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Posts posted by A1Str8

  1. Beloved TV members

    In the past i have dated Thai Chinese, Thai Japanese etc on numerous occasions and i shared my joy and happiness with you here.

    Unfortunately(not for me)many couldn't hold back their bitterness and found it offensive to listen to someone else's joy.

    Now that i am dating another girl of mixed race, i felt that the happiness and love i feel must be spread all across TV and maybe you can elaborate and share your personal experience(if there's any).


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  2. The problem lies in what type of gift you give.

    As mentioned above, give an iPhone. But a motorcycle, get them a nice house. Buy gold. I guarantee you that none of them will even consider re-gifting.

    Thais are deep individuals. You have to touch their heart as the value of the gift doesn't matter to them at all. Not at all.

  3. IMO she came across as a dumb immature foul mouth fool coffee1.gif


    What masterpiece the author is talking about nobody knows.

    It was just a dumb kid talking cr.p.

    A while ago my cigarette was taken from my motorcycles compartment.

    Anybody wants to see a video of me cussing like a truck driver?

    She puts her diatribe on youtube, you post yours here. How are you better than her?

    I didn't say i was.

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