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Posts posted by A1Str8

  1. I have a 7+. I got it from a f/*@buddy. 

    It's the typical apple nonsense. Exactly the same as the previous version, with a few small improvements to make you buy it. 

    Camera is said to be better. I don't think the human eye can tell the difference. You only experience the difference when you look at the specs sheet. 

    It's waterproof. I tried it, it's not waterproof, just water resistant to some extent. 

    The screen is better, but it's still nothing compared to Samsung's amoled screen. 

    It's like the iPad mini 2 and 3. The only difference was that the 3 had a fingerprint sensor and was available in gold, lol. 

    Apple is not any better than other phones, they simply make the devices pretty so it's pleasing to the senses which kinda guarantees the purchase. 


  2. Way over hyped yes. Like anything else, that is not true. A good way to keep people slaves. Just keep repeating what doesn't work.. Tell them it does work and quite rapidly they will defend it as something that works, even if it's already clear that it doesn't. 

    Same goes for control and the devil. Such things never existed in the first place, but since people were made to believe in them, now they get offended if someone tells them the truth, that these are figments of their imagination. 


  3. And why would he pay? LMFAO. 

    The reason these 'people' do what they do is because there are always suckers who pay. 

    I would have told them, I just spilled my drink and quickly wiped it because that's the right thing to do. 

    Want me to pay? Let's go to court. Bring the evidence, that proves beyond doubt that I was working. 

    I will bring my lawyers. 

    If you insist on spending your money then why not spend it on a lawyer. At least they give something in return. 

    I would rather get deported than get extorted. 

  4. Price movements are always triggered by emotions. If the ruling class wants it to go up, they just put something in motion that will make people feel safe and happy. 

    If they want it to go down, they simply do something that puts fear in people. 

    If it doesn't move then for the moment it stagnates because it was planned that way. Right there's not much benefit from making it move, which results in lack of movement. 

  5. On 11/22/2016 at 3:38 PM, 4MyEgo said:


    For what its worth, people end relationships for many reasons, .e.g. the cheating husband/wife/partner which is right up there for relationships falling apart, but too many people in my opinion set themselves up for the big fall, i.e. we follow societies rules, which says we have to be faithful to each other, never cheat on me, I will never betray you, has anyone ever stopped to ask: who made up these rules, religion ? why do most relationships end by husbands/wives being unfaithful, has anyone ever thought of thinking outside the square, has anyone ever thought about there own needs as a human being and if they ever wanted to have there cake and eat it too, is anything wrong with that ?


    Don't get me wrong, I am no expert on the matter, and my heart goes out to DrDweeb and others who have been betrayed, but seriously, as human beings we all have needs and urges, suffice to say, I am sure most guys on here wouldn't dare say that they cheated on their wives, a fling here or there, nothing wrong with a quick one here or there, quite healthy actually, but wouldn't life be much simpler if we all, as couples didn't place the ultimate restriction upon one and other i.e. if you feel like you want to go and have a bonk with someone else, ok, fine, visa versa, nothing wrong with it really, seriously, if its just a f... you are wanting with someone different, like a dog in the village having a good old sniff and then doing the mount, giddy up !!!


    I mean are we all really that insecure, surely if your partner is going to leave you, there is nothing you can do about it anyway, so why not enjoy the relationship without feeling insecure or betrayed, i.e. get it out in the open from day one, sure there are a lot of people, both men and women that wouldn't agree to what I am saying, but hell, how much better would your relationship be, don't get me wrong, I am not saying you go out and f... a different person every single day of the week, but you want to go away for a weekend, a week with some of your mates and you want to put a few on the board, why not, after all we are all human, its got nothing to do about being unfaithful, its about being true to yourself, to your partner and to your needs as a human being, satisfying your normal urges.


    I do expect a fair bit of criticism for being openly honest about my way of thinking, but hey it works for me and I have a very health relationship with my wife, it has nothing to do with not being satisfied at home, our sex life is right up there, but hell, a little petite one here, a tall dark one there hits the spot for me. Naturally some simple boundaries would have to be put in place of course, like, not in our bed, don't tell me about it unless I ask, have safe sex, don't bring me back any diseases and last but not least, enjoy yourself, you only have one life.


    Sure most of you are saying not a f'n chance in the world, and that's ok, if your happy in your relationship and don't want to have your cake and eat it too, that's fine, but if and when "betrayal" hits home, then you have to deal with it, I am not saying I agree with what she has done to him, what I am saying in my opinion, is that as a society we have placed too much control and expectations upon our relationships through religion or wherever this rule came from, and set ourselves up for the ultimate failure.


    I know countless male friends who cheat on their wives, their business, not mine, and if they can live with it, then fine, although I do feel for their partners because in my opinion, its selfish and an outright lie, however, I can at least sleep at night knowing my wife knows who I am and how I want to live my life, and if she wishes to smell the roses, then she is also welcome. It works for us as crazy as it may sound to most, although I would suspect a few jealous ones in the crowd too, human nature....555  


    With regard to the child, you never ever stop supporting the child financially, irregardless of who is at fault for the relationship ending, unless your bitter and twisted, you take it on the chin and contribute to your child's future, as others have said, its not the fault of the child, why should he have to suffer for his mum deciding to  fill a need, or betray her partner.


    Go easy on the replies fella's, having my cake and eating it, maybe bitter sweet for some.

    Wow. A man who gets it. I like your post. The fact is, monogamy is only forced on people by society. If both partners are intelligent and understanding beings, there's no reason to be against having the proverbial cake. 

    However, unfortunately in most cases, people are possessive and jealous due to their insecure nature. 

    But I agree with the OP, in his case I would have left the woman too. Who wants a dishonest chick. 

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