you are deemed to have violated the constitution!!!

    A case of do we or don't we, or, can we afford to or (not) afford to.

    It's a shame that Yingluck doesn't do decisions!!!

    Heard a rumor that if the BOT lends it to them the union will protest. Not sure what all it was about as didn't have time.

  4. Let the games begin.

    again we see how small minded the red brigade in here are with garbage posts like thism sounds like you want to see blood. Just remember that this time yl and co will be the ones responsible for any deaths in their bid to get her criminal brother back to Thailand and to continue the corruption. Thius isnt about suthep, its about the people of Thailand, they deserve to have a corruption free govt and not have all the countries money put into the ptp's personal bank accounts but being a red you are peobably on the pat list too, pathetic.

    And this isn't just about Suthep or Thaksin, it's about the rule of law. But, then given your post above I'm guessing you are all in favour of elections, since it's "about the people of Thailand". Or is it just about some of the people of Thailand? Because if it was about all of them, you'd be keen to let their voices be heard, no?

    Well I for one would like to hear their voice. Not the one that they are paid to use. I realize that education is a problematic event in Thailand. But I am sure there are many who do think different than what they are paid to say. That goes for who ever pays them.

    It would be nice to see a government in power because of the policies they have for Thailand rather than the one with the most money.

  5. Will make no difference

    they will keep marching wherever they want

    Suthep and Co. know that if PTP / Police try to stop them there will be a lot more bloodshed

    IMO Suthep wanted this .. works in his favor

    YL ... do the right thing for the first time in two years ... quit ... and go to Dubai

    I have to agree with you on this. Suthep will keep on doing what he does. They have an arrest warrant out for him and he has been in plain site all the time. Yet they couldn't get arrest him.

    Now I am not sure what Yingluck thinks she can do other than step down, let it go as it is going or step up the violence by trying to enforce the emergency law.

    Don't forget she is the leader people look to her for leadership. She has shown us that when the law is passed down to her from the constitutional court she just says I will ignore it. Good leadership that. Same attitude with the court on the Cambodia dispute. She says she doesn't care what they say she is not going to obey it. Seems to be a Shinawatra thing. Her brother has 15 charges pending that he is ignoring. Plus one conviction.

    She does talk about the rule of law when it gets her what she wants. Got to give her credit for that.

    Maybe if she had shown some leadership in the last two and a half years things would be different today.

    As it sits there is a good chance she will be back. This time with less backing and hopefully a little bit of spine.

  6. Finally and please get rid of all these Southern Thugs and Thai Chinese who think that their fathers own Bangkok! I do not support the red shirst, yellow shirts, thaksin, suthep or abhisit or the army. But I cannot condone any protesters who do not protest peacefully as they claim but seize roads, cause blockages and inconveniences to the citizens of the country and those residing in Bangkom legally. Its about time that the army, police and whatever government that is in power to rid these southern thugs (as them to go back to their normal mafia-like busineses in phuket, samui, phangna or their terrorists lifestyles in yala, pattani etc which are all under the democrat politicans but please do not make Bangkom into another one of their failed Southern provinces.And the thai chinese bangkokians and hisos and ammnart should realise by nowt hat though they think they own Thailand, this protests is also affecting their businesses and rice bowls, so enough.

    If this was done in the US, Singapore, Japan etc, the protesters or rather terrorists (as they have been seizing public roads and disrupting businesses , do not care what they do to the government entities but causing inconveniences to the public is a form of terrorism), they would be dead by now. Enough is enough. take your protests back to the South.

    And to those stupid people joining the protests (unless you ae getting paid to attend. whatever the outcome, your lives will be the same as all Politicans are corrupted in this country and they will only enrich themselves not you. You want change, ereadicate all politians (past and present and seize back all theri properties....I mean all Politicians from every party and also past politicans and high ranking government officials (past and present), the maybe you guys are on the right track.

    "Finally and please get rid of all these Southern Thugs and Thai Chinese who think that their fathers own Bangkok! I do not support the red shirst, yellow shirts, thaksin, suthep or abhisit or the army."


    If this was done in the US, Singapore, Japan etc, the protesters or rather terrorists (as they have been seizing public roads and disrupting businesses , do not care what they do to the government entities but causing inconveniences to the public is a form of terrorism), they would be dead by now. Enough is enough. take your protests back to the South.

    If the government in those countries were as openly in your face as this one the protestors would not have a chance to protest. those countries unlike Thailand have checks and balances to stop that kind of corruption. The governments would all be out on their ears in a flash. You are comparing apples to elephants.



