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Everything posted by roger101

  1. I doubt very much if they stole the helmets. Much more likely that they paid a dishonest Post Office worker for them. They were far to casual. Most thefts you see in the news the thief hurries to get away.
  2. That had gone up to 321 Baht the other day.
  3. Popped into Friendship today to buy a few things. I thought while I'm here I'll stock up on coffee. I always like to keep a couple of refills at home. I drink 6 or 7 cups a day, Moccana Espresso in the morning and Nescafe Gold Decaf in the evening. As I walked up to the coffee the girl was changing the prices. The Nesafe Decaf went from 475 Baht to 642 Baht. I know coffee is getting more expensive but a 167 Baht increase does seem excessive. So back home to check the other stores and Lazada to see if I can save some money.
  4. I thought I would just ask here rather than go there and find out.
  5. Why don't they just regulate it the same as booze. No sales in the morning, stop again at 2 and definitely no sales to young people .After all that's what our efficient police force is for!
  6. Does anybody know if Pattana uses a Handicapped flag system? I've tried to contact them but have problems.
  7. That bit I know but what about the rest of it. It's not just a hundred yards long.
  8. As far as I know pensions from the UK come under the Double Tax Agreement which means if you paid tax there you wont pay tax on it here. Of course I could be wrong.
  9. I just wish I could get pints of Pride that didn't come in a can.
  10. I have lived here for 17 years but I'm not sure of the canal's location. A map would be helpful. Where it starts and where it runs to.
  11. I used him recently, very good 1,200 Baht. The only downside is first come first served.
  12. As i never walk along beach road late at night I don't give a damn.
  13. I think I will ignore all that B/<deleted> and go with most opinions that wheat/whole bread is better for you than white bread.
  14. I remember a section of Sukhumvit Road in Pattaya that had repairs done on it multiple times over the years until they finally paid a firm who did it properly. Obviously they ran out of family doing the work and had to use a proper construction firm instead.
  15. Don't they just have to look in the mirror.
  16. The shop is Harry's Bakers, there is another on Thappaya Road just after the Thepprasit junction (10 yards). It's on the baht bus route to Jomtien. It has the normal range and the staff are very nice. I don't find any of their breads sweet and I vary between their Sourdough and Whole Bread. with an occasional Baguette. If you get to The Continental you have gone too far.
  17. What I want is a gym with a walking/running machine (not that I will do any running) that either has a TV nearby to watch or a street view that gives me something to look at at while I'm walking, I would prefer a low priced gym say a 120 baht a day. I don't need any comments about just walk the streets. I'm getting old and my sense of balance is crap. I need the bars on a walking machine to help me keep my balance. I look forward to all your helpful reply's.
  18. What was the name of the bank?
  19. I'm deaf and have been wearing hearing aids for 30 years so I have seen many specialists over that time, So I don't really think thats an issue. It's called getting old everything starts to breakdown. You will find this eventually. I just hope for your sake it happens later than earlier.
  20. I find it quite funny. I'll sit in a crowded bar and nobody wears a mask. Then I see a girl get up put on a mask and walk out into the fresh air (well as fresh as Pattaya is going to get.) You would have thought it would be the other way round.
  21. I just wonder how old you are. Try getting into your 70s and see if you think the same way. I'm not immobile, I still play golf. It's my sense of balance that is going haywire and 3 wheels are safer than 2.
  22. Everyone one should be under the same protection of the law. The fact they she could pay for protection shouldn't mean the police shouldn't do their job. In a normal country the Security Guard would be charged with Contempt of Court.
  23. Adding to that they could add a section of the Driving and Vehicle Licensing place to cut down from having to go to the 36.
  24. I was thinking that. People like me who have a Non O visa and do 90 day reporting etc. normally have their own transport so moving their requirements to the Darkside wouldn't normally be a problem. While tourists would probably benefit from staying where they are are now.
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