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Posts posted by AlexRRR

  1. Voss....hmmm...lets just say he has now completed his apprenticeship. yeah I can dig it, wouldn't be disappointed if he ended up at DeeLand.

    Lets face it the AFL want us to be competitive they want that intercity rivalry and who better than a team called Melbourne.

    Reported into days Age 17 other clubs against the priority pick we asked for, love to get it but top teams have proved you don't need continuous top 10 picks to get anywhere, we are a good example of lousy team management, The saints did a lot better with a host top 10 draft picks but where are they now? But expect the Dees to get it...in some form.

    Frawley...in your dreams, under contract, top defender not going anywhere full stop, Garland and Jones untouchable.

    Del Santo will get traded, Saints need new blood and he is still highly regarded, a team like Carlton almost but not quite there could use an experienced campaigner like him and don't be surprised if Malthouse swoops on one or two of his former players.

  2. Yes very interesting Thailand ranked 18, doubt the protection of investors thought.

    Australia...hmmm have to argue with construction permits...there like the Australian Football League, keep adding new rules to the point of been ridiculous...3 months from lodgement still waiting on town planning approval for a rear unit I want to do...ho and were into the second year and still no town planning permit for 3 units down phillip island way though we have in principle....whistling.gif

  3. Bookman you should have been a politician talk talk talk...face it people don't agree with you, might surprise you were not all stupid and narrow minded.

    A politician for Labor or Liberals?

    I have no problem with people disagreeing, I encourage it. I do have a problem with unjustified whining, something so many Australians seem to do...which you have reinforced.

    You also seem incorrectly informed about how well Australia and its people have done in recent years.

    Please show me any data showing australians are worse off now than 5 years back.

    So far you have only made comical personal attacks on me. Do you also cover your ears and say 'nyah nyah nyah' when u hear something that disagrees with what you heard on the Alan Jones show?


    Good to read, forums are often used for debate "whining" you have a problem, yes I don't like it either, most of the criticism stems from a personal perspective, what your not getting is figures and data can look anything you like depending on your perspective...if your looking at the over all state of the economy the mining boom lifted the nation into the ethos unfortunately it didn't flow on to the rank and file "the real economy" (the one that has nothing to do with mining) has been so so for a long time, the fact that unemployment is rising and tipped to continue is a key barometer to the state of the economy.

    Personal attacks? darling you started and and again with you reference to my ears, jones etc...

    Your off topic in regard to how well we are off, this post is on the election, I suggest you start a topic on that if your keen to debate it.

    I too am delighted that sugar mouth Rudd has gone and for the sake of his party retires sooner rather than later, hope he takes swan and a few others with him.

    As for Abbot im sure in time they will get us moving again but do expect some pain, as for the carbon tax they now have a mandate for its removal as with the mining tax 2 very stupid taxes to say the least.

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  4. Jolly has tickets on himself, wasn't much when he was at Dee land White was easily one of the top ruckmen at the time, sure he kicked on and good luck to him played in 2 premierships with 2 teams, we don't need another ruckman what we have is fine we need midfielders.

    Silvia? hmmm I like him but cant play 2 weeks in a row, he probably needs a new home but I hope he stays, though if he goes would need to be in good team to get the best out of him, but seriously who would want him he hasn't don't much in the last 2 seasons to be honest.

    As for Watts....the son of a gun is emerging could be anything, didn't help to throw the kid in the deep end very mismanaged from day one, my guess Roos will be able to keep him.

    Hawks I think for premiers then goodbye Franklin.

  5. Wops almost forgot, cant get over old TGF buying several water animals forget now what they were after paying merit at a riverside temple to release back into the river, when verbalizing my take on what I just witnessed and likely outcome of said creatures the high chance they would be recaught and offered for sale again I received a bewildered look combined with a smirk, we left in silence and the subject never came up again.

