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Posts posted by A1Str8

  1. This man is so pathetic and uneducated. 

    The reality is that there's no need to torture others including waterboarding because it is done to so called terrorists.

    But since there's no such thing as terrorists but it is rather an invention of the richest families that own the United States and use people like Donald as mere puppets, to start wars and put fear in people.. There's really no need for such measures.

    And why would the US worry about outside threats? It is causing it's own downfall. No intervention by any outside source is necessary. 

  2. This guy. I have never understood people like him. If he decides to brake the law, then at least have the brains to do it without getting caught. Have your house full of plants, he might as well put a sign outside: arrest me. 

    But he's not gonna spend much time in prison, he just has to snitch on every customer he has ever had, which I am sure he's more than willing to do. 

  3. 7 hours ago, MikeyIdea said:


    Hmmmm, the police has no jurisdiction to act of course, this is civil and not criminal law.


    As owner he has the right to petition a court to remove her


    This wont go that far. The girl friend will do the honourable thing and sadly accept her mistake and take her son and leave


    They can remove her without any issue. There's no need for court. 

  4. No wonder whey gives you cramps. That's like the worst sh.. you can put into your body. 

    But these other people saying that if it's in powder form then it's not healthy is plain bs. 

    If you choose the right one it's actually better. From good sources without the pesticides etc

    They simply get rid of the water content that's all. 

    I think your best bet is to order online coz it's not really available in Thailand. Even if you can find it in bkk it will be so overpriced you won't buy it for too long. 


  5. Call her tell her that you have evidence that she cheated on you. Show it to her. Then tell her that she has to leave until this and that date. Warn her that if she doesn't you will have her removed by the police. Remind her that as the owner you have all the rights to do so. Then do it if necessary. 

    it won't be ugly unless you make it so. I have done it several times already. Just don't engage in any argument etc with her. 

    You have your mind made up. you have evidence. The rest is insignificant. 

  6. There's no way you won't be banned unless you have good connections. But if that was the case you wouldn't ask this question. 

    Go to immigration with your valid passport, get yourself detained, have enough money with you to pay the overstay and the overpriced plane ticket that the immigration will book for you and you should be out of the country in about two weeks. 

    And you won't be back in about 3-5 years. 

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