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Posts posted by AlexRRR

  1. How can a concrete house fall apart? You might mean poor quality work etc....you think Americans euros and Aussies don't have issues with quality build?

    As for dieing in a house most Thais would be living on the street if that we're true, house's are passed down to the next generation etc....as for there love affair with every thing new as in housing don't think it's just a Thai thing seemed Aussies are rampant new home builders too...

    Some gentlemen that post in here live in lala land...

  2. I like this one, there is the point of view from sex pats, then the aged gent to the desperados, from my own personal perspective once i got to a certian age back in oz the pickings dried up, even before that the "ladies" were holding back...i just wanna be friends...

    Without going into details the roles bettween men and women over 50 in countries like Australia have changed. I eventualy got tired of getting rooted around ( and i had been an active single for 12 ys at that stage) so i decided i would only date asian women in AU, later i extended that to Thailand and ive been better off for it, for me it was a no brainer anyway, the very first girl i ever had a crush on was asian but in those days it was taboo to get involved.

    If you like asian women and want to settle down then a country like Thailand is good for you, its good for me, and i like my options.

    Now if you made bad choices with your western gfs/wife possible you can make a poor choice in asia as well and this forum is full of them.

    There is no concrete fireproof battle plan will get you over the line as far as a thai girl goes, i personaly dont like submissive women and i dont like quite women, the first 2 TGF's were like that but the 3rd is a fire cracker she keeps me on my toes and she shoots from the hip, shes also the youngest, they all come from good middle class familys and all have degrees in real professions ( they go to uni to be a chef there), i set myself a criteria of what i wanted and ive never steered away from it, again not going to go into details but at least these girls earned a good living and wouldnt need to rely on me.

    The answer is yes and no and more to everything in orig post, were all differant but were all the same to, were hard wired to be in a couple so the demand is from the girls as well....

  3. No but i have an allergy issue too, was much better when i was living there much worse since ive been back in melbourne and moved to the windswept western subs...

    I use to get sore throats there but not here as much, even a dirty BKK bus aircon would set me off.

    I have been diagnosed and its not something that can be cured yet its common and often nasle sprays will make your life more tolerable, i decided that since it wont cure me then a time will come where it wont work anymore so best to learn to manage it.

    Try airing your apartment out for a few hrs a day, check your fliters in your air con if it has any and clean them other wise clean all of your air con.

    Even though its humid there try a humidfier much cheaper and get a bottle of eucalytus oil for it 5 mil is all i use, when i feel crap i run one makes the world of differnace to me and clears up my nose. Try running it when you sleep i have works great, mine has a life of around 10 hrs bettween fills and auto cuts out.

    Cut out dairy or go organic dairy made a differance for me also, by doing so it cuts back on mucus build up in your nose.

    Go herbal to build your imune stystem im on a variety and the best of the lot is stingy nettle can get in pill form as well as tea form.

    Sorry to say mate dont think its just your apartment, if you dont do something about it over time it will just get worse, took me 10 years to wake up to it and even then i worked it out, many trips to the doctors many blood tests, even the specialists once i realized were of little help.

    I begun salt cave treatment here it mimics the eastern euro salt caves where they found salt miners had few or no breathing or allergy issues, you sit in a room with salt on the floor and walls and they blow ground salt into this room for 45 min....you have got no idea what a life saver thats been for me.

    Im 4 treatments in and 2 weeks of herbal pills and i can alread see some inprovments and all of this is my doing, i sourced all the info from the web, lots of forums on this sort of thing.

    Hope my info helps you because i know how miserable ive been, it got to the point were i would just get sick and my moods changed lost focus fatigued etc etc....

  4. why dont you just browse...i found a french station playing cuban timba non stop thats my station of choice, no one told me about it but i told a few cubans about it...

    ps once you start you wont stop adding stations, seriously for music lovers they have such a vareity stations that play everything you can imagin and more.

    For who dont know its an app of internet radio stations, i have it on my ipad and iphone the few ive listen too do not have comercials.

  5. Cant see what all the ho harr is about, good markerting i think, so the world crisis has caught up in the property market of thailand what a suprise.

    Im involved in the building cycle of boom and bust in my country, ive noticed clients often purchase a new car to go with the new house ... and the new 65 inch tv and furniture too, dont forget the new dishwasher fridge and washing

    machine too...

