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Posts posted by ronaldo0

  1. 1 hour ago, Dexxter said:

    I have no idea hence the "lost in transalation". All I know is that she got 4000 baht deposited into her account tonight for a single winning ticket (2 digits). As I said, I don't buy tickets so have little idea of how it all works. I am just passing on what my wife said, or seemed to say. LOL

    Actually even 4000 baht for a 1:100 chance of winning with a 60 baht ticket is poor odds. Even odds should give a prize closer to 6000 baht less fees and reasonable profit margin. This is why I don't play. Crappy odds.

    She probably spent 60bht on the winning two digit number and sometimes they can bet on the number being reversed as long as they have the two correct digits . But the prize from her lottery is twice what you get for the government lottery for the two digit prize I think . Picking two digits is one way but you can pick three and get a higher prize . For 100 bht bet on three digit you win 80-90,000 prize I think it is and a few weeks ago the people who run it were even offering twice that amount for some reason . Can’t remember if was special occasion or something. All I know is that in 10 years I haven’t won 1 bht from doing 500-1000bht every fortnight on gov lottery ! 

    • Like 1
  2. 7 hours ago, KKr said:

    Well reasoned ! 
    Was not familiar with the Vietnamese development. Interesting. 
    the trump could learn a trick or two 555

    I went to Hoi Ann about two year ago and from da nang to hoi Ann was full of these places in various stages and condos in similar stages of construction. Think driver said the condos in da nang started around 50,000 gbp but some of the villas in there own complex just across from the entertainment complex started at 1.5 m gbp . They had also bought some local hotels and not unusual at times to pass and see 10-15 tour buses full of Chinese going to the buffet in the same place daily.
    Just by luck the hotel I booked in hoi Ann did not allow Chinese guests ???? . I think the owner was Asian and made it a policy no Chinese allowed the staff told me .

  3. 56 minutes ago, KKr said:

    Why Chinese? What makes you think these are better at business than Russians, Ukrainians, Koreans or US  internet spooks and propaganda spinners ?

    Because most of the people arrested over the last year running these and similar things have been Chinese is why ! Chinese and Asians are some of the most chronic gamblers in the world  . The complexes the Chinese are building in Vietnam have everything so they never need to go outside and this includes casinos . It is one of the reasons the government and locals seemingly hate them now as all the money stays within the Chinese community or is sent back to China   so Vietnam hardly gets any of it . They thought it was good business and the country would make a lot of money when they let Chinese start building despite difficult laws etc and now they realise they made a mistake by letting them build private complexes with casinos . Expect Thailand to be moaning in 5-10 years once they make the same mistake !

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  4. 8 hours ago, rooster59 said:

    "The government will negotiate with 22 cities in China that have had no infections for three months," Tourism Council of Thailand President Chairat Trirattanajarasporn told Reuters.

    So they aren’t caring about areas in countries or the country that has Covid and are that desperate they are going by cities now ? ????

    Well if that the case then nobody in my household has contracted Covid so why am I not allowed the same privilege ? Same principle !

    • Like 1
  5. Mr Somsuk later told The Phuket News that he could not confirm where the Dutch family had arrived from.

    “I am not sure if they visited the airport in Bangkok before they came to Phuket International Airport. They are long-term tourists who signed up under the Special Tourist Visa (STV) in Phuket province,” he said. !

    WHAT ??? You have them in a ASQ in Phuket seemingly , but despite arriving on a private jet you have no idea where they were ?? Seriously !! 
    Who else has just wandered in then that nobody has a clue where they have been ? Blinded by money obviously !

    • Like 1
  6. 15 hours ago, Tim16 said:

    You can apply for your visa 3months in advance.

    You can enter any time between valid from date to valid until date.

    Once you have booked your flight and ASQ you then apply for your Certificate of Entry.

    If you change your flight after receiving the CoE you  have to change your ASQ booking and apply for a new CoE.

    So if they give you the visa for single non o based on married to a Thai does it have to be used within 90 days of issue to enter Thailand and would they issue one at the moment without a COE or booked ASQ ? 

  7. 2 hours ago, DefaultName said:

    It was explained to me that, to be successful in business in Korea, you need a good golf handicap as a lot of deals are done on the golf course, and playing badly loses face, and so status in negotiations.  It's long been the case that there are residential golf schools here where Korean kids play a round before school, then a day's academic education, then a golf lesson.  6 days a week, like it or not!


    This seems to be a try at getting them going again.

    Mental ! ????

  8. On 11/8/2020 at 10:41 AM, ubonjoe said:

    Info is here on the London embassy website about flights and COE.


    Info for being married to a Thai is here.


    Covid 19 insurance can purchased here. https://covid19.tgia.org/

    You will need insurance coverage for the length of stay you will be getting on entry to the country.


    If returning with a 90 day visa on basis of Thai wife then would my Covid insurance only need to cover the 90 days ? I would then be applying for one year based on married to Thai when in Thailand so I’m guessing Covid insurance won’t be needed by that time or would it ? 

  9. 5 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


    I recall reports of significant increases in Viral Pneumonia cases in December and Jan. 


    Back track though the Thai Mistry of Public Heath and those same reports are no longer present (they’ve been removed).

    I recall a very specific report on 3rd March referring to the increase in Viral Pneumonia cases, shortly afterward that report was removed and the count number for Covid-19 started from scratch. 


    IMO: Covid-19 passed though Thailand in Nov / Dec / Jan  / Feb... and at the time was simply considered Viral Pneumonia because no one knew much about Covid-19 until late Jan. 




    This was just 3 weeks ago and I read similar comments regarding hospitals being packed full of people everywhere .

  10. 6 minutes ago, chasboyuk said:

    Maybe Boris the 'Russian' has a lot of friends to, the beach mafia type may of struck the wrong Russian and you never insult a Russians child like that woman did giving her the finger, like she did.


    I can see this turning very nasty in the coming weeks or months

    This is the problem with these type of things . You just never know who you are hitting . For all we know that Russian could be the brother/ cousin of that lunatic that hangs out with putin in Moscow . Dresses like a tramp but is one of the richest men around and will have you killed in a second. ????

    • Haha 2
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