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Posts posted by kingalfred

  1. dont care about the discount, it's the conveninece

    i dont understand why more people, especially locals, dont have these cards. they save so much time and hassle but the locals seem to prefer to queue to buy tickets every time they travel...

    i dont think the locals in thailand understand the concept of cash... vs credit. havent you noticed that everysingle account you open in a bank is a SAVING ACCOUNT? thais are taught NEVER TO SAVE. but are encouraged to spend their savings.

    It's obviously easy for you, but to the average Thai who earns the minimum wage of 300 B a day, the 'issuing fee' of 150 Baht, and the 'deposit' of 50 B, making 200 Baht, it represents a much larger outlay. I think the minimum wage in UK is £6.75 an hour so £54 for an 8 hour day. I wonder how many Londoners would buy an Oyster card if the upfront cost - with no actual travel credit - cost £36 (US$55).
    thais on the minimum wage dont use the BTS regularly, if at all
  2. Personally, I haven't ever overstayed since I first set foot in Thailand in the early '80s. It just how I live my life.

    But I find all the self-righteous gloating over this disgusting. It certainly seems like it's confined mainly to relative newcomers, who bring their obnoxious attitudes from whatever strict law-and-order Western country they left, apparently hoping to re-create its comfortable authoritarianism in Thailand.

    I'd much rather have a beer with ANY overstayer than one of these pernicious creatures.

    If anything is going to spoil Thailand, it's the presense, legal, of course, of these boring scum...

    Pretty much too late now, I guess.

    so you support the cheats, pissheads and criminal fraternity? Enjoy your beer with an overstayer, soon there wont be so many

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  3. In case some of you didn't read the article in full. At no point does it make a comparison with Thailand or ASEAN at all. They simply discuss the low levels of English proficiency exhibited by Malaysian English teachers.

    Any comparisons have been made by the posters on this forum.

    But when stated that english is spoken better and more widely in malaysia than n thailand the OP disagreed and relied on the report for proof of his convictions. Which is wrong.
    you such a fantasist . Read again and grow up unless you are a juvenile
  4. Read the report about "teaching in schools" NOT restaurants etc

    Yes, and were do you think malays learn their english, its in schools, and they are miles and miles ahead of Thailand in their english proficiency.
    um.. So who do we believe . Some TV posters or a report from within Malaysia. Hmmm tough choice!

    Have you actually spent any time in Malaysia? I have and I guarantee you the general ability to use English is vastly superior to Thailand -- by a country mile.

    I'm going to believe the posters here because I know they are right -- easy choice, actually. The day I start believing hyped-up typically sensationalist journalism instead of people's real experiences is the day I should...(deleted).

    ahh really got you wpund up hasnt it! I would trust some teachers recently teaching opinions.Not your travels. This is about Malaysians teaching English in schools.
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