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Posts posted by sawadee1947

  1. That sounds strange at least.

    Why should fully vaccinated people from Europe spend a week in quarantine? 

    That's nonsense.

    However, it would be discriminating, if this would be only for mainly expected Chinese.

    Behind the curtains I suppose even Prayut has to admit that Chinese vaccines are <deleted>.

    This is why he does everything to get recommended stuff from Biontech or Moderna and imported Astra.

    I'm afraid tourists might enjoy time in Dubai or Greece or other convenient countries with efficient health management. ????

    • Like 1
  2. On 9/26/2021 at 3:58 AM, Tarteso said:


    I, (62 y/o),  received the second Pfizer jab 3 days ago.. at 10’am;


    18,00 pm; pain in arm and head.

    A Day after; fever, shivers and unrest.


    24 h later… all symptoms disappeared. ????????

    It's known that you'll have some flu feeling after the second Jab.

    No worries, next day it's gone.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  3. On 9/22/2021 at 8:36 AM, ivor bigun said:

    Well i am now old and to be honest have had a bad heart in my 30s ,never thought i would make sixty ,much less mid 70s, i can honestly say i have had a bloody fantastic life ,born in a small town ,out every day in the country with my mates ,luckily my family were not poor,in the 60s went to London lived in a great bed sit ,partyed like you would not believe ,with people you have heard of i bet ,then they were just up and coming ,had sex with more girls over the years that i can count or remember many of them ,although one or two stood out . been married a few times ,well a good few ,to very lovely ladies ,still friends with a couple , became well known in one thing and still get people asking me about it ,(would never have believed it) then came to Thailand for a short holiday ,as i was working for myself , met a nice girl came back 6 wks later and dated her for quite a bit,got into a business in BKK  and while coming back and fore ,met my now wife ,her family had business and a few condo blocks in BKK ,we dated ,she came to the UK to see if we could make a go of it ,we did.

    lived in uk for a good few years ,came back here with our son ,who now runs a small company .

    we have a lovely house and i am as happy as larry,hope it continues for a good few more years as my wife is only in her 50s and worrys about me all the time

    boy life has been great ,you wouldnt believe the half of it ????  

    Your forgot to mention your beautiful pool

    And your impressing Yacht

    And...and... and ????

    • Like 1
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  4. 15 minutes ago, placeholder said:

    Except of course, the mRNA vaccines are not gene therapy agents. They do nothing to alter the DNA of the vaccinated. Stop spreading falsehoods. And virtually the entire scientific community considers them to be vaccines.


    And after 3 days all your vaccine had left your body already.

    Left is only the immune response. That's all.

    Definetely it has nothing to do with genes. I really don't know why people have to repeat this BS.

    • Like 1
  5. On 9/18/2021 at 9:56 PM, sezze said:

    Yes , lithium batteries can catch fire . They are the same batteries as used in your laptop , cellphone , electric tools .... . Battery technology is evolving , getting safer , more capacity , higher charge and discharge rates ...

    Electric cars from a few years ago aren't the same like the cars sold now , and will not be the same in a few years also . Electric engines outperform any other kind of engine by multiple times in power/size , wear and tear , torque .

    Yes there are a few cars going up in flames each year and due to more electric cars driving around there will be more fires . In general the event of that happening is rare , but it surely exists .


    .....unless the hydrogenes are coming....or those by synthetic fuel made of CO2....Who would buy then EVs? Electricity is top expensive....

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, hioctane said:

    There is no such thing. Every country has their own. The international community has not agreed on a “vaccine passport” yet. Some regional countries have agreed on some sort of passport but that is about it.

    Because you don't have it doesn't mean it wouldn't exist. It's an International Certificate with all your vaccinations you got up to now. (Rabies, Yellow fever, Polio, Covid aso).

    You didn't know that? Where you from? From a lost little Island?

  7. 7 hours ago, relax33 said:

    Actually, its the US who had turned a blind eye to allow feudalism n massive corruption to prevail in  regimes that it fostered n backed in Asia  (including those in  the ASEAN countries) .
    Ultimately,  many of these regimes fell apart one after another (eg the South Vietnamese govt in VN, KMT in China) following local discontent at the massive inequality that engendered .
    They now have the chance to do right by sending troops to Burma n to support feeble protestors who r being blatantly bullied n taken down by unfair local laws in other countries ( including in those that we r truly familiar with) but have chosen not to pursue the righteous path  ..

    Thailand was and is a vasall of China

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