  7. 100 people there if he is lucky. so much for the 6 million.

    looks like the protest is finally in its death throws

    time for the SWAT team to throw in the tear gas and arrest this boneheaded dinasaur.

    The source of your 100 figure please. Speaking of bones doggy you might want to wash the one you are chewing on. It might have something on it that impairs your ability to count. One picture of part of the parade shows more than 100 and don't forget the people cheering him on from the sidelines.

    Seems to me that the closer the election gets the more desperate the pro Yingluck get with nonsense about Suthep.

    Why not some thing positive about Yingluck. All they have is allegations against Suthep. Some even go so far as to lie about Yingluck and claim the majority wanted her when it was only 48% far from a majority.

    Answer nothing there to promote.

    101, 201.... still 5 million, 999 thousand, 799 short of the 6 million estimate.

    the protest is dying... only a handful of hardcore brainwashed grandmas left. deal with it.

    Maybe some one spiked your bone. Still haven't got an idea of how many people at the tail end of a parade in one spot only.

    Good move on the part the PTP did with the grenades. scare the people off and them invoke the emergency law to free Bangkok from ................darn can't remember how many you said were closing Bangkok down.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifgiggle.gif

  8. what a joke this govt is, they cannot handle the fact they are on their last legs and after declaring that they will not invoke this unless there is more violence they do it. This once again shows how pathetic the ptp are, they have no idea what to do and are reaching for straws. Lets see how long yl and the capo people can keep their hands clean from the blood, they are now responsible for any deaths.

    I have to admit to the uneducated masses it makes them look good. All they had to do was throw a few grenades and declare an emergency decree. Bingo they shut down the protestors.

    "The cabinet decided to invoke the emergency decree to take care of the 
    situation and to enforce the law,"

    Now that they have made it illegal to protest. That is short for taking away their constitutional rights they can gaily carry on with their merry money making schemes. They don't have to worry about the people any more. If the people give them trouble just knock them in the head with their batons and caart them off to jail.

    I just have a gut feeling that this is not going to turn out very well for them. Just a gut feeling no proof.

    • Like 2
  9. Sorry link didn't get pasted into last message


    Here it is announcing closure of passport office

    PS Those 2 offices in BKK can handle only 1000 passports per day, so presumably not very efficient as they are handling the whole country!

    Yes the anti virus did pop up.

    Could be a fake message. I know the government is not the brightest bulb in the package but closing the Chiang Mai office and forcing people to go to Bangkok where they can not guarantee your safety from Grenades is a little over the top even for them. Particularly as Chiang Mai is Yingluck's home city.

  10. Could you tell me who wanted to kill 25.000 corruption cases and whose movement stopped that...

    Could you tell me of what cases of corruption Suthep has been convicted and the real leader of the PTP (Taksins thinks PTP does) ?

    After carefully answering this i would not call it irony.

    I support Suthep too because I am against corruption.

    If he get in power (not his intention) and is proven to be corrupt he must go like any other corrupt official. At the moment we got a government that is incompetent and utterly corrupt.. fake G2G deals.. wanting to kill 26.0000 corruption cases.. having MP's lying in court about voting and proven to ly but no action is taken.

    Seems like any change is a good change.. then IF Suthep does the same thing kick him out and rinse and repeat till we get someone who is not corrupt however long it may take. Just giving up and allowing it is insanity.

    Mr blok, while I agree with this ...

    Seems like any change is a good change

    I'm sure many, just like me, aren't nearly as passionate about this as you are. While I agree with your point that we need a change, do you really think that another party in power won't be any different from the Shins???

    Maybe a little defeatist as you may say but I really can't see the situation here changing, not in our life times anyway.

    I, just like many other foreigners here are bored and sick of them all, that's why I just won't even consider who's right and who's wrong and would advise other expats to do the same and keep out of the politics (supporting them anyhow).

    Sure we all have opinions and the Shins do need to be firmly put in their place and ejected from politics but are we really that naive, sorry mistaken that by supporting others that promise so much, is gonna change/reform Thai politics? I can't see it. They're as bad as each other.

    Mr havent been called that for a long time but you make a valid point.

    I think that if the other power that is in power will be kicked out too then int he end you will get better people in power. I also believe that there should be much harsher anti corruption laws. I like the no statue of limitation on corruption (now as long as they are MP they cant be convicted).

