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Posts posted by sawadee1947

  1. 2 hours ago, billd766 said:

    because although the vaccine may be free, the UK quarantine will cost you about £2,250, add the return air fare, the cost of getting all the paperwork to get back into Thailand, the 14 day quarantine when you eventually return and your "free" jab will turn out to be very expensive, That is just for 1 person, taking your wife and 2.4 children can easily triple the cost.




    (2.4 children A stereotypical characteristic of normal family life; frequently used ironically)

    I know, but if you and family will be infected and one of you will die.....? 

    • Confused 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Wiggy said:

    That's a bit of an unprovoked attack. I was merely saying that another poster indicated that those who didn't want a vaccine should just get on with it. I don't 'expect' anything here, even after 29 years. That said, I've had my first shot of AZ and my second is due in two weeks' time. My post was aimed at those, particularly Thais, who desperately want to get vaccinated but can't due to various factors. So, I suggest you read things more carefully before attacking people next time and stop making wild assumptions.

    Obviously you didn't make it clear what you meant. In future mind you words and you would not be mistaken 

  3. 6 hours ago, neillyweilly said:

    So you can only go to a restaurant or mall if you are fully vaccinated? 


    (1) What are the implications of a two-tier society where the vaccinated and the un-vaccinated are separated?  


    (2) Who is left to police the policy? The owner of the restaurant who is almost broke; the security guard in the mall?


    Looks like we are about to enter a very new Thailand indeed. 




    Look, how Western countries manage this. 

    There is no problem at all. 


    • Like 1
  4. 7 hours ago, Will B Good said:

    He was lucky in way, could have been stabbed or shot. My wife goes ballistic if a I say or doing anything when driving, she is genuinely scared that some idiot will pull a gun.

    Same here. 

    My wife  asked me many times not to use common words as F. ck  e.g.

    There are too many violent and drugged Thai men outside or driving, hands on a gun or a knife or machete. 

  5. 5 hours ago, cclub75 said:

    Me too.


    As i wrote before : look at "serious conditions" and "ventilators" patients....

    Since end of june (so almost 2 months), the daily increase in % has decelerated, constantly... and now (since a few days) is in negative territory.


    forget "cases" stats". We all know it's BS.


    So from the hospitals point of view (real ones, not "hospitels" BS)... the wave is clearly GOING DOWN.


    It doesn't mean it can't go up again. But the evolution is looking good.

    Totally BS

  6. 11 hours ago, spermwhale said:

    COVID is going to be with us for a long long time and the main vaccine producers do not have the capacity to make enough vaccine to inoculate the world. The more choices the better. If any of these pass clinical trials and can be produced, it will all help. 

    For certain. COVID will be with us a year from now. It's never going away. 


    In general I might agree. 

    However, with slow and ineffective vaccinations you'll create new variants. And if Thais will produce ä vaccine similar to Biontech there will be no benefit. 

    It's better to put all money and efforts to maximise the production of AZ and throw the Chinese stuff into a bin. 

    Also, the Western countries are far ahead and can easily change their vaccine if necessary in case there will be a new variant making eg Biontech ineffective (statement of Sahin, "inventor" of Biontech)

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