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Everything posted by Mises

  1. Those are a big nothing compared to the development along Layan beach road and the road to Nai Thon. One of 8 or more
  2. Your UK income will be taxable in the UK https://www.crunch.co.uk/knowledge/article/non-uk-residents-running-uk-businesses It will not be double taxed in Thailand.
  3. They must have added an extra aisle just for you.
  4. How much is her bail? Can I pay it and she has house arrest at my home. She could earn her keep somehow, cleaning maybe.
  5. I f you take all the supplements recommended by genius podcasters (quacks) on YouTube you will rattle a lot. If you get little sun you need Vitamin D. Nearly everyone needs vitamin C If you take 1000mg time release vitamin C in the morning with food you may never have another cold, I went 5 years without a cold before having one called covid. None since. This also worked for eldest daughter who was air crew and always getting bad colds, it was not my recommendation but the private hospital doctor. He of course was looking out for his airline not like the average doctor who wants you ill - more money including freebies from big pharma.
  6. Her lawyers are likely on no win no fee but set as a percentage of any payment. She will have no assets in the UK so security for costs should be ordered. She will not be able to or willing to pay this so that will be the end of it. Her lawyer will be a chancer who hoped the sons would make a 'nuissance' payment that he would get a good percentage of. The sons have called her bluff but will be out of pocket for their costs which might well exceed the 'nuissance' payment her lawyer was expecting.
  7. "The checkpoint was set up to apprehend motorists carrying weapons without valid justification or those in possession of illegal drugs." Ha ha, We all know they are set up to extract cash. "Officers seized the vehicles as evidence. There has been no report on whether the rental shop owner will be able to reclaim the motorcycles once the case is concluded" He will so long as he pays a 'fine'.
  8. You may find your money is subject to PAT - Police Added Tax
  9. This story has more holes in it than a Swiss cheese e.g. Remarkably, the British tourist managed to smuggle a phone inside, hidden in baby wipes Must have been a big pack that none of the police or guards took notice of. Where did he hide the charger? Where did he plug it in? No one robbed him of it.
  10. Except all cheap travel insurance excludes riding motorbikes, even having had a full motorcycle for more than 40 years it was very difficult and costly to find any company that would insure me for a motor bike over 150cc
  11. 18 pages of this nonsense. If you are stupid enough to voluntarily pay tax you deserve to pay it. Just like the people in the UK paying for a TV licence. If this was actually enforced it would kill the real estate market, do you really think the people who are selling condos and Villas in Phuket and elsewhere at 4-5 times the build cost on land they have 'owned' for decades will allow this? These are powerful people and include some who can just declare rocky land along the coast to be theirs. They will not upset this apple cart. It's the same reason money laundering regulations are not enforced here.
  12. If you are not in the UK for more than 182 days a year you are no longer a UK resident so are supposed to surrender your UK licence. Everyone uses an accomodation address (sister, brother, son, friend etc.) but it is a criminal offence to do so both for you and your 'friend'. The UK is really tightening up on this and will increasingly be making cross checks with HMRC, electoral roll etc.
  13. The reason his brakes did not work was because when he squeezed his left hand nothing happened because he squeezed his phone. If it was a Honda Click he may have got used to not using the RH lever as the LH works both front and rear brakes. My hire bike has faulty brakes, whatever, I'll just keep riding it. Go fund me? On yer bike scooter
  14. Cause of death?
  15. I have recently heard the same view expressed by a barrister and an unconnected senior partner in a law firm that their new trainees are miles better than they were at their age. They are n't all addicted
  16. Bad wires are neither here nor there compared to the people installing them. I could write a book on the horrors found in the 4 houses I have rented here.
  17. Yes, correct, they could stop them tomorrow if they wanted to but they don't. They have and wear life jackets, well certainly the young fit guys with fresh military style haircuts. All it would take is a credible threat that the navy will blow them out of the water the minute they enter UK waters. They know exactly where they are, they have planes, drones and the occasional helicoptor scanning the channel so border control and the RNLI can pick them up leaving the £15,000 RIB to return to France for more. How many would need to be blown out of the water? 1? 2? Probably only 1 and rescuing none. We vacinate our children despite the risk that although very rare some will be damaged for life or die, it is a risk taken for the greater good. Same principle here. Mon 04NOV24 07:12
  18. I have lived here 15 years and always rent but when there is an issue or repair needed I do it myself, it is quicker and less stressful. The alternative is wait at home for hours before the repairer turns up (usually 2 or 3 for a one man job), watch horrified at the lack of even a rudimentary tool kit. They never stock anything so always have to disappear to buy whatever they need. Then when they have finished clean up after them, they always assume we have a maid. Then wait for the repair to fail and do it properly anyway. 'Electricians' are worse than plumbers and, of course, dangerous. RCD? What is that? Metal wall light needs an earth, Why? Ditto water pump. Why use a junction box when you can just twist the wires together and wrap it in crappy tape.
  19. In other news Michelle Obama is definitely not a man and nor is Brigitte Macron. Jean-Michel Trogneux absolutely did not take on his dead sister's identity. If you think otherwise your lying eyes must see some sort of resemblance in the photos posted by Oliver Holzerfilled when there is clearly none.
  20. Nutter or correct? His side https://www.richplanet.net/manchester.php
  21. Surprisingly what is not in the news is excess deaths, you can see the graphs here. https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/excess-mortality-p-scores-average-baseline?time=2023-03-05..latest&country=~THA You can change the period using the buttons underneath You can change the country with the box top right. Something is killing more people than should be expected, is it Covid or something else? Singapore is worse. This is what should be in the news and investigated.
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