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Posts posted by A1Str8

  1. angry.gif.pagespeed.ce.l3zkt7JShR.gif This case has turned into a whopping pile of dung. Since we know the real killers won't be brought to justice, can we at least stop the possible execution and/or imprisonment of Win and Zaw? Really, c'mon. Save the face of the RTP AND simultaneously free the two stitched up Burmese. Thais are brilliant liars and manipulators; I'm sure they can think of something that would be a win-win for both parties.wai.gif

    Thais are very far from brilliant liars they are more like kids trying to cover their wrongdoings in an immature way but i hope for the best outcome.

  2. Maybe cmhomeboy didn't mean what he said in a negative way. If he didn't, i agree with him. It's cool that you traveled, had fun but have a place where you belong and didn't get stuck here neither ended up complaining, living the bitter life.

    So how did you go around with two kids without a car, i am curious?

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