    You give up.. I don't because giving up would suggest change is impossible. I can't believe that. Or I just don't want to believe that. I saw that Abisith was good but even he had crooks in his government (coalition with Newin) There are far to few good politicians but give them a chance and get some good laws in place and things will slowly change.

    I would not even mind a red government as long as the checks and balances are there. change will come slowly. But this government has shown it wants to take steps back.. removing checks and balances wanting family member to be eligible for the senate (real dangerous). Wanting to drop 25.000 cases of corruption. Now they have made fake G2G documents for the rice scam.

    This all together just means they have to go .. new laws in place (and I dont mean laws that give the reds less chance to win an election) but new laws to combat corruption with more powers for such a institution and more independent members in there. Maybe even always members of the opposition so when reds in power democrats when democrats in power reds. That would keep them honest as they wont allow the other side to steal.

    I see plenty of options to change things.. and now is the time as a large part of the population is fed up with corruption.

    Very well said. What most people overlook is that Suthep is not calling for an election where he would be running as the head of a party. What he is looking for is time for an independent council made up of people from all walks of life to set up a government that would have the checks and balances in it that we lack now. One that would force the government to be transparent. [buying rice at above market prices and selling it and refusing to disclose the price you get for it ] Along with many other things.

    Also one that would immediately shut down a government that does not abide by the constitutional court ruling. A system of government that any party in power would have to follow or be thrown out. There is no checks and balances now. We desperately need them.

    One of the bonus to the whole thing is it would bring out a higher quality politician.wai.gif

  11. Some people protects the word “Democracy” as it if were something more sacred than their god, beyond good and evil. The truth is that under some democracies there are hiding the largest niches of corruption, abuse of power, labour rights abuse, destruction of the environment and natural resources, etc of this planet. But as far as they serve for their benefit, they protect them, even with war and blood.

    It is the same as when the Crusades protected the name of the church in the Middle Ages. The Knights of Christ that beheaded the non-believers and prosecuted the heretics were convinced that they were fighting for a superior cause that would make the world a better place to live, named the Catholic Church.

    Today it can still be called a ‘Crusade”; the only difference is that they have changed the name of God for the name of false democracies, in order to dominate and exploit this world.

    Well said. Thailand is a country that uses the word democracy and that is all it uses the word. Most of the people who use it don't even know what it means. They think 48% of the voters telling the other 52% what to do is democratic.

    I have no problem with democracy. But I do believe that there is a time when it should sit in the back seat and let justice and fairness do the driving until it has learned that it is not nice to steal money and property.wai.gif

  12. Bangkok Bank pretty good.... online facilities, easy to open account and also have an online foreign currency account so you can transfer from your own currency to your Thai account when you need. All online.

    Not sure about "falang friendly".... just a bank with good facilities.

    Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I think the language is available at most banks. For the simple transactions the OP is looking for would hardly need to much English.

    the Bank of Bangkok has a branch in New York don't know of other countries. From what I hear you can save a lot of money using it. Don't know as most of my money is Canadian. If you are not here in Thailand yet you might want to talk to the bank you are using in your home country and see if they have a way to do it.

  13. Its actually the reds that are best placed to solve this mess. Cut ties with Thaksin (really cut them) and start representing the intetests of their constituencies. They don't need him to win an election.

    It would a win for them and everyone that isn't Shincorporated. Giving up the sugar won't be easy though.

    To really cut the ties they would have to get rid of all his cohorts. Not sure if they realize that it is more than no Thaksin. His spirit must be cut out also.

