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Posts posted by sawadee1947

  1. 17 hours ago, connda said:

    The US government can supply vaccines as foreign aid to foreign countries and yet they can not (will not) supply vaccines to their own US citizens overseas!
    And yet China can supply their citizens overseas with vaccines.
    What else do you need to know about our exceptional nation and how we expats (don't) benefit from our country's largess?

    So - the US will supply Thailand with vaccines, and then US citizens abroad will be placed at the end of the line to receive their vaccines after Thais get their shots which were given to them by the US Government???
    Does that sound about right?
    The Thai government has a racist distribution policy that will be directly supported by the US government as US citizens are put at the end of the vaccination lines.
    This reads better then a Kurt Vonnegut novel - you can't make this stuff up!
    Welcome to Wacky-World ????


    So what is your point? 

    US should not help with vaccines in order not to support racism and discrimination? ????

  2. 1 hour ago, malibukid said:

    you are not free to return to Thailand without a quarantine.  thai government must get brown envelope and kickback from quarantine hotel to compensate for loss of face that rich farang. get vaccine in home country while rollout bungled in Thailand

    If this is really a problem for you then you are in the wrong country. 

  3. 5 hours ago, atpeace said:

    I agree, have Americans register and send over the vaccine.  Hell, add 5,000 baht to cover extra costs.  Probably much more complicated but it would be nice.  Life could be worse and think I'm just going to have to extend my stay at this resort for a few more months ( been 3 already ) and wait for a jab.  Love where I'm stuck now on the Thai/Lao border but would like to be free to travel.

    Well, then take a trip home to get a Johnson jab. It's only once off. 

    And stop complaining. 

    You are free to travel. ????

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  4. 12 hours ago, mrfill said:


    What happened to the original SARS? That disappeared with no vaccine.


    And smallpox hasn't been seen for over 40 years.


    I rather suspect that some governments may have hoped that SARS2 (Covid) would vanish like SARS did and planned accordingly. It looked a great plan as it meant that they didn't have to do much and spend even less. It failed.

    They never dissapeared...... They are under control.... Somehow 

  5. 16 hours ago, Virt said:

    There are new vaccines under development where they hope it will give life long protection for Corona , so hopefully they manage to do the trick. 


    Bought stocks just in case, cause that will be a game changer if they manage to give life long protection. 


    Meanwhile it's going to be a bumpy ride.

    New variant from Vietnam seems to spread through air a lot faster. 

    Not good. 


    As for vaccines I got 1st shot of Pfizer 5 days ago, but still no antibodies detected in todays test, so I hope I'm not one of the few that can't develop proper antibodies. 

    You got the best vaccine at present........ like the past V1 some years ago


  6. 8 hours ago, mvdf said:


    Interesting. So the garage did a background check or Interpol search on him? Or are garages linked to the police system?


    Good to know he can't escape extradition. Even the ECHR affirmed Spain's decision. Time for some rice and tom kha soup with leftover fish heads. Despite the assurances that the death penalty is off the table, I'm almost certain that Thai courts will not consider time spent in prison in Spain as deductible from whatever sentenced is imposed. That's assuming he is convicted in Thailand of course.  



    almost certain that Thai courts will not consider time spent in prison in Spain as deductible from whatever sentenced 


    Do you think really this matters? 

  7. 15 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    My family at home don't quite understand when I try to explain the simple reason I haven't been vaccinated yet is because there basically isn't any out there to get vaccinated with. Questions on when it is likely are equally difficult to answer, as the outlook changes with every shift of the wind. And Government comment.

    Complacency clearly set in last year when we had no cases, but with a GDP based on tourism, a far more forward thinking policy on vaccine procurement for the future would have been the sign of a competent administration. So it's no surprise really that we have ended up where we are.


    It's quite evident now that the last 7 years of Prayut did not improve life of the majority of Thai people but only for those who benefit all times. 

    The desaster of providing vaccines for Thailand in an early stage of this pandemic shows how incompetent these Generals and cronies are. 

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