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Posts posted by kingalfred

  1. I think that you know very well what the problem is with those who complain so vehemently about taxis. Most of them are inveterate complainers, and exaggerators, about everything Thai. The common factor is TBS (Thai Bashing Syndrome).

    You'll probably find that you also don't suffer nearly as much from, for example, "police harassment and extortion" in the Thonglor area as these same people when that tired old topic is dragged up.

    A factually incorrect comment! Anyone who lives in Bangkok and uses or has used the metered taxis knows that a large percentages donot follow the correct rules. Thats why many of us use Uber or other taxi apps. So basically you dont know what you are talking about!
  2. Death toll up to 140 and expected to increase as more bodies are discovered...

    While the world is being destroyed by Islamic Terrorists...the leadership in the US wants to turn our attention to global warming and climate change as the greatest threats to our well being...Ironically, the next international meeting is to held in France soon...

    This must be very insulting to ISIS...they are wondering what more they have to do to get recognition from Obama...maybe visiting the US would bring their activities into better perspective for US leaders...

    ah someone had to get their "climate change denying rant in"
  3. Some years ago, people came to experience Thailand; now, they come to change it to resemble whatever stuck-up, prig-filled sh!t-hole they came from.


    The crackdown on vendors is being organised by Thais and I think most Thais support it.

    Your point?

    Mine was that there is a lot of smug self-righteousness in support of this BS. And the supporters are the usual crowd, whining about the terrible inconveniences foist upon them by those cheeky Thais, who have been doing things their way since long before the whiners ever heard of Thailand.

    Now, can you pull some more opinions about which Thais support this action out of your fundament, for us all?

    Thanks, awfully.

    . Fact is in many areas in Bangkok THAIS have complained about the sidewalks being far too congested in the daytime. One of the reasons they been cleared .So who's the whiner being smug and self righteous . Take a look in the mirror!
  4. No Uber in Thailand, tried but gov regulations seemed to doom them. Declared illegal in Thailand Novemeber 2014

    That's really interesting, since I used Uber in Bangkok last night.

    People really should get their facts straight so that they don't inadvertently provide misinformation to those who are seeking useful advice.


    Since Uber is still illegal in Thailand and this is the Phuket forum where they are not active, why provide misinformation here?

    illegal in the "State of Phuket" not illegal in Thailand. Your disinformation
  5. No Uber in Thailand, tried but gov regulations seemed to doom them. Declared illegal in Thailand Novemeber 2014

    Grab Taxi is the alternative.

    I guess living in Kata on phuket causes fantasies
  6. No Uber in Thailand, tried but gov regulations seemed to doom them. Declared illegal in Thailand Novemeber 2014

    That's really interesting, since I used Uber in Bangkok last night.

    People really should get their facts straight so that they don't inadvertently provide misinformation to those who are seeking useful advice.

    uber legal in Thailand. Of course Phuket has its own form of " legality". Yea Uber was not allowed to operate on the lsland of corrupt transportation. Along with other things!
  7. Like them or hate them but I think that by removing the street vendors its like taking the salt of Bangkok city life. The reason Bangkok is so appealing compared is due to the floating vendors. And lets not forget not everybody can afford to purchase stuff in the department stores and the street food tastes better too.

    all nonsense. Street vendors are a menace and the fact is there should be no selling on public paths before 7pm in Bkk, but its not strictly enforced in most locations. As far as food goes who wants to eat in a dirty location breathing in traffic fumes? Maybe you
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