That's what I can't understand. I don't know what time it started but from the time the video played it was over 10 minutes.That is scandalous considering the distance from the fire station to Soi 15. Or was it change of watches or maybe lunch.
I have driven over half a million kilometers before I came here. In that time I only hit a parked truck once. That was in the middle of an unexpected snowstorm and I skidded on ice. What was more annoying then any thing was a pub a short distance ahead where I would have pulled in and stayed the night. Mind you that was over 50 years ago and I have driven on ice a few times over the years (not many) and never hit anything again.
I can't understand Thai drivers who manage to hit parked vehicles all the time.
So, if I go with the wife and 2 grandchildren I'm looking at 6,000 Baht (special offer) as a start.
Add in cost of Transport, food, drinks etc. it going to be an expensive day out.
Typical "The Pattaya News" lack of information. No info about what time, or what direction they run or the layout of the course. Is it open categories or are they separated.
It would be helpful to have all this information beforehand rather than just before (or in some cases not at all).
I have noticed this lack of info from all the Pattaya newspapers, online or in print over the years.
In Pattaya most of the fresh markets sell oyster. Packed into tubs the sell for 100 Baht (or they used too). I use them in cooking but is it safe to eat them raw?
I find this rule totally stupid. I can understand saying Thai Buddhist must refrain from alcohol but stopping the sale of alcohol seems idiotic. You can go out the day before (as I did) stock up and drink-what ever you want. Stopping the tourist drinking when you are crying out for more tourists doesn't seem logical.
A much better Idea on the days when the sale of alcohol is banned is to say that you can only buy alcohol by showing a foreign ID.
In the USA most young people carry an ID which (if there old enough) allows them to purchase alcohol.
Up to when they stopped running I use to use the baht us to go to Thappaya Road. Very rarely the return because I was too late and it had stopped running. But I have missed it the last couple of years .So Saturday on my motorbike I noticed people boarding a Baht Bus to come up Thepprasit. Are they operating now? I don't wont to walk to Thepprasit (admittedly only a short way) and wait for a Bus that doesn't come and then end up getting a motorbike taxi anyway. Yes I know I have a motorbike but I don't drink and drive. Any news?
Sitting in a bar on Soi Diana watching the flood I was amazed how many idiots there were driving to fast creating large wakes. At one point a yellow taxi come down the soi so fast the wake toppled 3 bikes parked out side Kiss.
I'll have to leave it for a couple of months. My TV packed up, I was hoping that it was the Remote but no such luck, So a 36,000 Baht purchase will have to wait a little while. Mind you with the weather at the moment I wasn't looking forward to the ride to Bang Saen.
Hi, I have sent DECO 3 emails asking for more info and got nothing back. Did you have any problems contacting them. Also can you tell me where you bought it, did you see it first and do they deliver? All questions I expected DECO to answer.
From what I understand being transferred to an inaction post just means he is kept away from whatever investigation is underway.
Not that he is guilty of anything they just don't want him to influence the result.
If nothing is found he can be brought back with no loss of service or rank. In England they would state that he is suspended while the facts are investigated.
I tend to read Sci-fi and Fantasy. After reading The Prefect by Alistair Reynolds I went to Chasm City. I must admit his mind must work on a different level to mine. How he can cribbed the surroundings in such detail way is beyond me. S lightly different, my favorite Sci-Fi author was Issac Asimov.