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Posts posted by A1Str8

  1. Dating girls of mixed race doesn't make me extra happy. Going out with women does regardless of race.

    So why start a thread dedicated to the ethnicity of your dates?

    Clearly, you'd have us believe that you're operating at a level above that of the common or garden Western numpty who - you think - typically runs around with women PERCEIVED by both farangs and Thais as coming from a lower socio-economic background.

    For some reason, you think it enhances your standing somehow


    Frankly, I think it's YOU who should get a life.

    I started a thread dedicated to it because i felt like talking about it.

    If you don't feel like reading it, then please don't.

    Frankly, i am not interested in what you believe. I am not trying to make you or anybody else believe anything.

    I do not think that i operate above anyone else neither that i am better than anyone. Contrary to popular belief, everything and everybody is equal.

    I don't think that my thread enhances anything.

    I simply said that one of the girls i currently date is Thai Chinese.

    That made you start talking about all kinds of nonsense such as enhancement, other people's insignificant perceptions etc.

    Thank you for your participation, but rule one still applies. Get a life please.

    Thank you

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  2. i am more than positive that my post will be of no use whatsoever

    55555555555555555555555cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif 2 mill

    Your post did make sense. It also made it obvious that you have no idea what you are talking about.

    OP, set up the company first.

    You are going to need to do it anyway. Since you decided to run a business here and that's what you want, you are going to find a business and a way to do it. So it makes sense to set up the company because without that you wouldn't be able to do what you are about to do.

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  3. I want to say thank you for all the sh*t talking. That's why i created the thread so you can unleash your suppressed side that secretly hates the whole world. You are amusing as always. Thank you.

    To answer the questions and add my two cents:

    Dating girls of mixed race doesn't make me extra happy. Going out with women does regardless of race.

    No they don't leave me once they get to know me. It's quite the opposite. Pm me if need free advice on how not to get rejected as the poster of this clearly suffers from that.

    No they are not highly educated, neither i need anyone's material possessions. I have mine.

    I don't look down on thais or anyone else. I am not worried that she's going to be unfaithful or steal from me. If she was into suckers, she wouldn't be with me.

    Statements like the girls are needy or bossy or anything else is false. Anybody can be that or worse regardless of gender race etc. The world is just a mirror, you are going to stumble into your own reflection wherever you go.

    I didn't display bigotry neither prejudice. I simply said she's mixed because she's mixed. Her mother and her father are from different countries so i thought i would call her what she is. Mixed.

    Finally, being called a clown by 'something' that doesn't even know me was the best part and made me laugh even more.

    Thank you very much once again. You made my day.

    Much love to Costas, he was the only one who said: "OP i am happy for you."

    Side note to the rest: get a life.

    P.s. she is just one of the girls i hang out with. Two others are Thai, one is Russian and one is half black if that makes you happier.

    Dear Mods, please be so kind and close this thread as there's no reason to continue.

    Thank you

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