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Posts posted by A1Str8

  1. Forget all the useless apps that supposedly help you to get rid of junk. 

    Just keep it as clean as possible, meaning only necessary apps. 

    I used to have that Galaxy s3 and I can say that for some reason it slows down and lags more than other android phones. 

    Because of that I changed it. 

    It's not necessary to change it but then you have to pay attention to keeping it organized. Only apps that you really need and not loaded with photos videos etc. 

    And don't install dumb memory heavy apps like facebook. Line is perfectly fine. 

  2. 9 hours ago, Hal65 said:


    Isn't it one of the rider's defenses to go faster than other traffic by a hair? I read a while back that this puts you in more control, as you are the one navigating the obstacles and controlling the blind spots.

    That's true that they say that but it doesn't make sense. The faster you go, the more risk you put yourself at. The faster you go, the less control you have over the bike, the more difficult navigation becomes. 



  3. I love the Z series. I already totaled two z800. 

    But both the z800 and the z1000 look better than this. 

    What is this? 

    And if this one replaced the z800 then that would mean it has a steel chassis instead of aluminum just like the 800 has and no abs, to try to make you buy the 1000 so then what's the point. 

    Kawasaki bikes are top notch but the logic of the manufacturer is similar to that of a five year old. 

  4. Don't bother with the nay sayers and other strange characters. 

    I agree that you are over analyzing this while life is passing you by. 


    Bruce Lee said..don't think, feel. Or you will miss all that heavenly glory. 


    Stop trying to figure it out. Life doesn't work that way.

    Just go out and make it happen. Meet people. Have fun. Live. And you are bound to meet ladies. 


  5. Honestly it doesn't matter. 

    If you can ride, you will get there on any bike. A small displacement bike is not any more dangerous, contrary to popular belief. 

    Your chances of survival ain't gonna decrease magically just because the bike you are on has less cylinders and tops out at about a hundred. 

    I have done it, I would never do it again coz it takes some twelve hours which makes it plain stupid. I also like to go faster than my guardian angel so I stay away from those bikes but they are sufficient. Why wouldn't they be? 

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