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Posts posted by ronaldo0

  1. 7 hours ago, tgw said:

    some of my research suggests Narathiwat “Ken” Khamma is a redshirt, many Thai comments described him as a "mobster".


    that's exactly the type of people the current movement doesn't need in their ranks.

    Was my instant thought after I watched the clip . Some spoilt guy who has never had anyone say no to him and throws his toys out of the pram when he doesn’t get his way . The way he acts , is dressed and is ushered away by those around him suggests he’s someone who has family in high places or money !

  2. 5 hours ago, w94005m said:

    Pneumonia pre covid was the 3rd largest killer in Thailand. So they fall in there extremely easily, unless every death is tested, which it is not.


    Three of wife’s parents neighbours died within a week in issan . No reason stated for any of them but they were all over 70 and one woman she said was at her house perfectly fit a few days before talking away to her and her parents . This was within less than a km radius and my wife had been at 3 different hospitals with her father the week before all this and everyone of them was packed to the seams with people. Not once was her father tested or asked about COVID when he was admitted to two of these hospitals to stay during the two weeks before . 

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  3. 4 hours ago, Autonuaq said:

    just check the list of the available ASQ and ALQ and you will see they are around the country



    They are on the list but as far as I’m aware only Bkk was being used as they couldn’t figure out how to get people from Bkk to samui etc without risking other people . How would they get someone to samui from Bkk ? They going to drive them all the way there or give them a flight all to themselves?

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  4. It took me until last month to find one and it was a friends daughter who worked in a local hotel in a remote part of Scotland that had it . She felt fine apart from little under the weather and the family had to quarantine for a fortnight but none of the other members tested positive at any point . 

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  5. Also I’m wondering if she passed all the tests before getting on the plane and in ASQ and then was positive after she left then why is she not raising a court action against the ASQ hotel if they are saying that’s where she contracted it .

    Surely these places must have strict cleaning rules etc to be obeyed by anyone entering the building if it is a ASQ ? Or are these places operating as a normal hotel at the same time ????

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  6. 28 minutes ago, Tropicalevo said:

    It has been said before and I am sure that it will be said again.

    Yes the deaths are terrible. Numbers are meaningless - feel the pain for the victim's families.

    The bigger factor that you (and others) ignore - hospital beds and medical services only able to cater for covid patients.

    If you have stage 4 cancer in the UK? Tough. Go home and die. We cannot treat you.

    The hospitals in the UK are full of covid patients.

    And when you are giving one patient a room meant for 4/6 it’s not difficult to see why ! 

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