  14. Both these points of view are highly intelligent and well posed. Indeed, there is much to be said on both sides of this debate. Taking a look down the road, I can actually see the amalgamation - or synthesis - of both these points of view. To be sure, for peace to be a long-term prospect in Thailand, they will have to be. A winner-takes-all attitude will not solve this problem. Because a winner-takes-all attitude is what got us into it. But there is - for the first time in years - a genuine window of opportunity here for a path that takes us into the amalgamated direction posed by these two opinions. And it is an opportunity that has actually nothing to do with the PDRC. The window of opportunity - as it happens - has to do with the election itself. On February 2 the election will take place. It will doubtless be the most disruptive, raucous election in Thai history. But it will take place. In parts of the country it will be fairly smooth. In other parts of the country it will be not so smooth. It will be sheer chaos in others. Yet the election will take place. The election will not produce a parliamentary quorum. And that is the window of opportunity. Because the lack of a parliamentary quorum will be a constitutional crisis - one without precedent, there will be a genuine vacuum for which there is no legislative path forward. The administration will be stripped of all power. They will be frozen, so to speak. Once that becomes apparent, the army could then quietly step in, and assume a non-participatory role as mediator between all the parties, including the two major parties. It means public reform forums would take place on a scale unprecedented. It would be immensely healthy. If the reforms were applied to a forced timeline of say, three months, a constitution might emerge that has the collective backing of all participants, including the two major parties. That would be put to a referendum, and if passed, could lead to a new national election. The biggest mistake a reform process could have would be to exclude Pheu Thai. This has never been about Pheu Thai, or even a Pheu Thai administration. It has always been about Thaksin. If that umbilical cord could be cut, it would free the path forward and act as a glue for both parties. The success of such a forum - in my view - would be dependant on the PDRC having nothing to do with it. But it is very, very important that both Pheu Thai and the main opposition Democratic party - both of whom have undeniably huge constituencies - come to some form of an agreement or consensus in this clearly sharply divided country. I do not personally believe that the Democratic party will ever - for at least the foreseeable future - be the government. Their base is simply not that extensive. Nor do I think Pheu Thai can govern from the North alone, pretending that the rest of the country doesn't exist. But if Thaksin were somehow to be cut off from the Pheu Thai party, I have absolutely no doubt that a possible future Pheu Thai administration would have much more backing in parts of the country that may surprise them now. Indeed, as these articles collectively suggest - the way forward comes with sacrifices - from both parties. If Pheu Thai can give up Thaksin, and the Democratic party can concede the realities of the electoral map, then I think that that would have a real chance for success, and would lead to the beginnings of greater trust between these age-old factions.

    I pretty much agree with what you have to say. I do believe a three month period would not be long enough. It would take a fair amount of time just to get the right people in to the commission. They must represent all different parts of the society. They must all be open minded. that in it's self will be quite a task. Yes there should be people on it from all parties. The PTP does have some honest politicians as do every party.

    As for getting Thaksin out of the way the whole clan and the people who were flying to Dubai and Hong Kong when positions were coming open in the cabinet. The ones who were at his beck and call. All must go. Plus any one who sat in it and let him call in must go. Even if they are qualified. Leave none of his stink behind.

    It is a bitter pill for the people to swallow. They are correct in all their accusations the corruption is as the OP said at a higher level with Thaksin back in control. The protestors are being asked to accept with out retaliation all the crap he has dealt out to them personally and through his hired henchmen and thugs. Forget it like it never happened. Yet this is what they must do for a better future in Thailand. The thing is will the red shirts go along with it. They think Thaksin has done them a lot of good. Are they willing to say no to let him go? All ready their is a group of them who want Thaksin out of politics. Will the rest of theme be willing to go with out him.

    What the people don't realize that are talking about how wonderful Thaksin is that any thing he did for them came back to him ten fold. He was in the office when the world economy was on a roll it was hard to go wrong. They don't realize how much money was flowing into his pockets that rightfully should have been flowing or staying into the national treasury. Plus he still has 15 other charges out against him. Also it would call for them to admit to their part in 2010. that will be a bitter pill for them to swallow. to admit that it was there actions that started it before the Army was even on the scene.

    If both sides can swallow those bitter pills Thailand has a good future ahead of it. Well at least a good chance.

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  15. I think you mean 'do not count as proof'?

    This whole complicated protest situation isn't helped by some of the reporting.

    In the other newspaper today the police are quoted as saying that grenades were thrown by someone mingling with the crowd and not from height.

    However the BBC's Johnathan ' Dick ' Head quotes the police as saying the grenade thrower was one of the protesters ' own ' which completely changes the story.

    Which of these reports is most accurate is beyond me and it's not the first time the authorities have made different statements to the media so did the other newspaper ignore a vital point or did Head add something in ? Just because someone is in a crowd doesn't have to mean they are a supporter as it's easy to mingle unless you are dressed completely in red and carrying a placard saying " I support the government ".

    It suits Suthep to accuse the government and / or their supporters of responsibility whereas it suits others, many on this forum, to believe it's deliberate self-inflicted injury to increase sympathy and support.

    Personally i would settle for the truth warts and all in order to get my head around what's really happening.

    Jonathan Head is well known as a reporter who is not independently and impartially reporting the news, as he should. This guy is on Thaksin's side, he is not a reporter he is propagandist. He associates exclusively with Thaksin's supporters and mocks those who propose alternative views to the ruling Government's. We all saw how this creature behaved during 2010.

    And for the life of me I do not understand what 'voices in ones (sic) head' means!

