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Posts posted by AlexRRR

  1. Siam Paragon have at least one dedicated Hi Fi shop not sure what brands they stock, if you don't know the centre its at Siam BTS, ask at information.

    Ive walked past many times and it looks like upper end stuff to me.

  2. Hey boys my only reason for mentioning Melbourne Victory was im a suffering Melbourne Dees supporter who found sanctuary in another code......some peopleblink.png

    And ive been lambasted for my view to so who's sticking up for me? or should I say who is sticking it up me?

    I don't care who wins as long as its a great game but im tipping Freo, though I thing the Hawks have all the guns.

    As for the brownlow the best part was watching the players partners take a walk along the red carpet. im picking that dude chooka likes....dawks..dawkins...something like that.cheesy.gif

  3. Ahhhhh that explains it chooka, army and police...afraid to extend yourself so take it out on your team insteadrolleyes.gif well the saints do look pretty in red white and black tongue.png

    Running security for a aussie beer bar up there in CM?

    Normaly I would go for the Hawks to as when you follow the Dees ( and ive done the penance with them more than once, like going to every game in 84 when they only one 1 game against the dogs from a goal by Robbie in the dyeing minuets of the game) you just got to have a second team and the Hawks are my second team who comforted me during those dark years.

    But ive moved on Melbourne Victory is my team now, they win far more than they loose and are aggressive at climbing to the top.

    To be honest I think the AFL is pretty boring these days to many rule changes to many blow out games, there going to have to put there hands into there pockets forever to save a club if they don't change the set up, love it or hate it they need to take a good look at the American system where they have confences, create many winners its a big deal to make the playoffs, its an even bigger deal to win your division and its even bigger deal to win your conference. There going to be tampering with the preseason cup again, ive totally lost interest in it, did you know the NFL has 4 practice games before the start of the season for each club and there a big deal.

  4. yes well my current TGF is far from submissive compared to previous once she gets a bee in her bonnet she is out spoken and absolutely unreasonable also extremely jealous and when that happens its like the third world war.

    These days her moods don't last so long as ive put it bluntly and remind her from time to time, "your going to act like that then I cant take you seriously" full stop.

  5. hahaha mr chooka you have a way with words....I think Lyon walked at the right time the saints were spent and last 2 years prove it, he could see it coming so walk he did and Freo were smart enough to nab him not like the Dees, who enquired with his manger instead of asking Lyon directly.

    Have you noticed the hatchet culture of the AFL? The only loyal people left are the supporters so who does Lyon owe? Please tell me?

    As for my man Roos if he has inside info on a few good youngsters and wants to sign them sign them Swans have that option to you know.

    I wouldn't get to carried away with Freos win last night though the first quarter was one of the most torrid ive ever seen, I think the Hawks should win but im going for Freo think its time Lyon cracked it and time for a new club to own it.

    I think Lyon has one year to go on his 5 million dollar contract, he will probably ask for at 6 or 7 mil next time and if Fremantle don't come with it he will walk. If a club came to him in February 2014 and waved 6 mil in his face he would walk out on Freo and, break his contract as he did with the saints. He still had a year to go at St Kilda when he walked out.

    That much hey? you got your facts right chooka?

    You need to understand coaching is his profession like his been doing it since he retired as a player, assistant coach at 3 clubs prior to the Saints job I think, now why are you down on the guy just because he is looking out for his professional interests, don't think the Saints or Freo would care to much if he had not of lifted them to become contenders the axe would surely drop as it did for Ratten, Harvey, Voss and a few others who had not done a bad job considering the players they had at the time.

    Mate im sure you changed jobs more than once to better yourself, I actually think Lyon did the right move he left the Saints when he was one of the most highly regarded coaches in the league to move to another club and do it all over again, the Saints were spent that group of players were heading down not up to put in another 2 or 3 years to get them up was a waste of his time, Freo were on the way up and had the resource to build on what they had.

    Mate get over it there is no loyalty its big business now so move with the times.

    And I hope Lyon and Freo win the cup next week just for you chooka...thumbsup.gif

    • Like 1
  6. Yes david48 ive crossed swords with the DIY builders in thai via in an other life who know jack s****, there knowledge is flat earth policy.

    You don't think there are termite problems in AU?

    There is far more negative comments in here than positive ones and the trouble is that some "bright spark" makes a comment about something then all the less enlightened beings assume he is an expert on the subject.

    And your wrong that concrete was introduced because of the termite problem it just happened to be cost effective and had many advantages over a shrinking timber supply.

  7. How can they keep building new buildings and apartments?

    Simple answer............they build cheaply with low quality materials so that the average Thai house falls apart after 7 years and you have to tear down and build another 'disposable house'.

    Well mr jaideeguy, you obviously don't know anything about building or finance.

    Lets start with finance, some one is loaning the money and the developer will need to get a percentage sold to make it viable to start building, until they reach that point there will be no start.

    As for the actual building it takes several years of planning and gaining aprovals before the green light is given to actualy build.( im talking high rise) If your in Australia with all the red tape it can take a life time, im still waiting 18 mths for town planning approval for 3 units down on the coast.

    And my number one HATE is when I hear or read from stupid mornons who have no f""""" idea of building and use that worn out old term..."cheap materials"

    To enlighten you over time the industry changes as do the products we use some good reasons are for costs and availability of what we once used, also some of these so called cheaper options actually are better engineered for todays needs. There are many examples of these products such as roof trusses, engineered hyspan beams, MDF archs and skirts, in fact lot of manufactured board are used in high end joinery and fit out, only the style and profile and fittings vary between a million dollar house to a $150,000 house.