    Current TGF family has two ghost houses at there home when asked why she said one was for passed family and the other for god, I said but Buddhist don't have a god, she said it for angles and Brahman a Hindu god (maybe incorrect spelling) I replied what has he got to do with Buddhism her reply was oh Buddha was Indian too then I asked but Hindu have many gods...some mutterings followed with a look of boredom and that was that.

  6. Silly man and getting personal, if you don't get it you don't get it and it would be a waste of time trying to make you see some sort of reason.

    Why are you singing "good time Charlie song?" get real this country was close to its knees because of a fractious labour party hell bent on infighting, in bed with small pressure groups pushing there own agendas.

    Carbon tax introduced at the worst possible time, and its meant to be traded like a stock market, someone or two were going to make a packet out of it, not to forget the impact it has had on rising energy costs, mining tax, how stupid well documented ways of increasing tax from mining without resorting to this.

    Lets not forget the money they threw at new schools during the GFC...my sister is a principle of a large primary school...she has a great new wing with the latest high teck gear in it except for security, im all for improving education but labours building program was far to large, again its well documented. And lets not forget the insulation scandal, gee I could go on.

    Fact of the matter is if there was any confidence from the electorate if they had of been seen to be doing a good job, if the real economy was doing at least ok they would have been re elected, the fact is they weren't and were defeated in a landslide.

    You remind me of my crappy football team former coach who saw positives week in and week while we were getting belted by 100 points or more....should have he been sacked mid season at 1 win form 12 starts?

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  7. Around half of marriages fail world wide, then there's the defacto relationships then there's the short term relationship, im guessing there is a hugh amount of single parent family's world wide.

    If you never noticed it in your country you weren't looking, if your in Australia the sitting government regular attacks welfare cheats and by there accounts a fair chunk are single parent family's.

    Someone is sensitive, nothing racist written on this topic.

  8. Yes mate Labour data, and its not accepted and not true if it was they would have been re elected.

    As I said before you can all ways make things look better or worse depending on the outcome you want to achieve with spin and numbers.

    As for newspapers backing certain parties has been with us from day one and at different times there been in love with both sides.

    now I wonder why my pc is doing this this morning....

  9. As for the election I am just glad labor has been shown the door, dont know what abbott will do but it cant be any worse than what labor did, we will have to wait and see.......

    I really don't understand this type of sentiment from people.

    Australians are currently enjoying and have been enjoying their most prosperous time ever. They avoided the impact of the GFC and are showered with government benefits and tax breaks which make their lives so much better.

    All this prosperity has occurred under Labor, yet so many Aussies still seem to complain about it.


    I use to fight with my dad over libs vs labour, I was pro labour until around the time Howard came in...hated the little man with a vengeance, never forgot the time he was the treasurer under Frazer, but in the end I voted for him from his second term onwards and remain a liberal voter to this day.

    All I have ever seen is labour dragging us down libs getting in and picking us up.

    Labour voters are under some illusion that there party is for the ordinary working man, well might have been back in the 30s and 40s but not anymore and not for a long time to come.

    The very fact that union leaders become members of parliament under a labour flag has irked me to no end, Ferguson and Crean forgot where they had been now Shorten.

    To put it bluntly Labour are often all about social issues where Liberals are all about business, unfortunately the trickle down affect works well in the present system we have.

    As for our "great period" it was all a lie, as any business man knows you can look pretty good or pretty bad depending how you cook your books. The balance of trade (mind you the Hawke and Keating gov started us watching it along with the $) China watching was all cooked up to make as look great and we were for a while but not for a long time, only a part of the economy were doing head stands the rest of us were just getting by.

    Im in building its the biggest employer and were been chugging farting hiccupping along form well before the GFC with a mini boom courtesy of Rudd and Swann.

    Depends where you sit in terms of your employment but I can tell you we who are self employed and in building it has not been rosy, and before some smart arse craps on about our income etc as self employed no one is paying my super, holidays or sick pay.

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