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Posts posted by sawadee1947

  1. The dash cam might Help, but....

    In my case a bike ran into the side of my car. So the cam was useless.

    To make a long story short it was not my fault. However, I was blamed and should pay 50.000 Baht for compensation.

    After ONE year negociatiing I paid 200 Baht. So Police didn't lose face. 

    • Haha 1
  2. 16 hours ago, Sparktrader said:

    Age of deaths

    Underlying conditions


    Vaccines help mid level people. Strong people dont need it. Weak die anyway. Same with flu vaccines.


    If you take vit d, zinc eat onions and berries for quercetin your immune system is s o much stronger.

    I hope for you it's a joke what you wrote.

    If not I recommend to see a doctor and let you be informed about Covid. Also visit an intensive care unit for Covid patients.

    After all having done this .....but hey, you were joking only, don't you?

    • Like 1
  3. 7 hours ago, hotchilli said:

    I was watching a popular American youtuber the other day in the Jupitor area of Florida.

    He's just got over a bout of Covid which knocked him for six, he also gave it to his wife and two daughters.

    Previous to getting infected he would post videos of himself going around, mixing with all sorts of people, no mask, no social distancing nothing, and eventually got nailed.

    After being fully quarantined at home he eventually got better.

    Now he's out and about again, guess what.... same as before, no mask, no distancing never learned a damned thing.

    His latest video was at a national drag race circuit, thousands of people there.. none protecting themselves, ridiculous.



    Those ignorants you'll find Not only in US unfortunately ????

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    • Thanks 1
  4. 17 hours ago, tingtong said:

    Numbers, numbers...


    Now with about 100 days left this year, just need to find a way for an even 700k a day jabs, so all 71 million vaccines get a good use.


    It is super likely the government will deliver on these numbers.

    Or not.

    Either way, they can always make up a new plan.

    As they had twice a week the past months...

    As they said: "targeting'...this says it all......????

    • Like 1
  5. 56 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

    My criticism goes against the ultra tough lockdown advocates, and the original op is one of those. In general for you: All the lockdowns have led to joblessness and loss of income for many Thais.



    .......but save lives. So what is more important for a father/family.... to live a limited poor life or die or suffering from long covid, means not being able to work.? 

    That is why lockdowns are necessary, which is common sense to overwhelming number of countries: social distancing is a must in these days of insufficient vaccinations! ????


    • Like 2
  6. 7 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

    Fear of opening shopping centers = supports lockdown of malls = lockdown means no job and no income for many Thais = problems to feed the family.


    I haven't written anything about keeping distance or not. You constructed this causal connection.

    Obviously you are not aware what you are posting. 

    It's about lowering guard. 

    And this has not anything to do with feeding a family or gathering around a mall. 

    If you don't keep distance, exactly then you might catch covid. And if you got it you are not able to "feed you family."

    Stay with the facts.... if you can


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