    Thailand once built in timber but shrinking forests and rising costs pretty much killed that, concrete construction is a European style introduced because its cheap and not necessarily the best due to heat retention but hey they don't mind.

    There is no cheap materials but if the job is not well supervised by professionals who know there game you will get poor workmanship and that my friend is the problem the world over.

    • Like 1
  8. Ahhh yes I know all about BKK zebra crossings...pure frustration, even run over crossing one last year by a motorbike.

    But hey the footpaths arnt much safer either, wonder if anyones ever been hit with hot oil from the sideway chefs? ive coped a face full of chilli fumes passing a few times now.....

    Fighting for space on the footpath, bullied by motor cars coming out of parking lots or supermarket carparks or those motorbikes clipping your ankle as the wiz pass....yes recall it well.....its a lot worse living in the burbs than down town.

  9. hahaha mr chooka you have a way with words....I think Lyon walked at the right time the saints were spent and last 2 years prove it, he could see it coming so walk he did and Freo were smart enough to nab him not like the Dees, who enquired with his manger instead of asking Lyon directly.

    Have you noticed the hatchet culture of the AFL? The only loyal people left are the supporters so who does Lyon owe? Please tell me?

    As for my man Roos if he has inside info on a few good youngsters and wants to sign them sign them Swans have that option to you know.

    I wouldn't get to carried away with Freos win last night though the first quarter was one of the most torrid ive ever seen, I think the Hawks should win but im going for Freo think its time Lyon cracked it and time for a new club to own it.

  10. Another interesting thread from the OP.

    Some guys like to date a woman and have her around all the time; sharing hobbies, sporting and leisure activities, shopping, translation work, the days in general. To have a GF/wife who can do all these things usually means the girl doesn't work full time or the farang guy has to support them.

    The OP makes a good point about there being plenty of good women about, but there is a catch if you want them. They don't hang about in the tourist strip so you wont meet them there, they work hard 5-6 days a week, they are more accessible if you speak Thai, they more than likely wont share the same outdoor sporting interests. They are the downsides.

    The upsides are they are likely well educated, they earn their own money, they keep busy and have a social life through work (and therefore are not reliant on you for entertainment, finance, stimulation). The relationship can be kept fresh from the fact alone that there is less time spent with each other.

    The question is how many of these women are interested in farangs of any age?

    clap2.gif the flip side is - How many farang's would be interested in a woman they could meet at home with the above qualities.

    None probalybiggrin.png The Op is trying to prove a point to himself and i wish him success.cheesy.gif


    rolleyes.gif I agree, he is trying to prove a point to himself but hey its easy to get seduced by a young fun girl that pushes all your buttons..smile.png

  11. Correction...not all thais work a 6 day week, better the job, higher the degree equals a 5 day week in normal situations, the 3 TG's ive had all were 5 day a week workers and very out going sure they didn't like to get darkened but they were more than happy to get out into the outdoors and be active, though the latest who is also the youngest seems to be tired often (though she has the toughest job) shes still up for and actively wanting to go here there and everywhere.

    I understand how over looking an older girl for a younger one is but then again in my experience its much easier to meet 27 to 35 age range than 40 plus and the younger ones seem more keen than the older ones.

    I too have a friend shes 42 never married and no children very well groomed and very well dressed and a very high earner 2 property's etc etc she cant get anyone interested in her and yet she is very much available.

  12. Oldchina while the women you call "squeeze" exist there very few and far between, you don't know women at all.

    Asian women are all expecting something out of it, meaning a commitment even if there saying the opposite.

    I never lie or lead on and ive managed to keep many of the women ive slept with as friends that being in Australia or Thailand.

    If your looking to learn then keep your mouth shut and if your put on the spot tell it like it is without to many details up to her were she wants to go then.

    From my experience with Thai women they seem to have a far different attitude towards sex than women back home and to us farangs appear easy, They want to be seen as "good girls" and mostly they are who are we to put our values onto them?

    Really if you wanted advice on how to get laid why didn't you just ask...squeeze are a figment of mans imagination, few women will stay in a situation like that for long once they see its not going anywhere, friends with benefits is another term for what your on about.

  13. Yes david im Australian and living here but not for much longer, lived in Thailand last year and pretty sure I will move there sooner rather than later.

    So whats the big deal with 2 or 3000 refugees?

    I mean we have policies in place to deal with it other countries have to deal with a lot more than us.

    Its a media frenzy that sells news papers it was political it take our minds away from some of the obvious that became not so obvious shortfalls of government the libs used it to show up labor...and guess what? lot of people have been sucked up into the debate and it stills goes on.

    Im sure im going to read soon that the refuges are costing us a packet that there taking away jobs and benefits etc which is not really true, lot of our local growth over the past 10 ys came for increased immigration so which is it?

    I find it such a yawn and yes put it into perspective...lot of other countries are doing much more than us.

  14. You reminded me of being clipped on the ankle from a motorbike on the footpath once while walking in busy Lad Phrao, and that reminded me of the time a big 4wheel drive tried to beat me across the footpath when it was coming out of a supermarket car park same area...oh and that reminds me of the fool speeding off the road into the same car park stoping inches form me..

    Walking along the footpath on Pholythin Rd was far more dangerous than trying to cross the road and that's another story.

    And all of this reminds me of the day walking back in Silom from the Burmese consulate when I had to literally fight with a couple driving out of a office car park because I dared not to stop and give way to a car on the footpath.

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