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Posts posted by northernjohn

  1. He insisted that every baht spent on the scheme had gone into farmers' hands through the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC).

    MR. White lies in action again!

    I really liked this it pretty well lays out their discrepancy in financial management.

    buying rice for four seasons and paying out a total of Bt680 
    billion.He insisted that every baht spent on the scheme had gone into 
    farmers' hands through the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives 
    (BAAC). The government has also released rice from its stockpiles and earned 
    Bt200 billion from its sale. "The government will continue selling rice," 
    Kittiratt said, adding that it would also secure funding, be it from the state 
    budget, BAAC's liquidity or loans, to pay the farmers.

    480 billion baht loss.

    They also say they are going to continue with the scheme (personally I think it is a scam but I don't want to make accusations) even though they don't know where they are going to get the money to pay for it. I noticed in the article some of them have been waiting since October for their money.

    Suppose the farmers take their rice back and sell it them selves what is going to happen to the rice the government is currently holding that is going bad. Will the government give us a list of who owns these warehouses that are getting paid every month to just hold the rice? I would bet it would include many people associated with politicians. I would also venture to say the rents were paid every month on time.

    simply put: the 200 billion they have raised from the sale may well have been paid out. but they owe another 480 billion to farmers and they havent go the money. simple really.

    Sad tosad.png

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  2. Agree with some other posters that there is nothing wrong with this announcement: in fact most governments accept a responsibility for issuing travel advisories to their citizens and this is not an inaccurate statement of the facts.

    The issues of the USA trying to establish military bases in the country; secure an interest in the country's natural resources; support a self exiled criminal in return for promises that person cannot keep and to try and make a gain when its influence in the region is waning, especially come the AEC, are all different issues.

    Well several things I went to their site as mentioned in the article I typed in Thailand and got nothing. Also I got the feeling that all of Bangkok was in danger according to them. Now I am not familiar with Bangkok but it is a huge city and I highly doubt the majority of it is having traffic problems other than the normal ones or giant rallies.

    They could have been a little bit more direct in making it clear that the problem was not a city wide one. The areas they mentioned were indeed saturated with anti government protestors and apparently the militant fringe of the pro government forces but it was just a small area. So far the rest of Thailand is OK. No violence out side of Chiang Mai where the red shirts were throwing things at the anti government protestors and even that was not to bad just showing their level of intelligence.

    They would also occasionally block roads so traffic could not get through. Have no idea what that was all about. I live here. How ever my wife is anti PTP thus anti red shirt and she is afraid to talk about them. So maybe it is intimidation they are seeking. In my wife's case it is working and I imagine other people are feeling intimidated also.

  3. The anti government people are respecting your right to vote. All they are asking is that you respect Thailand and make an informed vote. Not one based on payments of money or promises that can not be fulfilled. Make a vote for a government that has a sustainable budget. Do not sell your grandchildren's tax money away to a proven mishandling of finical affairs government. Know what the issues are. Vote for a transparent government. One that can sell rice and tell you how much they sell it for.

    I mean really folks they can make much todo about what they pay for it but have to keep it a secret what they sell it for.

    Is that asking to much.

    Particularly not one for a convicted criminal on the run in Dubai. This is a convicted criminal who was tried and convicted by his own party.

    But if you don't make what they regard { rightly or wrongly} as an informed vote, then they will disregard it.

    There in lies the problem they will honor it even though it was bought. This is one of the things that should be stopped and the Suthep led protestors are trying to stop.

    I am just guessing but the votes from certain areas would be way down if there was no money paid for them. Some people don't even respect there own rite to vote. Yet they want others to respect it. Maybe they are rite and people should respect their rite to vote. Just don't respect the people who don't respect their own rite to vote.

    I opt for respecting their rite to vote. I just disagree on the matter of it being a bought vote. I would like to see it an informed vote. How ever thanks to this government and all the past ones many of the people have not been given an education so they can understand the issues.