    Nothing new mate, lot of building companys throw in stone bench tops and dishwashers etc

    Kinda makes sense to take out a loan to cover the new products then knuckle down and pay them off for the next 10 comfortable years.

    To say the cost of the car is on top of might not be totaly corect either these big co's have very good purchasing power if there not gettin much of a cut on the cars there buying you can bet its coming from the materials there buying, ho and for the doomsters they dont use cheap materials the companys just screw there suppilers down on price, you do have a choice to supply them or not and if not you someone else is more than happy to take your place.

    Are thais any differant to the rest of the world? from where i sit i can see there making credit easier to get, TGF has 6 credit cards when i asked her why she needs so many she said one was from her bank of employ the other 5 were helping friends out so they could get comission from from the sale...hmm...

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  6. Its keeping you off the streets................but wait........................Apple close to relase an update/new iphone as as per norm they dont give much away as whats in the shopping bag but one of the romours is a longer battery life and better camera, the 5 is nice and slim better to hold than the 4 lighter too, so if 20,000 plus can be extracted from your pocket might pay to wait a few mths...but wait....again another romour is is they will have a budget model likly to be plastic with less bells and whistles...can you be tempted to wait?

    Galaxy also have a number of models that would easily fit ur budget, have to be better than a motorola im sure.

    I have the 64 gig ip5, i use it as an ipod too cost me $AU1100 and i dont regret it for a moment yes its a lot but i expect it to last 4 to 5 ys, reconcider you wont be disapointed.

  7. We won the war so we sit in moral judgment the Americans were never fond of che yet his image is everywhere and no one complians, what about the guys walking around with stalinist and soviet tshirts? north viet red star tshirts? no ho harr?

    to many people with small minds and to much time on there hands.

    ive never seen the shirts but im pretty sure and safe to say nazism didnt get this far east and anyway as said before it is a hindu and buddhist sign.

    you know the pics of ur family sedan with the jumbo wheels and supercharger sticking out of the bonet? just a take on your old beat box mate so go get a life.

  8. I'm thinking as Thailand is far more capitalists then the US and Britain it won't.

    you must be joking sir.............you should be carful with what you write, silly people might belive your an expert on such matters.

  9. How can you go past an iphone or galaxy 4s?

    You need to be conected to the internet 24/7?

    have loads of apps?

    Me i switch of the web, this gives my iphone5 up to 3 days (never turn it off) of power, and i dont have useless apps that need updating every 4 days.

    TGF has a LG smart phone she wants a galaxy..after 6 mths it looks like its going to fall apart, motorola were never much of a phone so whats changed?

    Everyone i know who has an iphone or galxay only change them becasue they want the latest...there still going strong years on, in fact im brutal with my phones, as a builder they get a hard time on the job...belive it or not iphone 4 was still going strong 2 ys later never a hick up, NO phone has lasted me more than 18 mths ever, average life span of a mobile for me was about 12 to 14 mths, my daughters partner has had my old iphone 4 for 12 mths and stll going strong.

    Have you a car charger? an ipod/phone sound system charge and listen to your music same time?

    Geeeeee there are ways and means around battery life.

  10. Coffee shop in BKK....yes on the odd ocassion i have been able to purchase a good coffee, but not to often, Starbucks is a nice place to go to but there coffee is disgusting....so i drink tea there "but i did discover" if you dont supersize your coffee to a half gallon mug the coffee is aceptable to drink.

    In the Asoke area theres 2 Starbucks yes 2 on the ground floor Interchange tower, nice ambiance in there and you may reconcider.

    Over the road in the Citi bank building think 2cd floor (oh both buildings conected from Asoke BTS) nice quite coffee shop but i dont recomend it for coffee.

    Further on up the road same side as Citi bank building on the corner one block up is a nice Italian restaurant i think there open all day and night, nice place and pretty good coffee without being sensational, more a restaurant than coffee shop but there not against serving just drinks you can meet inside or alfresco.

  11. Internet in Thailand...hahaha i was use to better...first apartment was decent was able to download movies etc but then again half the tennats were japanese americans and british, to save a $200 a month i moved up and over the road...apartment was cooler, internet was disgusting, i winged and complianed so often nothing much changed, it was changeable, they gave me a modem, then after a 6 weeks that didnt work anymore suprisingly then the apartment wifi kicked in with various annoyances...

