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Posts posted by sawadee1947

  1. 9 hours ago, gargamon said:

    Yes, I agree. I'm not mature enough for the type of marriage you allude to. I like my definition of marriage much better: New Day, New Wife!


    I also have a different definition for the word "mature" than you. Mature is a synonym for stupid, at least in this case.

    Mature has nothing to do with stupidity but with character. 

    But anyway some will never grown up. 

    Good luck to you, poor mate 

  2. On 8/6/2021 at 4:08 PM, darksidedog said:

    Little island size of a cricket pitch, Just outside Port Vila, Vanuatu.

    Hideaway Island.

    Closest to heaven I have ever been and I have been there many times.

    Awesome place, lovely people. (Mostly!)

    Seriously could do a Tom Hanks survival here in luxury.

    According to increasing climate change and melting ice and rising seas you might be drowned soon.

    Hurry up ????

    • Haha 2
  3. On 7/29/2021 at 11:33 PM, gargamon said:

    why would she need to know


    Why you married?

    No honesty? 

    No trust? 

    No true character? 

    Or you think Asians are on a ower level?

    They ain't need to know about financial things at all? 

    Because they are somehow too stupid to understand or too greedy? 

    Mate, I think you're not mature for marriage ????


    • Like 2
    • Sad 2
  4. 8 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    Not even a concern on any level. Why? How long have you lived here? How often have we seen declarations like this? This current administration is infamous for pledges, declarations, proclamations, silly laws, and promises. Few are even remembered, much less followed up upon two weeks later.
    Feel free to cite some environmental promises that were followed up on, if you can. Otherwise, this is just a pedantic high school level attempt to appear as if they care about the environment, passed by men with a staggering level of incompetence and indifference toward their land, water and the common man. Means less than zero.


    And what about the rest of the environment? The government should offer incentives, for the farmers to switch crops. This is 2021. Rice and sugar worked in previous centuries. Now, they do not make any sense. Too labor intensive, too much degradation of the land, water, air, and resources. Let's get with the times. Let us move forward. 


    Then they can move on to tackle the sale of diesel vehicles, and the government's enthusiastic support of such. It is inane in this day and age. Most nations are moving away from diesel for good reasons. When they are not well maintained, they foul the air, with large, nasty particles. And who properly maintains their vehicle here? A while back they had a campaign similar where they had posters with phone numbers that you could call to report vehicles that were polluting. We were driving and we saw this truck that was pumping out huge black clouds of smoke and I copied down their license plate and I dialed the number, and handed my phone to my Thai wife and asked her speak to the department. She asked the person who answered the phone what can they do? He asked my wife why are you calling us and she said, well you have phone numbers posted to report polluting vehicles? The guy said well I don't know who I would report it to, or what they could do about it! She said well that's not really our issue is it? You're supposed to be monitoring polluting vehicles. He said OK, give me the license plate number and I'll see what I can do. My wife said are you going to do anything? He said, I don't know I need to look at the regulations first and see who I'm supposed to report it to, and then maybe somebody will do something.

    Lastly they can convert all of the 10 remaining diesel and coal fired power plants. Thailand has already done a very admirable job with renewable power plants. There are over 50 powered by hydro, geothermal, wind, solar and biomass. That is impressive. 

    Thailand needs YOU. ????????????

  5. WE feel the same like you. 

    And we too explored Spain and Portugal with a Motorhome, what we bought. And we didn't like temps rising to more than 40 centigrades. Many foreigners try to sell their properties already. 

    However, considering climate change we opt for Denmark. House price are very decent.  The next few years you'll have nice weather all year round with spring, summer, and mild winter.

    What do you think? ????

    • Confused 2
  6. 4 hours ago, WhatsNext said:

    That's the problem exactly, i don't want to die early too and the vaccines also have a risk, you have to weigh the risks for yourself. I use the Dutch "Artsen collectief" (Doctors collective) as a guideline they say this : Under 70 and you don't have any of the 7 risky comorbidities, then no vaccine, otherwise yes vaccine. 


    Don't forget that 99,85% of the people that catch covid live to tell it and that percentage is even higher when you are healthy and below 70. Don't stress too much. And very important : Getting covid is a chance, getting the vaccine isn't

    I totally disagree 

  7. 20 hours ago, Blumpie said:

    You mean completely normal with 39 million tourists a year


    there might be even other reasons. 

    Think about climate change. Nobody will enjoy temps about 50 degrees. 

    Think about hurricanes and floodings. 

    Nobody likes to wake up without a roof or get wet feet. 

    Think about shortage of water.

    You like to wake up in the morning without being able to have a shower? Or to buy expensive drinking water as it is in OZ? ????

  8. 8 hours ago, WhatsNext said:

    I got offered the pfizer suddenly out of nowhere from a hospital in Bangkok. Everything very strange. Sinovac isn't working much, Astra is dangerous if you are under 60 and healthy, pfizer is so convinced that their vaccine works, that they don't accept any responsibility. Plus everything is emergency use only and happy worrying for the next 10 years if you take one. I'll wait for novavax thank you.

    ...and you know already where you would get Novavax? 

    Probably not in Thailand. 

    And please consider what happens if you get Covid without any protection of your "emergency" vaccines.? ????

    I don't want to die early, so I'm happy having received 2 Biontech jabs. 

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