  4. The opposite is also valid - 'respect my right to protest'.

    Sure but they should not block government buildings and roads.

    Why not the red shirts were allowed to and even invade hospitals. It got them elected. Of course the anti government protestors are not building barricades to hide behind. They are out there for all to see. They are just trying to get a government that works for the people.

    They are not building barricades to hid behind? They sure the hell are. Where the hell are you?

    Yes they are building barricades but not to hide behind and shoot rockets at civilian transportation depot's. They are building them to block roads go for your self and see. You can walk rite up to them and talk with the people there they are not hiding.. No fear of getting shot facing them.

    How ever you do run the risk of a grenade being thrown at you from behind you. You would be what people in that line of work call collateral damage.

  5. The voice of the people is now come out. Respect their rights to live and work without blocking their roads and building.

    The opposite is also valid - 'respect my right to protest'.

    Sure but they should not block government buildings and roads.

    Why not the red shirts were allowed to and even invade hospitals. It got them elected. Of course the anti government protestors are not building barricades to hide behind. They are out there for all to see. They are just trying to get a government that works for the people.

    • Like 1
  6. When a minority that represents the interests of the Bangkok elite attempts to seize control of the country through undemocratic means, this is the result.

    And the longer the minority petitions to deny the majority their political rights the worse this kind of violence will get.

    I don't want to hear any complaining from the minority because they are bringing it on themselves.

    The poor are not going to stand for having an despotic, undemocratic government representing the Bangkok elite foisted upon them for the umpteenth time.

    How much do you know about the poor, it doesn't sound as though you live in Isaan? There are very many people in Isaan that are protesting against the totally corrupt PT caretaker government. The farmers have been screwed and there is no money to pay them. The EC directed the caretaker administration that they were not to use the farmers money to pay them only to find out that this had already been done which is against the their remit. Many are also suffering from the water project and so on and on.

    That's why you have democratic elections. If the people of Isan are as dissatisfied as you say then they'll vote for alternative parties.

    You don't let thugs seize power by holding a country hostage to their demands.

    You are correct you are very astute in your perception of how to rise to power.

    You seize power by paying them and promising them they will be rich in 6 months.

  7. Meanwhile "looking in" at this Thailand crisis from outside the proverbial fishbowl. This latest article from The Economist is well worth a read...


    I got as far as


    "Her Pheu Thai party, which is the third incarnation of a party founded by 
    her brother, the former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, was prepared to win 
    it. And so the protesters, led by Suthep Thaugsuban, a former deputy prime 
    minister of the opposition Democrat Party, returned to the streets on January 
    13th. They are now demanding that the very process by which Thailand (usually) 
    chooses its governments—ie elections—be junked.

    The anti government protestors were calling for a reform of the election process long before Jan. 13. Kind off shows how little the Economist knows and the people willing to believe them.

    The problem on TV seems that everyone in the forum thinks they understand everything already and don't have to listen some different voice to try to broaden their view: yellow, red, and both sides oriented.

    Then when someone neutral put out an idea is labeled red or yellow because he dared to go against such beliefs.

    There is no way out.

    Well what you say may or may not be true but if you have been following this for even one week you would know that Suthep had been demanding this long before Jan.13 2014.

    I say once again what kind of nonsense are they going to write if they believe that it was some thing new.wai.gif

    The first paragraph discredits them. Even a PTP and red shirt could tell you that.

  8. Don't be a lying idiot. How is the Feb 2 election going to solve the political conflict? So what if you win it? People will still hate you and your brother. The only way to solve this conflict is for your government to distance itself from your idiot brother and actually try to govern this country without any interference from him. You may not be able to govern wisely because most of you are idiots but at very least, try not to come up with hare brained schemes like the rice pledging or tablets for children! bah.gif

    BUT, the Thai people voted for them with a big majority........Yes or No.............rolleyes.gif

    Doesn't matter who governs, none of them have a clue. So where does the country go..........?

