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Everything posted by roger101

  1. 40 years ago I knew every farang toilet on Beach Road. Got caught out too many times before that.
  2. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 113 seconds  
  3. I am getting fed up with my computer. I bought it from Liberty (who don't seem to exist now). I have always used them, from my first Desktop many years ago, up to the present one. As I don't play games I always let Liberty advise me what I wanted (nothing too complicated). A couple of times over the years when I had a problem I would drop it into them and they would sort it out. But now I want some advice on what to buy. As I said I don't play games so I don't need massive power just something that runs smoothly. Can someone describe a system that would meet my simple requirements at a reasonable price?
  4. roger101

    Ride 4 Kicks

    Very helpful, thank you. That's why I asked the question here: some people are helpful but some others are not.
  5. I bought one a few months ago and I am quite happy with it, apart from the suspension. I still use my Klick for longer distances but not when it's busy. I find threading through traffic has become more difficult as I get older. So for most trips in Pattaya, it's 3 Wheels. But as I stated at the start the suspension is not very good (understatement). Has anybody come across an electric 3-wheeled scooter that has good suspension? All the ones I've seen look like mine so probably have the same suspension. I have been looking in the 20 to 25,000 Baht bracket. I'm 77 now and next year my license runs out. I'm not sure I'll pass but of course, my electric 3-wheeler doesn't need a license otherwise I would be contemplating a 3-wheeled motorbike. I look forward to any reply.
  6. roger101

    Ride 4 Kicks

    I don't normally watch YouTube and didn't know I could post a question there. I just thought that being set in Pattaya I would get an answer on the Pattaya forum.
  7. roger101

    Ride 4 Kicks

    I returned to the video and still can't work out where it is. I can't see the link to Google Maps. Maybe I'm just stupid. By the way, R4K in a circle is the symbol they use instead of the full name.
  8. roger101

    Ride 4 Kicks

    I was hoping that R4K would reply to this as the location information in the video is useless.
  9. Anybody know?
  10. roger101

    Ride 4 Kicks

    As the one on R4K's is new it can't be there as they have been there for years.
  11. roger101

    Ride 4 Kicks

    R4K's had a video of the Biggest Wholesale Shop in Pattaya, I tried to find out where it was but haven't had any luck. Anybody know?
  12. Where does the Pattaya group meet?
  13. When I moved here years ago I bought a Risk set with me hoping to find board game players here as I used to play many board games (and cards) with a group of friends at home. It wasn't to be. There was Bridge but I never got into that. So my Risk set has sat in the wardrobe all these years. Until today, looking for something else I came across it. It's in perfect condition with nothing missing. I don't want to sell it but I want to give it to someone in Pattaya who will play and appreciate it. As I said I don't want any money I just want it to go to a good home. So if any board players in Pattaya who would like it don't hesitate to get in touch with me.
  14. A month ago my TCL tv stopped working. I got onto Numchai as I had taken out an extended warrenty. 1 month they said as it had to go away. So after 1 month I went back to their service department and they said Monday between 9 and 12. At nearly 2pm they arrived. My TV was a 50" TCL what they bought was a 58" TCL. Apparently they couldn't repair my TV so they gave me a bigger TV instead. What a surprise.
  15. I am flying out in October so this is a bit early. Over the last few weeks, my ability to walk a long way has disappeared. So I might need a wheelchair to get me to the gate. I am flying Thai. Normally I would pay for a Lounge to spend a couple of hours and then walk to the gate, but this might be beyond me (it's a long time since I've flown ) Any suggestions about a wheelchair and lounge?
  16. Does Villa (Avenue) have a Pharmacy attached or is there one next door?
  17. Thanks for that, The last thing I was worried about was draining my account. I only use this bank to pay a standing order which is why I top it up each month with a small amount so there's always enough in there. I'll ask her to take the cash and my bank book into the bank.
  18. I am having mobility problems. If I give my friend my card and some cash can she pay the money into the bank through the ATM? , or failing that take the money and card into the bank proper. Over the years I have never had a mobility problem before.
  19. I have been using Dr Warin as my dentist for many years, happy with his service and prices. But when I went there yesterday to seek an emergency appointment his receptionist said he was on holiday. So I'm looking for a replacement. I don't want to change from Dr Warin permanently just to solve this problem. Best suggestions, please.
  20. If my memory serves me right they did pass a bye-law some years ago banning rental bikes on Beach Road at the weekend.
  21. They same as a 3-wheeled motorbike (Saleang)I can ride one but cannot carry a passenger. If the wife's with me she can ride it with me as a passenger.
  22. That's right, they are much slower and more stable than a bike ridden by somebody who hasn't got a bike licence or ridden one for 30 years. I did think of buying one in Pattaya but as I live in a condo charging it would be a problem. I bought a little 3-wheeled electric scooter instead. I can take the battery out and take it upstairs to change it. Whether it would be legal or not didn't cross my mind.
  23. roger101


    What size is a shot of spirits in Pattaya, 30 or 50cc?
  24. How about removing that white elephant of an automated parking facility and returning it to the nice area it was before?
  25. I went to Villa this morning and bought two. They were 900g. each. So much for Villa's accuracy in describing them. Mind you, they are more of the size I actually wanted when I started looking. One of them is sitting in a pale of water to defrost and I'm going to roast it later.
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