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Posts posted by newcomer71

  1. Three years ago, protesters were demanding free and fair elections.

    Today protesers are demanding an end to free and fair elections.

    Perhaps the Thais should adopt a Korean solution.

    - A free and open democracy in the North

    and a Dictatorship for Bangkok and the South.

    Everybody happy - problem solved.

    Do you think we have free and fair election today? Even the PTP supporters know this is not true but they are glad that they will win every time for the reason they know.

    A lie which is spoken a million time is still a liew00t.gif

    Explain why they wouldn't be free and fair election. Suthep repeats to us everyday the large majority wants Shinawatra out and so?

    How they could trick elections? I even heard invitations of independent foreign organizations to watch the election process.

    May I assume that you are farang? OK since you ask me. I would give a a left shoe and tell you if my party win, you will get the right shoe (this method is for the very poor people) I would give you coupon for certain among and tell you if my party win, you can come to cash it . Ant they have actually honour their promises for years. The mechanism is very mature so that they can organise a snap election and still be the sure win. I hope my answer can help you to understand independent foreign organisation watching the election process means nothing.

    Yes, I am farang. (I prefer being called a foreigner, or westerner how you like better).

    I work and live here from years and I have friends all around Thailand. I will anyway NEVER tell, I have been living here for xxx years so I know more than you.

    In my group of friends we are all married with Thai ladies. Some well educated, some from farmers families, some from North, some from South.

    I know some families paid from Democrat to go to vote in Central and South Thailand. I know some families in North East getting money for vote for PTP, someone got also from both parties. And someone after got the money will vote for who they like.

    Be careful to listen only to the Democrats... because the problem is not the vote buying.

    In any case even if the system exists. Do you think exists only for PTP, not for Dems? Why in the South they have a large preference?

    No, I don't think vote buying is a legal practice, but on both sides.

    And now: Suthep again is telling us everyday the majority of people sides with him. So how they can be influenced by vote buying?

    Something is wrong here...

    Let me add: after the rice scheme, and seeing that farmers are going to not be honored, if Suthep and Abhisit would have been patient, this weapon could have been the winning ace at the next election. But if they are just babies stomping their feet and leave the football field because they cannot win, well... Their bad. And ops. Now they want to get the ball and close the field as well. Or us or anyone. Level: playschool.

  2. Three years ago, protesters were demanding free and fair elections.

    Today protesers are demanding an end to free and fair elections.

    Perhaps the Thais should adopt a Korean solution.

    - A free and open democracy in the North

    and a Dictatorship for Bangkok and the South.

    Everybody happy - problem solved.

    Do you think we have free and fair election today? Even the PTP supporters know this is not true but they are glad that they will win every time for the reason they know.

    A lie which is spoken a million time is still a liew00t.gif

    Explain why they wouldn't be free and fair election. Suthep repeats to us everyday the large majority wants Shinawatra out and so?

    How they could trick elections? I even heard invitations of independent foreign organizations to watch the election process.

    • Like 1
  3. December 26, 2013; Anti-government protests escalate into armed insurgency.

    3 Protestors with shot wounds, 1 sadly died.

    Premeditated murder charges for Surapong to follow. Snipers on top of labor Ministry building (Chalerm's office). Sufficient evidence (including images) available.

    Yes, right, and even with that picture. Are they police? Are they reds? Are they yellow? Are just some freaking anarchic that wanted to put violence on? You know it for sure, will you enlighten me please?

    • Like 1
  4. maybe by sniper?? A cameraman got a photo of some uniform guy at the rooftop targeting people.

    And you are right it's best to stay away from the trouble.

    Got an info in the facebook, 1 of the girl in the car is a volunteer nurse.

    the one with the yellow shirt? Cops 've had it : picture of a machete wielding protestor before inside the stadium:

    And here we also have the uniform group at the top assassinating people

    Another link is the police are providing real ammunitions to the anti-riot police.



    First link:

    I see many injured. Some of them are compatible with rubber bullet wounds, sure not live rounds. I see someone on the roof. They can be anti riot police, but could be anyone else. Hardly can tell they are armed.

    Nothing new I'd say and no evidences.

    Second link:

    I see sure nothing well organized, weapons distributed. We are anyway in SE Asia, sure not in Japan, UK, US, Germany, France. What you would expect?

    And how this video would be connected with violent behaving of police or using live ammo, grenades?

    Believe me, if they would have want to be violent and use them we would be talking about another black day like back in May 2010.

    Is more shocking in my point of view the video of police attacking car. Even here we will never know what happened in real in that chance.

    I guess, over reaction from police to some order that car did not respect. But is just my guess, far from tell is an evidence.