    If they win with a 'big majority', so what? Will it solve the conflict and the divide in this country? Will it stop the violence? She's lying through her teeth because you're going to have all sorts of bombs going off before, during and also AFTER the elections. Saying the political conflict will be over after elections is as usual a big fat lie from her.

    Well two things. If the elections come off on Feb2 there will be no winner. Not enough candidates to vote on who the PM would be Secondly If their are all sorts of bombs going off with the history of her red shirt backers people will know who is responsible and she will do every thing in her power to shut them down.

    She maybe a Shinawatra but she is not one who provokes bloodshed purposely. She is not blood thirsty. I honestly think she deplores it. I am an Abhist supporter but willing to admit she does have some good points. Also Abhist has some bad ones.

  9. Don't be a lying idiot. How is the Feb 2 election going to solve the political conflict? So what if you win it? People will still hate you and your brother. The only way to solve this conflict is for your government to distance itself from your idiot brother and actually try to govern this country without any interference from him. You may not be able to govern wisely because most of you are idiots but at very least, try not to come up with hare brained schemes like the rice pledging or tablets for children! bah.gif

    You are absolutely correct the only chance this country has of a good government and it is a small chance is if she would slam the door on her brothers face along with all of his adherents.

    I say a small chance with her as the leader because she has not shown the ability to lead. It has all been dependent on her brothers money and friends.


    "She told representatives of 15 foreign media on the on-going situation that if the country could pass through the February 2 election, the political conflict would be over."

    That is what I mean when I say she hasn't got the ability to lead. As it sits now there is no way the election can settle anything. There will not be enough seats filled to meet the minimum requirement for a quorum and she knows it. She also knows that the way it is sitting now there is no way to get enough candidates to bring it up to the required 475 seats needed. There is no way to regiester for an election now the door is shut, closed, stuck, barred and inoperable.

  10. Rimping Condo ticks all the boxes except the south/south east. Its beside the Ping with views across town to the mountain**. Both Worarot and Muang Mai (excellent market) are less than 10 minutes walk away. Plenty of cooked food available at Worarot after 6pm. You can enquire at reception as to what condos are up for rent but you'll likely have to up your rent.

    **most condos have this view but not all.

    I looked at them and the cheapest one was 20,000 baht. It does meet the OPs other requirements. The price for electricity was only 4 baht a unit at the time. That if you don't know is a good price almost as cheap as paying direct to the power company. Sadly I had to turn it down. It is according to my Thai wife haunted. I tried to explain to her that ghosts are afraid of me but to no avail.

    Not sure but I think the Riverside Rimping market is about a 20 minute walk.

    OP stick to your guns there are lots out there just a matter of finding them. I don't have the greatest place but it is in a great location with a good view. Unfortunately it can get noisy but that is not a problem to me.

    Location for me is worth a few minor points.

  11. Meanwhile "looking in" at this Thailand crisis from outside the proverbial fishbowl. This latest article from The Economist is well worth a read...


    I got as far as


    "Her Pheu Thai party, which is the third incarnation of a party founded by 
    her brother, the former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, was prepared to win 
    it. And so the protesters, led by Suthep Thaugsuban, a former deputy prime 
    minister of the opposition Democrat Party, returned to the streets on January 
    13th. They are now demanding that the very process by which Thailand (usually) 
    chooses its governments—ie elections—be junked.

    The anti government protestors were calling for a reform of the election process long before Jan. 13. Kind off shows how little the Economist knows and the people willing to believe them.

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  12. Al Jazeera seems impressed by the caretaker PM's resolve answering questions today. That seemed a big part of their bomb story. I came away feeling 'oh she has strong determined resolve in the face of this situation'. Such a nice news story.

    ...so many people underestimate her, it works to her very significant advantage. But she would not use violence.

    I agree that is doubtful that Yingluck would use violence, but it is frankly also doubtful that she has known much at all about the corruption in the rice scheme or the real intent behind the 350 million baht flood program. She is a pretty face that has singularly failed to be, in any visible way, the PM.