    The new apartment block cleaner had no idea, hardly ever saw cleaning, spit on SS panels in lift stayed there for months, ho yes the electric bill went up, first month it was fine then it doubled i did a song and dance about that and it never reached those lofty heights again and mind you i slept with fan only AC only came on for no more than 3or 4 hrs a day in total.

    I also added 15 min walk to a 10 min walk to a MRT...didnt seem like a big deal at first since i like to walk...in the end it was so dam hot i had to give up walking when possible catching dirty bus to the MRT, waiting in awful sticky conditions for it and of course most of the buses didnt just go down 3 ks to the station, often 3 buses came same time other times waiting 15 min...i use to think i could have walked...standing there was just as uncomfortable as walking.

    I didnt go cheap cheap last place cost me 8,000 plus 500 for worthless internet, was a 1 bedroom apartment mainly freqented but middle income thais but there were a few aussies in there...2 i think and in the lad phrao area.

    Getting a taxi home often proved an adventure, obviously new teacher hasnt experianced taxi culture in thailand, they actualy say no to you and often when you tell them where you wanna go, often useing traffic jam as reason, yes main road towards my apartmen often had traffic jams up untill 11 am at night starting from around 4.30 pm.

    So young man and i assume you are a young man seems like a great adventure to live in the sticks in BKK and if its short term you might survive but im pretty sure after 6 mths a down town residence at 3 times the cost is gonna look pretty good in comparison

    What did i learn after 1 year living there? closer the better to MRT or BTS, live downtown is best, you get what you pay for and with thai internet there is a lot of hit and miss, they expect you to accept what ever they give you, no such thing as customer service and will see you as a cranky farang, there for i would pay for mobile internet for my iphone and use it to conect my laptop as long as you dont need to download any big files more likely to be less stressful.

  12. who knows whys shes with me? darling as disected my fanancials and scolded me, she's younger im older and the sex is awsum.

    once they get close to 30 they think there over the hill, if your going to get with an asian girl you should look into the culture its not uncomon for them to hook up with a much older guy, of course money has something to do with it, i wouldnt get with a village girl so why should she get with a looser.

  13. ahhh sounds like someone i know except shes not voilent but ho so jealouse and un trusting, i no longer respond to her stupid talk that often is enough to quiten her down if not i will throw a wobblie on yes theres a fight but i dont say things like its over i just get moody and quite half is an act but seems to work with her, over time she has gotten better but still has a sharp tounge.

    I have made my TGF (and the fact she is 29 has been inportant becasue she is still open and baggage free to a point) see that her her talk is causing friction and trouble, its not perfect but it is better when were actualy togther than apart.

    If shes such a looney i would be worried and the first think i would do is see a councilor, then get her to come with you and see one on her own, pretty basic stuff really.

  14. Accountant TGF tells me there is a glut of condos, she has lots of friends in banking and finance in BKK, shes no expert but shes been known to buy into a new development then onsell before completion and make a nice little tidy sum from time to time and she wasnt entertaining the idea when i rasied it recently.

  15. Getting back to cost of living, i lived in BKK for 9 mths last year, im not a big drinker but when im in the mood i will have a few, i dated inbettween gfs lived in a nice but modest apartment, etc etc, ate out often (buying your own and cooking worked out more expensive but i prefered to cook more often than not) contributed regularly to cab fair home for the fair ones, used the BTS or MRT often and used taxis with fair ones, i shopped often but was rather choosey as i had lots of time up my sleeve, i kept a summery of my expenses and they came to average 33,000B a mth.

    What wasnt included were my trips outside of the country which was 4 times in that 9 mths, i pretty much lived as i would have had i been home.

    Thai girls arnt so expensive to date all the ones ive known prefer to eat there own food even if they dont mind western food, decent thai restaurants dinner for 2 and drinks well under 1000, ( and im not talking about places like sizzlers) most of my dates didnt drink booze and were more than happy on shopping trips to eat at thai food courts, in fact many a time i would recive a frown if they thought i was spending to much.

    One of the keys to a cheaper exsistance is to change your style of eating, for me it wasnt hard i was full vegitarian within 3 mths due to the heat turning me off anything flesh.

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