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Posts posted by A1Str8

  1. If you don't want to do it, don't do it. The parents' request is cute but they have nothing to do with the two of you getting married or not regardless of what others claim. It's your life and the girl's life, sit down together, discuss it intelligently and do what satisfies both of you. Don't let other people live your life and make decisions for you.

  2. I don't understand, people talk about this nonsense from time to time that women are a mystery and how men don't understand them and that they cannot be figured out blah blah.

    From my experience with women, which is vast to say the least without any bragging, women are simple human beings with simple needs and desires and all that is easy to understand and easy to deal with unless men make it complex. And that's always the case. People like to make everything so difficult then complain it about it being difficult. Do you make sense to yourself?

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  3. They call themselves Buddhists because that's what they have been conditioned to do, say and believe in.

    Being obsessed with money, that's the result of social conditioning as well. So, no it's not contradictory. Just robots that act on demand and do not even know the intent behind their actions.

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  4. So if a man smokes that's associated with barboy behavior?

    Men are womanizers. So there is no problem with a woman doing the same. If she even makes money with it, great! Still better than women who expect this and that from a man but think they are different from the sluts they look down on. Men should shut up and start loving their own medicine.

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