  5. Thanks for posting it. Those red mob brainwashed supporters jumped the gun and declared the man dead. Nothing knew on the western front. Red mob style never changes. Lies, propaganda and more lies. Zero credibility.

    A man was dragged from his car, and beaten half to death for wanting to go about his lawful business. The man's brain damaged maybe; severely traumatized certainly - but he's not dead. So that's alright then! The whole story was just blown up red propaganda........

    Will you listen to yourself......

    The fact is that the taxi driver did not die.

    He is alive and well, thanks god.

    Unlike the other 2 death, one from each side (score 1:1)

    Are you kidding or what? Ok so he did not die, and the beaten did not occur, people involved were saints, and taxi destroyed was just photoshop.

    To judge behaviors from now on we should relate on deaths count. Red shirts become automatically martyrs of 2010 riots.

  6. To all those one eyed who blame everything on someone else; shame on you ... for goodness sake a policeman lost his life doing his job, to suggest he was not shot by Suthep's "freedom" protesters is an insult to everyone's intelligence. Those same writers will try to tell us the taxi driver was not beaten and his car was not willfully destroyed by Suthep's "freedom" protesters. Sadly acts of anarchy are being seen in Bangkok. Please see the photo on Thai Visa and the video on khaosod; the links are below before you write denial letters. Do you really want to be governed by this rabble ?



    Sorry to disappoint you, but this guy did not die.

    He was slightly hurt, but now alive and well.


    Slightly??? I hope not me not you are caught in a mob and be beaten like pics and videos showed...

  7. They massacred him and destroyed the taxi. It has pictures and video. And the guy had a nail in his head.

    Well, he is alive! All what witnessed is propaganda. Nothing happened. Cheers.

    Anyway very glad to see him getting better, and sad to know another guy was dead at hospital today.

    Violence always have a terrible price.

    It's not all propaganda. However some of you should show some decency and publicly apologise for declaring a man dead just to gain some cheap political points. Next time wait for an official report before you start declaring people dead. It's embarrassing how low some of you are prepared to go just to smear the other side.

    Anyway, look up the word massacre. You're definitely getting carried away. cheesy.gif

    You spoken about propaganda before, which propaganda? Do you think any member of TV is associated in any form with government/Thaksin/red shirts? If yes, who? It's easy to accuse people without name them.

    Sure it was a mistake to write the poor guy was dead, but this did not change the terms. The action a group of protester was protagonist of, it's cruel bestiality.

    Some of you what? You refer to me? I am against violence and illegality and you?

    And take a look at the definition of verb to massacre:

    massacre [ˈmæsəkə]

    vb (tr)
    1. to kill indiscriminately or in large numbers
    2. Informal to defeat overwhelmingly

    The definition number 2 applies very well, but I made a mistake: I should also add two adjectives: vile and shameful.

  8. Guys, allow me... This thread is becoming the funniest one I ever had the pleasure to read on TV :)

    Someone will not put on headlights just for not be mistaken for an elections supporter. In the meantime: Thais don't give a dam_n and when work at parking they will whistle as usual...

    For which reason I should stop to use my car lights? What should I care if someone thinks I support elections or not? I know what I do and support and I don't give a dam_n about what other people could think.

    Or maybe someone thinks, there will be government staff counting lights on and give funny numbers as Suthep did in occasion of protests participants counts? :D

  9. Thanks for posting it. Those red mob brainwashed supporters jumped the gun and declared the man dead. Nothing knew on the western front. Red mob style never changes. Lies, propaganda and more lies. Zero credibility.

    They massacred him and destroyed the taxi. It has pictures and video. And the guy had a nail in his head.

    Well, he is alive! All what witnessed is propaganda. Nothing happened. Cheers.

    Anyway very glad to see him getting better, and sad to know another guy was dead at hospital today.

    Violence always have a terrible price.

  10. Protesters uses whistles, to support their ideas.

    Pro government will put on cars light.

    Why have to deride the one or the others? In which way an idea is better than the other? Or why the second idea is ridiculous?

    On your motor bike your lights are on all the time, they know that this is way to get false support. So on your motor bike blow your whistle.

    Oh lol come on.

    Then have hundreds, parking staff all the day whistling and breaking my ears every time I reach a private parking.

    I understand to support one or another side, but at least avoid to attack every single meaningless thing would make everyone point more credible.

    On both sides, of course.

    Yeah but look at it this way what is the % of m/cycles on the road, with lights on compulsory. False figures of support---they are not entirely thick-are they ??

    I sure understand you have your idea, that is different than mine, but this is on a civil level so no problem at all :)

  11. Protesters uses whistles, to support their ideas.

    Pro government will put on cars light.

    Why have to deride the one or the others? In which way an idea is better than the other? Or why the second idea is ridiculous?