    Any comments about who actually is directly responsible for this cowardly attack are, of course, purely speculative. We all, have our own different hate-figures we would love to blame. My personal one is Thaksin's long-term crony Chalerm.

    But PM Yingluck, as head of the caretaker government, is responsible for what happens in Thailand and how conflicts are resolved. No two ways about that.

    I am quite sure she gave a nice interview. Democracy and all that.

    But did she say why Suthep wanted to set up a council to reform the Government and reform the election. Two things which she flatly refused to do. As it sits now she has decided all of a sudden to set up a council to discuss reforming the government but it is under her control. Did she mention that Suthep wanted an election after the election process had been reformed to make it an even table for all parties concerned. Not one that the party with the most money could and would win. One based on issues. Then have an election. Did she mention that Suthep had no political affiliations just grass root people who all on their own set up a protest that got so big it needed a leader and at that point Suthep entered the picture as a potential leader which he did become. The leader for a group that had no intentions of running candidates for the election. They just wanted honest ones.

    I am quite sure none of that was mentioned.

    As you say comments on who is responsible for this cowardly act are purely speculative but we can draw some conclusions based on the past history of some of those involved in this type of thing. If I remember correctly there was several bombs going on around Bangkok after the red shirts were routed out in 2010. In fact one of the bomb makers a red shirt blew himself up by mishandling his material.

    I don't think the protestors would do it to them selves. The red shirts are split now they have a group that wants politics with out Thaksin in it and two groups that want him in it. I don't think the PTP would do it. But they do have a few members with a bloody past. But then again we can just speculate.

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  13. There getting brave with daylight attacks now. Give the Weekend Warriors something to think about this weekend.

    hoping for blood in the streets are we! Brave attacking peaceful protesters. Really How f*cked is that?

    What we are hoping for is a peacful end to a fascist coup attempt.

    The games almost up for Suthep and he has no allies as they have all been exposed and cornered this week by our sharp thinking and acting PM!!!

    Enjoy it whllst it lasts as it is the last coup they will be able to stage in Thailand with any luck. Hope this will break the finiancial backs of their backers.

    Before replying to these kind of things it would be nice if the posters could have a clue as to what is going on. Maybe they do but just hate to admit that the party they are backing is aiming to make one man a dictator. To top it all off he doesn't even live in Thailand.

    The anti government protesters have continually called for peace and a honest government. Yet all these ill informed posters don't bother with that. If they think Yingluck is doing so much good compare what she is now doing and advocating to what she was doing and advocating three months ago. On paper it looks like she is in full retreat. Every day I wonder what else she is going to do to make Suthep's goal of an honest government come true.

    Would one of these Shinawatra clan supporters care to explain to me why she doesn't want election reform before the election?whistling.gif

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  14. Good Luck with their performance.

    Any chance of coming down to Khon Kaen?

    Have checked with Noes2Nose and they will be heading back to the UK on Monday morning. However, If you PM me I will gladly forward contact info.


    I take it there will not be a Sunday afternoon performance just the three evenings.

  15. Coming from British Columbia and on occasion having to use them the only ones I ever saw were wooden ones and metal ones mostly wooden ones. Are you sure they were not a special order item? If so you could check back with your supplier and ask him if the manufacture had an outlet here in Chiang Mai.


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  16. Does any one know where I can obtain a genuine whistle and a fake whistle here in Chiang Mai?

    I could use the genuine one when the anti government protestors perform and the fake one when the red shirts perform.

    Is there such a thing as a fake cord to hold it around your neck? There is so many things that have nothing to do with the anti demonstrators purpose and the purpose of the red shirts that one is hesitant to make a move.

    Next thing you know some bottler will be claiming to be the only authorized bottle to be thrown at anti protesters.facepalm.gif

  17. There is no question that the brain-child of an idea that Surapong and the police have to arrest Suthep will unquestionably backfire and really agitate the people of the street who are already highly antagonistic towards this administration. It would simply intensify the protest. But it would certainly prove one thing - that the fantasy that the resistance to this administration would simply crumble without him would be finally laid to rest.

