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Posts posted by kingalfred

  1. The Nation article highlights the dysfunctional place called "thailand" Bangkok roads and traffic is one almighty mess! Ok its pointing out the obvious. It will get much worse (yes its possible) The only way is "improved public transport"' The mass transport BTS MRT takes far too much time to extend but more buses,with designated bus lanes needs to implemented over a period alongside Park and Ride schemes,including a charge for entering the city centre everyday, It could be done over time. Bangkok Car drivers have got to be forced to get out of their personal space, "tin cans on wheels". If Thai inaction prevents any of this happening, Bangkok will ,over the next few years, be unable to function .

  2. I have them check all the Chinese made stuff I buy in Chinatown and 5-10% is dead , most check it anyway without asking because so many are bad out of the box , This is cheap stuff like LED lights , flashlights and small electronics ,

    I really think that the Chinese send the "seconds" to 3rd world countries at a lower price than the First Quality stuff that goes to the west , they are not going to throw it away !

    I doubt that Lazada checks anything before shipping , not enough hours in the day and then it looks like it was already "used" and not tested in front of you .

    the same would go if you bought it in eBay, Amazon or Lazada , you just need to hope its good and the seller knows and trusts his suppliers,

    These same problems happen if you buy from one of the many vendors in a mall like Tukcom or Pantip. If it's a Chinese knockoff, good luck getting them to deal with it. Some do, some don't.

    OP: what type of electronic did you purchase? As Charlie stated, COD is a great way to go. And so far, I've only bought stuff that Lazada supplies directly, unless it is cheap and not electronid! Great service.

    as I said I bought a tablet. COD is not a "great way to go" In future I will use Paypal. It protects the buyer and acts as a third party between you and seller.
  3. I purchased a computer tablet from Lazada using the pay when received option. It turned out to be faulty but Lazada told me that it was my responsibility to return to the seller direct"lazada not being the seller" They were not interested in the problem. Clearly without paypal or credit card protection a buyer is screwed on Lazada!

  4. @ GOM

    This is a Phuket transport related threat, is it not? Isn't "transport" Phuket's biggest "issue?"

    "I had just returned from a place where I paid the same amount to go 1/3rd of the distance." - how is this relevent to the out of line transport prices on Phuket?

    I don't tip criminals belonging to a criminal enterprise, but each to their own.

    Because what you feel is "out of line" NKM, others might not, thus my comment of subjectivity.

    Also, I do not feel transport is Phuket's biggest issue, guns and drugs I feel are bigger.

    the whole place is a jungle. I was their 2 weeks ago and the the headline in the local weekly paper was "Phuket teenagers exchange and buy guns on Facebook pages". Cleaning up the beaches of a few sunbeds and parasols is least of its problems.
  5. The fact is many foreign countries,their politicians, diplomats et al have no idea what the political situation was before the general took control. The so called"democracy" ( which was a corrupt thai version)?was falling apart. Elections will come when the constitution is approved and politicians and parties Know the new rules and laws. Until then YES.... It aint no business of foreign countries. They can go and complain to other "non democratic states"who they have good relations with, China, Cuba etc.

  6. Even the well heeled educated Bangkokians are getting fed-up of Prayuth. Pravit is from a upper income family, son of a diplomat and highly educated. I also see more articles in the mass media that are very critical of the government. Even talking to young educated Bangkokians show a growing frustration with this kind of public harassment and curtailing freedom of opinions. The junta can't hurled in everyone who spoke negatively. It's just a matter of time before someone or some group will stand up and give the junta a severe test.

    and they will lose
  7. There needs to be a totalitarian dictatorship in one area of Thailand. Education. Hire one from Singapore not Cambridge. One does not need to be a brain trust. Rote learning over and over again learn 100 English words and when that is done learn another 100. Over and over again speak English. Forget the grammar lessons. Speak and understand. Speak with the mouth and understand with computer games in English. Forbid anyone who can't speak and understand at least 200 words in English from teaching.

    It is basic. Teach with rote learning until the basics are taught. India and the Philippines get all the outsourced English help lines both countries could supply English speaking teachers for Thai prices.

    This is Asia not America. Cheap English teachers are available from native English speakers in Asia.

    Given your 'command' of the language, let's hope you are nowhere near a classroom.

    Given your flagrant disregard of Thai Visa posting rules let's hope you are nowhere near a Thai Visa post. wai2.gif

    The topic is about how to improve the standard of English Teaching in Thai schools, and the current failings in that task. And here you are pontificating about how Asian English speakers can do the job of teaching English to Thai students as well as, or even better than an educated native speaker can. Unfortunately you don't seem to realize that your own post is littered with basic errors, and is barely comprehensible. Can you not see the sad irony in that?

    I doubt he/she does. Just another moron on TV.
  8. Obviously everyone should pay their bills but i dont see any jet ski thugs or big drug dealers being hauled in for photo ops.. They've all paid off the cops. The tourists get arrested for trivial matters.

    Foreigners will always cop the full force of Thai law and money must change hands.

    Tourists are such an easy target for the police and immigration. Pay now.

    This is not a trivial matter. If a father and son team walked up to you and took $500 out of your pocket and then laughed at you as they walked away, would you think it trivial? In fact if everyone did this all the time would it be trivial? In taking action on this and making it public the BIB and Thailand in general are sending out a message. I applaud them.

    Also it's probably too late at 24 but that's no example for a father to setting for his son.

    People who think like that probably never operated a business and think all business owners are rich and its ok to cheat on them. I am seriously appalled by the kinds of people posting here. Thieves are among the people I hate the most and thieves is what these guys are if they skipped out on a bill like that.
    oh you know them? You are a witness? Get off your ranting!
  9. I would not count on the bus stopping for you on the route. Likely drive past you.

    Anyhow the last bus back from town 18.30.

    Why wouldn't it stop? I have not heard any comments on the bus not stopping, and would presume it will stop.

    Wasn't it reported there was an "agreement" under which the bus was "allowed" to operate, that it would not stop to pick-up, and set down passengers, at will?

    Yes, the bus is allowed to drive around all it wants. But it is not allowed to pick up paying customers. Those in charge then point to the non profitable bus run as the reason for not adding, or expanding, additional bus services.

    and then there is the "leaning on any business person who may want to start competitive transport routes" . It happens in many parts of thailand with joining or setting up a "van route"
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