    Perhaps you would care to elucidate?


    The BBC's Jonathan Head, in a recent live debate, revealed what he really knows and what his reporting seems to willfully omit. It is clear from this debate that does not disagree with the truth (I am told that he indeed has a very good understanding of the real political situation) But it is clear from all of his reportage (and I speak as a former journalist) that he chooses to spin a yarn that leads unsuspecting readers away from that truth. I would like to know why. And those that disagree should revisit his work and look through the cracks. Reportage should be about unbiased telling of FACTS. I am outraged that Head is unable, unwilling or for some other reason does not do this.

    I agree with your comments about reportage and Jonathan Head however, I would also add that what you read/see on TV is not necessarily what the reporter wrote or all of what the camera saw. Editors have a nasty habit of massaging stories in favour of selling news.

    I have seen him reporting live from Thailand. At least he claimed he was in Thailand. The man is either out of touch with reality or just doesn't know what is happening.

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  16. Its actually quite simple there are good photographs and evidence. The government would move heaven and earth to catch this guy if he is on the payroll of Suthep as it would break the movement. If he is not he won't be arrested so just lets give the government some reasonable time to do their job and if they don't catch him it should be proof enough for us who use our brains.

    If it was Suthep I would condemn him and all who planned it with him, not that I think that much of him now but I do think a lot of the movement the normal people trying to oust a corrupt government and bring in stronger anti corruption laws. Lets just hope that they are not used to bring in an other corrupt government. If so I would be against them.

    I am not like many reds who say we know our government is corrupt and inept but we support them anyway. Sensible people would see that there is an chance now for real change. Suthep is not going to be able to fool all the anti government protesters like Taksin is fooling the farmers by making sure the rice scheme is plundered by his minions and forgot to leave enough money for the farmers.

    To the best of my knowledge he is not trying to bring in another government. He is trying to set up a council to reform the government and then and only then bring in an election. You may not like him but you have to admit he is the only reason this is still happening. give credit where credit is due.

    I don't like Abhist but I have to admit that at this time he is the best person to fill the job of Prime Minister.

    • Like 1
  17. I would have thought 1800baht for genuine Rolex was very reasonable.

    I was once Ordered Out of a ROLEX shop in Zurich when I went in to have the battery changed on my "Genuine" Bali-bought ROLEX.

    First up, they give you the "evil eye" before opening the door. Once inside, I saw a young lady behind the counter and explained I needed a new battery, she then called over her boss and I handed him my ROLEX which he promptly dropped on the counter with a look of total disdain, curled his top lip, sniffed/snorted and told me to Get out of his shop.

    My Swiss G/F at the time was cringing in embarrassment outside and offered me no sympathy at all over the discovery that my "Genuine Bali Rolex" which I would have paid the equivalent of about 1-Thousand Baht for was a rip-off.

    cheesy.gifcheesy.gif Yes in Bali I have had them follow me for blocks with their tray of watches. Haven't been to those areas the last few times there. Don't know if they are still doing it. Had to laugh my friend and I were walking down the street when we saw a sign antiques made to order. We went in and heard the sound of an electric sander in the back. In a market in Lombok I looked at a couple of little statues carved out of a horn. Bartered a bit and left to wander through the rest of the market. I would say it was a little bigger than Worrorat. On my way out in the parking lot the seller came running after me and said he would except my price.cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

  18. "Surachai said what was worrying was that the rice-pledging scheme and payment were policies of the caretaker national government. What provincial authorities could do now was only to provide winter clothing and medical care to the protesters."

    Far cry from the pie in the sky promises from the government they voted for after accepting the requisite bribes to buy their votes. If they want to be angry with anyone, they should be angry with themselves for allowing their own greed to put them in their present situation. How many times do they need to be lied to before they understand that once they have done their job of electing the crooked candidates they are only an afterthought? Chances are they will once again vote for whomever pays for their votes and find themselves in the same situation next year. Fool me once, shame on you....Fool me every year, I'm an idiot.

    the article also said

    He said 27,000 farmers were registered for the scheme in Ratchaburi, but fewer than 4,000 had received money from the government.

    I wonder out of the 4,000 who were paid how many had confections in side the present government. How many were big conglomerate farmers? How many were small family farmers. It would seem the majority were small farmers as they did not have the money a big conglomerate farmer would to see them through a tough time.

    Bottom line is how many small farmers will have to sell their farms to the big farmers and then if they wish to continue rice farming lease the land back.

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