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Posts posted by AlexRRR

  1. I understand that humans have less consumer rights in Thailand but seriously how can anyone blame the tenant for the damage if there is no obvious damage to the window/frame, a dam inspection is enough to prove that.

    yeah yeah this is Thailand crap again, said before i stood my ground several times during my stay to get a result, its within there nature to just except and put up.

  2. Nooooooo when its to hard for a Thai there is a blank stare sometimes a little smile and dead silence.

    I had to deal with a sports store in BKK last year over a pair of addidas sneakers that were faulty, little bit of grand standing and demanding they get addidas customer service on the phone to get something done, I returned 1 month later to check on my claim when they saw me they asked me to call addidas, I got the manager and he had not received my sneakers they were still under the desk where I was standing.

    1 week later I was asked to choose a new pair and staff took my picture with my choice...can you belive that?

    The window is part of the building and should be covered by somebody's building insurance other wise the owner is liable even in Thailand...... or you could take legal action against the construction companytongue.png

  3. Bill Shorten and Anthony Albanese have both nominated for position of Labor party leader

    Read Article on How the New voting system works

    Shorten...the man who would be king, the hatchet man, former union man who is he? what is he?

    Gillard had a few nice things to say about her party that was reported in the paper today.

    They need someone to warm the seat for the next 6 ys after that a new broom with no union ties should be bought in.

  4. For the life of me I cannot understand what all the ho harr is about with "the boats"

    You recon a couple of thousand refuges landing on our shores is a big deal?

    To answer my own question, no one is kicking up a fuss about Burmese refuges that have been living in Thailand for years, or the hundreds of thousands of Syrians spread around the middle east and it goes on and on, Africa, middle east, Asia.

    Lets put into perspective shall we.

    ps a footnote, this garbage did take out mind away from a slow economy, rising unemployment and a former government that didn't have a clue how to get the place going.

  5. News flash...................9 players and the team coach of a Victorian premier league side were arrested on charges related to match fixing today sunday in a press statement from a police spokesman.

    Why do we need to bet on any football code?

    The FFA spokesman predicted a life time ban on all if found guilty.

    And I wasn't even aware they bet on low leagues like that.

  6. I have and it was on my last day of my long extended stay in Bangkok and at 2.30 pm, my plane was flying out that evening around 10 pm.

    You know the normal....MC thinks he can beat the 30 odd pedestrian's crossing the road in unison this is with traffic actually stoped for us to proceed.

    Being the only farang in the 30 odd who walks at a normal pace that means leaving the Thai's behind I was the only one hit, we both ended up on the ground with the bike, during this rush I could hear ex TGF's voice warning me be carful when you cross the road this was repeated at the end of every phone call, MSM chat and when she would go home/work Monday morning after staying the weekend.

    Poetic justice did occur the young man was unable to restart his bike and had to leave it there on the sidewalk, I was sore for sure and made my plane on time.

  7. In the news Kewell is captian of Melb Heart this season, at least they got him to do a preseason with them unlike Victory who were falling all over them selves to sign him at any cost.

    And this brings me to the question ( since kewell is obviously hoping to land a spot for Brazil) why are the Socceroos still fielding a dads army?

    Kewell and co are hitting 36....seen some good article's this weekend on this issue, were to old and we don't have much coming through is the talk.

    Maybe but you know your headed for disaster and heavy criticism, the walloping from Brazil last week should indicate that.

    I cant belive there isn't 3 or 4 early 20's players around who could not have been moulded into the team in time for the world cup next year, yes I know several have been added but not enough, seriously close to half the socceroos will be coming up for there 3rd world cup.

    I was at the Victory Heart opener last season, hope I have a better night this time.

  8. How stupid are the reply's? Owner should have building insurance, there is no fault "shit" happens..

    Check with owner on the cover, should have due to plumbing issues etc that are more likely to happen than a window falling out.

    If owner is unhelpful get your self a lawyer.

    Not sure in Thailand but in AU body corporate normally handles things like this in an apartment block, so check with the manger, I mean there meant to keep thing operational and in ship shape for heavens sake.

  9. Brother owns a classic car has for 30 ys wasn't a classic when he first bought it here in AU, its Falcon GT 1968.

    He bought it when he was 19 and has mothered it ever since, id say to the point of being obsessional, only ever dives it when the sun is shining and about once a month and will only drive it to your place if he can put it in the driveway.

    I use to own a Mini Cooper S 1969, broke me heart to part with it after 12 ys but I did use it as a day to day car.

    Recently I brought a 2007 Cooper S, still same excitement but I get aircon and quite a few other luxury's to go with it now, lets say its a far cry form basic motoring except for the wow factor the early minis had.

    Brothers red rocket...well my work pick up would blow it off the road, no aircon noisy as hell...

    I like classics but to be honest if your not prepared to drive them there not worth owning, the way my brother is about his I wouldn't put myself through the stress.

    One thing the modern car has over a classic...they are better built, much more reliable, and often better on fuel.

    To the poster if you love em buy em but me id rather put my money into something like a late model S that I just bought, its still to this day a dam exciting machine to drive and with reliability and aircon...which is hard to go past in this day and age.

  10. With this post in the back of my mind sitting on the john reading Saturdays paper what did I spy in a Melbourne new paper? an add offering a new mini (car) for first x amount of customers on a 2 bedroom apartment and for 1 bed room the offer was a new vesper motor scooter, and these apartments were not expensive as some can be here.

    As I said earlier in this post, nothing new and done all over the world.

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