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Posts posted by A1Str8

  1. 3 hours ago, sniffdog said:

    Not any shop will do this. Quite a few shops (jedicool and etc.) refuse to install windows as police is very keen on controlling and giving out fines. If the OP has 30 years of experience, why not buy an illegal copy and install yourself?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    They will only refuse it until they make sure you are no cop. 

    If the OP had thirty years of experience why doesn't he do it? Coz he has thirty years of experience and he knows he could get caught. 

  2. For investment it doesn't make sense to buy a condo. You need to spend a lot of money, then you need to spend more on upkeep and you will get some in return if you rent it out, which you can spend on putting it back into it's original shape after idiot tenants, who don't care about it coz it doesn't belong to them. 

    Or you can wait years and sell it for a bit more after the condo was a pain in the ass for a couple of years. 


    Not being judgemental but DELETED you are better off putting your money on a bank account that comes with a guaranteed return. Banks being the DELETED they are, even that is a better option in this case. 

  3. What he does is not against the rules so you can't do much but ask him politely to go smoke downstairs because you can't stand smoke and makes you feel very bad. 

    People might say that it's too much and that you can't expect smokers to walk away or down just to smoke and not bother you but it's actually the least, smokers can do. I used to do it when I smoked. If someone insists on dying a slow and painful death therefore decides to smoke, that's their problem. But they don't have the right to harm others regardless of any regulations. 

  4. You didn't have the migraine because of the smoke but because you ignored the loud complaints of your body. 

    Every time we go against our own grain, an energy imbalance is created and in your case it shows up in the form of headaches. 

    If I was the smoking neighbor, I would just go downstairs and smoke there. That way I wouldn't bother anyone and wouldn't need to smoke inside my room. 

  5. 6 hours ago, robblok said:

    Of course it makes sense.. but as with all rules there are exceptions.. if the road traffic goes 80 and you go 90.. makes perfect sense. It is still easy to control a bike at those speeds.. but if the other traffic goes 150 or so.. that would make it hard. I prefer to drive a bit faster than the rest of the traffic so I don't get run over from behind. But of course I won't go faster than what i consider a speed at witch I still have good control of my bike. 


    Of course I won't pretend to be an expert biker so maybe you can blow my opinion out of the water. And yes I know look in your mirrors.

    To me it doesn't. If the traffic goes 80 then why would I go 90. The next ones who apply the same principle will go 100.

    Then 110...

    And that's what they teach people, so it's supposed to be applied even at 150 because the logic is that you gotta go a bit faster. So you gotta go a bit faster, no matter the speed. 

    And if it's still easy to control a bike at those speeds then it must be a big bike, because a scooter usually start shaking at about 80. 

    I prefer to go much faster than the rest of the traffic. That way, there's no traffic. 

  6. 23 minutes ago, zyva said:

    Here's the update of my situation. 

    So we did go for the date. Flowers, presents, coffee, dinner and a drink at a skybar. It was a good night. 

    I can see some effort on her side to adjust herself to accommodate to me. I also did the same by avoiding things I know will make her uncomfortable. 

    But it still didn't work. Which was a shame because I really like her. 

    We continued to text each other after the date. But I just felt that I invested a lot of time and effort but she did not seem to be very responsive to these advances. So naturally, I started to slowed down my pace and texted her less, to which she protested. And then when I started texting her more she did not respond enthusiastically. 

    So I got tired of this, again. It might well be a communication barrier. It could be something else. Maybe she just didn't like me that much. My instinct was that she just wanted someone to give her attention. But this time, bearing in mind there might be cultural differences, I just thought there's nothing to pursue here and that whatever this is, it's time to end the game without hurting anyone. 

    You got it figured out finally... Your instinct tells you that she just wants your attention. And what do we do with our instincts? We listen to them because it's always! right. 

    Like I said before I read this last update.. Don't be a dummy. She needs your attention that's all. 

    Learn the lesson and move on. 

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