    On your motor bike your lights are on all the time, they know that this is way to get false support. So on your motor bike blow your whistle.

    Oh lol come on.

    Then have hundreds, parking staff all the day whistling and breaking my ears every time I reach a private parking.

    I understand to support one or another side, but at least avoid to attack every single meaningless thing would make everyone point more credible.

    On both sides, of course.

  12. Yeah...maybe...but you didn't get my point!

    I dont care, who did what and why...I am just disgusted by the fact, that we measure bad things with worse things.

    I dont give a hoot, what happened 2010 and who was worse than who. This guy died TODAY!

    In the name of justice, freedom and democracy - in a country that has no clue about either of it!

    The taxi driver didn't die he is alive and well, the reports of his death were just more red misinformation...........

    Meanwhile, the taxi driver who was beaten by a group of anti-government protesters on Vibhavadi Road yesterday has received hospital treatment.

    I edited my post already, as I knew someone would point that out...although his condition is unclear.

    And by the way: that doesn't change the validity of my point!

    he's in about the same condition as the 14 protestors arrested and now bailed by the RTP and much better than the 4 protestors who were shot, especially the one who died.

    Protester were there voluntarily, breaking the law, and have been asked to leave the premises.

    Taxi driver was working and see what happened...

    Yes, he's really in the same conditions. Sure.

    • Like 1
  13. Too bad, because it already looks like "lights out" for Yingluck and PTP.

    Why would you thinks that?

    If there is another election, they will win, just like they won the previous five. They have the numbers.

    Sure, just like Erich Honecker kept winning elections.

    Ok, now if you really think that. Compare the DDR situation with actual Thai situation.

    If we were in the DDR, these mobs would have been vaporized after some hours.

  14. The poor guy went into a coma and died ......

    All those in the clip smashing up his car whilst hes bleeding out are cowardly filth, this was not a flash point zone nor a riot or anything but supposed protesters peacefully blockading a road, yes right ... this guy was trying to work and basically got killed for driving a F###### taxi.

    Dont even dare to try and justify it,

    I am really serious when i say that if that poor taxi driver was a relation of mine, i would personally hunt down the instigator of this crime. His name is Suthep, and make him pay the ultimate price for what he has done.

    It appears that the dead taxi driver got better.

    Now let's see all the gossip believing, kangaroo court but cases on here retract their useless blame game posts.

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    We don't have any news about the driver. And regardless if he is getting better (hopefully for him, my best wishes) or worse, this is what happened yesterday.

    Video from youtube

    Any comments to this? Or if he doesn't die (Prayer for him) so there's nothing to be condemned?

  15. "We will return the power to the people"

    What about the majority of voters, who put the present government in power??whistling.gif

    Oh silly me, I forgot, they are considered to stupid and poor to vote!

    Take a look at the picture in the OP, reminds me of the good old days in the 1930's Europe!!bah.gif

    To the posters here still supporting this madman, you need to have your IQ checked!!

    and you need to have your mind tested if you can't see what Taksin and his clan and cronies were/are doing in turning Thailand into his own one party police state mugabwie style.

    If Taksin and his clan go then all will be solved

    Suphet is only one with guts who has almost single handed stopped Taksin in his tracks, stop for moment the amnesty bill designed for Taksin alone, stopped for moment his plan to change constitution and given some hope that at long last Thailand can be rid of this evil megalomaniac, his puppets and cronies.

    Taksin showed the way when he organised and paid hiss red shirt thugs to cause havoc and tried to burn down BKK in 2010.

    For Taksin like Hitler he'd prefer to destroy his own country than leave peacefully and he alone has caused Thailand to become totally divided and filled with hate and contempt by a very large number of people for him, his puppet sister and rest of his cronies.

    HE and his party have wasted an opportunity to really make difference for the poor but iinstead used it to loot the nations wealth and turn Thailand into a one man one party dictatorship.

    History will show Taksin alone has done more harm and put back development for poor than any previous government. He his puppets and cronies act very like Saddam, his family and cronies did in iraq when they had total control. Under Taksin and the red shirts their is one law for them and another for everyone else, one pot of money for them and crumbs town to poor brainwashed underclass. TRy living in a red village and area and see how much freedom of expression their is and those stupid and brainwashed enough to think Taksin and his lot have any care for people or for democracy would soon have their eyes opened to real horrors in store should Taksin win.

    Thaksin and his clan out of the game would be just the beginning for a change, not the end of all the problems, at all.

    I did not see any factual change done when Dems were at government, but no one put any remarks on that.

    All you can blame is Thaksin (with an 'h' between 'T' and 'a') but I am sure that once (finally, I'd say) he would be out of Thai politics, problem would not be over.

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