    As the article said


    "Deputy Prime Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul, who is head of the Centre for Administration of Peace and Order, called a meeting of top officials from concerned agencies at the Defence Ministry's Permanent Secretary Office, with Adul joining the meeting via videoconferencing."

    There is defiantly enough fire power there to arrest him.

    As you have correctly pointed out they are very much afraid. To do so would reenergize the protestors movement. The government knows that it was honest citizens from the grass roots holding the protest and not receiving money for their services. Suthep came along after the protests had started and were uniting. They had to pay for it out of their own pocket and having families to support had to return to work. They never the less remain supporters of the movement and Suthep

    This is part of the reason they have held off arresting him. If you pay close attention to their actions you will notice that they are taking steps towards following Suthep's suggestions. They after two and a half years have decided the government needs reforming and are willing to do that. Being nothing more than a temporary care taker government in the last few days they have decided to start a council up on reforming the government. They are unwilling to let it form unless under their control. But they have not yet come to the point where they will allow it unless it is under there control.

    To achieve these ends they are not as of yet going to stop a costly election from going through that they know will be meaningless as there will not be enough seats filled to meet a quorum. This to me would indicate a lack of concern where the public money goes. That I am sure comes as no surprise to any one.

    I am not sure how it works. There can be no vote on who is to be Prime Minister and I believe there is a time limit on how long the current temporary one can hold that office. Who would appoint the new one? If it was too continue to be Yingluck would that also not reenergize the protest. Let us remember it was not Suthep who started the protest with the backing of rich people. It was the grass roots people who started it themselves with money out of their own pocket.

    That is not some thing they are going to forget. It is not like the red shirts in 2010 who willingly surrendered after their pay checks were cut off. These are real citizens who have real knowledge of the corruption at the government level and the audacity of the government in saying they will not abide by the decisions of the Constitutional court. These people can not be bought off.

  18. clap2.gif no its no clear at all!

    bravo you turned the usual hot topic (that come back quite often) into a farcical one( look at your post #22)

    and by the way as i said, its the SUM of the daily small rant from everyone (about the bad news, the scams, murders, stupidity etc etc the list is so long) that give this overwhelming feeling of hate... when its just a tiny rant from different members.

    Well I am not going to deny what you say. It is certainly true.

    I was just wondering what would be on that list if it was restricted to Things that only happen in Thailand.

    Or another list where people posted the good experiences they had with a Thai.

    I know for my self I have a list that is not good of the experiences I have had with my Thai wife. But it is far outweighed by the list of good things.

    "Or another list where people posted the good experiences they had with a Thai."

    Well i remember that one or two months ago, a thai apologist tv member did open a thread about the positive things here. His aims was to counter balance all the nasty topic we read everyday. Well it was a total flop...

    The topic did attract only few replies. So maybe tv member are only interested in ventilating or maybe they are all mad, who knows?!

    But what i found absolutely fabulous, its we do share our experience, our knowledge, good or bad. Someone failure will be someone else success. And we can all be very grateful to TV.

    Well there is some truth in what you say. But you are cherry picking topics. I started one a few months back about the Thai's spending the time with you when you were hospitalized whether you needed them or not. On one specific item I got a tremendous positive response.

    The fact of the matter is that most Thai bashers are sitting at their machine most of the day looking for an opportunity to bash where as apologists have other things to do with their Thai friends.

    It is not exactly a secret here on Thai Visa that a lot of the posters get there information from various bars. Or the fact that some of the supposedly ripped off farangs are just plain lonely old men who have had it happen to them before yet continue to carry on the practice because they don't feel lonely while it is happening to them. I personally know one old fellow from the UK who has lost two houses. Yet he remains here in Thailand looking for Mrs. right. Every time he thinks he is on to one she turns out to be 40 years younger. We don't hear that part of the story.

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