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Posts posted by A1Str8

  1. I am a long time foreign exchange and commodities trader with a really successful record. We have been involved in pooling money for investment purposes for quite some time and have been seeing much success. 

    If you want to and are willing to invest money and looking to get a good return, PM me. I don't trade for anybody, only work with serious, trustworthy individuals.


    The minimum amount that is accepted and will be traded is 10k USD. Depending on the invested amount, accounts can be traded individually, in which case the profit is split 50:50 between the investor and the trader. 


    Comments that deem the above to be a ripoff and a scam etc are totally ignored so don't bother.

    Having no interest in stealing anybody's money, any childish nonsense is ignored and laughed at. 

    We trade to make money and make lots of it. If that doesn't resonate with you, feel free to look elsewhere. 



    All the best

  2. First off, what kind of sweetheart drives a Mini. That's for girls. Maybe that's why he got mad. Knowing that now everyone knows his real gender. 

    Secondly, I don't understand what's all the fuss about her. 

    Just another individual, who couldn't handle money and fame and got stripped of all. I think he's much better off being off screen. Nobody cares about people like this anyway. 

    And who cares if he didn't apologize to the victim. Opinions and words of such entities don't count.

  3. 40 minutes ago, sanemax said:


      No it didnt . It showed that he had black eyes and a cut to the head , and cuts on his legs . Hotel workers have confirmed that the cuts to his legs were there two days before he died and his facial wounds were very probably done when he fell over to die .

        All explainable 

    Yes it did. You simply have an other explanation for it. I understand that the cuts were there before so what? 

    The autopsy shows the injuries. I didn't say, it proves the date when they occurred. 

  4. Just pay cash. That way they can't overcharge you. Last time I was in the hospital(Chiang mai Ram) for a few days because of dengue fever, upon checking out I paid 23.000 thb. I paid cash. They couldn't charge me more. 

    Well, alright they intentionally sold me a lot more medicine, than I actually needed just to make more money. 

    But that's okay, the cheapest woman tends to be the one you pay for. 

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